Day 1
1The Possibilities and Setting Goals
27:30 2Your Video Vision
28:57 3Getting the Audience Invested
17:14 4Off-Camera Video Tools - Part 1
38:18 5Off-Camera Video Tools - Part 2
31:46 6Trust & Credibility
19:26 7Engaging with Google Hangout
25:40Google Hangouts Q&A
14:32 9Camera Performance with Michael Port - Part 1
25:18 10Camera Performance with Michael Port - Part 2
36:41Day 2
11Let's Make Videos!
28:20 12On Camera: First Impression Videos - Part 1
22:14 13On Camera: First Impression Videos - Part 2
21:37 14Video Editing: How to Make It Easy
07:47 15Editing with WeVideo
44:50 16Editing with Intro Designer
10:49 17Getting Your Video on the Web
30:05 18YouTube Tips & Other Platforms
32:36 19Mobile Tools for Video
14:32 20Power of iPad with Mike Stewart
27:58 21iPad Video Training with Mike Stewart
18:28Day 3
22Video: Marketing vs Branding
23:43 23Creating Online Brand Identity
20:17 24YouTube Channel Critique
32:20 25Creating Content that Will Make Money
31:11 26Next Level Webinars with Omar Zenhom
35:42 27Video Monetization
28:56 28Video Product Launch Formula
19:51 29Video Visibility Strategies
23:07 30Repurposing Content for Video
11:37Lesson Info
Video Visibility Strategies
we're gonna turn you all into online video rocks does, because we'll be talking about video visibility strategies, how you can get much better on MAWR exposure online so that us seen as a thought leader and the go to expert in your niche So there's one thing about being seen online are being visible. But there's a whole another level toe. When people start referring to you as a thought leader, that's pretty cool. I think a thought leader means that you can write books, but actually thought Leader thing is where people are actually looking for you and seeking you out and you are the go to expert in that niche. And I know all of us can do that if we focus and if we use our videos correctly and to go back to sort of the beginning and talk about how I took ah lot of the summer off and people thought I was really, really busy, and I was actually just messing around because I had my videos working for me, and that's the great thing about doing videos for your business is that they're out the...
re working for you on YouTube on Facebook on Pinterest on your blawg, and it's kind of account compound effect where the videos keep racking up views even if you're sitting by the pool, so that's pretty cool. Long after you produce them, they'll still be out there working for you, which, if you have certain videos on YouTube, may not necessarily be a good thing, but but you can always delete them. So I want to talk a little bit about one of my favorite subjects. I call it social video, and really, what is This is just combining video with social media, and we call it social video. But it's essentially leveraging your video on various platforms and maximizing your video distribution and reach. And the key to social video of video, combined with social media, is to keep your content short. If it's short, it's terrible. That's like a tweet herbal. If it's short, it's terrible again, really. It's much, much easier to share content and to get things passed along on social media. If it's short and sweet, I know a lot of the stuff like that gets passed Long is silly and funny, but even the silly and funny stuff, you know, like get to the point cut to the chase, and, uh, let's get right to the meat of it. Um, I always wondered about that Cut to the chase. When people say that, that's it. I guess it's an old Hollywood expression for, um in the movies. You just want to get right to the the actions. You know, the chase, right? So cut to the chase. There you go. Your content for social video should also be relevant to your target market. So, like I said, if you're posting certain videos on YouTube and your forwarding that to Facebook and it's not, um, concluding with your brand, then there's gonna be a disconnect. Which isn't to say you can't occasionally post pictures of your kid playing baseball if that's part of who you are. And that's part of your brand. Because I've been talking about my son plays baseball so much, I want to also mention my brilliant daughter Sophie, who is gonna be president of the USA someday, cause she's pretty much president of everything at her school. So, So again, um, short, relevant, targeted, so has to be relevant to your target market. It should encourage interaction. Now, I don't like these like fake, no artificial interaction. Things like, you know, name. Ah, dog name of thing that doesn't begin with the letter d those things on Facebook of ridiculous. And that's not real interaction. You should encourage real conversation and riel interaction. In the previous section, we looked at video sales letters and the product launch formula. And in those product launches, there are often Facebook. Comments are comments below the video, and that, again is just to encourage into action to get a conversation going. Even if it's a little heated. Even if it's a little controversial, that's totally okay. Your content should also be on social. Video should also be share a ble, a zai mentioned. Funny is a great way to do that, but it's sort of hard to force funny, So you have to be careful. You also have to be kind of, um, I don't want to say politically correct, but, you know, you just don't want to be completely obnoxious, so something's just not funny, no matter what, Um, and when you share your social video content trumps quality, and you can see that almost in any viral video ah, lot of the videos that you know so called viral videos are home movies or home videos, and the quality is just horrendous. But if it's engaging enough, if the content is good enough, people will watch it anyway, regardless of the quality. Now, that doesn't mean you should go out and create crappy videos. It just means if you see an opportunity in the moment off, you're out there with your IPhone and a video opportunity presents itself. Even if the conditions aren't perfect, Go for it. So, um, and finally, your video should be mobile. Friendly is, after all, it's social media, and enormous amount of folks are accessing videos and social media on the go on their ipads on their IPhone. So you want to make