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BONUS SEGMENT - The Passion Recipe

Lesson 32 from: Get Into Your Creative Flow

Steven Kotler

BONUS SEGMENT - The Passion Recipe

Lesson 32 from: Get Into Your Creative Flow

Steven Kotler

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32. BONUS SEGMENT - The Passion Recipe

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BONUS SEGMENT - The Passion Recipe

All right, bonus material for flow for creatives. Said in the beginning, that this was not a class about finding your passion but if you don't know exactly what your passion is, here's a very, it's not, it's a quick way to find it and it will take a long time in terms of months. There's a lot of steps in this process over time but it's fairly straight-forward. So, most people tend to misinterpret what passion is. When we tend to think about passion, we tend to visualize the finished product, right? We tend to think about what Michael Jordan looked like playing basketball in the NBA finals, we don't visualize Michael Jordan as an 8 year old in his driveway bouncing his basketball. Right? We think about Hemingway's novels, we don't think about Hemingway when he was 10 years old and he was first, first, first putting words together in a straight line. Passion doesn't look like passion in the beginning, passion is literally just the intersection of multiple curiosities and the reason you'r...

e looking for the intersection of multiple curiosities is 'cause one curiosity alone isn't generating enough energy. You want to look for places where multiple streams of interest intersect so the first step in figuring out what your passion is is list 25 things you are curious about and when I say curious, I mean, if money was not an object and you had a free weekend and you could spend the weekend learning whatever it is that you wanted to learn, you'd be willing to spend the weekend doing this. You want to be specific as possible. I'll tell you that, I ran this exercise, one of the very first times I ran this exercise was with high school kids and I gave them a week. I said, "Go, you know, here's your list. Go back, come back, 25 things you're interested in." And they all came back. What was at the top of every single teenager's list of things that they were interested in? How to grow weed. Close, close, sex. Exactly. So, here's the bad news about 25 teenagers being like, "Oh, yeah, we're really into sex," You need to be as specific as possible so I had to look at the high school kids and be like, "Okay, being interested in sex, I need to know that you're interested in plushies." Or, right? You wanna be as specific as possible in listing your curiosities. That is the first step on this. The second step is to look for areas where your creative ideas intersect, areas of interest, where they overlap. Say you're interested in cooking, say you're interested in robotics. Okay, where might cooking and robotics intersect, right? If you can find places where three or four passions intersect, curiosities intersect, that is a place you wanna play. That is a place you want to explore. You want to start by reading there, right? If the reading is working for you, if you're still interested after you're reading it and your attention is still being naturally drawn to the subject, you wanna keep going with that? Then start planning there, take classes, explore, go deeper into it, start cultivating it. All right, we did that already. All right, now, to turn passion, right? We've taken, we've taken curiosity, we've started to turn it into passion. We've looked for places where it intersects, now you wanna kinda add in a purpose level. So, make a list of 15 challenges in the world that are interesting to you that you'd like to see solved. 15 global problems, whatever they might be, that you're curious about. See where passion and purpose intersect, see where your lines of multiple curiosities intersect with some kind of grand global challenge that you want to see solved. You've now found the intersection of passion and purpose, that's where to go, that's how you turn curiosity into passion and purpose. It may take a little bit of time, it doesn't happen over night, this is not an exercise we're gonna run but if you run this exercise and you put the time in, you will end up finding deep powerful passions and, by working in those fields, by working on deep powerful passions, you're going to drive a lot of focus. You're going to a tremendous amount of flow and it's a much easier path forward. Plus, your life will feel meaningful over time. So, that's the passion recipe. Thanks for tuning in to the bonus material, see you next time. (applause)

Ratings and Reviews

Jeremy Richardson

I've watched and participated in many webinars and online classes, and this was by far one of the best. The depth and breadth of information that Steven covers in this class is not only really important, but he structures it in a way that is engaging and most importantly: PRACTICAL. I'm coming out of this with a clear list of ways to improve my ability to get into Flow while accomplishing all of my creative endeavors. I highly recommend this to anyone who would like to do the same!


This is amazing. Steven is hitting so many pain point for me about reframing my fear. He is also an amazing presenter. Thank you, Steven! I am excited, I am excited, I am excited!

Isaac Freed

Utterly mind blowing. Wow. A few hours listening to Steven Kotler felt more like a few days. He has done his research, and offers so much practical application advice that I will review this material several times. Well worth it, and highly recommended. Thank you, Creative Live!

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