Lesson Info
4. Gear List
05:32 2Your Story Arch
12:28 3Creating a Shot List
05:08 4Gear List
18:13 5Introduction to Location Shoot
01:51 6Mobile Filmmaking Gear
10:00 7Assessing the Location
09:42 8Setting Up the Interview
07:28Capturing the Interview
21:08 10Capturing B Roll
12:06 11Shooting Creatively
11:03 12Organizing Your Footage
02:21 13Culling Footage
10:30 14Shaping the Story
15:21 15Adding B Roll to the Edit
05:35 16Color Grading and Fixing
07:28 17Music
06:45 18Voice Over
04:31 19Exporting and Uploading
15:14Lesson Info
Gear List
so the gear is always find. I think I tend to spend more time on it than I should just because I love it's like my toys. I love player the gear, Um, but the thing with mobile filmmaking is it's because they're so small. It's just so easy. Just bring everything with you. But I find that when I do that, it becomes a distraction. Actually, um, and it becomes like when I get there and I did bring everything it becomes. How can I use this piece of gear? And it's not about away, you know, telling the story. It's about using the gear. Does that make sense? It It's so be wary of bringing everything because you don't want it to distract you. So when you do prepare your gear, it's good to know the shots that you need to get right so that you do know what to bring. So, for example, in the shot list before I had, um, I think wide shots of the room. So then that would tell me I need to bring a wide lens. Um, and I knew it was going to try to do a time lapse, so I need some kind of tripod. I knew I ...
wanted to maybe do some slow motion, so I knew I would have to bring a gimbal. And I knew I wanted to walk around the room. So the gimbal was going to be really useful. Um, so it was kind of looking at the shot list and then seeing what gear did I need in order to execute on that shot list. And then, um, if you don't know if you don't have the gear, it's very easy enough to go buy them there. The cool thing about mobile filmmaking is that all the gear is really inexpensive. I mean, even the lenses. I mean, So my cameras, I pay $2000 for a lens, and I'm like, Oh, my God, um but for I'll go over the gear later. But some of these you know, some people freak out that it's Oh, my God, it's $100. But then I'm thinking, Well, at least it's not $2000. Okay? So don't get play. Um, so, yeah, so you can easily buy the gear. It's really inexpensive. A lot of it, Um, or you can borrow it from someone. And if you can rent it from your local camera store, you should go for it. Unfortunately, my camera store, they're not quite there yet. They don't have the mobile filmmaking. Um, but yeah, if you're camera store has it, then Definitely. I highly recommend renting things out first. Eso I already talked about without over doing it. Okay, so I gave that big caveat. But now let's talk about all the awesome you can get. Um, So I have, ah, slew of things here on the desk and, um, always warn you, you don't have to get everything but these air the options that are available to you. Okay, so let me start off with some of the things that you can use to hold your phone. And there's a lot out there. I tried. Keep mine as basic as possible. One of my favorite tools is one. My favorites right now. Are these jobe gorilla pods? I think a lot of you have seen this. A lot of bloggers care around bigger versions for the bigger cameras. They make it for phones too. So this is the mobile rig. And what's cool about this particular rig is that it's got arms and has these cold shoe amounts. So the cold shoe mounts allow you to attach different things like lights or microphones and whatever else you need to help you film And what I like about this now that we have I g TV and we have vertical video is that you can actually turn this to capture vertical video. If you care about that and I do care about that s oh, that's one cool rig. And what's great about these bendy legs is they're small. They can fit in a small backpack, and you can mount them on all sorts of random things, like a branch or rail. Um, and then you can bounce it out and you can do like you can get really creative with that. So that's why I really like that particular rig. Um, another rig is also by Joby, and this one is called the Tele Pods. So what's cool is you have to embrace the selfie stick. Okay? I know a lot of people like, but this is really cool because yes, it's it can be a selfie stick, you know, um but I think for me I like using it because it gives you a little bit more height. So sometimes if I am doing my vlog, I put it up on a table and it's it's good heightened, and I can Well, not right now. Um, but you can use it for that. So this is really cool. Eso This comes with a Bluetooth remote, which I lost, Um, and then you can choose how high you want it to be. So hey, that's really cool. So that's another one of my favorites and these come apart. So that s Oh, this comes off so that you can put in a really small person, a really small bag. So that's a really cool one. And then the next thing that I use often enough is a gimbal or a stabilizer, and this is great for when you're doing a lot of walking around, it really stabilizes your footage. There are a lot out there. Um, I like D J I because they have a nap that goes along with this and for me. I think their app is the best at that face tracking. So if you are someone that films yourself often and you wanted to make. Do you want to make it look like you have a camera person? You can put that tracking on. You can set it down and you can move around and it little follow you. So it looks like somebody moving the camera for you. Which is kind of a cool hack, I think. Um, so this is by D J. I Another good one that a lot of people use, which I think is good as well is the June June smooth four. Another one to take a look at, um but this is the one that I like to use and you'll see later on me using this. So, um, there's some tricky things about this with balancing and so on. But you'll