Class Introduction
13:22 2Photo Basics
07:14 3Top Deck: Overview
05:31 4Top Deck: Mode Dial
26:46 5Top Deck: Exposure Dial
07:39 6Top Deck: Flash & Mic
02:10 7Back Side: Electronic View Finder
09:00 8Back Side: Info Options & Play Back
12:02Back Side: ISO
06:35 10Back Side: Shutters
11:29 11Back Side: Focus Area
06:21 12Back Side: Super Control Panel
13:19 13Left, Right & Bottom of Camera
05:57 14Front Side: Creative Dial
19:51 15Olympus Lenses Overview
06:23 16Shooting Menu 1
08:16 17Shooting Menu 2
15:38 18Playback Menu
03:19 19Wi-Fi Set Up
04:54 20Custom Menu Overview & AF/MF Menu
11:25 21Button/Dial/Level Menu
03:02 22Release Menu
05:22 23Display Menu
14:48 24Exposure & ISO Menu
11:00 25Flash/Color/WB Menus
06:17 26Record & Erase Menu
04:27 27Movie Menu
05:09 28Built-In EVF Menu
03:08 29Utility Menu
05:03 30Setup Menu
04:01 31Camera Operation Overview
12:32Lesson Info
Wi-Fi Set Up
So with WiFi system, there's a couple of things you need to work with. Number one on your phone. There's gonna be some set up options, and then on your camera, there's a few set up options. First thing you need to do in your phone is you need to go download the app, the Olympus image, share app and have that on your phone. Otherwise, this will not work. Next thing you need to do is in your camera, go to connection to smartphone, which is right where we're at on the menu system, and so that's gonna be easy to get to. And then after that, you're gonna want to go to your phone and you want to make sure that your phones WiFi has turned on and that you've selected the cameras WiFi signal that it is putting out in the first time around. You will need to enter a password. I think I've already done it on this one. So we're gonna probably skipped that step here, and then you're going to simply open the camera app. After that, you're gonna be given a number of options as to what you want to do. ...
You can download photos, his first importing them from your camera to your phone so that you can email him. You can use the remote control. You can add geo tag to that. So let's go ahead and get to the cameras and the phones. And so I've already downloaded the Olympus app. And so what I need to do is I need to go activate this in the back of the camera. So we are in the playback mode and I'm going to go down to connection to smartphone. I'm gonna hit, OK, And I am going to get a little symbol here, and there's actually a couple of different ways that we can input this. So now I'm gonna go over to my phone, and I am going to turn off my airplane mode for the moment. I am gonna go into a WiFi turn on my WiFi mode, and I'm gonna start looking for something called Olympus. Okay. Creativelive has a whole bunch of things. Where is it? Okay, so it automatically recognised pen because I was doing a test earlier. So the pen F has its own WiFi signal that it's picking up, and it has selected so I think we're golden here. So now I'm gonna close out of this, and I'm gonna go down to my wife. I camera controls down here and the Olympus one right here in the middle. So I'm gonna go ahead and open this. I'm gonna forget about Geo tag right now, and so let's try remote control. So I'm gonna hit remote control. And if all is right with the world, we will get a live view of what the camera is pointed at. And so the camera is here in the studio. Let's see if we can press down on the shutter release. Make sure my cameras in auto focus here because it is way out of focus. So it did take a folk. Okay, so it took a photo. Let's Ah, let's make this more interesting. So let me get over into the frame over here, and so I should be able to see over here. Come on, let's get back to the camera here and come on home. I have an allergy to WiFi. Okay, Now I'm on camera so I can see myself and I will wave and take a photo. And so now we'll come back and so you can see on the back of my camera, I now have a photo of me. And so you can use this as a remote, remote viewing system so you can see what your camera is isn't pointed out so you can put your camera in any sort of location. You can get it. You can see it here, and then you can shoot photos. And if you want to ah, download those photos, you could then have them on your computer. And so now I can I can go back and forth through my different photos. If I want to save to the camera wall, I can save it to my camera roll. And so now that photo is on my phone, the pile has pennant imported. You can turn off the camera. Well, that's fine. So I'm gonna go close. So on my phone, I could now go into my photos, and there it is on my camera roll. And now if I want to go send this posted and do anything else with it, I can do that straight on the camera. So that's just a quick bit on how to shoot remote through the camera. Now there are various other functions in there. We could probably spend an hour going through all the different wireless functions, but that's enough to probably get you started on figuring out how to do that sort of thing in the camera. So, uh, great feature to use, especially when you want to get to a different point of view. I think it very, very handy build. Mount this camera in a certain location, see what you're looking at on your phone and be able to choose when you want to shoot photos and so enjoy that process. I think it's a lot of fun, and it's something that pretty much all the new cameras were having these days.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jay Linsenbigler
Awesome course and thorough description of the PEN-F capabilities and functions. HOWEVER, John's "big boy camera" bias comes through when he describes some of the creative functions as "just fun". I highly disagree- because like other tools and features- it depends on HOW the photographer uses the tool or feature. Like HDR, the creative features can be used tastefully or look "overcooked". Film photographers who use a variety of different films in film cameras- is this "just fun", or do they offer creative options? I encourage John and any listeners to look up the Olympus Visionaries and many other professionals using Olympus cameras in their daily work to see the amazing results they create with them. Instead of the same old Nikon and Canon "muscle-flexing" biases- lets look at what the pros produce with the camera tools. All modern cameras are superb and capable of great results. And this PEN-F camera offers groundbreaking control over the image making IN CAMERA at the time of exposure- which can be used to adjust an accompanying RAW file if needed. Not everyone wants to sit in front of a computer for hours doing post processing.
Jay Linsenbigler
Awesome course and thorough description of the PEN-F capabilities and functions. HOWEVER, John's "big boy camera" bias comes through when he describes some of the creative functions as "just fun". I highly disagree- because like other tools and features- it depends on HOW the photographer uses the tool or feature. Like HDR, the creative features can be used tastefully or look "overcooked". Film photographers who use a variety of different films in film cameras- is this "just fun", or do they offer creative options? I encourage John and any listeners to look up the Olympus Visionaries and many other professionals using Olympus cameras in their daily work to see the amazing results they create with them. Instead of the same old Nikon and Canon "muscle-flexing" biases- lets look at what the pros produce with the camera tools. All modern cameras are superb and capable of great results. And this PEN-F camera offers groundbreaking control over the image making IN CAMERA at the time of exposure- which can be used to adjust an accompanying RAW file if needed. Not everyone wants to sit in front of a computer for hours doing post processing.
Kate Mooney
The Pen 5 is an amazing camera - however it is capable of so much that getting to know it can be somewhat overwhelming at first. John systematically and logically works through every part of the camera in really clear and easy to understand steps, quickly converting my initial apprehension into confidence and excitement for the endless possibilities of this camera.
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