Lesson Info
Herringbone Stitch
So next up is herringbone stitch this one super cute, too? I like all of them. So this is a nice little variation on what we've been doing, and there is also a couple things you can do to this one sort of like the star student, you can see you can go over part of the ex with the stitch similar to the starts to it, which is how I kind of made it a little fancy and that's just a variation on the hearing, one that's called attacked herringbone so the basic caring bone that we're going to be starting with us at the top there were the blue stitches are and then attacked is where I've taken another color and attacked the thread where the x is it's again, a five I like five against e feel like it's a natural point, so instead of making an ex, you're going to start with a diagonal line that's five across, so you're going to go in one and then count one, two, three, four, five and five down, one, two, three, four, five and put in your thread so you're going tohave ah, just a little old diagonal...
stretch like that to start, and then you're going to go back in and you're gonna skip so you're going to skip one so you're going to go you're going to count three so I'll show you and then I'll talk about a little bit you know? One, two, three here it's still five but you're skipping so then you're going one then you're counting again you're counting three and then you're where you're threat comes up you're counting again you're starting over with the five counts you're going one, two, three, four, five, one, two, three, four, five and you look at this little designed like this and then you're going from the bottom so you're looking at what you have down here and you're going you're counting backwards you're in one, two, three so we're coming up keeping a hole, but the magical thing about cross stitch is because it's a grid you're also coming up even with that first stitch so it's in line e can't quite see yeah, let me finish this ditch and then I'll come over once you get a couple of stitches because you're actually going in the same vertical point, it will make more sense it's like the first three stitches on the herringbone are a little bit wacky you have to kind of really get it with a count and then you'll be able to see it but I'm gonna walk over with the sample and show you yeah, okay and then this stitch is you're starting the count again, but it's actually even with that one okay, and then from this one I'm counting five over you're counting, I always count from where the threat is and one, two, three, four, five and then up five ok, but everything after, like the first three stitches, you'll have a reference point for where the thread will through ok, afraid starting. So what are these called it's called a herringbone stitch? Yeah, and these air the tact herringbone, which is just a variation on it and just like the star stitch where we went over points of the acts that's all you're doing, you're just making a tiny stitch over where where there would be an exit the top so it's five down and then one, two, three over you're basically starting forget about the over, such when you start, you want to start with a diagonal stitch that's like a five just like the basic cross stitch where you're thinking five by five and that's going to get you a five count diagonal stitch and then you're going to be going back in skipping one left on and then you're starting that count again one, two, three, four, five to put the other stitch in cool don't you wonder how people did this under candlelight with then also having teo I don't think I know the time I don't under I don't get it I have all these beautiful linens that we're not only my grandmother's but my great grandmother's so going even back further toe like the gangs of new york days in the city where there was like no electricity and plumbing or anything and these women were working on, you know, napkins for early a family of sixteen on cooking and lank wrangling kids out of the street and I don't know it wasn't my job I don't know how much time I have to do it to freddy, you know it's amazing great so I'm going to do a few more stitches on the herringbone so you can get a sense of it here and I think from watching you'll see how you'll get a little bit of a pattern let's see, I made a mistake so I'm not immune you all okay? So I'm going to stop here and I'm just going to show the tact variation how are you guys feeling about the hearing? What are you finding that if you can get the first few you can sort of start to see it yeah yeah that's right? Oh yeah they told radio that's a good way to describe it they end up looking like little teepees to peace and are you also seeing over okay okay but you just go back and do that, huh? Waste a threat but if you if you have another way of of crossing it that you want to do that's totally fine I'm I'm kind of showing you a standard way of doing it I'm for whatever works for you in your life with your hands with your eyes ok totally fine you got excited wait square yeah sometimes that'll happen we're going to get into a knob long stitch so worse comes to worse if yours is looking a little taller than wide that's an accepted variation so you're doing something even fancier then we're talking about so good for you so what's my next move okay, so you're gonna come up now you're gonna be working on this line right? Huh? Serial here's one two, three so you're gonna skip the whole will be an empty hole over here you see? Ok there you know that gives me a back one and then when she get that throw it out you're going to start your count over so that's going to be one, two, three, four, five and then you're going to count five down okay? And then you're gonna count five down and that's where your stitches so it's gonna end up being one one two hey but then I want to go straight down I'm gonna show you here okay, so here's your steps and then are you want to start at the bottom I'm saying we're gonna start at the bottom then you're gonna come up one two three there's one skipped in the middle for five on account five e that I think I'm sorry okay yeah okay, so once you start counting, you'll see this will become your grid you're going up the state you know what I'm saying going up the same amount of time and you'll be crossing you'll be repeating the pattern for you just have to get the first the first two or three ok son is going to show the attacked variation real quick but it's the stain is the star stitch really similar to what we just did so all you're doing is creating a straight stitch over where the bars of the herringbone cross the herringbone stitch crossing that's all that makes it called attacked herringbone we're just coming up through the middle and going back down or horizontal or both you could double yeah, you could do both and sort of replicate that star stitch look if you want and then it's every you're counting three over yeah and that's what it looks like when you have the little attack at the top and when it's repeated you can do all sorts of fun stuff on this one you'll see I attacked in the top and the bottom which you can do. You can just tack it at the top. And then if you tack it at the top in the bottom and you repeat it, you get this whole different design in another pattern.
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Ratings and Reviews
Mary Stambaugh
A nice class...cross stitching is very calming, and Lisa has a soothing voice. I wish the camera operator had done a better job of filming her hands while making the stitches, as it was difficult to see. I went on YouTube and found videos that did a better job for that purpose. I would recommend this class, with that one caveat.
Lene C Sundby
Inspiring instructor and inspiring samples design! Useful tips and tricks! Unfortunately it was difficult to se how the stitches were done because of no filming up close. I would suggest an editing job being done with lay over with illustration on how the stitches are done. At least there should be a downloadable pdf with detailed explanations.
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