Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
Lesson 16 from: Build Your Influence, Build Your BusinessShari Alexander

Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
Lesson 16 from: Build Your Influence, Build Your BusinessShari Alexander
Lesson Info
16. Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
Day 1
1Begin to Build Your Influence
24:16 2The 3 Stages of Being Highly Influential
14:09 3How Influential Are You?
40:31 4The Body Language Code
26:34 5Hacking Your Own Body Language
41:41 6Linguistic Clues to Influence
23:32 7Linguistic "Tells" for Persuasive Planning
36:34Influential VIBES with Your Mark
29:08 9Motivational Triggers
30:57Day 2
10How to Build Rapport
18:53 11Mirroring & Connecting Your Language
28:32 12Common Triggers for Influence
38:30 13How to Profile Your "Mark" - Part 1
29:19 14How to Profile Your "Mark" - Part 2
38:21 15Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
38:35 16Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
45:02 17Influential Presentation Strategies
26:33 18What if My Audience Objects to Me?
32:37 19Persuasive Words That Work
33:20Day 3
20Persuasive Phrases & Priming
36:08 21Building Your Influential Strategy
28:53 22Influence by Limiting Your Choices
23:50 23Decoy Pricing & Anchoring
21:07 24Online Hot Seat: Influential Strategies
43:34 25Influential Interview Techniques
15:12 26Breaking Down an Influential Interview
24:32 27Interview Examination & Negotiations
50:25Lesson Info
Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
Yes, please. So as you were putting the presentation together, I was sort of going through different ways of actually presenting it in my head. I was gonna ask you to go through it, and you did beautifully. And the way it was going through my head, like giving them the pain points. It was more like doom and gloom. (laughter) But the way you presented it was very-- You're giving them the pain point, but it's in a positive sort of tone, and in a collaborative tone, and inclusive. But can you give any tips or sort of how-- And I know it's probably a lot of practice. But how to get from where I would have said something that would have been doom and gloom, and awkward, and weird, to the way you presented it. Sure. Sure. Yes, I think what helps me stay focused is that what you're picking up on and sensing of instead of beating them over the head with what is wrong, it's informing them of the problem. And almost objectively saying this is the pain point. You want this goal, and I am obje...
ctively sharing with you how you are not getting that goal. I have no judgment towards that. Sometimes it might be beneficial, might be effective, to bring a little bit more drama to it. But in this scenario, I didn't pick up on that. And how I stay out of the doom and gloom. First of all, that's just not my nature. So some people may go there, and they love that space. That's difficult for me to do. But I have noticed what also helps me with that is setting the clear intention. Rather than I want him to agree to a project, it's I want to make a change in the navigation bar. Just being very clear about the forward momentum that I'm wanting from this meeting. You can probably tell from when Arianna was sharing her hatred for the current website, it just resonated throughout her body. Like, "It's noisy! Nothing happens! People leave it!" And clearly she has strong emotions to that. And if she brought that in to the meeting, then he would probably put up the defenses. Because as ugly as it may be, there was time, effort, and energy put in to that. So he could feel insulted by that energy, even though deep down, her core intention is I want to help you, and I'm trying to make it as clear as I can to you how horrible the current situation is. But once we went from-- I don't know about you guys, but when I first heard the problem of more money with the website, I was thinking complete redesign, complete new pages, and it seemed so daunting. But then when we talked it through of what the real solution is going to be, a simple change in the navigation bar, then it was phenomenal for our influential intentions. Because he has a very big goal, and in order to achieve that goal he has very minimal amount of effort to make that goal happen. So you're actually in a phenomenal position. I don't know if you would have seen that. And I certainly wouldn't have seen that without going through this process. I think having the clear goal in mind at the beginning keeps me focused as to where I want this conversation to go. I like that you said objective about it. Because I think in my mind it was like, "Uh oh. I've gotta deliver this bad news to this person. "And I'm not good about that," and I like barf it out. But if you're just objective, and forward motion, and we're gonna get this done together. Right. I have no judgment towards you about this website and I personally am not attached to this website. This website is simply something that it's a tool that we can use, and I want us to figure out how to effectively use it together. So yeah, I think that that's a very valid observation. And Chris. It seems like you also, just