Lesson Info
18. Menu Functions: Button Dial Settings
Class introduction
12:33 2Photo Basics
04:07 3Camera Controls: Exposure Control
03:57 4Camera Controls: Top Deck
21:14 5Camera Controls: Drive and Metering
33:54 6Camera Controls: Back Side
26:44 7Quick Menu Overview
26:28 8Camera Controls: Back Side Navigation
08:21Camera Controls: Left Side, Right Side, Bottom and Front
15:05 10Lenses
06:17 11Menu Functions: Image Quality
13:59 12Menu Functions: Focus Settings
20:18 13Menu Functions: Shooting Setting
21:19 14Menu Functions: Flash Settings
05:31 15Menu Functions: Movie Setting
19:22 16Menu Functions: User Settings
05:38 17Menu Functions: Screen Set Up
09:10 18Menu Functions: Button Dial Settings
15:23 19Menu Functions: Power Management and Save Data Set Up
04:40 20Menu Functions: Connection Settings
13:43 21Menu Functions: My Menu
03:13 22Menu Functions: Playback Menu
08:14 23Camera Operations
13:12Lesson Info
Menu Functions: Button Dial Settings
all right. The next major setting, maybe one of the most important in the set up is the button dial setting, and this is where we get to select how all the different buttons and dials on our camera are going to operate. So I got a big sub menu in here to get into first item focused lever setting. And so this is the focus joystick on the back of the camera mentioned before that. This is available to re program by pressing in on it for two seconds. But this is it's official menu setting in here, and if you leave this on, it will allow you to adjust the focusing point at any time. Pushed to unlock leaves it locked and so you can't change focusing until you just push it briefly once and then lock will shut it off so that it doesn't do anything at it and save in the quick menu and so you can go into the quick menu. The other way to access this particular feature is by holding down on the Q button for two seconds. You can go in and select what items you want in the queue menu and so another ...
good option here is just take everything out of the menu, take it down, strip it down to nothing, and then just simply add back in the items that are important to you in the order of how important they are to you and get that set up. So it has all the most important items one button away from from your finger function settings. Okay, how many different buttons and dials on this camera are programmable? I've kind of lost track on the number here, but there's a lot of different buttons that you can totally re program. And by the way, this would make a terrible prank on me or any friend that has a Fuji camera reprogramming their camera while they're in the restroom or something like that. I would I would cause some serious damage if somebody did this to my camera, cause they usually get it all set up, and I'm the only person who really knows how to use it, cause everything's in a unique place, and so it's encourage you to do that because that really makes the camera years. So they do have a new visual interface in here with lines going exactly to where you want to go and so you'll see the arrow to the right hand side. That means go to the right to go in and select which feature you wanna have attributed to that particular button or dial on the camera. And don't forget the touch. Settings on the screen can also be programmed when you swipe up down left and right selector button settings. And so the selector on the back of the camera. The four way controller can be used for features like you could set white balance and focus and things like that to the buttons, or you could have it control the focus area. Maybe you just don't like the feel of that focus joystick, and you would prefer to use the selector. If so, you can have these turned over so that they just affect focusing. The command dial setting is on the front of the camera, and you can go in and change the front command. Excuse me or the back command I'll for controlling shutter speeds and apertures. One of the things about this cameras there's a lot of tactile controls, like an I s Odile and a shutter speed dial on the top, and I like those tactile controls. But sometimes they actually take more work than just having a dialogue attributed to what they dio. And so, if you are of that mindset, you can re program these dials so that you don't have to reach onto the lens to change the aperture. You can just do it in the back of the camera with the dial, so it's really your choice on how the camera is operated. It's one of the most versatile on the market. In that regard, the Iess Odile has a number of distinct settings, so, for instance, the high setting can be set to either 51,000 or 25,000. And it depends on which high setting you are most likely to be using same concept with low setting. You can set it to or 1 25 80 Makes sense because that's half of the lowest setting 1 60 It gives you lowest option available, but if you want to adjust it, you can, and then on the A setting, you can have the set to auto or command so that either it does automatic eso the command ill will allow you to change eso through the front dial of the camera. And so, once again, maybe that's for somebody who wants to operate the camera. One hand, one handed and they don't want to stick another hand up on top to that I s o dile that they want to do it right in front with that front dial makes it very easy for many people. Alright, second page button dial setting for those of you interested in back button focusing. Listen up. If you want to turn off the shutter release on the camera, you would do this. So here. So when you turn it off, the camera will meet her, but it will not focus. You would can then re program the A f l button in the back of the camera to do that. So tell you what, Let's do a little, uh, backed button programming here, and there are a number of ways to get getting this camera to do back button focus. So the first and simplest way is spin. This around here is just to flip it into the manual mode and then press the A f. L button and it will focus when you're doing that. Now, the thing is, is the cameras in manual focus and the focus is being done right here. I can manually adjust focus if I want here, or I can jump in here inthe really in auto focus. But if I want the camera to be in the single focus mode getting very on set up here, it's gonna focus right here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in and turn this off. So I need to go in to button dial settings and we're on page two of three Shudder A f and let's say here, I want to turn this off. So now when I am in single focus, the camera