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How to Realize Your Leadership Potential

Taavo Godtfredsen

How to Realize Your Leadership Potential

Taavo Godtfredsen

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Class Description

In this inspiring and practical course integrating real-world insight garnered from working with hundreds of leading executives and business Taavo will help you think and act your way to a greater impact at both work and at home. In particular, Taavo will cut straight through the leadership fluff and provide participants with simple and high impact actions they can implement immediately - enabling you to develop yourself and your team simultaneously.

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Align their intentions with their actions to increase leadership impact
  • Leverage a simple approach to increase team engagement and performance
  • Understand how to empower others to enable innovative outcomes
  • Improve leadership agility and adaptability

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Leadership Checklist
Relationship Transition Questionnaire
Self-Imposed 360 Assessment

Ratings and Reviews

Michal Levi

Did not expect to find this so relevant, but it was great. BRAVO! So glad I dropped in to this on air session during my lunch break. : ) Love what he is saying about getting feedback!!!!! Wish more leaders would do this!

D'Ann Lapenias

Taavo is incredibly inspiring and keeps it real. Everything that was discussed in the class is applicable at all levels of leadership. I enjoyed and learned alot!

D'Ann Lapenias

I thought the class was very insightful and beneficial in helping each and every one of us discover and pinpoint our weaknesses. It was also helpful in making us reflect on what elements make up a good leader. Not only this, but it gave us tools to put the lessons into practice, not only in our workspace but also in our personal lives. Additionally, I hadn't realized how difficult it is to self assess your own strengths and weaknesses and the importance of asking others for feedback. Take this course!

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