Increasing Trust in Your Online Business
Lesson 1 from: Increasing Trust in Your Online BusinessKiffanie Stahle

Increasing Trust in Your Online Business
Lesson 1 from: Increasing Trust in Your Online BusinessKiffanie Stahle
Lesson Info
1. Increasing Trust in Your Online Business
Increasing Trust in Your Online Business
46:23Lesson Info
Increasing Trust in Your Online Business
Hi, welcome to creative life. Ah, this is increasing trust in your online business with tiffany staley. I'm lar mccormick your hosts and this is a special hour long workshop with tiffany where she'll share insider tips that will increase customer trust in your creative business. So let's, give it up for kissing thing you're familiar with me. I'm just going to give you a brief bio intro she's a lawyer, a creative business owner, and founded the artist j d to empower creatives about the legal side of their businesses. Awesome! I know you have a lot of material to cover what you get started extinct, so today we're going to talk about how you can increase trust in your online business. We all know that running a business online is hard and it's really hard to stand out in a sea of people. So how can we do this? One of my least favorite things is when I go to a presentation and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going and what my destination is, so we're gonna start off with a goal. So our...
goal today is to boost trust with your website visitors and transform them into loyal customers by creating two important policies now the sounds like humongous promise, and I'm not promising you a magic want, but I am promising you has to do with baseball if you know me, you know I have a diehard san francisco giants fan, I goto about sixty games year and I haven't missed an opening day, and I don't even know how many years what's amazing is the difference between an average player, an extraordinary player and how minor that difference it's. For those of you who aren't familiar with baseball, one of the statistics that baseball tracks is the batting average, and so that the number of times a player comes up to bat and safely hits and makes it on base, divided by the number of times they stand at home plate to hit. So last year, if you averaged every single major league baseball player for the thousand times, they came up the home plate to hit they hit and safely made it on base two hundred and fifty four times, he looked at the top one hundred batting averages all time in major league baseball. Those players out of that same thousand times hit somewhere between three hundred ten and three hundred eleven times that's on ly a difference of fifty six hits per thousand out that's. And when you break that down even further that's only one extra hit every four baseball games, so what we're going to do today is not to give you a magic wand that's going to mean every single person that lands on your website is going to say yes, I want to buy what we're trying to do is convince those people who are sitting on the fence convince one of those people that are fence sitting to go ahead and click the buy button. So what makes this click the buy button? There are a lot of factors that go into making a purchase and in particular what I'm talking about here is factors that go into making a purchase with small businesses like all of us run, we're not thinking about the big box retailers or discount retailers were talking about the business is that all of you have. So what goes into that decision? The first is what is the quality of the products? Do I know that it's of high quality or based on what reading the website and what I know of this brand? I perceive that the quality is high. The second factor that goes into this is price does the price and the perceived value that I have in this product align with the quality that I'm getting? We all care about shipping costs, how much is it going to cost for that product to go from you to me? And finally do I trust the brand? All of these things come together, and once you have them all, I know that. Product quality is high, the price is an alignment it's not going to cost me a million dollars to get it shipped to my house and I trust that when I make an order, I'm going to get what I think I'm getting and three months later I'm not going to have weird charges on my credit card bill when all those come together, we go ahead and buy so today we're only getting focused on the last one there are lots of other experts who can teach you about the first three, and I know that creative life probably has some classes that can help you with those first three, but today we're just going to focus on trust in your brand. So how do you build trust with your website visitors? Now I want o preface this that we're talking about kind of what's traditionally from the sales terms those cold leads we're not talking about those website visitors who, you know, I'm wearing this necklace, you say oh that's so gorgeous who made it? I say lisa zelma rose, she made it and so you've already seen the quality you've already gotten a recommendation because she's an amazing business owner and so all you're looking at when you land on her web site is does what the price that's listed on her sight line up with what I thought it was going to be and is the shipping a big deal? But you're already halfway there because you have a trusted recommendation from someone else. So really what we're trying to build trust with here are those people who only know you from social media or those people who maybe have googled and landed on your web site or those people that you haven't ad and they end up on your web site. We're talking about those kind of cold leads that you don't already have a relationship with, that they haven't come to your web site via word of mouth, they just are kind of landing on your site. So who trust google or facebook with their data? Nobody? Part of the reason nobody trusts that these big brands with their