Class Introduction and Overview
02:34 2Setting Up a Project
06:11 3Tracks and the Mixer Window
06:05 4Toolbar Items
10:36 5Menus, Themes, and Layouts
07:07 6Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
27:28 7Setting up a MIDI Track
06:11 8Editing a MIDI Track
18:02MIDI Drum Programming
30:51 10Adding MIDI Layers
23:42 11Markers, Regions, and Groups
12:45 12Setting Up for Live Audio
09:23 13Adding Effects on Audio Tracks
37:31 14Grouping and Folders for Audio Tracks
22:19 15Click Track and Headphone Mixes
17:12 16Takes, Lanes, and Groups
17:53 17File Management
23:10Lesson Info
Editing a MIDI Track
so it's recorded. I'm gonna start on bar to with snapping turned on. I'm gonna start playing at Bar three. This we have a little bit of accounting. It's a quick little melody. I wrote kind of easy toe here, So let's see up again. I'm not a very good piano player, so pretty sure it's gonna be pretty sloppy. So what's turn slipping off? Nor some playback? We don't hear the click even though this is turned off, English is turned on because we turn this off. But again, it's not played in time. So I want to Quick way to Quanta, Isaac. One of the best ways toe See, the MIDI is a double click the track that opens up a MIDI editor. This will be gonna edit. Obviously, I'm any we can scroll up and down like this. We could zoom in all the same things we do in the edit window or the arrangement with, though so just double click. It opens up the media editor So again, the first thing I wanna do is correct the timing. As you could see, this notes a little early, So go to Kwan ties right here and tha...
t opens up this Now there's two different moments to work with on the settings. You could just use the grid, which is right down here, and this grid is separate from the grid I showed you earlier. Over here. This could be set toe hole notes as it is, and this grid could set the 16th notes or eighth notes or quarter notes. We're going to set it to eight notes because I'm pretty sure the notes of the melody I just played is performed eighth notes, so we could choose this. If you want more control, instead of choosing the grid, you go to manual and right from here we could choose 16th notes or eighth notes or whatever you need. But because I changed the grid, it's easy to just go right here. There's less options, so we could choose to quarantine all notes or selected notes. So if we just elected these two notes here, then just those notes would be quite ized. But we're gonna choose all notes, and then I could choose the position. Note an end, just a position, the position and note length the note lands on Lee or the note and only or the note length on Lee. If we just do the position you see quantities it automatically right here. Each note is now on the grid, but the went of the notes, that's it. OK, still hangs over a little bit because it didn't quite, it didn't quite as the end. We could change that by changing this to, instead of position, position a note, end that Qantas is both of it. Or you could do the note length, and it makes those notes perfect. Each note stops as another note starts, so each note is an eighth note in length. It was two options here. Toe actually quantifies it. You can hit, okay, and that's gonna Kwan ties it, but it's not committing to it. So if we hit okay and they don't decide, you know what, a little too perfect. If you want to go back and keep Kenny's performance, go back here and just bypass it. We get our original performance back, which obviously is too sloppy, but we can always go back and change. It could having committed to it, I should also mention right here the strength the strength decides how much we Kwan ties it. Let's go back to position. Turn bypass off And that zoom in a little bit here with 100% strength. The note lanes right on the grid. We put it to zero. It doesn't quantities it at all. So anything in between decides how tight it is. So we go 50% about there when he moves it halfway to being more perfect. So if you like your timing, but you wanna be a bit tighter, you could just the strength. Or if you're terrible, like me, 100% and make it perfect. And if we hit, commit, then we can't undo it later. It's committing to it. So most situations just hit, okay, and you the option of changing it later. But I forgot to change this the position and no tent to make the lengths perfect. So it's here that back perfect. It's not go back toe arrangement window. We could trim this to make it perfectly sized. Now, the reason I want to do that because I want to loop it by default, anything you record in Recording Reaper, it's gonna look. So if I trim this out so that would wind right there that's where it's looping. But it's a problem with it is that it's looping from where I went to record right here. That's not what we want to do it want to loop it just for these two bars. So the way to fix that is the first trim this here I could also do. Let's put my snapping back on. Can you trim it like this or just click right here, split it, hitting us, Then just delete that side whichever way you prefer. Now, this is the ones we want. If we trim this out, it's still not gonna look correctly. Such a space here, so we want to do is right click and to this option right here. Let me just select it. First called Glow, there's gonna glue a new item and for this situation is gonna go into MIDI item. So the length of that item is based on this two bars right here. So if you pull this out, it needs perfectly so I could make this is long as you want now. Also, as I mentioned in the previous video, we could do a pickup because it loops on the other side as Well, so we put this side we can do from here so we could start. Let me just adjust this setting to be about 12 for snapping. No, it's not a sensitive. We have a pickup note if we wanted to, but we don't really need it. It's not recorded one track of piano now to make it separate itself from the other tracks, like a color to it. So you just slept the track, right click again. Go to track color and we could choose a color to a custom color. Let's choose this reddish color here. Okay? And now we have a color if you want to really fancy, you know that this track is a piano became an icon as well. So give me Could right click, go down to icons set truck icon. We have all these icons to choose from. I'm gonna hit P for piano and is a piano right here. And that creates that right there. So we have a lot of tracks going on. Makes it much easier to see where your piano is, but does take up some screen size, so you have to keep that in mind. So now we have one track of piano Now it's another track of piano because I'm not a very good piano player. I couldn't record the cords to go with it. So we're just gonna make another track and I'm gonna play the chords in that down adoptive. Now we could do is just duplicate this track. Don't do to be differently. To make a