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Mobile Filmmaking Gear

Lesson 6 from: iPhone Filmmaking: From Shoot Through Edit

Cielo de la Paz

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Lesson Info

6. Mobile Filmmaking Gear

Continuing the behind-the-scenes video, learn what gear Cielo brings with her. Look at different options for support rigs from tripods to gimbals. Capture better audio using lavalier mics, shotgun mics, and Bluetooth-enabled mics. Explore different lens options as well as lighting choices.

Lesson Info

Mobile Filmmaking Gear

So let's talk about gear. So my approach to gear as it relates to mobile filmmaking is to keep it as lean as possible, because otherwise you're kind of defeating the purpose of shooting with your phone so usually are given day. I'm usually just carrying one or two pieces. The other advantage of keeping it lean and light is that it is inconspicuous. And if you're going to be shooting a subject, it's actually a lot less intimidating than if you had a bunch of things attached to your phone or if you were shooting with a bigger camera. The phone is something that most people are familiar with, so they're not scared of it. They're used to using it themselves. And so because of that, you get a much more natural reaction from your subject. And then also, when you're shooting out in about, you just blend in with everybody else. So nobody's looking at you weird, and you can just shoot naturally and everybody's acting naturally around you. So that's one of the main reasons, actually, that I like...

to shoot really lean and just keep it as light and with less gear as possible. I have a lot of things laid out in front of me, but usually I'm actually just rolling with a few of them. But I wanted to go over some of the options that I typically pick from to do my shoes. So the first thing I want to go over are the different ways or rigs that you can hold the phone with. And so I have different kinds of one of my favorite brands is Jobe. And so here I have three different kinds of guerrilla pods that they have. This one here is there video gorilla pod. And this is great because you can see it has a handle and it can do a lot of panning. So I think I might actually use this one today because there are. There's a lot of close ups and products that I am going to want to pan. So you get a smoother pan using this kind of head here, Another tripod that I used often is the tele pod. So this tell a pod actually extends out, So let me open it for you. So this is the unique part about this is that you can get a bit of heightened, so you can really place it an interesting places, the 2nd 3rd type of guerilla pods, and I know there's a lot, but this one is really great because you can attach different kinds of things to it. So you see there are cool too mounts. And so when I was a downstairs and the lighting wasn't that great, I was immediately thinking that I would probably use this because I can attach some lights to it as I shoot another tool that I use quite often. And this is usually when I'm walking around and I want my struts to be a lot smoother. I use this deejay, I gimble. Now let's move on to audio cause audio is one of the most important things. I think when it comes to really taking the level of your video of your footage up a notch, because if the audio is no good than your whole film is no good. So I want to make sure I always capture great audio. And for today, since we're going to be doing an interview, I brought with me a couple of Laval ears. This is made especially for the smartphone, so I can connect this directly to my phone. And since there are going to be two of them that I will need to mic up, I have two of these and I have this road s C six l that I can attach to of the Laval ear Mike's two. And then the cool thing about this particular tool is that I can monitor the audio so I can plug in my headphones to it and listen to the quality of the audio, and I can make sure that it's not too loud or too soft. So this is really important. And then when I'm out and about, I usually like to use a shotgun Mike and the one that I like to use very often cause it's so simple and it's so compact and low key is the roads video Mike Me L. And this just plugs into the lightning port of your phone. And when I'm outside and it's windy, there's also wind muff that comes with us and so you can block out that wind noise and then the last mike that actually just recently got. So you'll notice that if I put my phone onto the gimbal and I want to use a mike. It's a really difficult set up. And so I found the solution where this is a really small mike and it so it's kind of lava clearance wireless, and it works via Bluetooth and connects to my phone. So I could be using the gimbal and this microphone at the same time, and I'd have to worry about getting the right balance on the gimbal and going through all of that awkwardness. So this is the insta mike, and this works really great and is compatible with the APS that I use. Now let's go into attachment lenses. So I think this is what a lot of people really get excited about because it's what can really expand the what you can capture with your phone. So the one of the more popular brands are moment lenses or moment, and I have three different kinds of me. Today. I have the telephoto lens. I have the anamorphic lens, and I also have the wide and so today as I go around, I'm probably going to shoot using one of these, depending on type of shot. I want to get so that just attach is to my phone, which has the moment case. So then the last thing is lighting. So I usually try to shoot and really well lit ruse, because the IPhone does have a really small sensor. But sometimes you can always you can't always have it that way. So I know downstairs I probably going to have to bring these lights with me so I can light up some of those shots that I want to get of the tools. And so I have here two lights that I will probably attach to the mobile rig as I shoot downstairs. And then, lastly, is the most important thing is battery. So when you are using your IPhone to shoot video, it drains your battery like nobody's business. So, usually halfway through a chute, like halfway through the day, you know, as I take a break, I'm making sure that I am charging my phone. So I always bring an external a battery charger. And then one, uh, kind of ah, hack that I have is my secret is gaffer's tape. So in order to get some creative shots, sometimes I put my phone in. The random is places and usually I'm just taping my phone to the wall are taping it to the ceiling. So I'm always using gaffer's tape and taping my phone to random. Think so. To me, this is one of the most important tools that I have in my bag. And so for the rest of the day, you're going to see how I use each one of these. But I want to show you that it's I don't You don't bring all of this all the time. I'm typically on a simple shoot. I'm usually using the mobile rig and I have my phone and then I have a mic, and that's usually what I rule with. But I want to show you all of the different options that I choose from in order to do the chutes. All right, so that was the gear. And there are. There's actually one or two things that I didn't mention there, and I want to show you the other two things that might be important to you. Um, so when you're using a gimbal and you have something heavy like my tennis Max and you mount a lens to it, you're gimble won't be able to handle it. I don't know any Gimpel that can handle it so often you have to count or balance your gimbal and so that it's, you know, have Justus heavy on the other side. So I have you can. I don't know what the brand of this, but there's quite a few of these that you can get on Amazon, and this clips on to the side of your gimble. So if I had the phone like that, let's say I would clip it on here to just counterbalance the heavy lens and whatever else is on the phone. And what's great about this one is you know, you, depending on the size you can add, you know, different weights. And Mika's heavy years light is she wants, so that one is super useful when you are using the gimbal, the other thing that you will see when you see me filming, I use my watch. Ah lot. I use it as a remote. Uh, so there's an app called Stomach Pro, which I will go over. They have an accompanying app on the watch, and this helps me with those creative shots and you'll see me using it, because if I were to tape, Let's say my phone to the ceiling. I have no idea what it looks like, right? And I have no idea. Toe, I have no way to press record, especially bits up there. Um so usually I will launch the filmic pro app on my watch, and I look at the framing and then change it if I really wanted Teoh, and then I can hit record and stop and start just for my watch. So that's a really cool trick. And you don't even need the most advanced newest watchful eye minds. Two virgins old and it still works. So you don't have to get a super fan, sir, but that's really useful, Um, or if you have another phone that can also work as a remote for filmic pro. So a few more tips on that. Okay, So, like I said, I think I've really, like, drilled this into your very pick and choose from your tools. Keep it mobile. Otherwise you're defeating the whole purpose of shooting Mobile. I've seen a few people that have all sorts of crazy rigs, and they've got these big things attached to it. And then I'm thinking Why not just go all out and put on a Really? Why are easy phone? I mean, that's kind of in defeat. The purpose for me anyway.