data is because they're acting like the wizard of off. For those of you who haven't watched this movie three times in the last two weeks, the great and powerful wizard of oz short version is it's a great exercise to watch if you're trying to learn how to put together a story it's a perfect three act story, dorothy ends up and oz she needs to figure out a way to get home she meets her merry band of travelers as she travels to the emerald city, she will rise in the emerald city and encounters another obstacle when the wizard tells her he'll only send her home if she defeats to look at but the west so she travels off she defeats the wicked witch of the west and she returns the emerald city the second time she's an emerald city and she's told the wizard that she's defeated the wicked witch of the west he says sorry can't send you back to us today I would say it can send you back to campus today come back tomorrow and in this process there's a cat that's wandering through the chamber and he wanders over and pulls back the curtain and once the wizard realizes he's been revealed as an average human operating this crazy machine he tells dorothy to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain that's exactly what a lot of these brands are doing they're saying you don't need to know why we need this information just just trust us and for a lot of businesses like ours people are buying from us because they know us they like us and they trust us they want to see that human behind the brand they want to see that they can relate to you they want to see that you are creating an image of someone they want to be they want to interact with you and so by pulling back the curtain and revealing the human that you are behind your business you can go a long way to increase in trust so how are we going to do this consumer trust stems from two different things we're going to want to have a secure website and a strong brand reputation although is there some really big categories I've got there so let's break that down just a little bit what goes into creating a secure website these are very technical six their technical things you khun dio or hire someone to do for you so that your website has the perception of when I give you my credit card information it's going to be safely trans emitted and not intercepted along the way so what are things you can do to increase security on your website? The first is an ssl certificate all of us are familiar with the concept of surfing the web and seeing it changed tio https seeing that little green bar or the little lock symbol all of those kinds of things are an indicator that that web site owner has purchased an ssl certificate now these aren't very expensive I think mine's less than one hundred dollars a year and basically what these this does is encrypt the data as it's transferred from one place to another so that it makes it more difficult for hackers to intercept that information the second thing you khun dio is include your payment process in logos I don't think any of us actually process or credit cards ourselves we've partnered with paypal or stripe or square to go ahead and take that off of our plates and consumers trust the's france they see them everywhere they know that when they see people that they're going to log in in a normal way and that their credit card number is going to be safe and so you can leverage the trust that consumers already have in these brands by including these kinds of logos on your website the final thing that you can do when it comes to websites security is to get a trust deal now these are a little less common but there are several companies that do it mcafee security has won the better business bureau has one and the third brand is trust in all capital letters followed by a lower case e and what you do is you enter your you earl and answer some questions and they run some tests on your website and if you pass their tests they allow you to put the symbol on your website and consumers know that these symbols indicate trust so once again it's another way toe leverage someone else's brand to give credibility to your up. So those are the three things that you can do from a website security standpoint to increase trust the more interesting one and the more one more of us like to deal with is the brand reputation side and that's your traditional marketing things how you can create a strong brand reputation so the first thing obviously is a professionally developed website we've all ended on those websites that are super jakey, and we're like, well, I don't know about this. I don't know if I dare trust putting this my credit card information in here, and we quickly click off and go somewhere outs. So sometimes it's worth putting a little money on your credit card to get that developed to make it look like you have a professional website, the next thing is having accurate product descriptions. We want to read your product description and have a vision in our head of what's going to show up at her house and then when it shows up at our house that it is all in the light meant that that vision that you created in my head matches up with what lands at my doorstep and so making sure that you describe things properly it's going to go a long way to increasing trust the next one. Most of you are really good about having your lovely face on your website, but on leeway I can contact you is through a contact for that doesn't seem very safe to me. Those contacts forms just go in the ether, who knows what happens to them? Do you actually get it? And so while having a contact form is one of the ways that you can allow people to contact you, having an email address on there is a great way to increase trust having multiple ways that people can contact you a phone number, a mailing address, all of those kinds of thanks now a lot of us don't want to give out our own personal information and we run our businesses out of our homes, so if you don't