Class Introduction and Overview
02:34 2Setting Up a Project
06:11 3Tracks and the Mixer Window
06:05 4Toolbar Items
10:36 5Menus, Themes, and Layouts
07:07 6Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
27:28 7Setting up a MIDI Track
06:11 8Editing a MIDI Track
18:02MIDI Drum Programming
30:51 10Adding MIDI Layers
23:42 11Markers, Regions, and Groups
12:45 12Setting Up for Live Audio
09:23 13Adding Effects on Audio Tracks
37:31 14Grouping and Folders for Audio Tracks
22:19 15Click Track and Headphone Mixes
17:12 16Takes, Lanes, and Groups
17:53 17File Management
23:10Lesson Info
Adding MIDI Layers
what's in a pad to our piano chords? Oh, uh, just to make it sound thicker, so we'll duplicate it. But what Change the V S t on this instead of being piano one, Let's go back to contact. There is, and we're gonna choose a pad called I do not know how to pronounce that, but let's see how it sounds. This'd using the same performance as the cords from the piano. So they should work together. We could just that level in here wants to make this bigger. She over here next to the phone is up here and the inserts down here. I'm sorry, you plug ins or inserts appear and your sends down here, we can move up so that hidden make it easier to adjust our cords. Firstar pad. She's pad. So you see the difference. There's a good time to mention this little feature called Groups. You can set up groups if you wanted to. Let's go back to my window here like the piano record. You could set up a group where every time you move this fader, they move together so they level, say, locked with each other based o...
n this, but you don't really have to do that. I'll probably show you that a little bit later. You could do a thing called temporary groups and temper groups are really powerful because you don't have to have set them up earlier. You could just do him on the fly so I could just grab this and this track just because they both selected they're gonna behave as a group. So just the piano chords together right from here. It's completely temporary because what, Suze, I pull this out and move this year is completely separate from that temporary group. There's also a cool feature where I'm not sure it's actually called, but we can snap back a level. So it's They were in our mixer right here, and we want to just this level. We're not sure if we like it. We wanted to go back to this one. I believe you hold on option. And as you move it, you let go. It comes right back to that level. So you know, if you're not sure, if you want to change the level, you want to try a different one out. You could just hold that key down here. It back at the new level. And if you're not sure you wanna go back to the old one, just let go. It goes back. But if for some reason you decide I like the new level better just while you're doing it, let go Option on the Mac or PC and then one does that and then you can move it freely. E. I want to add another piano part, I think top of this. So let's go to my piano melody and what's duplicated. Double click this. You double click a track. It's like all the items on that track. It was very easy to just delete it. Put one of the piano part down active your friend. Let's try that. I'm not gonna loop. That will just be like our intro. I don't think I Quantas anyway in second. Just quickly Grab this when 16th note hit. Okay, that should be good, that work. And because we don't looping it, we could just get the right size and we want to bother calling it I'm gonna do is move it to the other section here, so come back in. Some were selected holding commanding Mac or control the PC and just drink it to a different spot. Let's say over here and see. Once again snaps make this bigger full loop for here. This way. It sits out for a little bit and then comes back in from here. Back under the same with drums. Let's take the drums here. Split thes. No drums. Stop here. Come back in over here. Let's have a drum. Feel to it. If you want to create an item at any point, hold on. Command in the Mac, control on the PC and you just draw And I don't like this. That's make our snapping great a little smaller. Make 1/4 notes. I want to make a note right here for making item right here, babe. It's more. Yeah, let's make another item here. Credit Phil. Going to that? Ah, make us a bit bigger. Open this up. Let's play some notes. Instead, go to our kick here. Nope, A little further stare. There's some pretty one separate tracks because we separated them rim shot and let's put a splash. Accent, that crash accent, that sneer. I should say it's going cord. Do it. I want to see what the high way to drum filled to the next section. It's quiet over here. Uh, creative film. So now receive what doesn't sound. I think I want to add, um, what's had some bass sounds to it. Let's go to make a new track in the bottom. When you make a new track after a folder, you wanna be careful. It didn't work out. It did work out, actually, that it doesn't warrant up in this city, right? He could change the folders that creates like this or if it shows up like this. This track is now in the drunk folder. We don't want that so you can change the modes. The folders are from this track below by hitting this button right here that makes this a folder for this or pops it out. So it's in no folder. Well, hit it again and it's in this folder. So the three different positions for that, either within that folder or popped out. So now it's it's on track, so it's name is based and make these bigger so I could see together inputs and everything already set up. We'll just add, in effect, I mean at ah instrument. We'll use the same one again. And, uh, and we'll choose base right here, Uh, a bright base where he ever try cause this. Let's hear it. But higher. Great. Let's put a part down here and again on a quantities it on the way in. So I will or right click over here track recording. And I believe I'm just using eight notes with a different port. Beef that up a little bit because there's not much below end, what's duplicated and what She's a different sound for this track. Let's go to effects what's delete this effect and go base again. But this time he'll choose. Sub base should be. I think I've been the synths. I won't be so basically. So now it's hear this sound course, this one, it's a lot deeper. Could go down, knocked if it wanted to. Let's try that. Open this so that all Just drag it down. You know, if your speakers are deep enough, you might hear that it's pretty low, but adds a little low end to this and again we could mix them together to create a temporary group by selecting them both. Let's give them a call as well let's go with. So it tracks to one random color and blue seems good. I will say this. Let's zoom out So I could see most of this video. Could you make a nice and small so you can see a lot more tracks hitting page up and page down? I think that's what