new track, take this one out of Accord Name a piano chords give it a different color. You can also choose, said tracks through the four color to rein them colors with the one random color, which I'll do there in that truck of the blue. Don't get to see my cone. The thing I wanted to show you. We open this plug in right here. If we grab this right here and drop it right on this track, it puts that plugging on that track as well. So it's very easy to copy of plug ins or multiple plug ins. But just dragging and dropping them off the tracks. This track should be pianos well on It is That's, of course, and courts assuming a little bit going to record. That's all we needed. Now we can double quick. This quantifies this cause not perfect. And for this we can Kwan ties it manually to hole, nose and what that does for us. It makes them longer as well because we kept it at, say, quarter notes, which is close enough. We wound up with these notes that a bit too short. But we like that for now. I want to show you another trick. All notes such unknown and hit. OK, now this is in time, but, uh, with notes too short, but we can fix that, but trimming them out either one at a time. As a group, I slept in the mall, pull them out like this, even grab all these same time, actually can grab all of these and pull them out like this at all at all. A full bar that went well too long. So it's bring this back to this bar here I should mention as I'm selecting these, I'm using this thing called a marquee tool. I'm holding out control on the Mac, book our command on the PC, and it turns out this marquee tool, but that's not set up by default. As I mentioned earlier in the mouse preferences. We can change that. And the Marquis Select is not available as a default going to show you that quickly we go down here to our preferences and we go down to mouse modifiers right here. We're in piano, many role and right down here. Marquis Select notes that little dot there, which is really bullet, was not set up by the fault. So if I delete that will put it back to its default by which is basically nothing in the marquee tool doesn't work clicking on this fact, it adds a note. So I created that in the preferences to do that. And again, if you see right here, it doesn't show up as one of the options. These are all the options that work with these modifiers. But you have other ones that not to find, for instance, Marquis, and you can choose to select notes. So a time selection. So if you choose this one when a marquee select, create a time selection at the same time. But we don't need to do that. I'm going to set this up to Marquis, swept notes and just slept in ups every time I use that modifier. I can sweat notes like this, so I find a lot easier instructing them one at a time like this. Anyway, that's what a shocker. Another thing we could do in this window is just before. Or is it just the velocity of these notes? A few different ways. One way is by pulling this up, and here's your notes right here so we can select the notes by Marquis, selecting them and adjust them right here. So the call is change based on the velocity. Go out about the latter ones red, and then they changed the colors. You change individually by just clicking them, changing in this way. You could draw them with command on the Mac or controlling PC and just draw like this easy to see with more notes. Well, my favorite way to do it is just select them all, or the one you want to work on and go right here to the tool changes. Just bring it up and down. Easy to see if I zoom in a little bit and each note could be readjusted, and it's nice that you can hear them as well as it's happening. Suck them all uh, not that. And just adjust them. You notice with piano sounds, almost many instruments. Sound isn't just loud or lower. It actually has a different feel to it, betting on how hard you hit it. So if I go back to say the other track the melody, what's meet this one? For now? We could change the entire field of melody just in the volume. What? She said. Velocity of the notes. The tone changes. I want to be able softer, bloops, sucking all again. So it's not just volume. Let's bring up a little bit, though, not the notes themselves. Just the velocity on this note right here is a little too loud to bring this one down. Sum up a little bit. E feels better. It's not here together with the courts. Sounds good. Trimmed it again. And before I glue it, actually, me go at first and then I'll show you a trick that comes after it. What's right? Click it and glue it so it would make a new item. So now, if we were to trim it out, it looks perfectly. I should mention that looping works very different way than copying. So let's say we took this and split it here. I got rid of this piece. We could just drag it over by holding on controlling the Mac. I'm sorry, commanding the Mac or control the PC. Just drag it over. That makes a copy, but it's different than looping. Let me show you how it's different. Let's say I to open this one right here. I remove this cord. I want to take this and delete it. Now open it Back up. We have no court right here. Way still, the court over here. So these two items are completely different. They're not linked in any way. We could treat him like a loop instead. So what's put that back on? Do it. And if we bring out this way now, if I zoom in, she right over here is our loop. This is what I played. And this is the loop of it. So do many. So we do any kind of adjustment like this. Note it. Just this one as well. Way down, back up. And he's I want to show you this little thing right here because of his keyboard being so small. I didn't play a bass note on the courts, but we can do that right from here. This is our base right here, which is an A. So I'm to do is take this note and duplicate it on the Mackie holding command on the PC. Hold on control and just bring it down and put in the right place. But what I'm gonna do instead is grab all these notes. Yeah. Okay. Hold on the command. Bring it down. That should out a little bit. Way of bass notes to go The courts, if we're just the level of them, just put them all were swept them all. And just the volume right here sounds good. We have too many parts. That's a good idea now to save it. So we'll go here, save product as go to my stuff and we'll call it New song. And although the recording audio yet it's a good idea to choose these two down here, create subdirectory for projects and copy all media into that project. This way. Create a new folder with any media in that folder. This way it's separated. It's not all over your hard drive. So called new song say that I will get
Ratings and Reviews
Buckeye Pete
Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.
Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative
Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.
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