want to give out your cell phone number, get a google voice number totally free you can have that number forward to your cell phone and then you can answer those calls if you don't want to use your home address as your mailing address, private mailboxes and post office box is less than one hundred dollars a year and they're totally available for you then to have an address you can give people and then if you don't want to give out your own email address, you created an info at the artist jd dot com email address and just have that forwarded to your own and now you've given me four different ways to get in touch with you and I feel a whole lot better that if something goes wrong, I'm going to be able to track you down. So the finally thing that we're going to dio toe work on developing brand reputation is creating a privacy policy in terms of service, which I know is while I'm actually here to talk about and none of you are super excited about that so the laws of debbie downer totally get it totally no, but I am the nerd on this stage. They get super excited every morning to wake up and think and talk and write about the law all day. I don't none of you were in that bucket, but there are things that I hate to do in my business that I have to dio because I wouldn't have a successful, thriving creative business if I didn't do them, and the law is one of those things that has to be done for us to create successful businesses. It's not fun, it's not exciting less for me, and unless you either are in a position that you can hire it out to an attorney, you're really going to just have to suck it up and deal with it in the short term. Now that being said, there are a lot of ways that we can make dealing with the law a little bit easier. So for many years, my argument of why should have a privacy policy or terms of service were either, well, it's illegal privacy policy is a legal requirement, like you just have to have what it wasn't very convincing. I told people that when you opened your accounts with google analytics or mill chimp or any of those services, you promised them. That you had a privacy policy or in terms of service, people were like, well, they're not going to shut down my account, so I know I need to do it. I told people that you should have it because it would make you look like a bigger brand, and people would say, well, I don't want to look like a big brand, I want to look like a small hand, the business I don't, I don't want people to think that. So my latest argument is that it's, a marketing tool that's going to help you stand out and build loyal customers. I look at hundreds of creative businesses web sites over the course of a week, and very rarely through any of these sites have a privacy policy or a terms of service when they d'oh most of the time they've been cut and paste from someone else's site, and they make absolutely no sense as someone who knows how to read them, especially for a lot of small, handmade businesses, they just they don't line up. And so having those cut and pasted kind of webb's terms of service are not going to go anywhere to help you build trust, they're not going to help you stand up the terms of service and privacy policy that I'm going to teach you how to write today. Is going to be able to match your brand reputation is going to be able to match you that's going to come in your own voice and it's not gonna have an else of legal shark and in it unless you want it to so what is the privacy policy privacy policy is all about letting us hide if we want to hide privacy policies are all about consumer protection it's all about me being able to know as a consumer what you know about me and what you're doing with it it's all about me saying if I don't want you to know this information I'm going to stop coming to your website if I don't want you to know this information I'm not going to sign up for your mailing list I don't want you to know these things I'm not going to take a specific action so it's all about putting your visitors in control of what you know about them now I know we have a global audience here creative life and I want to preface the next section by saying I'm talking about united states laws here privacy policies are centered on the consumer so if you have the vast majority of your website visitors your traffic comes from the united states you need to obey us laws if your traffic is fifty percent the united states twenty percent canada twenty percent that you and the remaining ten percent scattered around the world you need to obey the laws in the united states, in canada and in the u because it's all about the consumer, it's all about you on the other side of the computer, being able to be in control so you don't just have to obey the laws of where your business is situated, but where your customers are situated, which may be if you don't want to comply, you just stop shipping to the u so a recent study said that seventy three percent of consumers said having an easy to understand privacy policy increases trust. The same study showed that more than three quarters of consumers either scan your privacy policy or check to see that exists before they make a purchase. So having this tool in place can go a long way with three quarters of consumers to pushing them over that hump. Now, you'll notice this is easy to understand privacy policy. If I were to do a venn diagram of easy to understand and legal leave, there would be no overlap. Those things are mutually exclusive, so I want to tell you that legalese is not required in these documents. Might there come a time that you have a simple couple paragraph terms of service and privacy policy that links to a much more formal lawyer, written terms of service and privacy policy? Yes. But you're one point oh version the version that you create when you're grinning up and barren it and doing it because given he convinced you you had tio that version doesn't have tohave legalese in it. So what