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Get Your Writing Done

Jennifer Louden

Get Your Writing Done

Jennifer Louden

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Class Description

What is it about writing that makes writers constantly question whether they’re REALLY writers? Why are they haunted by the impostor syndrome, unable to recognize their abilities and successes and always living in fear that they’ll be discovered as the frauds that they really are?

One of the primary reasons writers judge themselves so harshly and doubt their legitimacy is that they struggle so mightily to write. They sit at their desks for hours at a time producing nothing. Then they’re racked with guilt because of their lack of productivity.

The key to combating self-doubt as a writer is to write. Teacher, author and personal growth pioneer Jennifer Louden will teach you concrete exercises and techniques to help you overcome your guilt, end procrastination, silence your inner critic, and value your voice and ideas so you can get your work done.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Calm your nervous system so your inner critic can’t hijack you before you’ve even started.
  • Practice self-compassion to assuage your guilt.
  • Visualize your future readers who are waiting to be changed by your words.
  • Find your ideal work style rather than following the advice of others.
  • Make clear promises to yourself and set realistic goals.
  • Daydream productively so you’re ready to write when you sit down.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Get Curious About Your Writing Process

Bonus Materials with Purchase

5 Ways Claim Superpower
10 Ways Discern Your Idea
Conditions of Enoughness
How Choose Your Project
The Writers Oasis

Ratings and Reviews

Renee C

I love Jen Louden. She brings so much fun, curiosity and self love to writing. Thanks Jen!


This class is compact, to the point, and full of encouragement. I found the ideas straightforward, suggestions helpful and all immediately applicable. Jennifer's powerful closing was the perfect ending to the class.

Beth Howard

Her helpful tips and contagious enthusiasm gave my writing mojo a much-needed boost. Her presentation was well prepared-- professional and personal filled with energy and heart and, above all, it kept me hooked. I would definitely like to own this one. And would love to see more Creative Live classes by her!

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