What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
Lesson 1 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt

What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
Lesson 1 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt
Lesson Info
1. What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
29:22 2Q & A - Changes between Lightroom® Classic and Lightroom CC
32:07 3Lightroom CC- Interface Tour
21:17 4Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
19:57 5New Features in Lightroom Classic
40:34 6Speed Improvements
15:17 7Lightroom Mobile
34:25 8Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
21:08Lesson Info
What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
Most of you are thinking one major question, and that question is what in the world is Adobe doing. That's the question. There's a lot of people who are wondering what is going on. Professionals all over, and this class is geared for the professional photographer or the photographer who is very adept at organizing and working on their photos, works on a lot of photos. You may be just a big photo enthusiast and you take pictures all the time and you're really used to working inside of Lightroom, what used to be called Lightroom CC or Lightroom or Lightroom 5, you're used to working in that and then all of a sudden Adobe did a big switcheroo on you and they changed it to Adobe CC and it's a brand new program and it's different. Then they took the program that you're normally working with and they called it Lightroom Classic and you thought what are they doing. Are they getting rid of my Lightroom Classic? Are they throwing it away and this is just the first step of throwing it away and ...
they're throwing me into this really simplified program called Lightroom CC that doesn't do all the same things that I thought it would do? There's a lot of questions out there. So we are going to answer all those questions today. This update is a good thing. It's not a bad think, it's a great thing. So you're going to enjoy the update even if you stay with Lightroom Classic, which most of you who are serious photographers and who use a lot of workflow things inside of Lightroom Classic, you're gonna stay in Lightroom Classic but that doesn't mean you're not gonna use Lightroom CC. You're gonna use Lightroom CC because it is an amazing tool and I was so thrilled to have it come in to being. I can't tell you how excited I've been for the last however long watching this thing grow. I mean, this is awesome. So we are going to have a lot fun here today. We're gonna talk about Lightroom Classic. We're gonna talk about Lightroom CC and we're gonna talk about Lightroom Mobile and we're gonna talk about Lightroom Web. We're gonna talk about the whole ecosystem and how it works to your advantage, okay. So, in order for us to start with that we have to look at a little schematic, and I love schematics. So I'm going to show you my new little schematic that shows you my interpretation of the Creative Cloud ecosystem. So here we are. You will notice that there are black lines that are dotted and there are blue lines. And by the way, people who purchase this class can also download this PDF so feel free to start purchasing the class if you feel like this is something that you're gonna need but you're also gonna be able to download this PDF and refer to it so that you get an idea. But I want you to pay really close attention to what is going on in the ecosystem. First off, the ecosystem is based on a cloud. So they have stopped the concept of Lightroom Classic being the hub of the universe and then there are things that try and attach to it. Instead, what's happening now is they're trying to make the cloud the hub of the ecosystem. Imagine that if you had a place, say on your desk, that you could put something, papers, photographs, programs, colors that you were interested in, text that you wanted to put in. Anything that you collecting as a creative. You're throwing it in a pile and imagine if that pile was like a little magic carpet bag that would just show up any time you needed it. So if you were in Taiwan and you're like, oh what was that color I was thinking of, or oh I could use that use that photograph that I was playing with right now and all of the sudden this little magic carpet bag would float in and give it to you. That's the cloud. So they want you to have access to everything that you're interested in as a creative. They want you to have access to it everywhere you possibly could be. So that's what the cloud's all about and this move takes us a lot closer to that goal because now your photos are always available to you everywhere you happen to be. Now there are ways to get things into the cloud. The first way, the easiest way, well not the easiest way but the most direct way into the cloud is if you happen to be on Lightroom Web and I will show that to you right now. So Lightroom Web looks like this. You see it's a website and it's got all of my collections in there. So if I click on that I've got a whole bunch of images that are on the cloud that I can use at any moment and I can add to it as well. So I can add images into the cloud directly from the website. So it doesn't matter what computer I'm on. I could go over and commender Drew's computer and I can add photos to my creative cloud. So that's the most direct route into this