Lesson Info
23. The Growth Mindset
Class Introduction
25:41 2How the Consumer has Changed
18:50 3How to Build Trust and Connect with Anyone
36:00 4Special Guest Mario Martinez : A Party Without Pants
27:02 5The Power of Sales Questions
10:38 6The Three Levels of Questions to Uncover Buyer Needs
08:57 77 Motivators that Drive all Decision Making
20:04 8Discovery Hacks
35:07Listen So Hard it Hurts
22:58 10Link Customer Needs to Your Offer
04:03 11Stories That Sell
11:33 12Aim for the Punchline
31:17 13Hero's Journey
28:54 14Objections and Being Told 'NO'
17:26 15Neuroscience and Decision Making
25:00 16Changing Your Buyer's Emotional State
21:43 17Gaining Commitments and Creating Urgency
06:19 18The Five Commitments
33:48 19The Six Real Customer Objections
23:22 20Gaining Commitment & Removing Resistance
25:49 21Negotiation Techniques
28:03 22Tackle Your Tendencies
23:08 23The Growth Mindset
16:01Lesson Info
The Growth Mindset
Most people with children know a little bit about this growth mindset. What Carol Dweck has done, she's a Stamford professor, she's a researcher and a best-selling author. And in her work, she has found that more important than any other attribute for top performers. More important than experience, More important than skills, what separates the not-as-successful from the most successful is those that have a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. See, people with a fixed mindset believe that their skills are set in stone since birth. They don't believe they can get any better, and as a result, they don't take risks. They just say, "Well, I'm not good at networking. "I'm not good at math. I can't do it." People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, they take risks. They feel, if I don't know it, I can learn it. I can get better. There's also some interesting research that with children, you're better off... and managing, okay, they can be similar... You're better off telling the...
m that you're congratulating them not for being smart but for trying hard, for growing. Because if you've got a really smart child, and you say "Wow, you're so smart," They're like "I'm done." Right? Or, if you say to a salesperson, "Wow, you're so good." It's like, "Wow, I'm done." Wow, I love the effort that you put into that. Okay? Now, most people I talk to love the idea of growth mindset, but they have no idea how to get one. There's no growth mindset store. So what do you do? How do we cultivate this growth mindset? Well, what I've come up with is something called The Growth Equation. And it's in Chapter 1 of my book, in "Heart and Sell," and I talk about it in great detail. In the book, we talk about the ten universal truths that every salesperson needs to know. Five of them are tactical, what you need to do. And the other five are who you need to be. Because, again, you need both. The Growth Equation says that there's three pieces to the Growth Equation which help us get a growth mindset. The first one is curiosity. We've talked a lot over the last couple of days about what to do. This is a little bit about who to be. How do you overcome those demons with a growth mindset? Who do you need to be in order to perform a good discovery? In order to truly connect, who do you need to be? You need to be somebody who's curious. And these attributes aren't just attributes that we use when we're in sales. We have to use them in every aspect of our life. Because what I can tell you is virtues, attributes, are a muscle. Sure, we can practice the banjo, or we can practice a sport, but we also have to practice things like curiosity, empathy, optimism. They're virtues that can be practiced. So we need to be curious. Responsibility. We talked about that. That's the opposite of ego. So when we take responsibility, what starts to happen when we say "I own it," when we change our self-talk. What starts to happen is we're building a growth mindset. We're saying "I can learn. I can learn from my mistakes. "I can learn from that behavior." And the ultimate goal for salespeople, for business professionals, is to cultivate what I call unconscious mastery. Unconscious mastery is part of the growth mindset. It means we're always growing and improving. Unconscious mastery goes beyond being great. It says I'm going to know my material, my technology, my offering, everything about what I do so well that I can pivot when something goes wrong. I know where to go, I know what to do. Unconscious mastery says I am going to know my craft so well that I'm not thinking about what I'm going to do next. I can open my heart to the person that's in front of me. I can be authentic. I can sell the way people want to buy. And I can think about them. Several months ago, my husband asked me if I wanted to go to the symphony. I pretended that I was really interested and that I was sophisticated, but I'm really not. But I thought, okay, I'm gonna go into Salt Lake and get all dressed up and put on my good shoes and everything. The symphony is kind of a big deal. Did I tell you this story? I