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Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels

Sue B. Zimmerman

Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels

Sue B. Zimmerman

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Class Trailer

Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels - Day 1


Class Introduction


Make a Strong Impression Online


Online Business Cycle


Social & Publishing Platforms


Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi


Build a Foundation with Published Content


Systems for Sharing Content With Rachel Polish


Class Description

A cohesive social media strategy will help you expand your sphere of influence and grow your business. Find out how it is done in Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels with Sue B. Zimmerman. 

Sue is a small business owner and a master of social media. In this class, she’ll help you understand how social really works and she’ll dive into the details for activating your social media marketing plan. 

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Develop a social media strategy 
  • Grow and be a part of an online community 
  • Create affordable ads that will grow your business 
  • Produce consistent branding across multiple platforms 
  • Optimize your profiles for clicks 
Social media for business is inherently different than posting for personal friends. In Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels, Sue will identify those differences and teach you how to posts for instant business results. 

You’ll learn how Periscope, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter should all be used to share the story of your business and create interest in your brand. 

You don’t need a ton of time or money to make social media work for your business. Find out how to craft an effective strategy that doesn’t waste time and yields real results in Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels with Sue B. Zimmerman.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials

Social Media Quickstart Guide
Online Business Cycle Workbook
Editorial Calendar

Bonus Materials

Guest Instructor Brand Materials

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I have done several social media courses - nothing compares to this..... The emphasis consistently with each AMAZING presenter, about BRANDING YOU and STAYING ON POINT with all your social media efforts really hit home for me. I had never given it THAT MUCH THOUGHT.. WOW !! The audience participation sharing their tools and how they cross promote their list building and community building was a fabulous addition to the processes shared by the presenters... The clarity about each social media platform and how best to use was like a bolt of lightening to my brain, as was the organisational business training on managing your social media efforts . . . . I need this to refer to again and again .. .. . . I promised myself I would not buy another course BUT this one I cannot afford NOT TO BUY . I love love LOVE Creative Live!! Thanks Sue B, and all your brainy helpers, I have only 1 more wish and that is to have your team here at home with me . . S.I.G.H.

Roz Fruchtman

Sue B. Zimmerman's *Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels* is one of the best I've seen of it's kind (or the best). It was easy to see that each guest speaker was prepared and truly loved what they were talking about - people can feel that. The energy was contagious. But, like everything else, one has to be diligent and follow those strategies that applies to them and their projects. It takes work! What I liked most was that although Sue brought all these experts together in one place to speak to us, she DID NOT make us feel as if we MUST master EACH and EVERY social networking channel in order to be successful. Sue B. Zimmerman made it fun, which makes one want to roll up their sleeves and get started and put in the work! THANK YOU, Sue B. Zimmerman! Roz Fruchtman (@PhotoshopHaven)

Sangeeta Patil

Great course, fantastic content and fabulous speakers!! Feel like I am equipped so well already to get started and get going with social media marketing.

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