could is through Lightroom Web. It's not necessarily the most efficient way to do it. It's not necessarily the most user-friendly way to do it but it is definitely a place you can put stuff on the cloud from anywhere on the planet. So let's say that I took my camera but I forgot everything else at home and I was in France and I took some amazing pictures. All I would need to do is take that card and go to a computer anywhere in France with an internet connection, plug it in, and I could secure all of my files to my cloud and I wouldn't have to worry about someone taking this card from me and losing all those great files. I told a story in our prior class that we just finished teaching, and by the way, if we get through this class and you think I want to learn more about Lightroom CC, we just covered Lightroom CC in a two day course in a course called... What did we call that course? Organizing your digital life! So organizing your digital life is the name of the course. It's all about Lightroom CC. It's a two day course and it goes through every little aspect about that. So if you get through this course and you're like okay, now I want to know more about Lightroom CC, especially if you're not a professional and you're just starting out and trying to organize your digital life, we really go through the simplicity of Lightroom CC and how you can organize yourself even if you don't have any clue what you're doing. So again, I was telling this story about how I was in, when I was in college and this was back in the film days, I went to England and then I went to France and I went to Italy and I was touring around and for about two weeks I had taken pictures and when I got to Florence all of my bags got stolen. My camera bags got stolen. That was all of my cameras and all of my film. So I lost two weeks worth of travel photography as well as some portraits of some really important people that I was working with for my master's thesis and stuff like that. So it was a bad deal. I swear that the best photograph I've ever taken was on the river in France just next to the Notre Dame and there were these old people that got off this little river boat and they all came out and had this little old stereo and they were playing some accordion music and they were all dancing together and the lights were shining on them and it was absolutely a beautiful scene and I took the photograph with my Leika, which also got stolen, and I had this amazing picture in my head but you will never be able to see it because someone stole the film that that's on. So I don't know if it was ever printed or if they ever, you know developed the film, but if anybody out there happened to steal a Leika camera with a bunch of film and you still have the film, I would love to get it back. That was back like 1994 or five or something like that. If you were stealing in 1995, in the train station in Florence, look me up. All right so now that we got that out of the way. I got a little tear in my eye, lost the best picture ever. So if I had had the creative cloud, then when I was in England I would have simply taken this card out of my camera and I would have put it into Lightroom Web, or I would have put it into my iPad or I would have put it into my lap top. Even if they had stolen my laptop, this would have been in the cloud because I would have been attached to it and it would have gone up. So I would have had that amazing picture. Plus, with today's technology because we have two cards in each camera I can separate those cards so that thief would have gotten away with cameras but not necessarily all my stuff. So we live in a wonderful age where the stuff that we create can be secured and this is the way we're gonna do it. Now there are other ways to get things into the cloud. So I have drawn several different computers here so there's two lap tops on either side of my schematic and then there's a desktop computer in the middle of my schematic that I tried to make look more like a PC so that you could feel comfortable with the old PC style thing if you're not a laptop user. I want you to notice that this laptop has no external hard drive and this one does have an external hard drive. I'm trying to let you all know that no matter what computer you happen to be using, you can put stuff in the cloud. So we also have iPads and phones and mobile devices over there that can take things to the cloud as well. Now if you were using Lightroom CC, the new version of Lightroom CC and I'm gonna show you what that looks like. So Lightroom CC is very different-- Oh, we're gonna go over to my other computer. So this is our secondary computer and I'm gonna show you what Lightroom CC looks like. So this is Lightroom CC. It is very simplified, you can see all of my photo editing tools over on the right hand side and over on the left hand side is all the organizational structure for-- Here's all your photographs. Here's the recently added photographs. You can organize them by date or by album. But you notice that if we go back over here to our original Lightroom Classic, you can see that there's a lot more stuff on either side of my photos and then if I want to develop them I've got to go into the develop module and then on the develop module you've got presets over here and over here you've got all of your adjustment and then you've got a map module and a book module and a