was the food I wanted to add to just to separate the two different parts over here. Now, I want the base to play here, too, so I'm not gonna loop it. But I'm gonna just select them both using the marquee tool again. I should mention this. If remember, I showed you this marquee tool here. There's actually a different marquee tool for the track. One, It seems confusing, but it gives you more power that way because you could have a different set up for holding down control on the Mac or man in the PC in this window when you have in this window. So they separated it for the mouse modifiers. So you got preferences. If we go toe, it could be in the media item so far, actually close enough were actually in the item itself. It will turn to a marquee tool actually is doing time suction right now because I I think I'm on the wrong half. Four if you're an arrangement window, which is right here track track. So if you blank part of the track and you go to left drag, she was a lot of different options here. Every context has different options, like left quick left drag DoubleClick. She could left drag and see the Marquis select items right here. When you hold that down again, this is turned off, which is the default action. It wouldn't work, but there are a bunch of new pits, a bunch of ones in here, that some are not even part of the full choices at all. So you do more case, select items to select. Um, and I can very easily credit marquee tool like this and then hold on control on the Mac or committed PC and just drag it over. And because we're in slip, mood should be right on the downbeat, and it's there. You go now for this section here. Let's pretend it's of course we're gonna add a melody to it. So let's say this again. Always hit save. I should mention this orchid also to you if you go to our directory in them we know on the folder we save the cell in called New Song. There's a bunch of files here, including the audio we created before. But there's a new song here, which is our main project file right down here, this one called backup. Every time I hit, save it. Saves that keeps the old safe. So you see, there's a different time for this. This was three minutes ago, So about three minutes ago, I saved it, So I always have the old one to go back to. So if I hit, save automatically gonna re save this one and keep this one is a back up we always had. That is an option. If you wanted more power in goody preferences, not those preferences. These preferences and you got a project. Believe right here you can choose different projects, different options for saving it. For instance. One of them would be saved time stamped in project directory every time you hit. Save when that's chosen, is going to create a new copy of your project and time Stamp it. So every time I hit saves every couple of minutes, it's going to create a new one. You always have those to go back to, and they're time stamped as a few other options here as well. Time stayed back up here, keep multiple versions. So it's definitely worth checking out that window if you like to have all those backups to choose from anyway. So I want to do a melody over here as I hit safe, make a new track. Yeah, making a truck, he's bigger and it's gonna be a flute part. I'm plugging over here Instruments. You see it mostly using the native instrument one, because again, it's free. So I know you guys have the same thing, but it's all gonna kind of behave the same way, depending on which instrument you use. But some of these hackings things have different options as well. So I'm not gonna go into the depth of Contact Player, but I think he had the idea. All right, so I'm gonna choose under synths this flute right here. I don't know what that sounds like. We owe a little higher on the active at a melody part to this one, and I think all your 16th to be careful. To be sure, I think it's just eighths, but let's just right click over here. Track recording settings, input Kwan ties. And I said it to 16th notes again. When you do this, you have the option of changing it later. So if for some reason I played 16th notes and I said it the eighth notes, the probably lost. So it's probably better to 16th just in case. Ah, a little more. Not great with your back change. One note here, delete this one, which would just double click at the weeks it was pulled us out longer. I think this one either pull this one out that should work and what's duplicate that port. And you know what? I like the layer parts, so I like to use to sounds a lot of time, leaving three to quit the same part. So for this one, I'll just duplicate the whole track. But in the double or the second track, change it to vibes. Also don't really apply too much of this bunion, but you can right click the effects button instead of opening up to this big window like this with this thing on the side here. Sidebar. You can just right click over here, and any plugging that's already on the track shows up right here. And if you choose that, create a small version of it without the stuff on the side. It's more helpful for other problems. Like, let's say we're doing Where's my drums? Kick? I could right. Click this and choose the compressor and we just see the compressor. Or, if you want separate windows for the compressor verse the queue. You can have these in separate window at the same time, instead of having to choose them back and forth from here. It's just another option, and you just right click this to float it, which should show up somewhere. Only here, where's my flute? My instance. Window floats, what the effects, and you get the same thing over here where this window was not floated. So let's go back to my vibes and would right click it. She's contact five and we'll delete this one. We'll go over here toe fine vibes. Well, this is the vibes. I'm sorry. Okay, so now. But if you play, the part is the same part. Although it's a little low So it's bring the octave up a little bit for a little bit. Having a fully that makes more sense. And then we consume out to see the whole song make the smaller the king and I just used, I should tell you, is called Command page. Down on the PC. No, on the back command page down the Mac or control page down on the PC and what that does, it zooms out to the entire projects. You can see everything. At least I'm sorry. Decide not up and down. That's separate. Just makes it easy to see the whole song and one screen. So let's give these two things their own color. Choose one random color that's too blue. I choose my own custom color. What's going something like that that you work. So these three different sections here The breakdown, of course,
Ratings and Reviews
Buckeye Pete
Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.
Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative
Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.
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