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How to Increase Your Manager Ratings

Lesson 5 from: Leadership Skills for New Managers

Cory Caprista

How to Increase Your Manager Ratings

Lesson 5 from: Leadership Skills for New Managers

Cory Caprista

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5. How to Increase Your Manager Ratings

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How to Increase Your Manager Ratings

So how do we increase our ratings in these areas? First off, kill your habits. Be willing to kill your habits. You habits are precious to you, precious. You may not think that they are, but they are. They're like our favorite little desserts. The way that we make a sandwich is like so personal to us. Or the way we get dressed in the morning. Or the way we make our tea or our coffee. Right? It's like oh my god if someone makes the coffee wrong I'm not even drinking it. So think about that written large, like blown up right. You have to kill some of those habits that are so precious to you to then build new ones. I'm gonna just go back one second on kill your habits. Be thinking about it, if that triggered some of you. If you want to write down a habit of yours really quick that like oh I need to not do that anymore and try a new habit. Just mark it for yourself. Just awareness is the first step on habits. Okay? You don't have to change it all at once but start being aware. Be a Daoist. ...

So you saw this Yin Yang at the beginning. The idea here is trying to find that center, that balance. So if you feel way off in one area on one side. Or way off in another side. Notice yourself and course correct back to a sense of balance. Balance is gonna be different for every person and every context. That's why there's no one way to tell you how to be a Daoist. When they talk about the Dao De Jing, right? It's walking the center path but you can't actually say what that is cause how you got there is not how you stay on that path cause it's all about correction. There's no one way. So I know that's a little bit like esoteric but the point is to remember what brought you here may not keep you there. We're gonna talk a fair amount about trusting your intuition. Feeling things, this is a good example of that. We talk about it a bunch. Measure yourself differently. If you haven't drafted a set of goals for yourself, on like what's important in your role. Or you feel like they're not good enough yet, spend time, work with a peer, work with your manager. Make sure your metrics are actually in alignment with the highest impact and leverage. It's an exercise that will save you a lot of frustration and disappointment. Okay, commit to your leadership vision. Well Cory I need to have one first, great we're about to do one. But committing to it is really important. You can draft it but if you're not really connected to or committed to it, it's not gonna matter. They're just words. They're just ideas. Until they're followed by action over time, they're not reality. Seek feedback, let people tell you whether you're doing well or what you need to do better. Surround yourself with smart people and then trust them. If someone's not trustworthy maybe don't listen to their feedback. Or maybe entertain it but take it with a grain of salt. See if it sticks or not. Right? But if you trust that person, lean in. It's free help. It's like cheating...when someone gives you good feedback. Aw, that's all I have to do? Sick! Start doing it. We're gonna talk a little bit about growth and fixed mindset but establish a growth mindset. This means that you get better at what you practice. Not that these traits of being a leader, a manager, are inborn and fixed. Lean into the areas you stink at. You know? Or areas of inexperience rather. That more than anything, of that like I'm trying, I'm learning, I'm growing. Is gonna help you and help your team take on things that are scary and stretch and that's actually where we feel the most satisfied. When we try something new and then figure it out. Okay, so let's now, any questions about that? About what we need to do to increase the ratings? Boom. So hopefully for you, you wrote down a couple that really like oh those are the ones for me. Right? Highlighted, thinking about what we're gonna carry forward out of this class. Every step of the way people online, people in the room. Every step of the way I want you to be taking a note for yourself, this is what I wanna do when I leave. Cause again you're not gonna make change by just this course. This is setting you up so that you go out and do the right actions over time and they become automatic for you.

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Cory Caprista - Leadership Skills Workbook

Ratings and Reviews

Mandy Hamilton

I absolutely love this course. Cory is such a good speaker/teacher. He seamlessly pulls in useful frameworks and how-to instructions throughout. I highly recommend this program to existing managers or aspiring managers. It will benefit those who have been in leadership for years or those who are just stepping into the role.

Sylvie Leroy

Super interesting. Clear explanations on the process to become a manager. Lot of useful information and exercices. Highly comprehensive. Thank you!

Tatie Diallo

wow amazing class and content and Cory is making it sounds so easy. Thanks

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