Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
Lesson 15 from: Build Your Influence, Build Your BusinessShari Alexander

Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
Lesson 15 from: Build Your Influence, Build Your BusinessShari Alexander
Lesson Info
15. Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
Day 1
1Begin to Build Your Influence
24:16 2The 3 Stages of Being Highly Influential
14:09 3How Influential Are You?
40:31 4The Body Language Code
26:34 5Hacking Your Own Body Language
41:41 6Linguistic Clues to Influence
23:32 7Linguistic "Tells" for Persuasive Planning
36:34Influential VIBES with Your Mark
29:08 9Motivational Triggers
30:57Day 2
10How to Build Rapport
18:53 11Mirroring & Connecting Your Language
28:32 12Common Triggers for Influence
38:30 13How to Profile Your "Mark" - Part 1
29:19 14How to Profile Your "Mark" - Part 2
38:21 15Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
38:35 16Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 2
45:02 17Influential Presentation Strategies
26:33 18What if My Audience Objects to Me?
32:37 19Persuasive Words That Work
33:20Day 3
20Persuasive Phrases & Priming
36:08 21Building Your Influential Strategy
28:53 22Influence by Limiting Your Choices
23:50 23Decoy Pricing & Anchoring
21:07 24Online Hot Seat: Influential Strategies
43:34 25Influential Interview Techniques
15:12 26Breaking Down an Influential Interview
24:32 27Interview Examination & Negotiations
50:25Lesson Info
Workshopping Your Field Map - Part 1
So we have covered so much content thus far. We've talked about setting up your influential intention and profiling your mark, and what to look for, what to listen for, and all this fantastic and wonderful. I wanted to make sure that we had a section on really workshopping this through in a real world live scenario. So we have one of our fabulous, wonderful audience members who is going to be in the hot seat for your viewing pleasure. Arianna, please come on up. Give her a round of applause, everybody. (audience claps) All right. So get yourself comfortable and situated and we'll use this wonderful white board behind us. So tell us about your situation right now that we're going to focus on. What is your desired outcome? Who are the players? Give us an overview. So, I'm working with a particular person. His name is John. And I am doing Google Hangout interviews with people for him related to medicine and healthcare and that sort of broad category. I want to help him, basically, figur...
e out a better way to monetize his business as well as a better way to organize his website. Okay, so the intention... So the intention is more money for his website, right? Yeah. Okay. And does he desire that outcome as well? Yeah. Okay, good. So you both have the same intention for the website. Yeah. Okay. So tell me about the scenario as to why we haven't achieved that thus far. I think that he is trying to be adaptable and I think that he's trying to make a lot of information available and so from my perspective, his website is very difficult to navigate because everything is just there and there's no... I don't see any organization, so it's very... I was trying to find, there's a page that I read before, that's his about him and I was looking for it and I spent, like, 10 minutes searching and I couldn't find that page at all. And does he acknowledge that the difficult to navigate is a problem? I don't think he knows that it's a problem at all. Okay, so I want to point out, for you guys in the studio and watching at home, is as I coach her through this, I'm bouncing back and forth between her perspective and his perspective. What she perceives to be a problem and checking in does he perceive that to be a problem. 'Cause this is important information for you to know because if he sees the problem, but we're just disagreeing on the solution, that's one thing. If we're having to get him to agree to the problem in the first place, that's a different strategy we're going to take. So he still wants more money from the website. What does he perceive the problem to be? I think he perceives the problem to be that he isn't get enough traffic. Okay, so he sees it as... So this is you and this is him. And he wants traffic. Yeah. Okay, and your argument, I assume, to that is, well, all the traffic in the world isn't gonna do anything if they can't find what they're looking for. Exactly. Okay, great. And so let's go through the influential profile of the desired outcome is you want more money from the website. So that we're gonna call that the super-intention. But specifically what, from him, what do we need him to say, feel, agree to? Is there a specific project that you have in mind or initiative? I mean, I think that the specific action that I would want him to take that I think would give him a lot of the results he wants is to just change the structure of his navigation menu. So we need him to agree to change navigation. Yeah. Okay. So notice how we went from money from the website to a very specific, not even revamp the entire website, No, it just-- Just change the menu bar. Yeah. More or less, right? Yeah, like put some structure to it, 'cause right now he has one menu bar and then there's like literally hundreds of pages in this one drop-drown menu bar. And you have to scroll through it and you