haven't? No. Sometimes you don't remember. (audience laughs) Unconscious competence! But I was getting really dressed up, and I thought, Okay, I'm gonna pretend that I like the symphony and that it's really good, because, you know, he was really excited about it. So I wanted to pretend I was excited about it. We get there and we're in Salt Lake, and we're in the sixth row. The seats are so good. I'm wishing it was an Adele concert or something that I really wanted to see, right? We go through a little bit of the first act, and all of a sudden the soloist comes out. His name is Augustine Hadelich. And this guy, the way he picked up the violin, he started playing this violin. It was masterful. I started experiencing every emotion you could imagine. I started experiencing love and jealousy and concern and exuberance. This guy is making love to this violin, right? I mean, it is just unbelievable. Now, Augustine Hadelich wasn't thinking "I wonder if I need to play a B flat next?" Right? He knew his music so well, he knew his craft so well, that he could focus on creating an emotional connection with the people that were in front of him. And that's what I hope for all of you. You'll take this content that we've gone over over the last couple of days, that you'll learn your craft so well that you can focus on the customer that's in front of you without ever missing a note. And that's what we call unconscious mastery. It takes the growth mindset and the Growth Equation in order to get out of sales hell. We need to always be learning. We need to find a mentor that's going to help us get out of our bad habits. We need to take responsibility to not have our ego. We need to work out of laziness and that lack of knowledge. So, in conclusion, what is the key to sustained success? As we come to an end, I want to talk about one of the virtues that I believe is the parent of all virtues. And that virtue is optimism. So we talked about what to do and who to be. I know a lot of people who say, Well, I like everything you're teaching, Shari, and I could do all of this if only I had a this. If only I had a that. If only I had more money. If only I had more time. If only this happened. Then, I could do what you're saying. I can tell you that neuroscience shows that it doesn't work that way. Happiness fuels productivity, not the other way around. Shawn Achor does a great TED talk where he talks about when we actually practice optimism, when we actually look for the good, when we're in a state of gratitude, we can't possibly be in a state of fear. So gratitude, then, as is in so many religions, is the antidote to fear. So I want you to start thinking about, to really get our mindset right. Are we practicing optimism? It's a skill. It's something to be practiced. Are we thanking people? Are we showing our gratitude? I loved reading about one of Mark Zuckerberg's goals several years back, to write three thank you notes a day. Are we showing random acts of kindness? All of these optimism tools help us to feel more grateful and to get rid of the natural fear that every one of us defaults into. If we default into a state of fear, we can't be consciously competent to do what I talked about yesterday. To connect, to ask, to listen, to link. We can't be present. Because our reptilian mind takes over. I tell people, "Looking for wrongs never makes you right." I want to end with one more story, because it probably changed my life more than anything that's ever happened to me. This is a story of when I first got into sales. I think I told you I was pretty mediocre. I remember one night. I'd gotten a sale, and my boss said, "I need to talk to you in my office "when you're done." I'm thinking, "Oh God, I'm in trouble." Right? So I go downstairs, and he tells me to take a seat. He closes the door to his office. He looks me in the eye, and he says "I've been watching you. And you have a rare talent." He says, "In fact, if you keep it up, "and you train a little bit more "and work a little bit harder, you have the ability "to become number one in the entire sales industry." You gotta understand, I was sort of blown away. Because I had never been number one at anything. So, I said, "Really?" He says, "Yeah, you just need to train more. "You need to concentrate more." And I'm thinking, "Oh my God, this is amazing!" So the next day, I get to work super-early, right? Because I'm thinking I have all this talent, right? I've gotta nurture it. I've gotta study. I've gotta work. So I start working harder than anybody else in the company, and, sure enough, by the end of the year, I went from being towards the bottom of the salesperson's deck to the very top. I'll never forget, because my mentor gave me a card and he said, "Congratulations. You have a rare talent." Well, the next year I became the top salesperson not just at that site, but in the entire company. And I got a bouquet of flowers that was so huge, and again a card that said "You have a rare talent." In fact, I did so well that I got a promotion so I'd make