it mobile friendly, and this is really gonna help you maximize your reach and leverage your content because you can't be everywhere at once. But you can look like you're everywhere at once, and ultimately what you want to go for it? I'll come back to this. We've talked about it a few times already, but we want to give you the I feel like I already know you effect. You want to be able to have enough video presence and enough social presence so that you walk into a room. We have never met somebody, and they say, Oh my gosh, I feel like I already know you. It happened just today with, um, some friends that doing the podcasting, um, presentation across the street. I've seen you so much on video, I feel like I already know you. So that's a really beautiful thing, because with the right message and a little bit of personality, you can create a strong brand identity with video a lot more quickly than you can with traditional means, like print advertising or blogging or networking. I mean, video just accelerates that know, like and trust factor. And there really is no substitute for being seen and heard consistently. So let's talk a little bit about video brands. What do great video brands have in common? We've seen the Tonight Show. We've seen Brief Folio. We've seen some of our own stuff here, and I want to talk about what some of these brands have in common. First of all, they are consistent. Everything that these brands put out fits on that page. You don't see Marie Folio, Um, showing some wacky video that wouldn't fit there. Every single video on her YouTube account looks like it belongs there. They're all relevant. They are all consistent. And that's not easy to do because, like I said, with as entrepreneurs, we may have short attention spans. We may have varied interests, and we want to do this and that. The other thing. But unless you make that part of your brand and your consistent, it's not gonna work. You also want your video brands tohave a point of view. This is a tough one because a lot of people want to sort of stay vanilla when they're online and maybe not cause too much trouble. Um, I can tell Dre has a point of view, and we're starting to hear it today, so But it's good to have that, you know, you really have to take a stand and have a point of view. Um, it may not always be popular, but it's gonna attract the people who you meant to serve, and the other folks will just with the way great brands also have a unique attitude in common. Uh, you've seen again in our examples people that do this really, really well. Gary Vaynerchuk re folio The Tonight Show. They all have very unique attitudes. They have something about them, some kind of, ah, charisma. And that doesn't necessarily mean you allowed in gregarious, but some kind of, you know, charisma that gives them that unique attitude. Video brands also usually contained not also usually, but they do contain strong visuals. And again, it's everything from your PowerPoint templates to your website to your videos. You want to make sure that you have a strong visual presence and I want to pick Andre again because I know you do this and get your take on that particular guideline. Well, there's so many different ways that you can bring your videos depending on what you're doing. So if you're doing the talking head type and on camera, having a watermark or having that lower third, as you called it, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be that long line that has a title or anything, you showed a little bit of Marie for Leah's. She just puts her moniker on the side of her her u R L in the bottom, right corner If you're using PowerPoint or keynote, pick a temple and branded with your color palette and your fonds and continue to use that template and and, you know, have 10 or so graphics like you've consistently used a circle in this that creates the same. We can recognize this if we all went home when we saw another presentation and another and another. This is now your look, so it's important to create that look because we run into if you think about it, most of us don't run into people's, um, content on their site. We run out of to it on social media, so we don't have the background of their site and all that other things to really brand them. But if they branded themselves correctly and they've created that visual pattern that we recognize, we confined them wherever we are. And that's really important is with this social. We don't know the context where people are gonna find you right. It's not necessarily gonna be your website, and also to with what you were saying about the color and stuff. I love your color cause I'm really into color, but also to keeps me interested right cause, like, if that was all black and white one time, I wouldn't even look back. Right. But I don't want to keep looking at it because it's so cool, you know, is I think you're turquoise is and all your colors that you throw up there just eye catching. And I think they're awesome. Yeah, and this I don't know. But we're just a visual society. Obviously. We all grew up on television. It's like, you know, for some reason, I don't really like Sponge Bob Square pants. But I could just sit and watch it for how? Because pretty picture moving, changing every seven seconds. So, yeah, I mean, that's that's a big one visual, strong visuals and oftentimes, the video brands of professionally produced. Now I want to make the distinction of sort of alluded to it before, but there's a difference between the professionally produced video that's gonna be the heart of your brand, you know, Obviously, movie Folio can't go to the park and just, you know, with no microphone and just wing it. She's got a certain look videos of professionally produced, um, but there are those videos that are gonna be part of your brand that you really want to spend some time on the home page video? Um, any kind of video that's gonna be kind of evergreen and that you have to live with for a while. You want to really represent your brand and have it professionally produced. And then there were the other times when it's like, OK, here, I'm here on vacation. But I want to stop just to give you this quick tip. Maybe it's because you had a specific location that