see that later on on how I balance it when I have heavy things on there. But that does fit my big phone. So I have the IPhone tennis max. So that does fit that which is really nice. So those are the rigs that I use. Now let's go into audio, because to me, audio is really, really important if you have wind noise or you just can't hear what's happening. Ah, lot of the time. It's really, really hard to watch whatever it is that video. So I have a few options here, the one I like to use because it's so simple and it's so small. Is this road Um, Mike Me? L And it goes straight into the lightning port of the phone, and it's I mean, it's so tiny. Um, and it fits into this case, but it, you know, it covers. You can go about five feet away. I think if with any Mike any shotgun, Mike, if you're further than five feet, it kind of defeats the purpose of using the mic. So make sure you're within about five feet, Um, of using these shotgun mikes. There's there's quite a few that are out there. Um, I know there's the shore, and the 88 is another good one that people like to use, but this one is really great. Um, and then this also comes with a wind cover or wind muff that I didn't bring with me. So whenever it's windy outside, make sure just pop on that wind much for wind cover or dead cat. Whatever you wanna call it. Um, and then it takes it blocks out that wind noise, which is nice. Then you're not limited. Limited to non windy days when you're filming outside. Another cool little tool that I just recently got And I love this little thing is called the insta Mike. Eso the instant Mike is a Bluetooth mike, and it's time it's like a lava leer. So this kind of this got magnet and you kind of clip it on to your lapel or whoever it is that's talking. And it it stinks to your phone via Bluetooth, which is really great. If you have ever tried using a mike with one of these Gimbels, you know that it is so hard to balance your phone with a mic on this Kimble. So the instant Mike is actually a good solution for that. And the great thing is that this works with the filming app that a use which is filmic pro, um, which you will see me using later on. So this is a really cool, cool tool, and it can also record by itself, too, so it doesn't have to be attached to your phone. Um, and then I think this has, like, eight gigs of memory. Don't quote me on that, but something like that, so we can record it. Could be a separate recorder. So that that for audio now, lenses. I know a lot of you have gotten notes. I have the movement, Liz Anamorphic. So there are all sorts of lenses that you can get an attached to your phone and my favorite ones right now are the moment lenses. Simply because I feel like the quality of the glass is really great. Me being a photographer, you know, I always want the best glass. So for now, I think moment does make the best class, and they have different kinds. So if you want to capture a wider scene on your phone, you can. Ah, So this is the moment. 18 millimeter. You can attach it to your phone. So I have the moment case here, and it just screws on like that. So I have a few different versions. I have the wide and then I have the telephoto here, which is then I also have the anamorphic leads. Um, anamorphic lenses, uh, needs a special app for you to use it. So if you use film Akpro. You'll be able to use this where it will stretch out. And you have this more cinematic looking kind of footage, I guess. Um, so that's that for lenses. There are a few more that makers and make it. There's although clip I know I use although clip, um for when I want to use my front facing camera Because as you can see, these Onley clip to the back right? If you like to dio selfie videos or anything like that, um, and want wider lens, Sometimes I will clip onto the front of my phone on Allah clip wide lens. Um, so there's that. And then finally lights. Um, sometimes. So we all know that the phone has a really tiny sensor. So whenever you're somewhere that's really dark. Or if you're interviewing somebody, I mean you need a little bit more light. You can get these lights of These are man photo lights, and the's have three different settings. Actually, um, so they can go from it is somewhat bright to really ridiculously blinding bright. Um, so I have to be careful when I've, you know, interbreeding somebody and I have it facing them. It can be blinding. But that just goes to show how much power these little guys have. And so this works really well with the mobile rig, actually. So here you can see I have this cold shoe. I'm out here so you can just put it on like that, um, and then pointed whichever way you want to point it, and you've got yourself a cool little set up there, you can walk around and, you know, and light up the scene in front of you. So that's, um that's it for gear again. I want to reiterate that, um, it's not about bringing everything with you. If I were to tell you what I normally bring with me, you'd be so surprised because I'm usually, uh, Cubes. I'm usually carrying this mike the shotgun mike with me, and then I have the mobile rig, and that's it. So I always make sure I have good audio. That's very, very key. Some toe. Have some good mike with you. And then, um, some way for you to hold your phone. Um, yes. So that's it. Are there any questions about gear? Um, in studio, If you say, want to do something in studio and you already have a studio or photo studio. Um, there's no reason why you can't use your existing equipment. Just because you're filming with the phone doesn't mean you have to change up all your gear. Um, so one of the lights, I think in one of the photos that was used earlier in the class, I had this big bring light in front of me, so I just wanted to dress that. So I do use that. Um, obviously, that's not so mobile. That's good for when I do videos. Yeah, that guy. Um, so thank you. Eso. That's good for it. So you see my phones attached there. I have a wireless mic that's good for