Lesson Info
2. Button Layout
Lesson Info
Button Layout
All right, well, let's get started on the camera itself. We're going to start with the button layout, and we're just going to explore this camera from top to bottom going around looking at what everything does on this camera. First off, there is the on off switch that we have already played with, and when you turn it on, one of the things that happens that you don't really see happening is the camera has an automatic censor cleaner, the ccd, the ccd sensor inside of it does occasionally get dust on it has an automatic cleaner on it that turns that on every time you turn the camera on and every time you turn it off, this is something that you can control if you don't want that to happen and we will go into the menu system and we will pass by where that controls later on. Also, if you turn the on off on and you turn it a little bit further, there is a spring loaded light that turns a light on for the top lcd panel. So for low light situations, you can see what's going on in that top pane...
l as well the shutter release button right inside the middle obviously, this is where you were going to press to take the picture. Now everyone should be familiar with the fact that if you press halfway down, that is what kind of wakes the camera up because normally if you turn the camera on it's going to go to sleep after a certain period of time already in this class, we've kind of forced it to stay awake longer than normal. But if your camera is kind of sleeping, you might say the quickest and easiest way to wake it is to press halfway on the shutter release. This also activates the focusing system and the meter in system and then you'll press all the way down to take the picture. Of course, right next to that is a little a symbol it's got kind of five little spots to it, and that is the meat oring symbol. And if you press that button and as you press it, you turn the back dial. You will have three different options on me. Eatery we have matrix metering center waited metering and spot me eatery in general. I think matrix metering is a great all around place to leave the camera for most of the time cameras he used to have center waited so it's has a long tradition. If you want to concentrate the light reading in the middle of the frame, you could do that. There is also a highly selectable spot where you can have all the information inside that, a three point five millimeter circle it's a very small area and it is customizable. When we get into the custom menu on this camera, you can select the size of the spot if you're very particular about that. But for general, use the matrix metering measures over a thousand points on the frame. It's measuring light intensity is measuring color, and it generally comes up with a pretty good average as faras what shutter speed aperture s so you should be at and so for general photography, I prefer leaving it in matrix I think the second most useful one is spot, but your style made harry. So this is one of those personal areas where people, different people used the camera differently. So next up, right beside that is thie plus minus minus button. This is the exposure compensation button. If you press that button and turn the main command wheel in the back, you will see a plus and minus changing in the viewfinder, and this is to basically brighten up your image or dark in your image. And so I will give you a photographic example. If you are taking a picture and you're wondering maybe this would be better, darker or lighter, and you're in a mode such as program aperture, priority or shutter priority. The quickest and easiest way to lighten it or darken it up would be to die alan on minus number to make it darker or a plus number, too. Make it brighter now you won't be using this if use manual, because you'd be using it. You'd be making those changes directly with shutter speeds and temperatures, but in any of the automatic modes program shutter, priority aperture priority this is when you would use this mode. All right, back on the top of the camera, there is that little white indicator of kind of in the back right hand corner that's just indicating the focal plane of where the sensor is in the camera. There are some special circumstances where people need to measure the distance from their subject matter to the focal plane and that's how and where you would measure that not something most people are likely to encounter. Your main control panel is something that we will go through very closely in the display section on this class, so we're gonna leave that the hot shoe. This is where you will mount a dedicated flash or a number of other devices that you can hook up to. The camera has a little plastic police in there that just cosmetically keeps it nice and plain, but it's not completely necessary, so don't worry about it if you lose it. We have our flashing it we'll be talking more about flashes we get to different areas on the camera and then over on the left hand side we have the mod dial, which is a very important dialect is going to control a lot of the main features of the camera so let's, take a closer look at the mod ill the model is basically adjusting how shutter speeds and apertures are set, as well as a number of other features two penny on which mode you're in the manual mode where many of you are right now you will have control over shutter speeds, apertures and everything on the camera when you're in this mode it's my favorite mode to be in control of because you could make very precise settings and the camera doesn't go behind your back and make changes on you. So when it is in the manual mode you will turn the front dial to change the aperture and you will change. You'll turn the back dial to change the shutter speeds. Go ahead and check that out on your camera. Make sure that you're comfortable with that it's a good system to have you got two dials each controlling something very important now if you want to switch it over to the a mod aperture priority, you will just turn the front dial to change the aperture the back dial when then will not do anything and as you switch it to shutter priority it's kind of just the opposite the back dial is then active and the front dial is in ac because the back dial is controlling the shutter speed if you put it into the programme mode you can control the program she was called program shift by turning the back dial and it will adjust shutter speeds and apertures within a limited range so that you could choose different combinations but still apertures and shutter speeds air being chosen for you you just gotta have a little bit of discretion is to which area you wanted to be in slower shutter speeds faster shutter speeds more depth of field let's step the field as we continue going around the camera we next hit upon the full auto section we have full auto and flash off auto these two modes are essentially the same the only difference being in flash off the flash will not pop up in the full auto mode the camera's going to set shutter speeds for you it's going to set apertures for you and it is going to pop the flash up whether you want it or not it is going to automatically set a bunch of features on the camera whether you want it or not I do not recommend this mode for any experience photographer because it limits you on your control of what you can go in to the camera and do if you're gonna hand the camera to your cousin, who doesn't know anything about your camera, it's a fine mode to use for that. But for any well intentioned user of this camera, I would highly recommend one of the more manual moz. As we get below that there is a scene mode, then this is one of the modes that we're not going to talk a lot about in this class. This is kind of a learning mode that if you didn't want to take a photography class, you could potentially go into the scene mode and learn a little bit more. But there's a lot of little picture modes in here and talk more about the scenes in just a moment as we go around the dia we have you one, and you too. You, too, has nothing to do with the band. These are user settings one and two you can customize this camera to work the way you want it to let's just say once in awhile, you coach some sort of athletic team and you shoot pictures of them, you could program in exactly all the settings you want from the mod, the shutter speed, the media ring system that dr mode into one of those systems. For user one and then the other thing you do is you take pictures of your kids and you have a certain mode that you like using for taking pictures of your kids you could dial all that thing all those settings in and programmed them in to the u to mode that way any time you go into those situations, you simply flipped the nile to that mode and it's your own personal customized mode. It's a very nice feature tohave so that scene mode uh if you want to put your camera in the scene setting on the mod ill if you turn the command ill on the back of the camera you will see in the lcd monitor in the back of the camera all the different automatic seen moz there are many cameras that have three, four five scene modes on the mod I'll itself this one has I don't even know it's got well more than a dozen different melons. I think it has twenty some modes on there. You can just get to that by turning the dial and you can see they have an example picture and a description of what that setting is doing and these are designed for the person who has not taken a photography class in my mind ah very simple way of letting the camera figure out all the things that you might