from watching you, it seems like you also focused on the outcome. And the outcome is positive if you take these changes. So maybe that's part of where it went also. Because I know she talked about it it wasn't, "Oh, this is where the website is now!" It's like, "Okay, here's what it is. "This change, and this is the picture of the future." Right. Exactly. And one thing that I don't think I mentioned when we talked about influential intentions before, about hitting your target, is the rule with influential intentions is it has to be stated in the positive. People generally are very clear about what they don't want. I don't want to be told no. I don't want to be embarrassed. I don't want to walk away empty handed. I don't want to look like a fool. I don't want to feel uncomfortable. Like, we know all of the don'ts just right away. But it's what we do want that then all of a sudden we get fairly general of I want him to agree to a project. Okay, but what specifically about that project are we agreeing to? Or what's the specific outcome that that project is going to create? So it must be something that you-- An intention must be something that you can observe. An action or something that you can see from then an agreement of some sort. It needs to be stated in the positive, so no negatives in there. And it has to be somewhat within your control, so to speak. Like it has to be within your grasp. Not just, "I want world peace." Well let's break that down to a whole lot of other influential intentions along the way. And one influential intention, and we talked about this in the first session, you may want to change the navigation menu right now, and that's our first influential intention. And then once he agrees to that, we might have another influential intention to make it not so ugly, and noisy, and all those terms. Maybe pretty it up a bit. But let's start with giving him the influential intention that will make the most impact for his goal of connection, community, belonging, and using technology to be inclusive. Yes. Question? How would you close this? How would I close this. First of all, along the way throughout the presentation I would keep looking for affirmation signals from him that he's engaged and he's getting it. And then I would validate those signals and say, "Man, it seems like you're really excited about this. "I can get moving on this and have it to you by," in two weeks, I think is what the timeline was that she said. "I can have it to you by next week. Do I have a go?" And then he can say, "Let's do it!" Or, "Uh, I gotta think about it," and then you would take it from there. I give him the deadline, because this is a deadline oriented deal. And Mr. FP needs a deadline. He needs that specific direction, rather than, "So, do we want to do this?" See, she's already going, "Yeah!" I think one of the reasons why he's not seeing the results he really wants is because his timeline is non existent. Right, right. And you being visual and more-- I'm visual and I'm judging. (laughter) There we go. Yeah. So you might have to ease him into that, rather than saying, "This has been happening for so long. "This has been such a problem." Rather than dwelling on the negative, it's let's move towards the positive. And it's not just, "So shall we move forward." It's, "I can have this done for you in two weeks, "by next Friday. Do I have a go?" So it's giving him that specific timeline and what he's specifically agreeing to. Chris? We just had some process questions on this whole thing that came up. So I'd love to get your opinion on this. Obviously we're doing this live. And Arianna had the benefit of having you there to help her through this. But for people who are watching at home, Suzie in particular says, "Now is all this just gonna come out of our heads?" Like what is the time frame from start to finish on something like this? We did it pretty quickly, because we were live. But how long could it take someone to map this all out. I have done field guides that take me five minutes, because I know the person and have multiple interactions with them. If they are somebody that I don't have a strong relationship with yet, then building out this field guide would be determined by the number of interactions that I've had with this person. So if I know their values after one meeting, but I still don't have enough along the lines of their personality type, then I may just schedule another meeting to get to know them. Again, the first question is always, "What is your timeline." If you need to be able to learn all this information really quickly, then you're just going to have to rely on your skillset. Which means that you need to be putting this into practice even when the moment is not critical. Because when the moment is critical, then all of the gears are greased for you to be able to see this information and make things up on the fly. I mean, what we just did right now? I made this up on the fly. So it does take a little practice for those gears to get greased. And so if your timeline is short, then you have to understand that there's going to be challenges with that. If you can give