Soldering the Jump Rings Closed
Lesson 3 from: Intermediate Chain Making for Jewelry MakingBonnie Heras

Soldering the Jump Rings Closed
Lesson 3 from: Intermediate Chain Making for Jewelry MakingBonnie Heras
Lesson Info
Soldering the Jump Rings Closed
So that's enough time just going to grab this out of here neutralize a pickle? No, this is where you might want to sit down when you're suffering more on the other times that you can do it anytime you want, but this is an instance where you have a lot you need to be really close to see what you're doing so now my just prop us up here so now I want to flux the jumper rings and since once again we're sauntering sterling we want tio we can coat them completely, you can just be very abundant with your application here now based on this set up what I'm doing right now this could slide and shift at some point, you know, because they have it on the shelf it slip another little quick tip when you're sauntering there, you can use sewing tee pins to stick into the brick and keep things in place. So now this is not going to fall because it's stuck on that chief in that's a beauty of a lot of these types of bricks is that they're soft enough for you to put a t pin into them. So do you have any que...
stions so far? The question of iran with some of saying if they didn't have this particular type of break with a regular brick do but obviously not because you wanna be out to pin it yes, no the these particular bricks absorb he in a, uh a particular way in the sense that they can absorb it um some of them reflected a different way those type of breaks I've never heard anybody trying to do that, but my first thought is that it might that could be a dangerous situation because certain elements kind of react to heat in different ways where they kind of exploder expand in a way so you definitely want to don't want to use in or break this something you can buy from a jury supply company also, um if you happen to know any ceramicist, this is actually a stereotypical brick that's used in kill mes um by syria versus you can use those bricks as well. So that's been painted now this is this is where we're going to be like right in there so let me see I might just stand for this, but yeah, um so have your sauder close and ready and you're going to take a look here you want to and it's a little hard to see at the moment, but when you start trying to shift around, find where your joints are on your jump rings and kind of turned them so that they're easily accessible so like I see a joint here for this one the joint for the next one over is right there to try to place the joint over an area where it's not going to be like it don't put on top of the other links so obviously it's interchange so I'm putting this so that it's sitting on top of the brick this is sitting right there that way if you do have overflow of slaughter you're not accidentally saw during the jumping to the other one this one's a little more tricky might shift that around so now since we're working within a material we don't need a really big flame so that's a lot smaller than what we've been working with before and you're just focusing on the particular ring that you are suffering at the most ignore the rest of them so that's gotten to that clear point with your flux now you have two places on to curve surface hitting the torch there making sure that the flux is tacky to keep the sauder sitting there is always a good idea now when you're placing your sought to remember you want to sit right on the joint so now even he just like um any time you're sauntering you wanted to hear the entire piece on ly localized the heat when it disorder starts to flow like it did right there so then we just move on to the next one make sure that it's out of the way like I said before flux is melted ready for your sauder you pick up your sword earpiece you place it make sure it's not going to move on you than just do your normal circling of even heat. Now that jumped to one side so you can actually re flew your sauder. Use the torch to your advantage and heat that area and push the sauder by using the saw during pick once it's flowing as well as the heat casada will follow the heat when it's melting so it moved over that side. Now we can kind of shift this a little bit our next joints right there now it can be a little tricky. It does take quite a bit of time now, some people may ask, do I really have to slaughter these all closed? You don't have to this ad structural integrity to your chain, the more work hardened it is, the less likely the chain will open up. The links will open up if it gets pulled on or what not so you don't have to. It just makes it so that you have to worry about that factor later on during usage. So you just keep going from linked to link just like that. And so all of them are sauntered. All right, so I won't do every single one if you now I hadn't quite heated over here, but it's always a good rule of thumb to make sure that anything that's been in the sodding area you don't just directly go grab it with your hands so I am just going tio pull it out with my tool there give us a little time to cool down quench and we're gonna drop it into our acid into article again and we'll just sit here for us and is there any questions in the audience? Is this a process that any of you've attempted before you want your jewelry makers or your yards aspiring julie back injury because maybe even phyllis in for the viewers at home you got the first hit I've done quite a bit of jewelry but I haven't done any suffering at all and so this is all new for me and really fascinating pieces have you made before this is what we've worked with resins but vessels that have already been made on dh oh, just a lot of quick jewelry you know nothing that's them notes trying jewelry yeah, so these what about the other ladies? What's your goal