ties back into the tip you're giving. Or maybe just something that just happened that you want to share immediately. And that's okay. Those of those videos you can get away with sort of being on the fly and more like the live, you know, IPhone, cam, a video. Um, but in a lot of cases, you are gonna want to, you know, like you have professionally produced website. You want professionally produced video, and finally, video brands know their video sweet spot. And what that means is essentially, um, you know, the best kind of video for you to create. A lot of folks will say I love sketch videos. I'm only gonna do sketch videos. That's my look, and that's great. Other folks will say, Um, you know, I just want to be on camera and I love being in front of the camera and I just want to talk to the camera and that's their video Sweet spot. Um, for me, I like to do a combination, but I really do lean a lot on Google hangouts with Power Point because I'm usually teaching for a long period of time, and it helps with learning to have the visual reinforcement. So you have to know your video sweet spot. I'm wondering if anybody sort of knows after what we've talked about over the last few days. If they have a video sweet spot and if so, what might that be? It can almost come down to, like, What's your favorite? You know? What do you want to do? Animation on camera video scribe PowerPoint. So again, you just have to know that sweet spot for yourself. Anyone? Well, I know that power point is always my default because it's the easiest way I know exactly how to use it, and I don't have to be on camera. I think my sweet spot is to get on camera and, like we've talked about, showcased the personality and really who I am. And I think that will serve me better than hiding behind the slides. Yeah, and I have to admit that I hide behind my slides off time. That's why I love you. I'm still experimenting, but I think that my sweet spot might be speaking to someone else I interviewing. I've done a lot of that, and I feel comfortable with it. Seems to work well, Yeah, and that's the thing. And because you have a video sweet spot doesn't mean you that's the only kind of video you can ever do. But you just sort of like like races. You've got a default. You've got a fallback. You've got a certain kind that best represent you, and it doesn't necessarily have to be you on camera. You could be seen as an expert if you're a curator of content. So maybe you interview the experts, but you are the person that brings them all together for them. So if you feel like oh, well, I don't really know that subject, but I know my people would like to know about it my community would like to know, but that's not my thing. Bring somebody else and and be be the interviewer or the curator or the moderator for something like that. You can even bring in ah group of experts, and I've seen folks do this a 1,000,000 times. It's a great way to get instant credibility and expertise. They set up a summit or tell a seminar on event and bring in all the experts, and they just basically the organizer of the moderator. But they're immediately associated with those people, so it kind of puts them on that kind of level. Anything else? Sweet spot wise? No. Okay, um so I like to say that little things add up to a big brand, and that's all these things that we've been talking about, that sort of build upon each other. So you may think, Oh, you know, what's the sweet spot? What's that all about? Well, it's just another one of those little things like color like tone like attitude like point of view that all add up to a big brand. So when you're doing video branding, you have to stay focused on your message. You have to have a create. You have to have a consistent look, feel tone attitude. You could do this with your location. You can do it with your appearance. You could do it with graphics. You could do it like data did with music. I thought that was really powerful in that video. It just felt like, Okay, this is this is a meditation video. I mean, the music matched in the testimonials. Um, one of my colleagues, Travis Greenlee, lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and all of his videos outdoors, almost all of them from Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and Travis talks about life style and loving to ski and loving to mountain bike and being able to have a business that allows him to do that. So he'll just, you know, rip out his IPhone from the ski slopes and do a video. Hey, it's Travis coming to you from Beautiful Steamboat Springs, Colorado. So his location and his home is part of his brand, and it fits because he's talking about lifestyle. I want to have time to ski. I won't have time to mountain bike. I want to live in the beautiful Colorado and be able to do that so it can be a location if it makes sense. So consistent. Look, feel tone attitude Location is fine. Um, you can do it with the way you dress. You can do it with the way your graphics look. Um, also, you want to again develop a point of view, some kind of, you know, you don't necessarily have to take a stand and be obnoxious, but you do wanna have sort of, ah, certain worldview are certain view of the world that that is consistent to you and that you use all the time. Um, part of my point of view. And, you know, this is a sort of a smaller part of my brand that I don't let out that much. But part of my point of view is that I'm from this really tough town Where what? It was the capital of the Mafia in the Northeast from forever. For many, many years, most of the folks in my town are dead or in prison, and my little league was run by the Mafia. So that that's like my point of view is like OK, this is this is where I come from. This is who I am. Maybe that's why they call me the Godfather of Video. I I'm not sure, but I can't really talk about it, though. So, um so And then finally find a platform that works for you. This goes back to our sweet spot conversation. Do you want to do direct camera? Do you want to do Google hangouts? Do you want to do video interviews? YouTube tips? We've shown you just a ton of options here and a lot of different ways to do video. So it doesn't mean you have to stick to one. But you do want to