can't figure out what some of these pages are based on just the title, because they're not grouped into categories that makes sense. Okay, and so we want him to agree to change the navigation by what timeline? What's our desired timeline for it? I'm gonna say like two weeks. To the agreement or to the execution? To the execution. Okay. Because I-- So when is the agreement? The agreement would be when we would, like by the end of the conversation. And when is our conversation? Monday. Sure. (laughs) Monday. (audience laughing) Monday. (laughs) So we have, all right, so we have a very short timeline. And are there stakes that make it that Monday is the must? No. Okay, I'm curious. So if we don't achieve Monday we still can come back to the same influential intention Exactly. And continue on. Yes. Phenomenal. And I think that that's very important for people to understand is that when you set your deadline, if there aren't stakes or losses for that, it's okay to adjust that timeline accordingly. When there are the stakes involved and it can't be moved then we need to get really either aggressive or very thorough in our entire field map generation. So, okay, so we have our mark, we have our desired outcome and we have our timeline. So let's talk about influential vibes of our mark. V-I-B-E-S. So what does John value? He definitely values like belonging and commmunicat-- or community and connection. Okay, so I need to make these bigger for you, don't I? Because the purpose of the website, the purpose of the interviews that I'm doing for him is to build a community of like doctors and other medical professionals. Belonging, community and-- Connection. Connection. But I also think that he values adaptability and education. And I think the value on adaptability might be why his website is so hard to navigate. Like I think he wants everything to be available so that anyone who comes to the site can pick and choose. 'Kay. So he's putting it all out there. Okay. But he's not guiding you to help you find what you're looking for. Right, and then what was the one after adaptability? Education. Education, okay. I'm curious to know what evidence have you seen, in his actions or his words, that make you think that adaptability and education are his values? He likes to talk about the things that he's learned. And a lot of it has to do with like he's very... He enjoys experimenting with technology and learning about it. Okay. And he's identified as being sort of like a recovering luddite almost. Okay. So like he wants to learn about how the technology works and how to use it for medicine, specifically, how to help other. And like he wants to help other doctors learn how to leverage that technology as well. Okay, so I'm curious because the adaptability in his actions... Well, first of all, I can't recall, have you approached him before about this navigation menu idea? I don't, not specifically, I don't think so, no. Okay, great, okay. All right, so then let's move on to the identifiers. How does John identify himself? What have you seen or heard? He's identified as non-visual. Non-visual. Non-visual, like non-artistic. (chuckles) Okay. And he's identified as an introvert, and as a recovering luddite with the technology. Not artistic and then say those again. Introvert. Introvert, okay. And then recovering... Spell that last one for me. L-U-D-D-I-T-E. D-D-I-T-E, luddite. All right, any other identifiers? I don't think so. Okay, and have you heard him express any beliefs, any if this, then that scenarios that might apply? I think he definitely believes that technology is empowering. Ooh, I like that. And I definitely think he believes in helping people. Empowering and help. Okay, great. And what puts John in a positive state? I think when he can accomplish the belonging community connection, using the technology that he's just learned how to use and sharing that knowledge of how to use the technology for that connection with other people. All right, via tech. So I like how already this belief connects so much of the values... Or this emotion connects with the values and the beliefs that we've identified thus far. So you're already starting to see some overlap with these vibes, which shows that this connection, as far as we've gone through thus far is really important to him. And that was kinda the first cluster of values that you identify. So connection, so if he desire, well, let's finish this and then I'll jump into some of our next steps. Okay, and any stories that we've come up with for him? Oh, I'm sorry. First, negative state. What puts him in a negative state? What does he not like? I think he doesn't like having to... He doesn't like feeling like he's excluding people. He doesn't like, like he's very reluctant to create a niche or an individual person that would be the ideal visitor to his site, because that's one person and he doesn't want to exclude everyone else. Okay, very cool. And any stories that have come up? He really just will tell stories about when he's used technology to connect with people around the world, across different time zones and how he can do that and bring together experts on a particular medical specialty or a particular device, regardless of whether one of them might be in China, one of them might be in Spain, and some here and bridging that country