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Initial Sketches

Lesson 17 from: Logo Design Fundamentals

Mark Sposato

Initial Sketches

Lesson 17 from: Logo Design Fundamentals

Mark Sposato

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Lesson Info

17. Initial Sketches

Lesson Info

Initial Sketches

this section is about initial sketches were going to distill your ideas by taking the words and the doodles that you did in previous lessons and start to coalesce them into something that's eventually going to resemble a logo. We're going to go over some tips and some methods of assessment. This will help you when you're trying to figure out which ideas you want to move forward with. When you go into the final phase, take the loose ideas and the words that you circled, replace checks next to and try to combine them into a single graphic representation sketch good ideas and bad ones. Right now, it's about quantity not quality sketches can be loose and are not meant to be shown to the client unless specifically requested. This would be a rare scenario and it hasn't happened to me yet. Sketching is a way for you to see options and choose the strongest ones. I make mine no larger than an inch or two and I try to fill a couple of pages, tried different versions of the same idea, play with s...

cale and arrangement of the logo elements. Start imagining how type or lettering will come into play. Don't bother replicating a font you have in mind but try and give an impression of its characteristics. You can make scribbles in rough marks, but just try to imagine the space that those letters would take up in a final product. Try different type arrangements or lockups to see what's most appealing. You should have a page or two of loose logo sketches, decide which options have strong ideas and our most visually appealing. Either criteria is valid, but I prefer high marks in both circle or place a checkmark next to your top 3-5. For the fourth exercise, I'd like you guys to advance your doodles to the sketch phase. Remember, pick about 4-5 of the most promising ideas. You don't need any more than that.

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This logo design course was great! It provided clear, practical insights and boosted my design skills significantly. Highly recommend!

Brad Studio

Simply amazing. Thank you so much!

Lily Osa

Amazing course, Really helped me a lot. Thank you

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