slide show module. So this is a workhorse. It's got a lot of stuff to it but it's a little bit more complicated and some people look at this and go whoa, that's way too much. I don't want to do that. So that's why they would go over to our secondary computer here and they would love the work in something very simple like this where we are just looking at the photos over here, we're looking at all of our tools over here and on the left hand side this is where we find em and that's it. There's no modules, there's no-- It's just everything's ever present right in front of you. Plus, you can actually even make this even more beautiful by changing the view and getting rid of all that information and then suddenly it's like looking at beautiful images on a beautifully designed website instead of trying to navigate all the information that we get inside of Lightroom typically. So this is Lightroom CC. This is Lightroom Classic. Classic isn't changing so if you guys are using Lightroom Classic it's still the same. Lightroom Classic looks just the same. It's gotten some improvements and we're gonna talk about those improvements. So in our next session we will go through all the different improvements that you can get inside of Lightroom Classic and we'll also talk about what's inside of Lightroom CC as well so we're gonna go through all those tools but right now we're just trying to introduce you to what's really going on with the cloud. So let's go back to our cloud then and if we can go back, there we go. So we're back to our cloud. If you are Lightroom CC you'll notice that I've notated that in blue. So Lightroom CC, any computer that's running Lightroom CC will have a little logo with a kind of round corners that is Lightroom CC. If it's Lightroom Classic, you'll see that it's got square corners and it's in black and white. Anything that gets put into a computer and imported through Lightroom CC-- Lightroom CC is a program that is always connected to the cloud. It doesn't have to be. You can turn it off, you can fly on an airplane and use it and you could be out on a beach somewhere and use it without internet connection, it's fine. You don't have to be tied to the cloud in order to see your photos but it's always actively searching for the cloud because the second you put a photo into Lightroom CC it wants to put it in the cloud. Everything that you put into Lightroom CC is going to be put into the cloud. That's it. So that way everything that's on your computer will also be in the cloud as a backup. Now there are two ways to do it because Lightroom CC offers you the ability to decide whether or not you want your photos to stay on the computer. It's conceivable that you could put your photos into the computer, it can deliver em to the cloud and not save them on the computer. Now why on earth would you want that? Well, if you have a Mac Air or a little Chromebook, you have this much space on your hard drive. It's minimal. It's enough to put your programs on and some Word documents and a couple of your music songs but you don't even want your whole music library on it because it's just too much to put on the hard drive. It's like 256 gigabytes of RAM and that's it. If that's all you have, you don't want to store your photos on your computer and so they would get stored into the cloud and that's what this little 0% is. So this computer here, we're putting our photos from the camera into the computer and we're putting none of them on the computer. They're all going to the computer, they're delivered to the cloud and this little blue line tells you that it's delivering the original photo, whatever it is, if it's a jpeg, it's a jpeg going up. If it's a RAW, it's a RAW going up. It's the full resolution of that file going to the cloud. So this little blue line is telling us that it will always deliver the full file up to the cloud and it will leave 0% on the computer. So once it's confirmed that this is in the cloud, it's going to remove it from this computer. On the other hand, you could go the other direction and you could, and this is why I have a secondary drive on here-- So if you have a computer and you want to store all the photos on that computer and send to the cloud and you're using Lightroom CC, that's why I have something like this. Now this is a raid one system, a raid one hard drive actually makes two copies of anything that you put on it and you could see here in the front of this drive that there are two drives in there. So this is drive one this is drive two. If you put something on drive one it automatically gets put on drive two. That's the nature of a raid one system. If then you want to make a third copy you just pull out drive two, put in a drive three, and now you have three copies because drive one gets copied to drive two or three or whatever that secondary position is. So this allows me to now have when I put something into Lightroom CC it would automatically go to here. It would put two copies here and then one copy would go to the cloud. So now I have the copy on my disc, I have two copies here, so that's three, and I have one copy in the cloud and that's four and it's off site somewhere, I don't know where, some five or six different places across the United States or across the world and it's in all of these places so that now I'm completely secure right. Just by importing it into Lightroom CC. So