are you going to put it here? What you're going to put in here goes back to journalism one o one we're going to do the who what, when, where, why and how so the first thing you're going to explain is who is collecting this information now, obviously you as the business owner are collecting this information, but you also have many partners who are collecting information on your behalf. You've partnered with mel chip and they're collecting email addresses for you. You have google analytics installed and so google's collecting data for you. You've partnered with paypal to process your credit cards, and so they are collecting data for you so that who is not only obviously I as the business owner, I'm collecting it, but any third parties that you work with that help you run your business and are collecting information. The second thing you want to address is what kind of information are you collecting and how you know, how I like to think about this is the actions people take voluntarily versus the actions that they do nothing and information is collected, so I jump on your website and automatically google is starting to track me as I go around your site so that information I don't have to take any action for you to know stuff about me in contrast, when I make a purchase I am voluntarily giving you information. I'm voluntarily giving you my name, my email address, my mailing address, my billing address and a credit card number so that information I'm turning over to you when I sign up for your mailing list, I'm giving you my name and my email address and depending upon what service provider you're using their I p address. So what? What information are you collecting both when they take no action or when they take a specific action? The next thing you're going to address is when do you share this information? Now you're gonna want to write this, we never share your data with anyone and this is the absolute last thing I want you to write a cz your answer and that's because ninety nine point nine nine percent of the time you can't uphold this promise you have a v a who mark who is an independent contractor and she is the one that puts together your militant campaigns and sends them off you've checked that box three years ago that you totally forgot about on google analytics said they could aggregate your data with everyone else in your industry and you're sharing information with them male chimp purely by their terms of service they are allowed to take your open rates and your click through rates and aggregate that with other people in your industry so you're sharing this state this morning yesterday morning I was writing in my five minute journal on the five minute journal either has a challenge for you or has a quote every single morning and my quote yesterday was warren buffett and he said it takes twenty years to build trust and five minutes to ruin it and so by putting this kind of statement up there as soon as someone finds out but you're sharing this information they go online and they see your media kit and they say, hey, you know that all of your readers are like this and you're sharing this with the whole world that's information you're sharing on me now it's not about me personally but it's information about me and aggregate and so you're sharing if we're reading this to its strictest reading you're sharing information about me and so I don't want you to answer it like that I would much rather you answer we share your data with our trusted third party partners that have our level of privacy or higher that's a much better way to talk about how you're sharing your data so we will continue with where do you use this information? This is super easy when it comes to someone making a purchase we use this information so we can get the product to your house, but where do you use information that you're collecting from google analytics? Do you use it in your media kit? Do you use it to create a reader profile to you handed out to those who are guest blogging or appearing on your podcast or any of those kinds of things so they can understand your audience? Where are you using that information? The next is how do you protect sensitive information? And really this is the one consumers care about is your credit card? How are you making sure my credit card is safe when I give it to you? And so here you're just going to explain we've partnered with paypal and to securely process your credit card transactions as such I never learned or store your credit card just never part like I never get it and so that's how you can explain how that's done the second how that I want you to address is how can I find out what you know about me specifically? What does that process look like? So say I had signed up for your mailing list on january fourteenth twenty fourteen you can go into male chimp and see that on average I opened thirty percent of your campaigns and click through two percent of the time and then I purchased docking rings from you in july of twenty fourteen how what does the process look like if I am super concerned about what you know about me? What does that process look like to get the information that you know about me specifically not what you know about me in general, not what you know about me as one of the thousand people who visit your website, but what do you know about me? Particularly now? I have this in my privacy policy I've had in my privacy policy for four years and nobody's ever asked me for the information, so the likelihood of you having to do it is probably low but it's one of those things again, that extra little effort to show people that you can be trusted and the final thing is the why this is another reason that I think a lot of big businesses fail in establishing trust and having a proper privacy policy and that's because what's the benefit for me is the consumer yeah, google I know that you're figuring out a way to monetize all of this data you know about me but what's