have figured out but I can tell you right now, the honest truth is, is that you could be much smarter than the camera, with just a little bit of information. And so the scene mode is not one that I would recommend on this camera. It's, I'm sure a very fine mode, but if you really want to harness the full capabilities, I would beam or in the manual, eh? For aperture priority s for shutter priority or p for program modes just allows you to do mohr on the camera. Next up, let's. Kind of. Take a look at thebes, back side of the camera, kind of there on the top, but more visible in the back is the release mode, and it does have a lock pin. So it does take a little bit of a finger double fingers. It works if you push down with your thumb and then turn your fourth finger turning the dial there's a number of settings here. So let's, look at what you can do here. This is controlling what happens when you press all the way down on the shutter release. S is for a single. It'll take one shot when you press down on the shutter release, continuous l is a continuous low mode, and you can actually select how many frames, anywhere from one frame a second to five frames a second, the continuous high mode will shoot at six frames per second as long as you leave your finger down on the shutter release. This camera also has a q mode for quiet situations. Anytime you want to be extra quiet when you are shooting your picture, maybe you're in a theatre, maybe you're in a courtroom. What happens is it slows the motor's down on the mir and various mechanisms inside the mere box. Tio quiet the camera and it does make it noticeably more quiet, so you may wanna keep minded that certain situations next up is the self time, remote and weed. This is one of those other modes that we can customize when we get into the menu system, you'll see where we can customize the length of time, but if you want to get in the picture yourself, you could do it there or you could purchase the wireless remote and put it into the remote mode. That way you could trigger the camera without just having ten or twenty seconds. You could have as much time as you want and then finally em up stands for mere up if you want to shoot this camera at slow shutter speeds and you want to make sure that the mere does not cause vibration and this is still a problem on sl ours and I have a little example here to share with you what's going on is that when you shoot pictures in and around saying eighth of a second if you don't do mere lock up there might be a little bit of vibration from that mere that causes a little bit of movement in the camera and even if the camera's on a tripod so you do have to be careful at the shutter speeds and it can happen anywhere from a thirtieth of a second down to about one sec that's kind of the critical area but here in this example you can see with it turned off on the left it's not quite as sharp as it is when it's turned on on the right. And so for those nit picky photographers that want the maximum sharpness this is det one extra thing thatyou khun d'oh to get the sharpest possible pictures and that's our release mode next up on the back of the camera is the playback button so we've all taken pictures you can play your image back you could see what's going on in the image now we're going to use a button that I haven't officially talked about it's called the multi selector it's the round button over on the right hand side of the screen you will press it to the right to get to the next picture into the left to get to the previous picture and you will also press up and down to pull up additional sets of information and how much information you see, maybe more or less than I have right now. It depends on one of the men you setting that we will go through you can customize and have different amounts of information displayed. I like having a lot of stuff that I could look at that way I can look at everything from what my shutter speed and aperture was, too. What are my blown out? Highlights to what it's my history ram look like toe? What in my focus point c and we'll get into more of that when we hit that section in the menu also buttons that we haven't talked about yet are the esso and quality buttons, but right now, in the playback mode, they also work as zooming, but as you can zoom in and out, you'll notice that there's little magnifying glasses and one of the things that I will do when I take a picture and I want to make sure that it is really sharp is I will zoom in on it. Yeah, then use the multi selector to navigate around to see if my subject is really, truly sharp and it's a great way to confirm sharpness after you've taken the picture, but before you've actually downloaded it onto a computer. So next to the play button is the garbage button so if you have an image that you want to get rid of you can play it, press the garbage button twice and it will get rid of that image next up is the menu button let's go ahead and press menu we already went in here and made one adjustment for some of the timers and menus and this is something that we will be dedicating pretty much the second half of this class on going through the menu system so more to come on that right below that is a button that's got a number of different things that it does the first and most important thing it does is it controls the white balance and so when you press that button and turn the main command I'll on the back of the camera up in your top lcd you will see different adjustments for white balance and you can see all the different white balance settings listed here and by changing the sub command ill in front you can make a fine tune adjustment of the white balance going mohr amber or more blue so this is the white balance button if you turn the front dial which is called the sub command I'll you'll either get it in a one a two up to a six reading or you will go from a b one to be six reading this will change the color of the image on an amber blue scale so if you want to adjust the white balance, you're not quite happy with nikon setting of what any particular features you can adjust that it is also the help and protect button if you play an image back and you want to make sure that it doesn't get accidentally deleted, you compress the protect the key button there and it will set that image to be locks what cannot be deleted and then the question mark is the help button. This is very handy if you were going through the menu system as we will be in a moment because if you're not exactly sure what a particular feature does, you can just press that button down and it will give you more information about what that feature does let's talk a little bit more about white balance white balance is an important feature on this and what's kind of changed since the days of film is that your cameras don't inherently know what is white it needs to try to be able to figure that out and if it has a hard time figuring it out in an automatic way, you might need to manually tell the camera what sort of lighting conditions you are in natural lighting conditions like sunlight cloud cloudy conditions and shady days all have different color temperatures the light is a different color artificial lights like incandescent lights including new compact fluorescent bulbs are very orange in color, for essence, are not truly white. Flash the built in flash is true to nature, color or other flashes are true in there whiteness to him, but you may need to make an adjustment if you are getting funky colors. Now there are a couple of other settings. There is a preset white balance, there is a menu setting that we will pass by. We're basically you photograph a white piece of paper and you let the camera no, that that is what is a white piece of paper, and it will then calibrate the rest of the pictures from there on out at that setting, you also have an automatic white balance setting, which I think is fine for general photography. It is also fine if you're going to shoot in raw images and roz something we'll talk about in a moment, but auto white balance first off works pretty good. And secondly, if you shoot in raw images, it's just a good place to be in general, because with raw images, you can adjust that later on and then finally, in here, you'll have a case setting, which stands for kelvin, because this is the kelvin scale of color and you can adjust it to the exact kelvin number that you want, so if you were photographing in the same environment all the time, if you were in charge of taking pictures at work and you always use the same lights the same window, the same set up every time and you somehow figured out what the color temperature was from previous attempts and working at it, you could set a very specific setting yourself that way it stays standard on every time you shoot those pictures. So it's a nice option to have in there next button down on the list is the esso and zoom, but we already saw what zoom does in the playback mode in the esso mode. What you will do is that you will press the button and then you will turn the main command dial on the back of the camera to adjust your s o the settings on this camera will range anywhere from one hundred to what's called high, too, and let's go up to the highest number sixty, four hundred. Ah, hye won is exactly one step above sixty, four hundred, so it's twelve thousand eight hundred and high two is twice what hye won is and so that's that twenty five thousand number and so is so is very important because that is the sensitivity of the sensor now the best place to be to start with is the lowest number setting you have so s