you know, if you just wanted light yourself up, it's just one little light, and it does. It just makes your face look great. Takes out the blemishes, which is why I love it. Um, so that's about all the gear that I use. I mean, that's there's There's nothing complicated about it. All that can fit in one little bag. So that's the beauty of filming with their phone. Um, especially if you're out and about even if you just had this, You just Nobody looks, You know, if you're the kind person likes to be low key, which is me, um, then you'll totally get away with just filming on that. Nobody knows you have this beagle video or story that you're trying to create. All right, so that is the gear portion. Um, see what we have next. It's and so we just listed out the gear option. So the IPhone So let me talk about that. So sometimes I have a spare IPhone with me. I know not everyone has that luxury. Um, but it's always good to have a spare one, because then you can get an additional vantage point. Right? So you have this to camera thing happening, so I'll usually bring my spare old IPhone. Then we talked about tripods and rigs, and then the stabilizer, and then the different lenses. And then oh, super Keith, this one from Clyde, I looses. I didn't have it out here, but battery charter, um, super super important. Because when you're filming versus just taking photos with their phone, it will consume your battery like a lot. Um, so I am usually carrying a battery charger with me. I find that when I shoot with the IPhone tennis max, um, by if I started nine by 2 p.m. I kind of need to charge it up. So when I'm taking a break, let states and all day shoot, then you know, I'll plug it in and charge it up. But that's really that There's one thing that will kill your shooting, that if you run out of battery on your phone, it goes dead. So that one's really, really important. Um, and then we talked about lights, gaffer tape. Here's the secret, and you'll see me using this later on because the IPhone is so light and small you can tape it to anything. Oh, so you're limited by your imagination, and I like to bring gaffer tape with me because, you know I can take. But anyway, to mailboxes, to the wall, to the ceiling, to a ceiling fan. I mean, you name it. This is how you can get really creative with your phone with tape. Um, so I think that was that for the gear. Yes. Kanneh, we do have a question online. This is from Jordan. Do you ever use nd filter Circular polarizer zahn I dio if so went so Andy filters I do use, um I don't bring him out as often as I should. The ND filters are basically good for keeping your shutter speed at a certain level, right? So, um, not to go into the whole like video. But let's say you're filming at 24 frames per second. You want to make sure that your shutter speed for a more cinematic look it's not gonna ruin your video. But if you really Amy for a cinematic look, it's good to have your shutter speed at 1/50. So double your double your frame rate, and in order to do that, you have to darken it with the nd filter. So I do use and D filters I had don't use. Polarizer is though, um, but certainly used that these polarized move more for ah photography. But that's a good question. And moment also has, um, they didn't bring with me, but they do have attachments to their to their lenses, so they haven't adapter so that you can attach those nd filters through them. Good question, Jordan. Yes, right. Got some more questions coming in. This one is from Jeannie. Who says, What is the best light and Mike for full body movement shoots Best light and Mike for full body shoots. That wouldn't depends on where if it's outdoor on and I always tried to film the best life possible because the IPhone it has a small sensor, guys, um, but if you're in studio, then I think if you have soft boxes, that's kind of a good way to soften shadows. You know, just like any led soft boxes, you can buy really inexpensive ones for a couple $100. I would probably set up two of them 45 degree angle to somebody dancing or something like that, Um, that I probably go to the standard soft box set up.
Ratings and Reviews
essie Logan
"iPhone filmmaking has revolutionized how we create and share visual stories, making high-quality filmmaking accessible to everyone. With the advanced camera technology in modern iPhones, you can capture stunning footage that rivals traditional cameras. The process starts with careful planning and shooting, utilizing features like slow motion and time-lapse to enhance your storytelling. After capturing your scenes, editing is seamless with apps like iMovie or LumaFusion, which offer powerful editing tools right at your fingertips. Adding soundtracks, transitions, and effects can elevate your project even further. Overall, iPhone filmmaking empowers creators to bring their visions to life, making it easier than ever to produce professional-looking films on the go!"https://freddys-menu.com/
Chrystelle Hadjikakou
Being a beginner in all things video, watching this live class left me excited to try out a lot of things on my iPhone, not to mention I learned loads. Cielo showed us the full process from shot listing to gear to preparing the shoot and then shooting and editing, which was very enlightening, also I want to thank the people who were on the chat, because sharing tips and tricks was great too! Thank you for the awesome work!
This class was great! Cielo offered really good information. It was probably more than I needed since I am a beginner, but it inspired me to try and use it for the simple reasons I took the course. But it also showed me what is possible and how I can eventually upgrade what I am doing. It's good for people who are really into photography and telling the story of entrepreneurs (which is so important these days) can use their photography skills to help business owners stand out whether it's your side hustle or main career.
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