Ratings and Reviews

essie Logan

"iPhone filmmaking has revolutionized how we create and share visual stories, making high-quality filmmaking accessible to everyone. With the advanced camera technology in modern iPhones, you can capture stunning footage that rivals traditional cameras. The process starts with careful planning and shooting, utilizing features like slow motion and time-lapse to enhance your storytelling. After capturing your scenes, editing is seamless with apps like iMovie or LumaFusion, which offer powerful editing tools right at your fingertips. Adding soundtracks, transitions, and effects can elevate your project even further. Overall, iPhone filmmaking empowers creators to bring their visions to life, making it easier than ever to produce professional-looking films on the go!"

Chrystelle Hadjikakou

Being a beginner in all things video, watching this live class left me excited to try out a lot of things on my iPhone, not to mention I learned loads. Cielo showed us the full process from shot listing to gear to preparing the shoot and then shooting and editing, which was very enlightening, also I want to thank the people who were on the chat, because sharing tips and tricks was great too! Thank you for the awesome work!


This class was great! Cielo offered really good information. It was probably more than I needed since I am a beginner, but it inspired me to try and use it for the simple reasons I took the course. But it also showed me what is possible and how I can eventually upgrade what I am doing. It's good for people who are really into photography and telling the story of entrepreneurs (which is so important these days) can use their photography skills to help business owners stand out whether it's your side hustle or main career.

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