Introduction: Discussion On New Masking Module
14:50 2Editing Modules Overview
15:59 3Masking Module: Introduction To Masking
03:49 4Masking Module: Select Subject
05:51 5Masking Module: Select Sky
07:11 6Masking Module: Brush
04:48 7Masking Module: Linear Gradient
02:10 8Masking Module: Radial Gradient
04:01Masking Module: Color Range
05:09 10Masking Module: Luminance Range
04:12 11Masking Module: Depth Range using Depth Capture
04:49 12Combining Mask: Adding / Subtracting To A Mask
10:31 13Organizing Mask: Naming, Mask Order
03:44 14Creating Rimlights With Mask (All On Your Phone)
05:06 15Creating Great Social Post Directly From Lightroom Mobile
10:43 16Class Wrap Up
00:49Lesson Info
Masking Module: Color Range
now we come to one of my favorite new masking tools in Lightroom mobile color range color range allows you to take isolated areas of color and enhance them and or de saturate colors around them. It's pretty groovy. Let's use this car as a great sample of color range. So I'm going to slide here to my masking module, hit the plus sign and go to color range and then I'm going to slide the circle over the car to select that and I can click the refine, which is basically means select more. Keep in mind this mask is green so it's turning the opposite color of the car. It kind of helps me see it. I'm gonna hit apply. So now I've selected the car and what I'm gonna do here for just a second, I'm gonna go up to the viewer and let's look at that in white and black so I can see what is selected. Do you see how that selected? Right, that's how much of the car is selected. And now I'm going to click on the mask and if I move the eyedropper, you'll see what other portions get selected. Do you see th...
at? Once again, I really want to remind you that sometimes when you click on the overlay And change it to like black and white for the mask, it's a little easier to see what you're doing. So now I'm gonna pull the refinement down to like 67. I'm gonna hit, apply. I'm gonna go back up to the overlay. and click it back onto a standard overlay that way I can see what I'm doing. So now I've got the mass selected and now I want to inverse the mass because I want the background selected. I'm going to go hit the color module and I'm gonna de saturate the background, okay? And then if I want to in the mask off so I can just see the car, remember, you can just click that button. Hm That didn't quite get all the car, did it? No, it did not. So I'm going to cancel out of that and I'm gonna start over. But this time what I'm going to do is go to the color just in the generic module, click on color mix, click on the pizza pie here in the center and that will take me to the targeted color tool. I'm going to click on saturation. I'm gonna put my finger on the car so that I can see orange and red are selected. If I slide to the left, I will de saturate if I slide to the right, I will saturate. So now I pumped up that color. I like that, click on the pizza pie to say, okay, click on done, click on the little staple to close this. Now, I'm going to go mask it. So click on the mask, say plus and say now I'd like to do color range and once again I'm gonna move my cursor over the car so I can select that color and then I can click on the refined tool to select even more of it. Do you see that? And as I move it, I get more or less now keep in mind my mask is green, right, that's the color you're seeing. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and bump this up. Just even a bit more, slide it over to check that's a little too much. Yeah, I think that's pretty good. I'm gonna hit apply now. I'm going to inverse the mask, go to my color dial and de saturate how fun is that? Look at that, click on the picture. I think that's pretty successful and that's with color range and the big difference here is that I've actually bumped up the color saturation before I made my mask. Let's look at another way you can do color range. I'm going to click on, add a mask, go to color range, but you notice there's a square here. So I'm going to zoom in on this image and I'm gonna with my finger draw a little square and you can see it's trying to figure out what color to select. Keep in mind, I'm redrawing it, I can move that square, see how it's drawing more or less I find for me personally this is a little clunky, so I tend to not use this, I'd rather use the eyedropper, but I really think you should know that this option is available in case it works for you, you never know that's what it looks like when I used the square. Keep in mind my mask is green. So if I want to inverse this then you can see a little easier. Hey, that actually didn't do a bad job. It selected probably a little more than what I had before. So you never know and let me go to the color and de saturated so you can see the result. So yeah, maybe that is a decent selection. The desktop version is not much different than the mobile version for masking with color range. However, you only have the square to select the range of color. You do not have that color picker and I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that all applications cloud based are constantly being updated and fixed and improved upon. So you will find this color range picker, especially on the desktop and on the mobile device will continue to improve.
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Christian Alsider
This was a great class! easy to follow and the teacher was excited about what she was teaching