Working with a Rolling To-Do List
Lesson 5 from: Workflow, Time Management and Productivity for CreativesLisa Congdon

Working with a Rolling To-Do List
Lesson 5 from: Workflow, Time Management and Productivity for CreativesLisa Congdon
Class Introduction
14:49 2How to Create an Effective Workflow
06:37 3Organizing a Workflow Document
31:17 45 Tips for Managing Your Workflow
15:57 5Working with a Rolling To-Do List
03:04 6Setting Up Your Rolling To-Do List
25:38 7Time Blocking: What it is and Why it Works
05:05 8How to Use Time-Blocking Effectively
22:29Lesson Info
Working with a Rolling To-Do List
Alright, so now we're gonna get into rolling to-do lists and you might be like, I know what a to-do list is but what is a rolling to-do list? So we're gonna talk about that first. From workflow to rolling to-do list. Again, you're gonna review. The workflow sort of captures everything you're responsible for and what we're gonna talk about next is how to translate that into what you're gonna do today and this week, okay? After that, we'll get into time blocking but for now, rolling to-do lists. So the workflow document is not your to-do list. It's the place you capture all of the details about a project and it's going to inform your to-do list but it's not your to-do list. So why having a daily to-do list is important. There's a great debate out in the world about whether it's good to be a list keeper. How many of you keep lists? All of you. Okay, so this is good because this is a big part of how you manage your time and I think people out there who somehow manage to stay organized with...
out keeping a daily to-do list are somehow magical. So this is how I do it. Why it's important. It gives you a road map for what to accomplish each day. It sets you up to block your time to get the most important stuff done first and make the most efficient use of your time during your day and week. So we're not gonna talk about time blocking yet but time blocking is integral to your to-do list. It facilitates breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks. It helps you track, keep track of what you've accomplished and what you will still have left to do at the end of the day. So a rolling to-do list as opposed to a regular to-do list just means that if you don't do or finish something one day, it rolls to the next day or the day after. If any of you are familiar with a bullet journal, similar concept applies in bullet journaling that essentially the idea is if something, if you have something on you to-do list and it's static like let's say you plan out your whole week but then by Tuesday it's completely awry, right, because life happens or this thing you thought was gonna take 30 minutes took longer. So you wanna set up a system that feels flexible that's based on your priorities and not something that you're going to abandon by Tuesday because it's already so out of control, okay? So this might seem counterintuitive to only plan a couple days at a time but I think it works well.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tessa Crowther
Overall, I'm super happy I took the course! As an entrepreneur, artist, and tiny business owner, it's nice to hear perspective from people who have gone through and are going through similar things. Be prepared for some slides to be read word for word (not my favorite thing), and for some thoughts to be a bit scattered and unorganized. However, I got some good information and will implement some of her ideas in my own time management. I paid for the class as a single class, so I'm not sure I'd recommend paying that full single price, but I would definitely recommend the class if you have a class pass! Overall, I would recommend, thanks Lisa!
a Creativelive Student
Thanks Lisa! Wow. I found this class very inspiring and exciting. Besides the logging and planning parts that really amuse me in general, I found the idea of setting boundaries and working while keeping distractions in check quite revolutionary. I can see how working focused on x thing for a period of time over several days can work wonders in completing projects. Super recommended.
I just love love love this system(s) AND the fact that Lisa explains them so clearly -and leaves the space to each of her students to "be creative" and adapt the system to your own way of working too. I found this course right on time in my life where i needed to clean out things, become more efficient and calmer too. I think Lisa's systems are indeed a perfect way to calm down any anxieties caused by too much / too few work, overwhelm and such... THANK YOU Lisa, merci beaucoup !