yourself the breathing room to have multiple interactions with this person... And again, it doesn't have to be coffee meeting. It can also be on the phone. It can be chatting online. Or something to get some of this information. The more you have, the better. What I also like about the field guide is that it highlights the gaps of what you don't know. And again, not knowing is okay. Acknowledging what you don't know is fine. It just means that now there's a little bit more work that you need to put in to it. Or you acknowledge, look, with the limited information that I have, this is the best that I can do. Which I feel is still empowering, rather than going into the meeting saying, "This website is ugly. We should do it," and then walking away, not knowing why it didn't work. It highlights where we lack the knowledge. And I feel like that still gives you an empowering sense of I did the best with what I could. Similar question, followup here from one of our viewers. "Have you ever gone down this path of mapping out your plan "and realize that--" I like this phrase, "that the juice is not worth the squeeze? "Basically that you're completely changing your intention "once you get to know the mark better." Have you ever just had to completely scrap it? Sure. Sure. Especially as an entrepreneur, it's one of the luxuries that we have, is that we can fire clients. And absolutely, the more that you learn about this person-- And not even clients. Like colleagues, or somebody that wants to do an affiliate work of some sort together. The more I learn I'm just like, "Look. You as a human being? "I love you, I feel compassion for you. "But we are not gonna be a match." And so I think that that's a fantastic-- The juice is not going to squeeze. Kinaesthetic, maybe? Yes. I think so. Another question here. Do you have any general tips for objections? So if it doesn't go all swimmingly, and he doesn't say, "Oh yeah. I see what you mean." Are there just general tips for dealing with that? When I come against objections that I'm not expecting, first of all, don't panic. It's okay. What do they say? You make a plan, and that's when God laughs. It's all right. Just because it doesn't go according to plan, that's fine. The first thing that I do is-- Well, I'm kinaesthetic, so this is my first step, is I tap into my center. Like I just go... (deeply inhales, exhales) Like it may not be that obvious, but that's sort of mentally the check in that I do to make sure that my body language stays open and I'm that clean slate. Rather than me demonstrating my frustration. Rather than me tensing up with the fear, confusion, or whatever it is. Because once I do that, then they'll sense it. Their mirror neurons will kick in. And now we've got a tension filled conversation. So first of all I do a check in just to make sure that my body language is that blank slate. Like the interrogator, like we talked about before. And the second thing is that I get them talking. Because clearly if I have come up against an objection that I did not expect, it means I have influential intelligence that still needs to be discovered. So it is my job to shift from talking back into listening. So I am going to elicit even more from them. Because clearly I missed the mark. So tell me why that's an objection. Tell me what you see. Try to get back-- In my mind I'm going back to VAK. I'm going to back to the analogies. I'm going back to values. And then I have to take it from there. So be calm, cool, collected, and then go back into influential intelligence gathering. Yes. Do you have any tricks for noticing if the objection-- If you're talking to someone, say on the phone, and they have an objection, but they're not telling you. It's in their head, but they're not talking about it. That's a great question that highlights so much of what we've covered so far in the workshop. The first one being the tendency to be polite and helpful. The tendency to be polite can be a hindrance for you. Because they don't want to be rude. They don't want to create conflict. And so they're going to be polite, and not say anything. But you as an influencer, that's like kryptonite. You need intelligence to be able to work with. So any time, whether it's on the phone or in person, if I say something that I feel should have landed, then I simply call it out. And I say, "You know, "I thought that might really resonate with you, "but honestly I'm not really feeling that I hit the mark. "Can you tell me what you were hoping for? "Maybe I missed some expectations." And you say it in a confident tone. It's not that you're threatened by it. It's not that you're upset. It's not that you're sad. Your worth is not wrapped up in these words. Ooh, somebody tweet that one. (laughter) Your worth is not wrapped up in these words. It's just a moment of I thought I was going to get one result and I didn't. That's okay. Now I just need more information from you. So I just call it out. "I feel like that was gonna be kinda cool, "but I'm not quite getting that from you." And noticing the smile. I'm totally cool that that didn't work. Tell me what would work. Tell me what sounds better to