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Intro: Outsourcing Product Production

Lesson 12 from: Outsourcing Workload to Grow Your Business

Stacey Trock

Intro: Outsourcing Product Production

Lesson 12 from: Outsourcing Workload to Grow Your Business

Stacey Trock

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Lesson Info

12. Intro: Outsourcing Product Production

Lesson Info

Intro: Outsourcing Product Production

In this section we're gonna be talking about outsourcing components of product production. So a couple of the things I'm going to get you to think about. We've already started to think about what's your best selling product. You know, and so in this section, we're gonna really take it to the next level. Because, usually the thing you're selling the best of, is the thing you can sell even more of. My best selling pattern is Nelson Owl and it's a huge percentage of my sales. So it really helps to leverage your best product. And we're gonna talk about how to do that. How to pick what your best selling products are. Get started with small-scale production. We're gonna talk about bigger scale manufacturing. And then a couple more streamlining tips to how to earn money without relying on manual labor. Which I know a lot of us do. So these are the basics that we need to kick a few products really into overdrive. As well as some ideas on how to make it happen.

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