Lightroom CC, whether you're trying to save space on your hard drive or whether you're going to allow a 100% of your photos to stay on the actual hard drive, all of it's delivering the original photo up to the cloud. That's really important. That is a breakthrough because now, you as a photographer, will have everything secure and you will always be able to find it wherever you are because it's in the cloud. Because it's up here, the original is in the cloud, look what you have access to. Now you can see that photo from this computer but it's also being delivered down to your second computer that's containing none. So I want you to see this because I'm looking at my photos here, so I'm gonna go to a collection inside of Lightroom Classic here. So I'm gonna go to say my family vacation. So there's some photos that I took while I was on family vacation. I put them into Lightroom Classic and we're gonna introduce Lightroom Classic's way of dealing with them in a second but I have my photos inside of Lightroom Classic and then I come over to my secondary computer. The secondary computer here has none of the files on it. So there are zero photos on this computer and yet look, there's the same set of photos available to me for me to edit, for me to adjust, and for me to use. Because if I want to use this photo, I can simply go in, I'm gonna look at that photo, I can go ahead and edit this photo and if I want to I can share that photo and either save out the original or send it to Facebook and it's not on this computer. It will be as soon as I say export. It will go to the cloud, grab the full file or whatever's there, it'll pull it down, it'll process it, and send it out. But as soon as I no longer need it it will get rid of the file that it brought down, and leave that space open for operation. So this would be considered my travel laptop. I can work on this stuff offline. I can actually go in and turn off my wifi or I can pause the synchronization and I can work on this stuff offline and then I'm just working on proxies. So Lightroom CC is just working on proxy versions of these. Now let me show you where that setting is because you're gonna wonder and Lightroom CC has very few settings. If you go into the Lightroom Adobe CC menu and you go down to preferences you'll find that you have basically account preferences as to who you are. You'll have the location preferences and notice that I have told it that I want 0% of my photos to be stored on this computer. That means that it is not going to be using any of the disc space to put my photos on. The only time the disc space is going to be used is when I'm importing into Lightroom it's got to put them on the hard drive and then it'll send them and as soon as it's got them up in the cloud and it confirms that copy, it's gonna wipe em from my hard drive and keep moving on. So it's gonna do the process. Also I have the ability to, right here, change the location where the originals are going to be stored for the time that they're gonna be on the computer. So I can choose that location. In this case, on this computer, because I'm storing 0% of the photos, that location is on the actual hard drive in my pictures folder. I've actually located it, if I go into the hard drive and I go to my pictures folder, you can see that here's the library. So that's the actual catalog. We call them catalogs in Lightroom Classic. It calls it a library here in the new Lightroom CC. But that's where all of the settings are and then see this other red dot? That's the Lightroom CC photos that I told it where to put em and if I drill into that you can see that the originals are here, these are the folders for the originals and then you can see that there are no actual photos in there because it put them in there long enough to send em to the cloud but there's no photos in there now because I told it store 0%. So it's not gonna store em for very long. Now you'll notice that there's a sliding scale. So I could take this to 10, 20, 100% or I could go to like 5% and if I do that, if I say 5%, it's gonna take the 5% of my photos that it thinks I like the best. So based on stars and flags and adjustments and all that kind of stuff, it's gonna intelligently decide these are the photos that this person most likely wants to keep with him and it'll store those. And the rest it'll leave on the cloud. If I say 100%, then it's gonna store it all but remember, that's gonna start filling up your hard drive. So if you're working on a little tiny computer that has a very small hard drive, then that should be the computer that's only looking at the cloud to find those photos. So it's a good travel type of computer. Now if I have a secondary hard drive, and most computers nowadays, even if you get a Mac Pro. So if you get one of those Mac Pros that look like a coffee mug, it has as very small hard drive in it. So the secondary hard drive, the one outside, that's gonna be the one that stores the actual photos. The catalog, or what we call in Lightroom CC the library, is going to be on your computer. You don't get to choose where that goes. It's gonna put it on your computer inside the pictures folder. But you can choose where the actual physical original photos are gonna go and I would always suggest you put that on a good external hard drive. The reason I suggest that is that an external hard drive is the least