you. Tell me what would look better for you. And again, that smile is so key for that. Because it just demonstrates confidence, that I can handle whatever you have. Other questions. If we want to do another example. If anybody was just dying to get up there and do it themselves now, we can do another example. I think Chris might have one. Did anybody else want to jump in with a specific? (laughter) All right. I think Chris just got voted on. Or voted off the island, I'm not sure. Yeah, voted on the island. Come on up. (applause) So Chris, we talked a little bit before. Do you have a specific person, or are we working off of an avatar? What sounds good to you? So it's off of an avatar. I know that that's not idea. But I'll try to be specific about it. It is going to provide a bit of challenge for me, which is fine, that's what I'm here for. Ideally you have a specific person that you're going to be talking about, specifically around that personality profile part. But I know that there are people who are watching at home who are working off of avatars, because they're building their clientele. They may not have that specific mark. So we're going to workshop that and see what fun we can come up with. What do we want to call your mark? We're gonna go-- I was thinking Ricky, but Ricky is not it. We'll go with Ryan. Ryan. All right. Tell me your overall situation, the overview. Basically what I want to do is I want to enable people to choose the path in life that might bring them more meaning. But I think that there's an initial step, a small step that we can take and focus on here, and that's to essentially try something new and small that's outside of your comfort zone. Because it helps to build confidence, and it might provide some perspective to allow for bigger steps as it goes on. So small step outside of comfort zone. And then things that you were teaching resonated. So to get more specific with that, I was thinking based off the type of person you might have an experience, you might suggest an experience that's experience oriented, or one that's oral or whatever else. Based off the type of person. So to be specific on this one we'll just say we're gonna go have an experience. A miniventure. A small adventure to have. A mini adventure. I'm just trying to get a sense of, is this for your company, like they go on a mini adventure with you, like a mini retreat? Or is this like a mission that you give them that they do on their own? So this is a mission. Go out and do your mission. Share your story when you're done. This is virtual influence. This is virtual influence. Oooh. I know. I know this is difficult. I apologize. No, it's fine. And I know that the program and the workshop is designed for conversational influence. And I shared before one of the reasons why I chose to do that is because first of all there are so many moving pieces. And because of that I feel like it's a topic that isn't discussed very often. And there's so much mystery around that, and I really wanted to get rid of that mystery behind conversational influence. With that said, everything that we have talked about here, and everything that we're going to talk about the next session as well, can translate to your writing, can translate to your marketing, can translate to any other form of persuasion or influence that you want to use. So this is just going to simply be an example of translating more into the virtual realm. So totally cool. A small step out of their comfort zone. So we have the objective. What is our timeline with them? I want to get them to do it within one month, and report back. So we have time to have multiple touch points, if it takes it, to get them ready to do this. Okay. We don't have to. It can happen in one. But it's not an immediate time frame to say it has to be done tomorrow. I just need a clear-- And just to give you an idea. The phrase I'm about to say is I need a clear picture, because that's what I'm missing right now. I'm processing his story visually. I have a picture of Ryan in my head, and I have a picture of Chris in his home, with his yoga pants on, and bourbon. The bourbon might be right. And so their first-- They're already in your fold, they're already in your community. These are people who I already have a communication with. And so now it's a matter of encouraging action. And this action I want to encourage is go out and do a mission. A mission is a good word for it. I didn't think of that before. And then tell the story when you're done. Because we're not doing this face to face, are we doing this via email, or YouTube videos, or... Podcast is probably the... Podcast. Yeah. Oral. One month. And then I'm just going to put for my own purposes, a podcast. If it's easier, we can change this to in person, or anything else. It's fine. I don't see any big issues. So they listen to your podcast, week one, and you give the mission. And they have no other contact with you, and they're supposed to report at week four. I was thinking instead that I could do this in stages. If I have a month before they have to do their mission, then week one, week two, week three, week four. I can