for this course is it to understand more about jewelry? Are you looking to start your own jewelry business? I think the learn to use the tools better and to learn about new tools that maybe I should be using so it helps to see the process what pieces have you been making so far? Um I've done a little bit of suffering but I like the way that you're doing it it's a totally different way than I've done it in the past good to know I'm very happy to be here um yeah a lot of these I mean people kind of underestimated you know how simplistic it can be but these are this is like fundamentals like you are not limited anymore not limited to what you could buy you're not limited to what's available when you go to purchase it you know if it's at a stock or whatever you can create it and make it your completely your own piece um because I know a lot of people who do assemblage actually tend to dissect things and trying to make it work for what they're doing and it's a little bit more of a challenge here you are making it exactly what you want and your your your limits are endless line one ring of this process differs if you're working with gold for example and if the purity is affected by the aer kneeling or the soldering technique the purity is not the process the only thing that's really different about the process of goal is inherently softer so you do need me buying full of that um you are most of them they there are various carrots and so those various carrots as well as color combinations such is, you know, fourteen karat yellow gold or fourteen karat white gold or eighteen karat rose gold there's actually sauder that is exactly for each of those so not into a point that there is fourteen karat yellow gold sauder in hard, medium easy, so to the point that it's not just yellow, gold, sauder it's that particular carrot, because when you get into gold there's actually different those carrots, there is color variation, and so there is sauder that is available in the various melting temperatures of that particular one. So there is that big difference there. So this is sat in our pickle looks pretty clean to me now remember, once we put into the pick on this is a hot acid, it is the metal itself is now getting hot again, I quench it it's soft enough to the touch, you know are cold to the touch, so you'd have to worry about it, but soon that goes into this acid, it actually gets pretty hot again, so don't just grab out of acid and just start handling it. Um, you're going tio haven't unfortunate surprise on your hands, it's going to be hot so and once again, if you happen to see so actually here let's, that's a lot on this kind of little crusty so you can kind of see here any time you see any crusty nous anytime you're seeing any residue even if it looks clean like you see the metal really cleanly right now that actually is still flux on it but for the sake of timing we can move on sometimes it'll wipe just write off but other times it just means you need to leave it in the pickle longer yes he used a torch for this particular class but red scorpion was running online do you ever use a soldering iron? See slaughtering irons do not get hot enough so melting temperature of hard sauder is fourteen twenty five um for medium it is thirteen ninety and this is for stealing silver sauder mind you um and for easy it is thirteen twenty five from remembering correctly um and so side americans do not get the hot most sightings like it's like five hundred degrees a center that is used with in correlation to saw during irons is usually think related which is a very melts at a very low temperature and so you that's how you can use the sodding going to do it so but u k and let's say if you don't want to have a do a big set up super into doing your own chain making this is where you can use a small little proof butane torch is easily too saw your job brings closed the ones that have the creme brulee torch is most people associate them with that's something that's very lou maintenance very low equipment if you're feeling cumbersome about having a large tank set up here are in your personal space in your garage or wherever your studio maybe even though the tanks that we're using here the propane tank is the size of any normal barbecue propane tank and that's literally the size your standard tank is this particular one here so you can pick that up in a lot of locations the option to take you're gonna have to goto look a welding supply company or something like that to find it and that's actually believe the smallest type of oxygen take you can get in some places you can actually rent them, you know have to buy and so on. So now that this is sauder together now you can kind of take a look at how you did um you may have a little hiccup, you kind of see there where there's a little bit of a lip remove those excess sauder so you can just and this is once again being a little fussy you want to look really clean you can for that really refined look is what it really is, you know, and once again it just a matter of choice you kind of come in here using a flat file metal file is fine and just kind of sand or file. I mean, over that joint, like this one had a little bit of a hiccup here, too, and basically, just clean up your sauder enjoying once again, create that flawless lately. Once you've done that, if you'd like tio sand away, any of those imperfections, you can just come with your standing stick and go over your joint and all the different grits. Get it to a night smooth finish. So once you've done that with every link, you're ready to kind of give it that shine.
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Ratings and Reviews
Judy Craik
I thought Bonnie was very informative, however I didn’t like the camera angles. Most classes I take, the focus is the table and shows the teachers hands. Thank you Bonnie, I enjoyed you short class.