gap to bring the thought leaders together. Okay, so one thing that I kinda drew from that based on what you just shared with me is technology that is inclusive and brings people together equals worth. Because it seems like that's where he's getting a lot of his fuel, his positive vibes, right? Okay, so the first few things that's come to mind are, so I just wanna make sure that we're following along. We've got our identifiers, we've got our beliefs and the emotions, Fantastic. And do we know if he's visual, auditory, or kinesthetic? I-- We know he's not visual. I know he's not visual. (laughs) (audience laughing) I'm not sure whether he's auditory or kinesthetic. But I would lean towards auditory. Okay, what makes you lean towards auditory? He likes to talk about things a lot and it takes him a lot of words, a lot of talking time to explain things to people. Okay, so he talks things out. Yeah. Is he a listener? I'm just gonna check it off. Maybe. That's why I'm not sure if he's auditory or kinesthetic. I mean, I've gotten more auditory, I guess, than kinesthetic, but I don't know. Okay, all right, so we know he's not this. Yeah. Okay, and so and then our profile. What do we think of his profile? ENTG, IS-- I think he's ISFP. All right, so we've got an ISFP, excellent. So he's introverted, we've mentioned that before. He's sensing, so he needs to experience the thing. Yeah, I think so. Okay, and he's feeling, so he considers multiple opinions, hence the inclusion part that's very important. Yeah, and I think that like logic, like the thinking part of, the logic part of thinking just like doesn't. Okay, all right. (Arianna laughing) So what we're going to do, because you had your answers just so well thought out for this, we're actually going to go ahead and jump into a bit of the next part of your field guide, which is the persuasive presentation. Okay. So we're going to talk about how you might persuade this particular mark in this situation. So I'm going to jump in and do the things that I do. And we can all kinda workshop this together. Sound good? Mm-hm. Okay, so the first thing that comes to my mind is talking through this navigation menu is probably not going to be very effective for him. If he's sensing, like you said, and if he's a talker, and not necessarily a listener, 'cause your reaction was like, "Eh, he can listen. "Like he has the ability to but he doesn't very often." So we might need to get him engaged in this process. Yeah. So I would recommend bringing, not only a visual representation, so I wouldn't just do the drawing it out on a piece of paper. So maybe like find an example of another website that has the same number of pages and show him how they are organizing their content more effectively. Exactly. Okay. So create an experience. And even if you can within WordPress or something, create something that's similar to it if you can't find an exact website, anything that lets him get in and click through. The second thing that I hooked into is he tells a lot of stories about how technology can include people from a bunch of different areas. So the pain point, where we're probably going to hook into with him is when we fail at building community, when we fail at connection. How many people have gone to the website and traffic isn't our issue-- And never come back, yeah. But they left, because we are not serving them. So the failure is going to be the pain point, in which we're going to bring up with him. And then the other part is I would figure out a clever way to tell the story, 'cause he's a story guy, 'cause you mentioned he keeps telling these stories and he likes to talk through things. So tell the story of, okay, we have this person. And let's imagine that I am so-and-so and we demonstrate. Or something that you can do, 'cause technology is wonderful, is get a friend and do a screencast of them unwittingly, who knows nothing about you or him, go through the website and just talk through like, oh, okay, holy cow! Look at all those options. And have them talk through it and so he can watch the confusion on screen. And have them talking through it, because he's auditory. Yeah. So that way we're weaving in this story so he can feel the confusion from the other person. Do you think it might be a good idea to try and ask him questions that lead him to take different types of people on the journey through his website? So, like, okay, say you have this type of person who wants to look through your website. How do you think their process of finding the information they want would be? Right. So I wouldn't necessarily, because he's a P, I think giving him the reigns to begin that process is gonna just start going from tangent to tangent to tangent. So what I might do is go ahead and create like that screencast, or you come in prepared and present him with, here's avatar number one. And avatar number one, as you have said before, wants X, Y and Z. So I'm avatar number one and I look for, okay, this is what I know I want. Now I'm not sure where to go from here. Here's avatar number two. And then, of course, you still want to present him with "Now here's my recommended changes, "avatar number one, avatar number two, avatar number three." So you see how just by figuring out this one part of him, we are now changing the entire dynamic of the