kind of lead them up towards that. So are you giving them the mission in week one or are you giving them the mission in week four? I was going to lay the groundwork in week one and two. "Okay, these are some interesting things. "These are some benefits." Whatever might be appropriate to get that across. And then boom, mission happens week three. Report back in a week. Let me know what happens. That's the difference that I was trying to figure out. What he's talking about in these first few weeks of one, two, and three, whether he knows this or not, what he's talking about is priming his mark. And we'll be talking about that in the next session. So I'm going to focus on... I think for our purposes here, and I reserve the right to change my mind, we're going to talk about between weeks three and four. So they have one week to do this. Because basically it's one touch point. I don't know. I don't know. Let's see. But I'm going to put one week timeline. Because I'm difficult, trust me, you can do anything you want. All right, and we had a question. I was just clarifying. Do you go and seek out a person? Let's say you approached me and you say, "Hey Sruthi, I want you to hike the Appalachian Trail "and come back to me in a month. "And you tell me your story, "and I'm gonna make a podcast out of it." Is that the idea? I just want to clarify. No, I don't do that directly. I have done that, but that's not what this is. I have found avatars of people, people who are of a certain type, which is kind of how I did my profile. And then I give them small missions to go out on and then report on. So it may not be one to one, though that's a great option. Where does the podcast come in? That's what I'm trying to understand. I have a podcast where I talk to adventurers and entrepreneurs about their stories. And I make a connection to an audience. And so then it's a way to take that audience and affect some change in their life, rather than just sharing stories. So that's what I'm trying to do, is affect an action. And because we have this one week assignment, and we actually are asking for two action steps from them in our outcome, to take the action and report back, I would say that you, based off of this structure already, your influential intention is already being shaped, because they can only accomplish so much within one week. So this needs to be, I'm assuming, a small action outside the comfort zone, and then report back. The belief is bite sized. You take small actions, and then you build upon those and they snowball. Going to the Appalachians for example wouldn't be the right first step, unless you're crazy. I might. But instead like small adventures. An example is there's something called the rental car rally. And you go out for a weekend with friends. And you rent a car, and you go from point A to point B. Whoever gets there in the fewest miles on the odometer wins. And then you do silly things along the way. It's easy, and bite sized, and fun. Very cool. With your avatar of Ryan, what values would he have? I'm curious about this. Do you have female followers as well? No, it's been male dominated. Okay. That's fine. That's fine. But the reason why I point that out is because if you do choose an avatar and give it a name, and if you do go gender specific, then you might want to take a look at doing both. Because your perception of the avatar does get shaded by the gender roles. In fact, in a previous CreativeLive course, one of my friends, Joey Coleman, did a course on the first 100 days. And he did a phenomenal job. And one of the things I took away from his course was coming up with multiple avatars for your business, and choosing fictional characters. Because fictional characters are generally archetypes, and that's what you're creating, is an archetype, rather than one specific person as an avatar, or imagining a human being, because we are complex, crazy creatures, and it shades so much. So choosing a fictional character. Like he mentioned Best Buy has the avatar of Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. That's one of their avatars. And somebody who's like a Carry from Sex and the City. That's another avatar that Best Buy has. It kind of lets you still be creative with those avatars. But let's still stick with Ryan. I think we're good with Ryan. So what does Ryan value? He values belonging, challenge, freedom, and making a difference. For himself or others? People I've talked to want to make a difference for others but they enjoy the feeling that gives them within themselves. I'm not sure how you meant that, so that's... That's fine. It's interesting because even in the world of influence, I talk about how to influence others, but so many people talk about the fringe benefit of this work is the self assessment, and the ability to influence yourself. So understanding the layers of the benefits of what you're bringing to the table, I think is very important. Any other values? No. Those are the ones I had. How does Ryan identify himself? He identifies himself as intelligent, successful, helpful. And a word I think works well is "fixer". Fixer. I love it. Fixer of people? Fixer