a one hundred is a great place to leave your camera, or at least to start, because that is where your camera we'll get the best details. So let's, take a look at some examples here, and I s a one hundred. The sensor is getting as much light as it needs as it goes up to two hundred it's receiving half light four hundred a quarter of a light at eight hundreds, receiving one eighth of the light it would normally need. What the sensor is then doing is it is boosting the signal off what light it does have and trying to amplify that to get a good picture. The problem is, is that when you get it up too high, you get a lot of noise, and so you want to avoid shooting at high esos, unless it's absolutely necessary. If you really have to get the shot and it's very important that you don't really care too much about the quality of the shot, then you would bump it up. But in general, I like to leave it at one hundred, and then I will bump it up as necessary, whether I need it for shutter speeds or apertures, and this is an area that gets a little bit. Complex for the newcomers on this is where a photography class definitely helps out, and we're going to be a little short changed on time on discussing this further. But we will talk a little bit a little bit more about it in the camera operation section and so that's. The iast zone to start with right now at one hundred is a fine place to be for this class. And then, of course, we use that button for zooming back on things that we have zoomed in on. Next up is the quality button, and if you press this button, leave your finger held in on it and turned the main command. I'll you will adjust the types of files that you are recording, whether it's a raw image or a jpeg fine j peg normal or j peg basic image. I prefer to shoot in raw for all my important work. They we will talk more about raw and j peg. But if you want the true information from the sensory, you will want to shoot in raw. This is disadvantage to raws that not everyone's computers can read it. You do need to have the right software the camera's supplied with the right software or programs like light room will read it automatically, and very easily. You can also shoot the camera and j pegs, which is a more common format, or you could even shoot it, combining shooting both raw and j pegs at the same time with jpeg images, there's a lot of ways that you can control, how large they are and how much information they are jpeg images are compressed images compared to the raw images, and so their process they're compressed to make them smaller, and you can adjust exactly how large or how small they are. One thing that you can do is you can control the image size this one's pretty easy to figure out. This is simply a numbers game, the more pixels you have in their recording, the image, the better, the quality of the image. So if you do want to shoot j pegs, I would recommend shooting large that way. You're taking advantage of the full sixteen megapixels of this camera on the file type, fine, normal and basic is the compression, how much you want to compress the image, and if you shoot it in basic it's, compressing a a lot of information down, and you're going to be losing detail in the image, and I wouldn't recommend it was something that we did in the days when memory cards were very expensive and we didn't get very many images on a card and now memory cards are much more affordable so I would highly recommend shooting the best quality images you can if you are going to shoot j peg I would shoot him large and find if you're going to shoot raw images you're going to get the best quality possible and we will talk more about this as we get through some of the men you systems we have our main lcd on the back of the camera is a very high resolution monitor back there in fact it's a little higher resolution than an iphone and they talk about how great a resolution that has on it so your camera does have a very good screen on it as we move over to the right hand side we have a die after which is kind of halfway hidden up by the viewfinder and this is really important to have this adjusted for your eyes this's adjusting the viewfinder so that is clear for you to look through and the correct way to adjust this is to look through the viewfinder and I don't really look at what your camera's pointed out but look at the brackets or press halfway down on the shutter release so that you can see the data below the frame and you want to make sure that that data is sharp and clear to see if it's sharp and clear that you have your diop ter set right, you do have to be careful if you are sharing a camera with another person and they adjusted on you or it gets adjusted as you move the camera in and out of your camera back right next to that is thie es el button and the a f l they're both imprinted on the same button there it's kind of a dual purpose button, and this stands for auto exposure lock and auto focus lock. This is a button that is customizable on the camera. You compress that in and hold it to lock and exposure in if you want to recompose. But once again, we will see how you can customize this button to do other things when we get into the menu system so that you could get it to work exactly as you wanted teo, right next to that, you'll see a grouping of little holes that is actually the speaker, so when you record movies and you're listening to him back, that is the area you want to press your ear up against. Two to hear what's going on our command. I'll, which we have been using for a number of functions right there, is used for a great number of things on this camera to change variety of settings on the cameras, the main dile that you probably want to go to next up we have a spring loaded switch called the live you switch lv so let's talk a little bit more about shooting movies and going into a live view first off when you go into live you there is an information button and if you press that information button you will see different bits of data brought up on screen two penny on how much information you want when you're looking through the live view and so go ahead and press the information and either you want a whole bunch of data you can have grid lines you could have a pretty cool virtual horizon in your camera let's see if I can get this set up for our camera here I kind of like that virtual horizon I'm often tilting the camera unintentionally and this can help you level it out so it's a nice feature and just pressing the information button to pull up the information that you want first thing secondly when you have the camera in the live view mode the way the camera works in auto focus is very different then when your camera is taking normal still photographs the first thing is what are you focusing on? And this is the a f area mode now a button that we haven't officially talked about down here on the side of the lens side of the camera it's called the a f and m button it's the auto focus button by pressing that button in and turning the dial in front, we can change change information mounts here unfortunately doesn't show this up real big, but I will do it here anyway changes the area that we're going to focus we can start with normal, which is a fairly small box in the middle we can go toe wide, which is a larger box we have a facial recognition mode that khun recognize faces and then we have a subject tracking mode which can track different subjects moving around potentially say, kids running around in front of the camera so you can play with those different modes for selecting how the camera or what the camera is going to focus on. Now. How the camera focuses is the focus mode it's the same button but it's the dial in the back of the camera and here is where we change from single to full time and if you well look in the back of the camera you'll see in a f f or an f s s stands for single and f stands for full time in single the camera will focus basically on the first solid object that it confide and with full time it will continually readjust to find what's new and in focus in general when you're shooting in live you or in the movie mode, the camera doesn't focus real well it's just an inherent disadvantage with the live you system on the current digital slr, they're designed for focusing when the mirrors down and work in live you the mirrors up and it's using a system that mile isn't the best system for focusing, and so if you're shooting movies, the recommended technique for most cinematographers and film buffs is to pre focus ahead of time and it's kind of hard to do a lot of focusing while you are shooting a video or in the live, you know it's easier to do it just manually ahead of time and be very careful about setting up your shots so that it doesn't change. You don't have a big need for focusing up close and changing that focus, because you would probably have to do that manual, and it gets a little tricky to do that. So it's a challenge working in the live you and movie mode for focusing now to actually record a movie, there is a button right in the middle it's an orange button, you will simply press that button to start recording, you'll get a red record in the top left, and that indicates that you are recording a movie on this camera, you can record up to about twenty minutes of continuous video coverage, and then you press the button once again to stop so it's wants to get it going and wants to stop you know this camera can shoot a number of different types of video modes the movie size how many pixels are being recorded what's the final file size it does record in what's called full hd which