likely to fail. It's always the internal hard drive that crashes because it's getting used constantly. So put it on an external and if you can, make that external a raid one system so that you have multiple copies being made. That way, you're completely backed up on site and you're getting something into the cloud. So, again, Lightroom CC is going to put everything in the cloud. So this computer, if I were to put something on this computer, it would put it into the computer, deliver it to the cloud, delete it off the computer. If I put it into this computer and told Lightroom I want 100% on this disc, it would put it on this disc, deliver it to the cloud, and keep it on this disc so I have this as my source and this is my backup. If you're on this one, this is not your source. This is your source and this is just a conduit to the source. But because it's in the cloud, it's also available as a full 100% resolution file on my phone. So I can share that to someone and get a hold of the full resolution image from my phone, from my iPad. I can also go to the web and I can access the original file as well from the web and if I'm using Lightroom CC and I happen to put something in that computer over there that's using 0%, the full resolution file will go to the cloud and then it will be delivered in full resolution down to Lightroom Classic. Can you see where that's going to break your world wide open? Because now, your Lightroom Classic catalog that you love and that you're working with all the time in the studio or at your home can sit at your home and you no longer have to put it on a hard drive and then take it over and put it on a different computer and copy it over there and then remember, when you get back you've got to take it and put it back on your computer and then reupdate it and synchronize it with-- You don't have to do that anymore. Cause now if you have two computers, or even if you don't have two computers, but if you do have two computers, you have your Lightroom Classic catalog at one computer. Everything goes in there and then if you're on the road and you take some photos and you want to put em into this computer, you will simply plug in this camera card, plug it into your traveling computer, it will upload them to the cloud. You can work on them here and by the time you get back to your studio, the full resolution file is sitting inside of Lightroom Classic waiting for you to do something with it and the adjustments I made are also there and so I have wasted no time and it's already imported. This is now your backup until you get home and work on the files. Then as soon as you know that you're all done, this thing goes back to the camera and becomes a new job and now you have nothing on that computer, you have a backup in the cloud, you have your original files here and they're here because they're duplicated here, right. They're in the raid one system. They're also inside your catalog. You work on them, share em, do whatever you want with them and then you can archive them, take them off and remember anything that you do-- So if I delete something from Lightroom CC, it'll delete it from here, so I get rid of the images in the cloud because you probably not going to want to store everything you've ever shot in the cloud. It's gonna become way too big. Now most of the plans that are available for Lightroom CC type plans, even the photography plan, which is just Photoshop and Lightroom, has a terabyte of information on the cloud. So you have a terabyte to start with. There are plans that start at 100 gigabytes, but a terabyte is probably where you'll end up. So one terabyte of information in the cloud and you can buy more if you need it. But if you're ending up with 10 terabytes, that might get a little bit overly expensive. So you're gonna want to put your portfolio and the things you work on in the cloud. The rest of it doesn't necessarily need to be in the cloud.
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Ratings and Reviews
Really like Jared's teaching style...has a great sense of humor & education to support anything he says. Learned a tremendous amount and feel comfortable & confident that I understand the basics and how to take advantage of the LIGHTROOM ecosystem. Good job....this was my first Creative Live purchase and am very satisfied.
Candy Smith
Jared does a great job of getting over the fear of the changes that my photography friends were talking about when the cloud went into effect. He really encourages you to take full advantage of all that is available with the CC subscription across all your devices. Huge time saver which I appreciate as I have many projects going at the same time. I now travel way more than I thought I would, and Jared helped me move into a more mobil form of editing so I can use my time more wisely.
Before I took this class I used Lightroom Classic CC as a culling tool more than for editing. Jared Platt showed me how to speed up my editing workflow, and rely more on Lightroom Classic and less on Photoshop, which cut my editing time nearly in half. Platt teaches in a holistic style with humor, demonstrations and tons of knowledge that is easy to follow. I really enjoyed this class, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to speed up their workflow or take advantage of the new mobility features that Adobe has added to the Lightroom platforms.