of things? Things has been this archetype. But I didn't really think about people. I'd have to dig deeper. But thank you. And beliefs. Any "if this then that" kind of scenarios that Ryan has? If I do well by others, then I should be happy. Okay. I didn't have a lot of those, but it was-- Oh, there was one more. And I'm not sure, it's kind of a negative one. But I've heard this lot. "I've achieved some level of success, but I'm not happy. "It didn't lead towards what I thought it was going to be." I'm not sure if that's a belief or a story. I'm going to say that that's a negative emotion, that he's disenchanted. Disenchanted. Thank you. If you do well for others, then you get happiness. So he's in a stage of his life where he's not as egocentric. He's more altruistic? This person-- Again, it embodies a couple different people. They've done well, they've achieved a certain level of success, and because they didn't see the happiness, they're looking elsewhere to try to find that fulfillment. And often, it seems like that is through seeking experience, or doing well by others, or connecting, but it's always this do good, I will find this hole that's missing. Okay. All right. Great. I feel like there's something though that I have not been able to articulate yet, but we'll come back to it. Because it's an avatar it might be slightly incomplete. No, it's fine. It's totally fine. And positive emotions. Positive emotions. Accomplishment. So they're proud of the things that they've already accomplished in life. Yes, and accomplishment brings them-- further accomplishment brings them positive feelings. And kind of altruism. And then negative emotions. Two is, we're putting down disenchanted. That's good. And then kind of the same old thing, over and over and over again. Like rote routine? Rote routines. Yeah. That's what I wrote down. Rote, same old. So routine equals bad. And I think that reflects in the personality profile as well. And so this routine equals bad, I might even put that under beliefs at this point. I'm gonna leave it there for now, just because of the messy whiteboard. And any other negative beliefs? That's all I had. And then secret goals and dreams. To have a life of meaning. A grandiose goal that we want to have. Want to make a difference. I think you hit on that pretty well. And his version of life of meaning is...? I gotta dig deeper. Notice kinaesthetic? "I gotta dig deeper." And I'm gonna constantly try to point those out for you so you can see how often you have this information in front of you. It's just are you picking up on it. I think it comes back to, because I keep hearing the same phrase over and over again, from this person. Again, they feel that something is missing in themselves, so if I help others, or if I do something, I'm going to fill that hole, basically. So that life of meaning is somewhat external, and then somewhat internal. Help equals fulfillment. That's good. That should go up in the beliefs as well. So they're shooting for a life of meaning, and a life of meaning for them goes up to their beliefs of happiness. So usually whenever you come up with these equal signs, or at least that's how it translates in my head, these equal signs are your beliefs. It's the if this then that. What's the equation of life that they're operating with. How about VAK? All right. Overwhelmingly kinaesthetic. Overwhelmingly kinaesthetic. It seems to be very experiential. A couple people I talked to were visual, but really overwhelmingly kinaesthetic. And that makes perfect sense to me for a few reasons. First of all you're kinaesthetic, so it's likely that you're going to draw those people in. And I've noticed as well in the people that I've drawn into my Influence HQ and community, is that we have a lot more kinaesthetics. Not to say that there's not visuals and auditory, there absolutely is. Second is when you are working off of an avatar and it's your own entrepreneurial space, this is something that you own, chances are you avatar is going to look a lot like you. So that's a typical phenomenon. Another reason why I already knew kinaesthetic was coming was because we're a fixer of things. So we're hands on, fixing stuff. If you were a fixer of people, you would still be kinaesthetic potentially, right? Not necessarily. I don't know if I would make that leap if it's a fixer of people. But fixer of things I definitely... And because of what I know of you, you're able to fix your bike on the side of the road when it breaks down. So I already had that visual in my head of what that meant. And then let's talk about personality types. What do we think? I, hold on, had it written down. (laughs) Let me see. Let me see. And this one I'm gonna go here. Am I close? Hold on. I had it on the first page. (laughs) I thought I had it on the first page. Just say, "Yes Shari!" That's amazing! I think you actually have it right, except for one. I'm finding, and maybe it's again because of mirroring who I am. I'm finding a mix of those people who are on the cusp of introversion versus extroversion. And sometimes they just need to get away and recharge, but they're still outgoing. I will