in it for me what do I get out of it? And so if you can explain to your visitors the why, why is this important what's the benefit to you really obvious when it comes to a purchase again, we need the information so that we can deliver it to is the why but what about all that google analytics data they're collecting what's? The why behind that for my website? The why is I use it to create a reader profile and know what content you love so I can create more of it really strong benefit for you you want me to create good content to help your business? So if I can learn that information about you, it makes it way easier for me to create that and so that's the walk so the second policy you're going to create is your terms of service in terms of service are all about setting ground rules all about setting boundaries and expectations. What can I expect from you and what can you expect from me making up easy for us to know who's responsible for what? And if my expectations are completely unreasonable given your business? So what are you going to include in this document? Now this document should cover lots of different topics I'm on lee going to focus on the e commerce ones today. So what are you going to include in your terms of service related to e commerce? Now I fully expect they're going to have these in two places on your site we're going to create a page we're going to talk about in just a minute that's a combined terms of service and privacy policy page, but you're probably also going to want to include this and are frequently asked questions or a shot policies page because consumers are much more likely to look at that page and be able to you'll be able to better establish expectations on that page than they are to dig and look at your terms of service so your answers khun be exactly the same in both places but they should probably appear in both spots so what are you going to explain in this document? The first is what are your payment terms? Well, this is super easy if you're just selling a product that you've made on your website you gotta pay me and then I'll ship it to you but do do custom orders if you d'oh what does that payment process look like? Do they need to give you fifty percent up front and then the remaining fifty percent is due when it shipped. What happens if you allow wholesalers order on your web site in order in large quantities what are the payment terms there? The next one is shipping terms we love to be concerned about shipping. I was one of those consumers last week I went to nordstrom's I wanted these lovely boots for today nordstrom's website said they were in stock in my size on their site went to nordstrom's not in stock in life size so I go home and I go to four different retailers websites and I don't care about price because they're all about the same shipping prices, about all the same. What I care about is who's going to explain to me exactly how long it's going to take them to package my order and then how long it's going to take to get to my house? Because I know I have eight days for these shoes to get to my house so they can be on my feet today and a lot of our customers are doing the same exact thing they're shopping for mom's birthday, their shopping for their own birthday present their shopping for something, and they want to know how long it's going to take to get from you. To me, I always encourage people to put in buffers. A lot of you might be making product to order, so if you think you need five days, tell him it takes stuff in consumers and never going to be upset. If it gets to them faster, they are going to be upset if it perverse happens and they expected in ten days so they can give it to mom for her birthday and they have no present for a month. So at a bufferin, if you think you need five days to do production imagine it takes seven before you drop it off to the post office. If the post office says it takes three to five days to ship them, tell them it takes five to seven days, then they're thinking it takes fourteen days and when it shows up at their house and ten there likes car already arrived, so explain to them what that process looks like. Next is what are you return and refund policies once again? What happens if it doesn't meet expectation? And I had in my head what happens if I buy it for grandma for christmas and she hates it? It's what happened? If it arrives at my house damaged what happens in all of those scenarios? Now you can create these rules and break them for in special circumstances, but when someone's being completely unreasonable, it's something you can point to to say these are my shot policies, here's, what I can do for you so it's something that you condemn the rules when you want tio just because it is the rule doesn't mean it's set in stone, but it also gives you something when that person is completely unreasonable, so that you have something to point teo and uses your backup and also, um, sometimes helps us be accountable to ourselves sometimes it's really easy is business owners tio move wherever our customers want us to go, and sometimes we need to respect our own boundaries, and by writing them down, it makes us more likely to comply with them. The same exact answer you created for your privacy policy you're going to repeat here cause we really care about our credit cards. So how are your credit cards process and transferred again? You'll say we've partnered with paypal and stripe to securely process your credit cards as such, I never learned or no your credit card information, and the final thing is, do your products or services come of any warranties? Do you offer a thirty a money back guarantee? Do you say if you lose one hearing for the first time, I'll replace it for free? Do you say if it breaks within two years or gets warped or damaged, or whatever all replace it? What are those quality guarantees that you back up your products with and explain those? So what you're going to d'oh is right