is nineteen twenty by ten eighty hd which is twelve eighty by seven twenty and it does that at a number of different frame rates depending on which system you haven't set up for ntsc or pal and then it also records a very small size if you want to record something tio sent on the through e mails are on youtube or something on the internet very very easily and you will see where these movie sizes are set as we get through into the move into the menu system and it is recording them in a dot mlb format so it's a pretty common format continuing on the back side of the camera we have our multi selector this is basically I sometimes might call it the mouse pad it's basically how you navigate through various functions of the camera up down left and right kind of its inherent thing that it is doing is it's selecting focus points if you select one focus point you can just start tabbing on this to select a different focus points within the frame in the middle of that is rok button anytime we are in the menu system we wanted lock something in will generally just press the okay button to exit that feature right next to that is an infrared receiver there's a wireless infrared remote that you can get and it works on the front of the camera and it works on the back of the camera and that's a little sensor that it needs to see the focus lock selector the multi selector that I just talked about controlling the focus points some people accidentally hit that with their nose or their finger and they want to lock that off well that's a little lock switch for that switch if you have that locked it's not going to be active and so you have to be careful about hitting that switch our card light right next to the information button indicates that information is being written two cards so as you take a picture you make sure I can take a picture right now uh very long picture we take a bunch of pictures here you can see the light come on as its writing information to the memory card won't stay on very long unless you are shooting maybe a burst of siri's when you're writing a movie for instance it may stay on for a couple seconds after the movie has done recording the information button is just generally going to pull up a bunch of information if you just hit it right now it's going to show you your shutter speed your aperture and where a bunch of settings are on the camera now we're going to go through this screen here in just a moment so we'll explain what all of that information in there means in just a moment over on the left side of the camera we have mohr buttons and controls up the very top we have our flash button has well a czar flash exposure compensation button you can see the little symbol above it with the lightning bolt and the plus minus that's the flash exposure compensation but let's talk about the flash first up so if you are in a dimly lit situation and you shoot a picture without flash you were very possibly going to get a blurry picture because you have to slow of shutter speed there are a couple of ways of fixing this one is to raise your s o to a higher setting but as we've already mentioned that gives you the problem of noise or this kind of grainy look to your image and so one option you have is to keep your eyes so hi eso lo pop up flash and used to built in flash it's very convenient for any time when you want a little extra light it's right there and very easy to use now just kind of some things to think about on flash flash is not good for things that are really really distant it's good for things that are right in front of you and the light falls off well, rather quickly as you move further away from the camera and so in this shot, penguins standing pretty close to the camera are pretty well illuminated with a flash but back twenty or thirty feet they're not giving much light from flash and so you do have to have things pretty even right in front of you when you shoot flash. One of the best times to use flash is when you had almost least expected so on a cloudy day outside you could take a nice portrait, but if you add a little bit of phil flash it's going to add a little bit more light into the eyes and it is ah good technique, adding a little bit of phil flash even though there's plenty of light and this is very true even on a sunny day, sunny day is a very hard time to shoot portrait pictures because of all the contrast, the shadows and the lights you know you might be really creative and you'd say, well, the shadows they're dark, maybe I will use that exposure compensating you might say that you would use the exposure compensation toe lighten up the frame. The problem is, is that the highlights become blown out highlights and so you can use your built in flash to fill in the shadows and it's a good way to compensate for the extreme light levels that sunlight now this camera has a lots of different flash modes, and these are some of the different modes that you're going to see and they have lots of little symbol so let's just kind of run through what the symbols mean. First off the lightning bolt is flash and if you see it on that means the flash is going to be kind of forced on in a phil flash mode, the flash might be turned off kind of forced off. You can use the flash at a very slow shutter speed if you want and that would be a slow sink flash. You have a red eye reduction if you have children or people that you're taking pictures of that are have a red eye problem you khun turn red eye on on the flash. The disadvantages is that when you press the shutter release, the actual picture will take about two seconds before it'll actually fire the shutter. And so there is a delay and so it's a little bit harder to capture specific moments because that red eye reduction light comes on to help reduce the pupil size, there is an option of going into rear curtain flashing quran ization and supposed to front curtain, which is standard automatic flash means the flash will just fire if necessary and to change these flash modes. What you will do is you will press the button and you will turn the dial in the back of the camera the main command aisle and you will see the different modes changing up in your lcd panel at least some of the modes depending upon what modes we have activated to change. And so that is how you change the flash mode on the camera. Now that button serves as a dual purpose button it is also flash exposure compensation and so if you press that button and turn the front dial, you will see a plus and minus turning and this is similar but different than the express than the previous exposure compensation button that we had talked about and the reason why you would want to power down or power up the flash is as follows when you use your camera as a fill in flash the pop up flash it frequently will fire a little too much power technically it's doing the right amount it's trying to balance out everything and in this case the light doesn't reach the background and it's trying to compensate for that dark background and it's over lighting our subjects face and so you can power down the flash which I think is a very good thing to dio eso hereby powering it down to minus one it's a more natural lighting effect and so minus one is generally a pretty good place just to leave this all the time so let's take a look at a bright light situation here you can see the camera has done a horrible job at filling in our subjects face it's over exposed it because she has on a dark sweater and there's a dark background and cameras trying to lighten up the face to compensate for all this other darkness and so in this case we could do a minus one minus two minus three in this particular case, I think minus two looks the best but you can be the judge in your own situation as to how far to power the flash down but just for a more natural look I would power the flash down when you use the pop up flash under many situations especially outdoor daytime type pictures. Personally I leave my camera I don't use the the built in flash very often but I often leave it just at minus one is a standard and so just a couple of other things about flash this camera is limited to one to fiftieth of a second on flash I should say under normal circumstances there are some ways to get around it but that's the maximum shutter speed that your camera will allow you can't accidentally set a thousandth of a second your camera will force you back down to fifty but that's why you can't go above two fiftieth it's just the limit of what it could d'oh and it's, I kind of mentioned before there's a range of about ten, ten feet, three meters or so with this flash, you're not going to be able to fill a large auditorium with this little tiny built in flash it's most effective when shooting people that are quite near in front of you, but it could be very handy at doing that. So back over on the left side of the camera, the next button right below that is the b k t, which stands for bracket and so to work this particular function you will press this button and you will turn the front dial and you were telling turn the back dial and you will select either the number of frames or the range that they will be working in third stops, full stops to stops and what this has done is this it's basically over exposing and under exposing a siri's of shop it's. And so if you're not sure what the correct exposure should be, you could shoot a bracketed siri's group of three shots that plus one minus one all the way to minus three toe plus three so that you could get a group of shots now some people will also use this for type of photography called hdr high