sort of find the platform that works best for you. We have Ah, good day. Who says that? They think their sweet spot is, ah, video scribe intro, PowerPoint slides, maybe dip the toe in for on camera? Yeah, just a little anything else. Day. What is your take on? Sort of mixing the medium. So having you know, Scribe Teoh, maybe show you a framework or something, but introducing the video on camera and then maybe going to slides afterwards, Sometimes that feels like it's actually gonna be more work because you're producing out the little videos and then you have to kind of think of up in transition. Um, but do you think that that adds any power in in sort of. They always talk about what's the terminology, but surprising, you know, getting you off the pattern of, you know, if it's a power point, you know this slide. Thank you. But she, um So what's your take on? Just think every once in a while, once you sort of established your yourself. You can kind of feel curveball in there just to keep people kind on the toes and like, you don't want to be completely predictable. It's, you know, for me, I kind of feel like I have to do a lot of different kind of videos because I'm advising clients on different kinds are always testing this and testing that. So I'm kind of all over the place because part of my job to be, I think if you're working on a particular initiative or like a launch, you wouldn't want the three videos and the launch to be one power point in one video scribe and one animation. So you want to keep that part consistent, But But as part of your overall brand. I don't think you have to be locked into one thing for any length of time. Anybody else have opinions about that? I looked in thing, but I was just kind of one of the reasons why I didn't want to say that I'm willing to commit to a sweet spot is because I have ideas for a couple of different things and I can see potentially doing, um, blogged post type videos where they're short tips and tools. I say that that would be on camera stuff for me. And then I do want to start pulling in doing monthly webinars. That would be Maura confirmation of, like the first part being informational, which could be talking head. And then the second part would be more about a guided visualization to support whatever the theme of the event is. And part of what I'm thinking off with regard to that is that it would be off camera. But I would perhaps use, um, time lapse visuals or something like that, so people typically do end up closing their eyes. But while you're kind of getting settled in, that could be a good support, so I don't know how that gets to be a sweet spot, but they can develop a long time and again, you know, certainly last person that would want to, you know, rain in anyone's creativity. And I think a lot of what you could do with these platforms is you don't necessarily need to stick to one, but your content can be the thread that ties it all together more. Your branding could be the thread that ties it all together. Got it. You had a question. Yeah, I I have a pretty strong opinion about things here. I think it's very important that people go through a whole variety of emotions, especially if it's a long presentation. So whatever medium we'll induce, that is what I use. So I will use music because in a very emotional as you Sumer and storytelling interactive stuff where they're engaged, all these things really just to keep attention. But you know, of course, you're communicating your content, but you got the more I read a variety of emotions that you can evoke while you're delivering your content, the more effectively you're gonna communicate. Excellent point. Thank you. Okay. So the other thing I want to kind of mention here is that you have to step back once in a while and look at the big picture to make sure that all those videos are working together and serving your business goals. So I mentioned this earlier, but But every now and then take a look at what you're doing. Like I take a look at my YouTube general like, Oh, my God. You know, like, look at the big picture, Step back, get some perspective because you're sort of in the day to day to it and crank in this stuff out and you want to step back and say I Is this going to serve my business goals into these videos as a group work together? In other words, you are what you post. So, um, that means, you know, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Um, and all of that stuff adds up to create your band cumulatively, So you might think, Oh, this little innocent little post. Oh, that's you know, But if it's totally off brand off base, then you know you are what you post. I keep telling my kids that, but they won't listen to me
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
One of the best video marketing courses! Lou presented a comprehensive overview of the best and latest technologies that make video more accessible and doable - for beginners and advanced users. The course is filled with terrific resources and how-to guides that save hours of searching on your own. I watched the live broadcast and purchased the course for ongoing reference. Lou's expertise and years of experience really make this course an amazing value. It's well organized, fun and includes fantastic guest speakers. Thanks CL and Lou!
a Creativelive Student
This was a really great course. I am definitely going to apply what I learned. It was so much information that it will literally take me months to apply it all, but building a business is a long game. I loved how Lou mixed high level strategy with the specifics of how to use key tools and recommended a variety of useful resources. This course was very practical. I've already started applying it and have a basic blueprint for my way forward that I will flesh out as I make more progress. I definitely know I'm going to add a lot of success to my business through what I learned in this course.
a Creativelive Student
Hi Lou, I bought the replay up sell so that I could listen and watch when it fit my schedule. So far I've watched the first 3 videos. It's great and I'm so glad you put all this together. The handouts and bonuses are useful, too. It's obvious you are a master at video and I'm happy to learn from you.