out. The seven answers to the first set of questions, the five answers to the second set of questions and you've got a terms of service and privacy policy, and as you go through this process, you're probably going to think, oh, did I do it right? Did I do what tiffany told me to d'oh? Or I need to do a lot of more research I'll finish it up once I look at these things on the web site o r it's not this words not quite right I need toe I need to think on it the perfectionist myself I totally understand this feeling and this is the quote I have hanging in my office right now is by john lasseter does it pixar animation and he says are films don't get finished they get released and that's what we need to dio we need to put them out there the beauty of the internet unlike film is we can change it any old bailey want customer has a question you could say I could totally make that clearer in my policy hop over to your policy make that change so that someone else doesn't have that question you can make deleted plug in on your web site or out of plug in on your website hop over to your privacy policy in terms of service make a quick change I probably have changed my privacy policy in terms of service six or seven times in the last few months not something that needs to be set in stone and you shouldn't see it as a document set in stone it's a living breathing document that should change as your business changes as your customers have questions and his problems arise that you didn't foresee before so get your one point oh version up there so just like I don't like presentations that have no points, I also don't like presentations that I don't have homework at the end. Columba nerd so what's your homework assignment your homework assignment is to first right out her answers to these twelve questions. Then you're going to take the leap and take john lasseter's advice and post them on your web site, and once you do that, I want you to tweet me at kidney staley and used awesome create to make hashtag so everyone else can see what you created and have the girl to that page you put up on your web site and I promise that I'll go and look at every single one of them and either give you a virtual high five or say, hey, that was kind of confusing. I would be a little confused if we I was your customer about this or this seems a little weird and give you an idea on how you can come up with your one point one version. Last week I was catching up on taught one of tot henry's podcasts from the accidental creative, which if you're not familiar with todd henry, add that to your next steps list he has a book of accident creative, a brand new book louder than words and another book die empty he is one of my huge business crushes and on his podcast he was talking about how ideas are amazing brainstorming amazing planning amazing doesn't change anybody's life the on ly way you can change your life the only way you can change your business is by taking action and so I've helped you out by giving new three steps the second thing I'm going to do to help you out is I've created a free ten day challenge that you can get on ly at this u r l for you awesome creative life people that's going to help walk you through not only answering the questions we talked about today but talking and thinking about some of those other things that should be in your terms of service that we didn't address today so that you can have an awesome terms of service and privacy policy that sounds like you and doesn't overlap with the legal shark and so at this point I think we open it up to questions I have one so you mentioned that you changed your policy like three times in the last six months. Can you give me an example? Yes so before I was using dumb road to deliver my digital products when you purchase one on my website um I recently went through a whole brand redesign and had an amazing professional website developed for me and in that process we moved all of the delivery of the digital downloads onto my own site and so I went in and said no longer gum road is the delivery option but we're using this third party plug in easy digital downloads another change wass some of the other things we did we created a free membership area so I have a free resource library that you can sign up for and obviously that wasn't an option before so now that I changed some of the capabilities of my website I added those things in um another one was someone had a question about how to deal so I have a similar challenge on my website that's a little shortened version of what I'm offering for you guys today and someone asked the question about how to deal with comments that the comments if any of us have a kiss mitt as a plug in on your web site it will automatically filter out spam comments so that they never land on your site and she's like how do I deal with that in this discussion and I was like, oh that's a totally good point I don't even cover that of my privacy policy that those that are immediately filtered out don't follow the usual comment policy of if you say something really mean or hateful or whatever I'm going to send you an email and tell you I took a comment down so all of those kinds of things are some of the a little minor tweaks that I've made to my policies my question is, I I have terms of service on a third party site. Do I still need to have both on my website? So is your shopping cart plug in? Is it for your shopping cart? My business is more complicated, it's not really no commerce, but not shopping. Ok, so I mean, at minimum, what you would want to do is in your foot, or which all of us and our foot or once we've created, that terms of service and privacy policy should put in the foot or a link. And so what I would do is just have that link go directly to that terms of service and privacy policy, and make sure that when you spell out kind of the beginning of the privacy policy, saying that it applies both to the website that it's on as