dynamic range photography for quickly having the camera just shutter speeds apertures to get these different value set and so this is something that you would use in one of the automatic modes like program aperture priority shutter priority it used to be much more important on cameras when we were shooting film because we didn't know the results we're getting now this is a feature that I don't personally use very much because aiken view the images on the lcd on the back, the camera and I could look at history grams and I could see if I got the right exposure right then and there and so this this is not as necessary that used to be but it's a handy feature to have and it's a quick way to make a couple of different exposure adjustments on the fly over on the left side, we will have our auto focus and manual focus switch down here. Nikon cameras are little confusing because there is an auto focus and manual focus switch on the lens as well as one on the body. And so if you want to be in the auto focus mode, everything needs to be in the a or f mode. If you want to switch to manual focus, you can just switch one of him and if it's on your lens that's probably the better place to do it on this camera, I would leave it in a f all the time unless there was a particular lens that that didn't work well with now the thing that is a little bit tricky is that there is a a button in the middle of that switch, so there's a switch on the outside that kind of controls the master autofocus manual focus manual focus, but inside is thie f area mode, and we've already used this when we were in the live you mode and so let's talk a little bit more about this focus mode because thiss camera has a lot of ways focusing so pressing that button and turning the back dial we'll change the focus mode and it will change it from f s a f c and f a a and they'll stand for single servo, continuous servo and auto serve o f s is a good mode to generally keep the camera. What happens then is when the camera focuses the camera's going to seek out the sharpest focus when it finds it it's going to stop and stay locked on as long as your finger is halfway down on the shutter release. This is a great general purpose system to have your camera. If you are shooting sports where someone or something is moving forward and away from you, you would want the continuous move mode, so if you're shooting something that's moving a f c is a good mode now there is also an a f a mode that will automatically switch back and forth however, it can be a little inconsistent and is not something that I would recommend for many situations. For instance, if you're shooting basketball, somebody has stopped still on the court, but then they start moving again. If you have it in the f a mode, it would probably lock in while they stopped and then lock the focus in there so that when they moved, they wouldn't be in focus in that particular situation. If you knew you were shooting sports, I would leave it in the fc mode, but for general photography, just kind of walking around basic photography, I would leave it in the s mode. Now, by pressing that button and turning the front dial, you will choose the area mode, and this is kind of what you are focusing on now. It depends a little bit on what mode you are in. If you're in the single mode, you can't access all the features, so you might want to change it to the a f c mode so that you can get all the options. So if you go to a f c pressing the button, turning the back dial, pressing the autofocus button and turning the front dial, you will see these different modes single point is one single point, it will start with the center of the frame, and then you can use thie little mouse tab on the back, the multi controller to go to different focusing points. There is a dynamic point that we can get, which will adjust it between nine twenty one and thirty nine points where the camera will work with as many points is it deems necessary, and this is very good for sports. If you wantto she say, a soccer match, I would probably have it in the thirty nine point dynamic auto focus would be a good system, but they have nine, twenty one and thirty nine for different types of sports and different types of action. There is a three d tracking mode where it will use color to help track subjects, and so you could also use this along with dynamic, you'd have to test to see which one works best for the subjects that you are photographing. And then finally, there is an auto mode where the camera will just kind of try to figure things out on its own, and that might be good for basic photography, but I prefer to leave it in a single point mode, where I can select one individual point and decide what is the most important part that I wanted focus, and so I like leaving it at single point and then going back and changing it to a f s for single. So single point auto focus and single surveil auto focus is a good way to have good control over your cameras what it's focusing on the lens that comes supplied in the kit is a vibration reduction lens and there is a switch that turns it on and off on the camera if you're going to be hand holding the camera, I would generally just leave it on all the time it doesn't take too much away from the battery power however, if you do use the camera on a tripod I would turn it off there tends to be a problem with the stabilisation systems when they're put on a tripod and they're not moving at all they sometimes will have lens elements that look for movement and so I would turn it off on a tripod but when it's handheld I would I would keep it on. Next up is the little white dot on the side of the camera that's your lens mounting index that's just kind of where you line your lens up to mount it on the camera and next we have our covers where we have a number of ways that we can plug things in to the camera and so to start with the top button there's an a v out button so if you want output to a tv for a slideshow you plug in the cables supplied cables for that there's a usb cable for plugging into the usb port and downloading images to your computer there's an hdmi port. So if you want to export to an hdtv live feed, you plug in right there we have a remote and gps plug in down below. In the bottom panel, nikon has a cable remote. I'll tell you which one it is at the end of this class and that's a cable release or you could hook up a gps unit to it. Nikon has a gps kind of transponder unit that you can plug in and work with gps, and then also you have a microphone down there. The built in microphone is not the most capable microphone, but it it's handy. If you want better sound, you can plug in an external microphone. Over on the right hand side of the camera is the duel card slot. So if you have two cards and I have two cards here, you can have two cards in the camera simultaneously and there are some men you settings that we will run by, and this is a really nice feature. Very few cameras can take two cards in it. Now you can set the camera up so that it shoots on card one, which is the top card, and then it when it fills up, it goes to the second card on the bottom or you could have it shoot to both cards simultaneously so that things were backed up and potentially you're done with the shoot. You give one card to a client or to a friend and you keep one card and you both have copies you can shoot, set it up to shoot raw on the one car j pegs on the the other you can shoot stills on one card and movie on the other card and the first time ever on a camera. At this price price point, you could be shooting on one card and then bring in a second card, plug it in and copy all the data from the first card to the second card as a backup so you don't need to bring a computer to back images up. He would just need a second card and so it's a great system to have on. I think we'll see more of that in the future. On other cameras, let's look at the front of the camera, there is a light kind of tucked away in there and it is used for three different things. It's a red eye reduction light so if you do have red eye reduction turned on, there was a light that'll turn on for about two seconds when you take the picture, and so this is the delay that I don't particularly like, but it does help reduce red eye but red I can also be reduced in software like light room and other programs pretty easily so it's not as much of a concern as it used to be in the self time remote with light will come on to let you know when the camera's actually going to fire it'll blink is it counts down and then we'll stay steady for the last two seconds and then it's an emphasis light when it's low light conditions it'll actually turn on like a flashlight to help camera focus. Next up is a meter coupling level, and this is just a ni cons way of helping the camera work with older siri's of lenses there is an infrared receiver if you're going to be around the front side of the camera, you want to make sure that infrared receiver is visible to the infrared remote if you're going to use that we have our built in microphone right here it's ah it's a decent microphone but the problem is is that it can hear the lens focusing it can hear you zooming and hand holding the camera so it does pick up a lot of vibrations and other sounds so you do have to be careful about holding the camera properly our lens release for taking the lens on and off here is our mirror, which is bouncing light upward so we can see it in the prism the driveshaft is something that the lower models from cannon do not have. This enables you to use this camera with a wider variety of lenses so