less money and work longer hours. I became a manager. And that's when I was moved up, out to Park City. I had a team of 25 people working for me, and they couldn't stand me. I was a terrible manager. I was a great salesperson. I was a terrible manager. And I remember going down to his office to quit, and I said, "You know what? "I really don't understand this management thing. "I think I'm gonna go back into sales." And then he looked at me and he said, "What took you so long?" He said, "How come it is when you were in sales, "you asked for help every single day?" He said, "Now that you're a manager, "do you think you're supposed to know it all?" And I'm like (sobbing) just crying. And he says, "All right. Do you want me to teach you to be "the world's greatest sales manager? Or are you gonna quit?" I said, "Yes! Yes!" So he says, "All right. "Take out your little black book, "and I'm going to tell you exactly what it takes "to be the world's greatest leader." He says, "I have a feeling you're gonna have several people "that work for you throughout your life." He says, "When you find a salesperson, "even if they're not that good, "but they sorta look like they want to learn, "I want you to pull them into your office, "close the door, look them in the eye, "and tell them that they have a rare talent." (audience laughs) He says, "I want you to tell them that, "with a little bit of training and a little bit of effort, "they have the ability to be number one "in the sales industry." I said, "Are you trying to tell me that all of this time "you've been telling me that I'm special, "and you didn't really mean it?" He looked at me and he said, "What difference does it make?" To this day, I still don't know if he thought I had anything special at all. But I do know one thing: he was the first person who believed in me way more than I believed in myself. He was the first person that looked for what was right and not for what was missing. So my challenge to you, as you go forward, is to know you have one of two choices, as you go through sales and you go through life. You can look for what's wrong in a customer or a situation, or you can look for what's right. You can look for what's wrong in a spouse or a partner, or you can look for what's right. You can look for what's wrong, or you can make yourself look for the good. When you look for the good in others, they rarely disappoint you. So, thank you very much.
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Ratings and Reviews
Karen Kennedy
Sheri had me at HELLO! Her content kept me engaged for the entire class. This class does not have nuggets of information, it has BOULDERS. Even an "old sales pro" like me found so many helpful hints and tips in Sheri's methodology. If you are a newbie to sales, search no more -- just take this course and you will have everything you need to be successful. Trust the process, follow the steps. It will work for you. I especially loved the subject matter guests who covered the topics of Digital Seling and Storytelling. Do not put off buying and viewing this class. Do it now! NOW! Sales are how people and companies get revenue. Get going on your pipeline of opportunities, connect with your Heart and SELL in a genuine way. Kudos to Sheri for this amazing class. I loved every minute.
a Creativelive Student
If you are an executive, business professional, or a salesperson who wants to improve your communications, negotiation, and sales skills --- acquire Shari Levitin’s course. Shari will show you how to better connect with customers, prospects, team members, and people from an authentic perspective. Shari Levitin’s class is filled with excellent frameworks, content, actionable exercises, insights, and knowledge that will help anyone to be better a salesperson in your professional and personal lives. I loved how Shari included other experts, such as Mario Martinez (digital sales evangelist), Lee Eisler (store telling framework and presentation skills), and Deb Calvert (how to stop selling and start leading to make extraordinary sales happen with results from her B2B research study).
Lisa Bournoutian
By sheer luck, I came across Shari's book, Heart and Sell, about a year ago and instantly recognized that her process was one that would align nicely with my B2C sales team. Having read her book, I knew I was in for a real treat coming to Creative Live and watching her deliver her content in person. Shari seamlessly weaved invaluable examples that creative artists, B2B and B2C entrepreneurs could all relate to, and in a way that was fun, engaging, and easy to understand. She has absolutely mastered the science of selling and the heart of connecting. If you haven't read the book, you're missing out, and if you've never seen Shari in action, it is an experience you'll never forget. This course is a perfect opportunity to not only dive right in and learn how to sell the way your customer buys, but to make the right CALL (Connect, Ask, Listen & Link) in your personal sales journey and watch your business grow.