say that I'm going to think that they're going to lean more towards extroversion because we are people centric in all of these goals. And they have achieved a certain level of success. And in my paradigm of what the world looks like according to Shari Alexander, is that people need people to be successful. So they had to have had some sort of-- Not to say that introverts aren't successful. They absolutely are. But just in this full scope of the picture that you've presented me with, that's what leads me to think they might teeter over to this point. I could be wrong. But again, this is an avatar. So everything else, or are we making adjustments? No, that's perfect. And so we need to get these people to take a small action outside of their comfort zone within a week. And we're doing it in a podcast message. Which means you have both a challenge and an opportunity that others may not. Okay. See, he didn't even know that. He didn't know he had that opportunity. The challenge, clearly, is that you're speaking to multiple people, and you're not face to face, so there's not that interaction. The opportunity that you have is you can have a script in front of you. So you can craft this influential message in a way that somebody in a conversation cannot. Whether you feel comfortable reading that script, or if you just want to create the script and then-- The same thing. You have touch points, and then you know that you've hit those touch points. It's like having cue cards. Exactly. So you have that capability that somebody using a different method may not. With that, let's talk about the presentation. And you mentioned before that in the first three weeks you've kind of done some priming along the lines of why adventure is beneficial, and the benefits of it, and what you get out of it, and why it's so cool. Stories from other people who have done it. So I think that I can bring social proof into it as well. Great. Great. So they're kind of primed for it, so we don't need to educate them. I think so. You think we do? No. I agree with you. Okay. Okay. So for the presentation I'm probably going to touch on the pain point first. Over the last few weeks you've heard me talk about these amazing individuals who have taken these mini adventures, or these adventures, and I know you've enjoyed the stories as much as I have about all the experiences that they got from it, and the benefits that they didn't even expect. And since you're a part of my community I want to extend a challenge to you. And before I start taking these my adventures in my life, I noticed that, like you, I've reached a certain level of success. And this is off the top of my head. I've reached a certain level of success, but honestly I felt fairly disenchanted that I didn't feel the happiness that I felt that I should have. Or I fell in to routines, stuck in a rut. Yes, yes. And so you highlight all of these things. And then being kinaesthetic, I think this is going to be very for you to say, I felt like there was a hole that should have been filled at this point. I reached a certain age. I reached a certain level of maturity. I reached a certain level of success. But it was still there. And the best way that I've personally found, and the most fun way that I have found to fill this hole is through these adventures. Now you don't have to be crazy like me, and take the catamaran, or whatever you did, around the world. But I want to challenge you into some sort of adventure. I would say if you can, give them specific examples of what this mini adventure is. Don't leave it so... That's what I was thinking. We talked about the rental car rally. Have a specific one. Go on this. Do this. Make it easy for them so they're not making choices. Right. Right. If you give them those specific examples... I think other things I would hit on is-- So you hit the pain point. Then you give them that solution. And then hit on all the positive things. You'll be so proud of yourself that you took this challenge. You'll get all this freedom. I might even use a little bit of flattery in there. I know so many of you, because you're so successful, you're some smart business people out there. I want to challenge you to tap in to-- kinaesthetic-- tap in to this different part of yourself. And bonus points for the high achievers. Bonus points for the high achievers who choose an adventure that make a difference, or connect with people, or whatever it is. Okay, my friend Clifton here, he's competitive, and I already see him lighting up at this bonus points section. Yeah, that was great. I didn't think about that. Because they're achievers, and because they like the challenge, first I'm challenging them and then I'm going to say, "But if you're not a puny weakling, "this is what the real boys do." So you can take it up even further. I know we didn't get the chance to really write this one out with him as we did before. And I just spewed out this presentation. One thing that I think can be helpful for people when they're going through the field guide themselves is sometimes writing it out is great. But sometimes you just need to be able to look at this whole