you can use this with virtually any auto focus lands nikon has ever made so there's a wide variety of new and use lenses that you can use with this camera next is this little unlabeled button on the front it's a depth of field preview button at least that's the way it comes from the factory we can get in and we can change the features of this button and we can have it do one of many different features but depth of field preview is a good standard one for it to dio and what if you're not sure what depth of field preview is on the left going to keep your eyes on the left hand screen? This is a short video of a lens stopping down to its working aperture and I'll play this a couple of times if you'll notice the image on the right goes from narrow focus too to great depth of field as we stop the lens down so you can stop the lens down to view with working apertura iss if you have an aperture with great depth of field set so it's a great way for you to just simply press a button and see how much depth of field you're going to get in a particular shot once again, this used to be a really important feature on film cameras and actually now it's pretty easy just to shoot a picture and look at the image on the back of the screen. But if you can't see the screen on the back, your camera it's a handy feature tohave next up is the cpu contacts you can kind of see those in the lens mount. You want to make sure those air clean and free of dust, dirt and anything else that might be blocking it because they need to communicate with the lens and then there's a function button, and this is a button like the depth of field preview that you can program, and when we get to the menu system, you'll be ableto program this to do one of any number of about nineteen different features, whatever you find most useful, and then here's our sub command. I'll that we've kind of already found through other features, but our other main dial for changing things. Now, if you've noticed on the back of a nikon camera there's a couple of red indicators in various areas, there's two indicators, and they both say format on him, and if you want to reformat your memory card, you can go into the menu system and do it, but you can also do it directly from these two, but it's you hold the two buttons for two seconds and they hold him for another two seconds. You can reform at the memory card right then and there without diving into the menu system and also there's a couple of little green buttons. And if you want to restore kind of the factory default settings on the camera you're thirteen year old cousin got ahold of your cameron went into the menu system and changed everything on you. You could very quickly change that by holding down those two buttons for a couple of seconds and that resets everything on the camera. Talk about the lens for a moment. The kit lends thie eighteen to one o five, starting with the filter threats at the top it's a sixty seven millimeters threats so if you need a replacement lens cap you want to get a uv filter a polarizing elder sixty seven. This is not the size of all nikon lenses you want to check which lens but with the kit lands it's a sixty seven right around the edges. There there's some kind of funny bumps and that's where you would mount the hood. We have our main zoom ring and our focal length indicator react wide angle or telephoto it's how we change it we have our manual focus ring so if you manually want to change the focus you would turn that ring we have our general lens information and as they said, we'll talk more about lenses in the accessory section about what all those little letters mean our lens mounting index that we want to make sure gets aligned with the mounting index on the camera and then of course, our cpu contacts that match up with the contacts in the camera and let's go ahead and talk a little bit about the nikon alphabet soup. A nikon has a lot of different letters that they like to associate with their lenses, and it might be a little confusing to the newcomer to the nikon system, but they're just trying to identify what lenses do what and so a f stands for auto focus that's a pretty easy one f s is a newer generation of focus lenses from nikon. It indicates a silent way focusing motor that's very quiet and very quick in its focusing d lenses was something that came about quite some time ago in the early days of auto focus that transmitted distance information from the lands into to the body. Generally you don't see the d on any of the newer lances. Next up is d x the camera uses a dx sensor and so you can use dx lenses or non dx lenses, which is the rest of the lineup of lenses. But a dx lands indicates that it can only be used with a dx sensor e d stands for extra low dispersion glass this is kind of night khan's code word for good glass it's something that they've been instituting on more and more of their lenses but it's generally a good thing that lens will have e d glass g is an electronically colt controlled aperture g lands and the ones that the lens it comes supplied is a jilin's does not have an aperture on it and you can not use it on a camera that is, say, more than about ten years old, it is ah lens that can only be used on a more modern camera I f stands for internal focus. A lens with internal focus will probably focus a little bit faster than other lenses because thie elements are smaller and on the inside a little bit easier to work back and forth. A lens that says micro is avery general term. It basically means it's good for close up capability doesn't mean it's a macro lens, which is kind of another level up from micro or a full on micro lens, but a micro lands is one that is good at close up work in is nano crystal coating, which kind of like e d is, but in this case it's a coding that goes on the glass itself indicates typically a higher and lens v r is their name for reducing vibration reduction and then if you kind of see the mark, too, there is a second generation lens, there might have been a previous autofocus generation, and they've made improvements on it, and as we go along in time, nikon is remaking their lenses and making him even sharper asli resolution of the camera's gets higher and higher, the demand for better lenses is getting higher and higher. And so at this point, we're going toe stop, and we're going to take some questions because we've been going for a long time. At least it feels like I've been talking continuously forever, so I'm gonna take a break and listen to some of your questions. So those of you out on the internet can start sending in your questions, and I think we may have some questions here in class two and make sure you grab the microphone if you're going to do that. Oh, we have questions. Wait. Going for too long question quite a while. So we have to go back to where we started. This is a nikon camera right in I ke way. Start in the classroom, mother. Any in class questions for anyone. If you have questions, just kind of raise your hand. Popular hand up around is you get inspired by other questions. Yes. So go ahead and let's get started. Okay. Let's. Roll. Um, first question from jewish. If I'm starting over system wise, what would lead me towards nikon rather than cannon? Most of what I hear about now is cannon. I do care about video. Okay. Well, that's kind of a tough question. Nikon cannon are the two most popular systems out there. I have owned nikon. I have own cannon. They're both really good systems and a lot of people. The way that they buy cameras is they figure out how much they want to pay. And they look at canon nikon and they do a comparison between the two cameras and they pick the best camera and it's not ah, whole hard, bad way to pick a camera. But you are ending up in a system, and as you buy more lenses and more cameras, you get more and more dead it kid to that system, it's. Almost like moving to a city. You want to really want to choose? What system over all you want to be a part of right now, when you take a look at the nikon d seven thousand and you compare it with comparable other models out there, it compares very favorably favorably with the feature said it house for the price and so I could very easily see how someone would come to the conclusion that this camera is the best camera at this price so that's one reason why you would you might consider this. Some people prefer certain lens choices with nikon and our cannon personally, I think it's kind of a fifty fifty split they both have some cool lenses that are available to the other group. If you get into yourself into a nikon system, you're getting into one of the most popular systems out there there's tons of people out there with equipment there's, tons of stores that have gear there's, tons of other people selling and buying used equipment. So if you change your mind there's people who can buy it if you want to pick up used here you can pick up you scare your getting into a very, very calm one system. And so I really will never be pushed into a corner saying you must buy a nikon unless they give me such a long laundry list of features and specifications that they need that on lee this camera has so it's a great camera it's probably the best camera at its price but it's very carefully placed in the market compared to other models so that it does fit that regard of the best value at that price yeah, I know personally, when I get that question, I just asked three things what's your price range, what do you need to do and how does it work for you? Like ergonomically, like we'll put them in your hands and play around with them and get a feel