well as that other website, um would be the like the short way to have them both on the same page, or you could repeat the information on both sides, like a pdf or something that they yeah, I mean mine's on a pdf minds just a regular old web page so I could do that too. Yeah, okay, thank you. Question about the location of this and he said in the footer and you also have it on another landing page on your website yes, oh, in the footer I would include a link that says terms of service and privacy policy that's a hyperlink that takes you to a landing page that has this all spelled out I'm just curious you ever looked at the data for that landing page like how often are people going? I dio a lot often I look at it as it's actually part of one of the goals I have set up on a website, so I have these challenges kind of things set up, and so I have a link in there of if you want to see mine, click this link and so it's more of a like I use it actually that get data for that page to see who's actually taking the actions I want them to take versus so yes so that's actually a really high trafficked page on my site, I don't expect it to be any of your high trafficked on your sights, but for the purposes of I link to it in a lot of content would you ever cross over to make sure a customer clicks that they understood they read the terms of service? Yeah, so if you have really important terms that you want your website customers who abide by, um you can't just have it as a page on your site, so terms of service and privacy policies are basically kant thanks you're saying, in exchange for being able to land on my site, you have to obey these rules, contract one no one is, you have to have an offer, you have to say, come to my website and these air the rules, and they have to accept that offer before you have a contract. And so, if you have really important terms of service, says that you want your customers to abide by, what you need to do is on your sales page, you need to have a check box that is unchecked, that you force them to check before they could make a purchase. That says, I understand and read your terms of service, um, that the courts have held up as creating a valid contract, whereas if you just have it, what's called a browser rap, terms of service where it's, just on your page, and I have to navigate somewhere else, and I don't know, I've agreed to them. Courts have held that that's generally doesn't form a contract, because I've never accepted your offer. So if you have those critical terms, you know, comes up with a lot with digital pattern makers of they want to say that their patterns can only be used for personal use, and so in order for you to have a valid contract where you can license your work to someone instead of sell it to them. You need them to know a it can only be used for personal use and be I agree to that. And so you need that check box to make that happen. I know you talked a lot about product based service. Their product based in trees. There's. Anything you should think about if you run a service based business exactly the same. Yeah, there's. Not really. I mean, my photographer clients go through the same exact exercise with me. There's not necessarily it's more of the you want to think about the y in the service kind of aspect rather than the product based business, but it it's exactly the same twelve questions you want to answer? Karen, I think I was my question with similar was, you know how with this with this supply, like, if you had a community site, if you had, like, a valuable free offer and they're signing up for a mailing list, would you have the city? Well, kind of yeah. I mean, if you if you are again and I think it goes back to jane's question of if you really need, you know, if you're saying when you sign up for this course you can never create a similar course kind of thing, you know, a lot, of course providers or super concerned about people stealing their content, which it granted. It happens, and so there's, a reason to be concerned about it. But that's again, one of those instances where you need to have that check box that says, I understand I can't compete with you and create a similar course, and so you need them to check that box so that they've agreed to that was trump's, thank you. All right, okay, this is great, thank you for the free ten day challenge. No problem. Um, I'm definitely going to do anything with the word free in front of free, you know, I have attended terrorist class. I know a few things about how to put together a headline, thank you for coming tonight. That was thank you guys for being here, and we'll see, and I fine.
Ratings and Reviews
Laura K.
Great class on what is normally a dry subject - especially with regard to creating Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for a business website. Kiffanie talks about why these are important to have, and provides guidance on how to create very basic versions of both. She also provides helpful advice on other things business owners can do to increase trust - such as purchasing an SSL certificate for your website and other helpful things. Short and sweet, clearly laid out - great class.
a Creativelive Student
It is a short class yet totally worth watching it! Kiffanie is a lovely instructor and the topic she covers is very important. I did not look for this kind of workshop on CL, came across it by chance yet it was exactly what I've been wanting to know for quite some time. I especially appreciate that she emphasizes making the documents easy to read as I find it is so difficult to read those complex legal docs at various websites. Also a plus that material is probably easy to apply to any country as it is more about psychological part of trust as well.
Leanne Elliott
great presentation - laid out in a very straightforward way how the website legal requirements need to work. very clear language and gave an overview of the content - so helpful and I am very thankful.