picture, as what just happened, and maybe record yourself going through and just talking out loud, talking it through. Then you can listen to it and figure out, "Okay, that was a really cool highlight point. "Oh, that's a really good idea about bonuses." And then once you have them written out then you can say, "Okay, I'm going to structure it this way," and all of that. We have a question here. What's interesting about your methodology is that you are accessing a really experiential audience through storytelling, so you're kind of already talking to them in their language with the stories that you present. If you find a person to interview that embodies this archetype, the person listening just instantly relates. It is themselves first, in the cubicle, tapping away at their computer, feeling really down and depressed. And then they see themselves breaking out of it, going on an adventure, and maybe even identifying with how that person met the challenge, how they felt a sense of freedom, how they made a difference. The medium that you're using is your influential presentation, your persuasive presentation. Thank you. I appreciate that. Because I think you've embodied it. It's great to inspire, but you want people to take action. And that's where I've always felt the disconnect. Inspiration, I think, can be kind of easy. But then getting people to take that leap... I think also, because they're intuitive, if you tie in your example of the mini step that you want them to take to maybe a bigger goal that they might have. So she used the example of hiking the Appalachian Trail. So if your end goal is to hike the Appalachian Trail, maybe your challenge would be to go on a two hour hike. I like that. How I see it playing out in my head is giving them this mini challenge right here. And it can be still even a primer in and of itself for the big goal. So get them to take a little adventure where it's a little bit more exciting than the hike itself. Then the next go round is, okay, now that you've gotten a taste, set your big goal, and then we can-- I don't know how this would work in a podcast, but set little goals leading up to the big goal. Exactly what you just said. So we give them a taste of what it is to accomplish a mission, and now as a community we're going to go after a bigger mission together. I like that. I would just see that as phase two of what he's presented here. I view this as kind of like a long con. This like a short con that leads up towards the long con that's eventually happening. I haven't come up with a phrase that's better than short and long con. So what I tell myself is short con-versation, and long con-versation. So hopefully that makes it a little bit less dark. But thank you so much, Chris. You did a great job. Thank you. Thank you. (applause) Love it. And I look forward to hearing that episode in your podcast. We just had one quick question come up from Hoops in the chatroom. And just to be clear here. So Chris already has this online group that he can profile, but this can be applied to people out there who have this theoretical ideal group as well, right? Yes, absolutely. But please know that, especially if it's an entrepreneurial venture, or if you're creating a new brand, or creating a podcast, that that avatar, I would revisit that avatar that you created maybe after six months, and then maybe after a year. And keep coming back to that, because your community will more than likely turn out differently than you theorize. The people that I have at Influence HQ, I don't know if I would have been able to have won that bet as to who ended up in Influence HQ. But the people that did, I mean, they're the right people, and it's the right fit. So again, you plan as much as you can, but then you have to revisit those steps along the way. So was this helpful for you to see this process, and how it all starts to gel together? Fantastic.
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Ratings and Reviews
Stephanie Platero
The course is really great! Shari does an excellent job expressing some of the complexities by providing examples. Super knowledgeable, articulate and her presentation is very interesting. If you are using the Creative live "live, on air" while watching this, the ads for creative live are really distracting. I used to watch a lot of the courses by RSVPing and investing my time to watch the presenters in its entirety (the benefit of RSVP'ing and being a user) but the ads have gotten worse and actually skip to various parts of the presentation and you lose out on some of the content. I assume this is to encourage buying the course but makes it so difficult to follow and be engaged.
a Creativelive Student
I was not prepared for all the wonderful information that was taught. It has helped me in business and then a surprise... helped me with family as well. Fantastic class. Love Shari! Roxanne
a Creativelive Student
I've just learned some fantastic new skills from Shari! I took copious notes - some informational but mostly tactics and strategies that are packaged and ready for application. This course is well worth the time and more than worth the money!