for what works for you? Some people really take a liking to the way the buttons and features work on the camera I've used both, and I think most people would be comfortable with either one is just a matter of getting used to it, but some people just inherently like the way a certain camera feels right, and if you're a touchy feely person and that's, you really important to you and you really like one, go for it because that's an important thing to you so very, very true let's see someone's asking about the video frame rates are you going to talk about that a little bit? I'll just mention it a little bit now there is a limitation on what frame rates you can choose on the camera, depending on if you are in a pal or an nts system will depend on which frame rates you get to choose, for instance, twenty four frames per second or twenty five frames per second or you at thirty frames per second, those are some of the more common rates this camera, the the minor shortcoming of it is that if you want to shoot it in full hd, which is nice eighteen twenty by ten eighty, you can't shoot it at thirty frames per second. You can shoot it at twenty four frames a second, which is the way they shoot hollywood movies, but not the way they shoot tv. If you want to shoot thirty frames a second, you have to shoot it in hd, not full hd, which is the seven twenty mode rather than the ten, eighty mode. And so if that was all gibberish to you, take a look at the video session of it, but in general it shoots very good video. But it's, not everything that the full videographer might want. Comment from g to in the chat room, she says, buying cameras like wedding into a family. You have to like the aunts and uncles and cousins to have a good holiday that's. Very good, it's. Cute. So I have a question from tom and sf how can you just aperture when shooting in live you adjusting aperture in live you? One of things that you would have to do is get into the menu system and changed the mowed the video mode to manual. As opposed to autumn, we haven't gotten there yet, it can be done and we will get in there and show you how to change it into the manual mode so you have to get into menu system where controls the video and change that to manual and then you can set the camera fully manually. Thank you. You're welcome way have quite a few more questions here moving right along there, just stumbling over the fact that they have so much and it's true that there's a time it's like where do we go next? Where do we go next? As factor would like to know what is the advantage of the top control panel as opposed to viewing that information on the back of name display? Well, the fact that matter is is that very much right after the section, we're going to get into how the information is displayed to the user and there are sometimes bits of information that are displayed in three different ways when you look through the viewfinder, the camera on the top lcd as well as the info on the back screen and it all depends on where you like to see that information s o a bunch of that is going to be duplicated if not triplicate id, depending on how you like to view it because some people were, you will view it on a tripod and they'll just hit the info button and they can see it, which is kind of nice if you have the camera in a very high position, sometimes you're in a low position and I don't want to tell the camera around, so just more information, better access to it. So go ahead, say it, john there's a slides for that there is a slight way joking my glasses, they're they're zaps for that an apple, but here with john there's, a slide for that david beckham of slides so we will have a visual to go along with that. Another quick question on video I know that there's some limitations on how long on record is that more based on the card for the camera itself, I think the camera itself puts a limitation on it because it is twenty minutes. Yeah, full resolution, I don't think you could get even further than that with low resolution, but the the instruction manual is a little unclear because it says approximately twenty minutes, and I'm surprised that the engineers did not have a more exact number or do something more exacting with it. But I I'm not sure why that is he would have to talk to the technicians, but that's what the instruction manual indicates is twenty minutes, but that's a pretty long video for continuous take arum album would like to know is it possible to connect headphones while shooting video in order to hear what's being recorded there's no headphone jacks on the camera so it does not have that option it's if you if you're just diving into the world of d s l d s l r video it's a very poor video camera in some ways it's great but in some ways it's poor itjust doesn't have a lot of the controls that you would expect on a full boar video camera. What makes it a great video camera is that it's got a large sensor it's a small camera you can change lenses on it and it's pretty affordable but as faras the features and the functions for shooting video it's very, very limited and so to make it work and video often requires a lot of other equipment and so what they may need is they meet it. I may need an external microphone with an external recording device that they can plug headphones into, and then they will take that audio synch and they will match it to the video sync of the camera and so to really do that top notch professionally requires ah lot of stuff add ons adam's add ons about the nine point focusing mode can control dial on the back he used to move that focusing point around in the nine point modes that I don't think up, but let me just give this a real quick try here only said it to continuous go down to the nine point mode which chooses the nine points of the middle. Well, see that x actually changing the center that say here now that's just goingto um select the nine in the middle. Okay, um here sales would like to know howto flash techniques, phil flash exposure control, except will work in conjunction with face priority mode face priority mode is strictly focusing, and so the two are very separate mechanisms within the camera. Thie face priority mode for live you and firm movie will identify and track and try to focus sharply on that. And you know I haven't tried this let's give this a live try because I know a lot about this camera, but I do not know everything, so I'm going to try to shoot a flash picture in live you so I will pop up the flash and let's see if this will fire it does fire so something that I will mention is that elsie where's my live you shut down on me, it didn't like that it did not shut down on me, nothing went wrong with the camera, I had the camera in mere lock up from from when the time we were here in the another mode okay, so I have it in live you I'm going to pop up the flash and the flash's there we go focus in so you can use flash with live you if you're recording video I'll bet you that you can't fire the flash well actually you might be able to let's say hopefully it well yes so what what I did right there is I was recording a video and I press down on the shutter release this is primarily designed as a still photography camera so nikon is thinking is that if you're shooting movies and you want to take a still picture, just press the shutter release you're going to get a picture and so what it does is it stops recording the movie and then goes into the picture taking vote right away and so any time you're recording a movie and you want to record a still frame, you could do that, but the movie will be stopped and that'll finish you'll stop the video recording and then fire the flash but back to the original question it's I don't know that I would be using this camera with live you and the flash it's a little bit hard to work with in my opinion but it can technically be done okay, nice question um next question shasta would like to know can you take stills while shooting video you can't well, like I just did there you can shoot stills, but it stops the video recording. Ok, so you can't shoot him simultaneously? Did you just answer the question wasn't even asked the question, but I answered it because I knew it was coming on. Well, now that now we have clarification, right? Rita would like to know what external microphone you would recommend to get better audio, external microphones, there's. A lot to choose from. I have a little sign heizer that costs about two hundred dollars. I do don't have it in the accessory section but it's a pretty small one. There's another very good one from road s o sign. Isar and road are two ones that have good microphones that aren't too big. Thank you, harry. H foreign. Just all of one. Okay. Is that a recording device is? Well, yeah. According to vice, he works really, really well, yeah, I know it with those that one's been mentioned in the final cut pro class that we've been also having here creative lives. So just saying and adam did recommend some mikes to me, uh, last week, and you share them. I was telling me I should be able to answer that question. The roads was one that he recommended, and there was another one that I he named we named both of them road sign isar sinai's er that was one and zoom it zio m right so you can check this up it be it h p and a b in a video awesome. Thank you. Okay, we run on john let's ask more questions. Okay, a couple of questions on bracketing one is can you change the order in which bracketed images are taken? Yes, you can normally when you bracket it shoots okay I'm testing my memory here a normal exposure and under exposure and