conversation, because I know that if he's a P, that if we give him too much control, it's going to go every which way. Versus if he were a J, I think I easily could have said, "Okay, let's do this together as avatar number one." And then be very decisive. So if this rings true for him, then I want you to hold the reigns. Then bring him into the discussion after you've walked through it together and get his thoughts. Okay. Right, so I think for him, especially the F part, this failing to achieve these things right here, is going to be a big-- Well, and he's trying to start with a particular subset of doctors for building the community because he has failed to get the results that he wanted. But instead of targeting a particular personality type he's targeting a category of doctors. He's like targeting neurologists. Right. Which isn't an effective way. Like I think he's gonna have the same failure with the neurologists that he had with all of the doctors, because he's not communicating in a way that they can understand based on their personalities. Right, right, okay. One thing that I need to point out, just simply as the instructor of this program is there has been a little bit of a miscommunication, slash mistake, on my part, so I wanna make sure we're all on the same page with the VIBES, the influential VIBES, the S got changed in my presentation to stories and I've been referring to stories. But your field guide says Secret Goals and Dreams. And I really want to clarify that. So I'm going to go ahead, because of the handouts that you have, keep it as Secret Goals and Dreams, so that way you can use this in the future. So for our purposes, if you don't mind making the quick adjustment with me, is what are his goals and dreams with this website? And I say, the reason why I add secret is because I want to make sure that you guys are activity eliciting these types of goals and dreams. We all have a higher vision for ourselves, whether that's an internal goal or an external goal. And sometimes we share our external goals very easily, like, you know, "I want to win this competition. "I want to make a difference in this area of my life. "I want to make X number of dollars." However, for some people, what may be easy to share for one person is very difficult for another. To say somebody's goals and dreams, it's very personal, it's sacred. And we're kind of afraid to share what we really hope to achieve, because we're afraid of that judgment. And so that's why as influencers, we want to build that rapport and through our elicitation process of gathering that influential intelligence to learn like what is the higher self that you aspire to? Or what are the accomplishments that you want to reach for, because in our influential intention, then we can hook into that and say changing this navigation will lead to your goal of bet more money. Or if it's a higher goal of world connection, which is world peace, or whatever the grandiose version of that is. So it can be a small goal or dream that we're hooking into, or it could be a bigger vision, goal or dream that we're hooking into. So thank you, everybody, for being adaptable with me on that one. I just noticed the shift. And I wanna make sure what you have in hard copy is what we're teaching towards. So thank you guys for that. So let's go back to this. So what would you say are his secret goals or dreams that you think you can identify within this? So I think partly he wants to be like the news of medicine. Ooh! There we go! Now we really have to make that change. The big like cutting edge news source for medicine. Right. And on the other hand, he wants to connect the global medical professional community, like doctors and nurses and students and technical engineer type scientists. Mm-hm, right. So, yeah, the def-- And he wants the news to sort of like, it's related, because the news is coming out of what the people and the communities are doing and making. But then it's also, okay, so you're making one thing, and now I'm gonna have a conversation with you so that we can teach the entire community how to use the thing that you just made that has advanced medicine in this one way. Right, so it's not necessarily becoming the Huffington Post of medicine, or is it? I think it is a little bit But I think Huffington Post is still very like, "This is what there is out there." Right, instead of the community. And he wants it to be interactive. He wants to be the Huffington Post Facebook of Medicine. Yeah. (laughs) If that makes sense, right? Okay, all right. So in your persuasive presentation with him, the highlights, so I'm going to put presentation. We wanna make sure we hit all the highlights from this discussion. Okay, so we already know what are some of the tactics and techniques that we have gathered from going through this process? We know that we want to give him an experience of the way it currently is and the way it should be, right? Mm-hm. Okay, so I'm going to put experience, pro and con. And actually for you, technically speaking, it's going to con and then the pro, 'cause you want to hit the pain point first and then bring the solution, okay? Other things that we want to focus on is lost connections of how people are leaving his platform and how he's not, because of that, he's not achieving his goal of being the news of medicine. Yeah. So we're going to hook it into that. And then we're going to paint the picture, tell the story, of what's possible. Bility, there we go. And so we're not going to paint with the visuals. Instead we're going to give him, because we're not entirely sure yet, we're going to give him the kinesthetic and an auditory version. So have him experience, talk it through with him. And did you mention something about testimonials? Like testimonials, he's pro or con, or am I making that up? I don't know. I haven't... He might, I think he is influenced by testimonials. But I don't think he has any testimonials on his site. Okay, so great. 