then an over exposure on dh if you would prefer to see it in the under normal over will hit that when we go through the menu system so um abrams asked so what other settings need to be in place to get bracketing toe work? Say that again what other settings need to be in place to get bracketing to work? Well, um let's see? Okay, so if you're in the green auto mode, you have the child safety locks turned on so you can't go back eating at that point so you can't be in the auto mode you can't be in the scene mode, you probably want to be in either the ps or a mod and while it can be set in manual, I'm not sure why it would because you can just do that by turning the dials on their own so it's mainly going to be of use in the ps and a mode for program shutter priority and aperture priority you could have it set in any focus mode you want, but it might be good to have it said in manual focus so that it doesn't refocus let's see what other things those are those are some of the highlight one said I would think about okay um kale, fia, I would like to know does the emphasised light only turn on when you're using the center aft point like on other bodies like the d two hundred and fifty three hundreds who I don't know let's see if I can make that happen right now, so I'm going to choose auto focus single and I'm gonna make sure that I'm in one point in the middle and let's just see if this light comes on. Make sure that my lenses in auto focus auto focus okay? It did come on their right and let's turn it over here and if I bring the center folks back to the middle did come on. So if you choose anything outside the center, it will not come on, so you have to be focused on the centre and if you're not sure if you're in the center, you can just press the okay button on the back and that gets your center point center to the center point if you are in the mode where you're choosing a single point and it's way off to one side, you can just press the okay button and the point goes right back to the center because you remember that you use the touch pad back here for selecting where that single point isthe right center it press that gets it centered back to the middle again. Okay, janis e had asked, will you be covering how to shoot stills on one card and video on the other? We will I passed by that in the video mode, but basically there is a setting in the menu system where you where it ask you, where do you want the video files put, do you want him on the main card, or do you want him on a secondary card and we'll pass by that? So we're going to take this big tour of the menu system and it's going, we're going to like we're walking through the mall and I'm going like, well, that's what this is and that's where this is, we're not going to be able to go in and investigate everything, but, well, we'll go in and take a look at the most important things, uh, just one more quick question before we move on, unless you have even more someone is asking about the best technique when your hand holding in a large lens to change the s o or maybe some of the other settings on the camera that air like back here while you're trying to hold and like, right, yeah, that could be one of the reasons for customized remember when we went by the front of the camera, talk about we can customize thes and we'll be getting into that very soon and potentially, you know, if you're having your hands out here, you can customize thes buttons in front, which are a little bit easier to get teo and you could customize one of them for I s o I believe we'll find I saw something in the menu about I don't recall the nineteen different features that you put in there, but I'm pretty sure that's that's got to be one of them, and so that would be one techniques so that you don't have to go back there to change the white balance s or quality, whatever it is that you change the most. So there's a couple more questions that we can move on if you ready jon let's, take a few more questions, okay? Um, abby would like to know if you can show a demo of the q mode cumin? Yeah, that's what it says that no, no no, I don't think you're a fae we're not even going to mention the brand name but it's a brand other than like I know it has a q mode in it there's nothing compares well, there's we'll wait. Maybe they mean the quiet oh, you know what? I think that is what it is. Okay, we're yeah, that goes back a ways. Ok? Because there's a cute there's, a queue feature in a different camera so I'm gonna hold this camera really close to my microphone and I'm gonna fire the normal shutter release. Now I point to put it in the queue mode so it makes a slightly different sound, but it is quieter, but it sounds a little weird. It sounds a little weird that might attract more attention. You know, it's wrong it's lower its a lot slower. Correct. Okay, one more question from tia when I hold down white balance, it shows a question mark and talks about high key definition. How do I get out of question mark mode and into the white balance info she's in the menu mode? Probably. And menu mode. Okay, yeah, out of menu mood and then the white balance button works. Okay, did you get that to you so if she presses the info button on the back of the camera kind of turned the screen often back the white balance motives than activated it's a dual purpose button, and so if you're in the menu system and that lcd on the back of the camera is on and you're in looking at something, then that becomes the question and help button when it's turned off it's for using white balance. So it's, kind of like, are you shooting the camera in a a? Is the camera more in a shooting mode or in a doing something other than the shooting mode? Okay, I can ask another question, I love questions my name would like to know. What does low mean an apple tree mode? If the camera selected shutter speed is within camera range at one one hundred toe one fourth of a second, visible only after reviewing the metadata and playback, so if it is showing low, it is a low amount of light so low that it can't shoot a picture. This will also happen actually, somewhat frequently, if you have it and shutter priority moat, and so you're going to need to make a fairly major change, either with the s o or with the setting that you do have access to, and so it means you're way, way off on exposure, uh, with letting in the correct amount of light with aperture priority, though this is one of the reasons why I like aperture priority rather than cheddar priority is an aperture priority, there's pretty much always a correct shutter speed, and so just in here, we have a variety of some very bright lights and some darker areas, and I will have I haven't said it s a one hundred and a pointed up here towards a bright light, and I have up around five hundredth of a second, and then if I pointed down here, I'll get down to a quarter of a second, I put my hand in front of the lens, I'm down it for five seconds, and I still haven't got a low reading until I completely blocked the light, and you can see maybe in the overhead camera here, how it's gone down too low, but if I take my hand off, suddenly, I have shutter speeds like a half second or a full second, and so it just means that they need to let in more light, one way or the other, ok, great, I just wanted to say that tea is in the chat room, and she says, thanks for answering my white balance question it worked good, it was great here that we got the right answer, one where the people are liking all the answers, so
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
First off, John is a great teacher who is easy to follow and he gets the information across in a way I can relate to. I loved his Fundamentals course, it was a great refresher for me. This course covers the plethora of features found on the new D7000. They are covered in a logical sequence covering each button, menu selection or setting found on the camera. However, I was a bit disappointed in that this course seemed more like a video manual than a how-to for setting up this camera AND WHY. I'm a competent amateur and I understand how to set up my camera. I guess I was looking more for a WHY one would choose this setting over that one. For example: focus tracking has 5 settings, long to short. I was looking for some insight on how to utilize this feature best. Or when to change the AE-L button for different situations. I think I was expecting too much from this course for setting up this amazing camera. Perhaps they will add another chapter at a later date explaining the WHY when choosing one setting over another. Overall though this course will help beginners grasp the multitude of settings and features available on the D7000, especially if you're not into reading the manual or have difficulty understanding one.
Peter Alper
Instructor FABULOUS! Course materials COMPLETE. I went into photography (hobby) after retiring. Automotive marketing exec. Retired bicycle, sailboat, motocross, and sports car racer. A benign hobby...No Way. So I bought a Nikon D7000 (used)(, put together rather too full equip ($$$), and then found Greengo. Learned all about the Nikon and now do photo essays of the automotive industry...just for fun. Sign up for Creative Live before they got filled up. Don't wait. Oh yes...not getting paid for the endorsement!!!!! It's the real thing. Peter.
Maxsophie Landsman
Really good class. Best thing is that I can go back and review the information. John is an excellent teacher. I've had my 7000 for a couple of years but now I have a much better idea of how to use it.
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