'Cause that's what I was going for is if we could find the words of other people that support your presentation so it's not just coming from you. So that screencast using one of your friends would be great. I mean, if this is very important, and you wanna be able to put in the time, I would call out people in his target market, like the neurologists, and say, "Could you give me feedback on this site? "Here are three questions or here's a SurveyMonkey quiz." Or something along those lines. Or you could even interview some of those guys and say, "What would you want from a site like ours?" If you're able to get that. Because anytime that we can use not just your perspective, but other people's perspective that support your influential intention. And the reason why I say that is 'cause you said that he's influenced by testimonials. So if we can include that in a presentation, even better. Okay. What other kind of influential ideas or hooks or wrapping paper have we thought of thus far? Mm-hm, Chris? Just from conversation earlier, you talked about social proof maybe being important. Yeah, well, that I think goes with the testimonials, too, right? It goes with testimonials, but then the other side of that is other people have been successful. So not just what you should do, but what have other people done that's work that's similar? So it's not just here's you, but here are other people that you might aspire or take from. Or maybe a different take on that. This is what you do, but this is how it's done and it works. Mm-hm. I'm wondering, because the part that I'm wondering how we can play up is this education. How can we, and this recovering luddite thing, how can we incorporate that to make this presentation educational to him and interesting and like, "Hey, there's a new groundbreaking technology." Or, I don't know, what comes to mind when you think about making it more of an educ-- Does that resonate with you, do you think that he would enjoy that or not? If I could figure out how to make it work, yes, I think he would enjoy that. I'm not sure... Because I'm very visual, so a lot of my learning I do, like I read a lot, and I like look at things a lot. So it's hard for me to figure out how to educatee him. Like all of the things that I would think of as things that I think would be valuable to learn, they're all like written resources. And since he's not a visual person I don't think he spends very much time reading. Right, well, that's phenomenal that you have that perspective, because we're not talking about giving him resources to get, we're talking about you educating him in the presentation, in the conversation or discussion. I'm not sure how to translate the knowledge that I've read about into like teaching him. Right, I think part-- This way. Of what that could be is is through this experiential process that we're going to put him through. And then maybe just every once in awhile just kinda drop in some synonym of education or even the word education, just because if that's the word that he uses and refers to. Or even saying like, "I know how you keep saying "that you're a recovering luddite, "and so I wanted to tell you about this cool thing, "because I think you're really going to enjoy it." And that actually goes, that statement that I just said, is going to... We're going to talk about that technique in our next session and that's called the half-and-half technique. And that's beginning with something that they already acknowledged about themselves and hooking it into your influential intention. Okay. So that's sort of one subtle way that we can do it. But does this already give you more than you had before when you thought about bringing up this presentation? Yeah. What did you have in mind before? Like what was the nebulous idea that was-- In my mind before, I was gonna tell him, you know, (Instructor laughing) like it doesn't work and it's cluttered, it's noisy, it's frustrating. And you should reorganize your navigation menu. Right, exactly. (chuckles) Like that's all I was gonna tell him and then he would probably never actually do it. (audience laughing) (Arianna laughing) That's great, because that perfectly exemplifies what we all go through when we want change from somebody. It's like the problem is so clear to me. And I feel as though if I just suggest what the next steps should be or the solution, you should say yes, 'cause in this situation, I am smarter than you. (audience laughing) And you should do what I tell you to do. But as we have learned, that is not going to be effective for the outcomes that we want. And so going through this process with my ugly handwriting is we can discover different ways to approach it. So we've gone from a conversation of "What you have right now is crap, my idea is good." to "Hey, I really wanna present you "with what's going on currently, "and give you perspectives that other people "are experiencing, and then I want to give you "a hands-on experience of what I am envisioning "so you can be a part of it." And I really want to highlight like what, see, for you the cluttered and noise and ugliness, your visual side, is saying this is bad. He don't care about that because he's not visual. What he cares about is these lost connections. So you're not even going to refer to the ugliness of the site, I mean, you might drop it in, 'cause it's going to be difficult for you to suppress that, I can already tell. (audience laughing) I'll try and stick with the like the noisy, like it's a noisy page, because that's an auditory word-- Sure, sure. That he might understand more. Absolutely, that's great. I love that insight. But instead of focusing on that visual part, what we're going to talk about is "What we currently have means we are losing people. "And I know how important building this community "and having these connections and building this conversation "is to you. "And I really wanna make sure that we're on the same page, "that you understand. "I mean, yeah, I can educate you on how I know this, "but that you understand that we are losing connections. "I know that we want to be the news of medicine. "And I want to build that with you. "And, honestly, I have one very simple solution "that's going to make a huge impact "on our entire community." You see how the entire thing shifts from this is ugly to now we're talking about the big picture. Now we're talking about the significant goal that we're trying to reach. And it's the problem through his eyes, or perhaps his ears, through his perspective, versus yours. I just wanna make sure that that's kinda drilling into people. Okay, very cool. We have a question? Yes, I was thinking bringing up education, would the word study be helpful? Like the way how you beautifully just say whatever it should sound about lost connections and possibility. And the studies show, and the studies in marketing, for example, show that-- Hmm, maybe. A particular function of website brings more visitors and whatever you want to come here. But for me it rings the word study. It could be. Would it be? And I see where you're thinking up on that for the education part. Technological thing. When I take a look at it, you know, if this was in the field guide, and I take a look at that and compare it to the personality type, I'm not quite feeling that study is going to hit home with that. Study I think's-- Even though he's sensing in facts, it depends on his level of sensing, based on his overall goal, I'm getting a sense that he's more stronger F and P than this S is going to be. So I feel like the factual side isn't going to play as a big of a role compared to this F and P combination, that this connection, community side, is going to be a little bit more leverageable. However, if we notice through his body language and notice any significant shifts towards a factual point and we see him light up, then great, let's talk about more in detail. I definitely think like learning is more important to him than studying. That makes sense. Like a case study doesn't speak to it, but him being able to acquire knowledge. Him being able to, yeah. That he can use later on, yeah. So my thesaurus in my head isn't kicking in very well right now or the education term, but teach, learn, educate, I wanna put you through a little crash course of our website. Actually, I feel like that resonates fairly well from what I'm imagining him to be. "I want to give you a little master class "on how a navigation change can build community." Any of those might be of interest to him. Mm-hm, yeah. So you have your plan? I think so, yeah. It's a pretty big shift from, "This is ugly!" (Arianna laughs) To a full well thought out presentation, right? Yeah. Yeah, awesome. Give her a round of applause, you guys. (audience applauding) Well done.
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Stephanie Platero
The course is really great! Shari does an excellent job expressing some of the complexities by providing examples. Super knowledgeable, articulate and her presentation is very interesting. If you are using the Creative live "live, on air" while watching this, the ads for creative live are really distracting. I used to watch a lot of the courses by RSVPing and investing my time to watch the presenters in its entirety (the benefit of RSVP'ing and being a user) but the ads have gotten worse and actually skip to various parts of the presentation and you lose out on some of the content. I assume this is to encourage buying the course but makes it so difficult to follow and be engaged.
a Creativelive Student
I was not prepared for all the wonderful information that was taught. It has helped me in business and then a surprise... helped me with family as well. Fantastic class. Love Shari! Roxanne
a Creativelive Student
I've just learned some fantastic new skills from Shari! I took copious notes - some informational but mostly tactics and strategies that are packaged and ready for application. This course is well worth the time and more than worth the money!