will not focus. But, you know, it won't focus back here, and that's because I need to program this button to focus. So I'm gonna go back into the menu going to go up. That's a shortcut, and I'm gonna go to button dial setting, and I'm gonna goto function setting, and I'm going to re program the A f l button, which is right there for a F on. So I need to find a f on on one of these seven pages. Hey, it's right there. Okay, so I'm gonna hit, okay? And so now this button will do 1/2 on right there, and it won't do anything when I take a picture. And so that's back button focusing now. Currently, if I switch this over to continuous and I'm just going to switch it over to continuous now, it will still continuous focus with the shutter button on the top. And that is because I will show you. Wait. Yep. Button dial setting two of three a. F c is still left on. If you want to go to back button focusing with a f c. U would go in here and turn that off. I kind of like the set up right here, so I'm gonna leave it like that. And so that is how you set up back button focusing. And there are definitely lots of options on doing that like that. Okay, Back to the keen out. So as I just de mode for you there, you can turn the shutter a f off or on whether you are using single or continuous, and I'm not sure that I know of any other camera that allows you to do that. So another nice thing by Fuji there to really allowing you to customize for that reason next up is shudder auto exposure. So when you press down halfway on the shutter, do you want the exposure to be locked or to continue updating with new exposure information? And it depends a little bit on how you shoot. In many cases, I think it's a little bit better to lock the meter. That way you can do a meter lock if you're going to be photographing somebody, maybe standing beside a bright window and you want to lock the exposure in the darker areas so that you can see him a little bit more easily. And so for exposure reasons, I prefer that, but everybody has their own choice. If you do not have a lens mounted, do you want to be able to fire the shutter? Normally, you want to take pictures without a lens on the camera, but if you have an adapter that does not connect up to the electron ICS, the camera may not realize that there is or it. It seems the camera doesn't realize that there is a lens attached to the camera, and so if you're hooking this up to a telescope or some sort of funky adapter, you might want to leave it turned on. I would generally leave it turn off That way, the shutter can't accidentally move. There could be damage done if there's something that's falling in there, something that's in there that shouldn't be in there. So it's a little bit of a safety precaution. Leaving that turned off kind of the same idea. Do you want to be able to fire the shutter without a memory card in the camera and as a safety precaution, it's probably good to turn this off so your camera won't even take a picture, and you won't even think that you might be taking a picture without a memory card in the camera. The focus ring on the lens is can be reversed and say you could have him work in the normal direction of which they dio or in the opposite direction, which is the way that Nikon lenses focus. So maybe if you're migrating from Nikon Fuji and you kind of don't like the way the lens is focused, You can reverse it now there is a linear and nonlinear option, and this is really good for those of you shooting video that are used to moving a lands. And you like to have a pre determined radius that u turn and have the lands always do the exact same thing. For the still photographer, the nonlinear option is probably better because it actually relates to how fast you move. If you move very quickly, focus will adjust quite quickly. When you are trying to narrow in and get the exact focusing, you focus really slowly. Then it's going to slow down, and it's not gonna move as much with the linear. You can set specific movements. You know, if I turn in a 45 degree turn, the lens is gonna move from here to here in focusing. And so it depends a little bit on how you use your lenses and what you use them for. But I think in general photographers are gonna like nonlinear and people shooting video. We're gonna like linear. The auto exposure autofocus lock mode can be activated either by pressing and keeping your button held in with your thumb or it could be a switch, something that you would press once to turn on and then come back and press again to turn off auto white balance lock boat mode. So you do need to have a function button programmed for auto white balance. And if you do that, you can have that as either a pressing button or a switch. But and this is gonna lock white balance if you recomposed the camera kind of a new mode. I don't think we've seen this on any camera before, but you do need to have a function button programmed before this will take effect under the third page, the aperture ring setting. And so, in this case, you normally control the aperture of your lens on the aperture of the lens, the aperture ring on the lens. You just move it back and forth. But if you put it into the auto setting, you can set the menu to command and use one of the command dials for changing the aperture. So once again, for somebody who's controlling the camera with one hand, rather than trying to reach over in turn, the focus ring with their finger in the front of the camera. They can program one of the dials to control those singing aperture settings, and so that might be very handy for people who either want operated or have to operate it with one hand. A lot of people like the physical controls on the lenses, but to be honest with you, sometimes they're inconvenient, and it's better having them in the dial. And this is what gives us the option. The aperture setting is for these X C lenses that do not have apertures as part of them. With those you have to use the dial on the back of the camera for controlling where the aperture is. And here you get to choose whether it's the standard manual controls or whether there is the auto, which is right next to the whitest aperture on it, which gives you the option of adding auto in there as well. All right, next up is for our touchscreen settings. We can get in here, and first off, this is where you can turn the screen on and off. I know a lot of people out there like the touch screen, and so this is what you would want to turn on to make sure that it's active and you can use it. You can use it for all the special video modes, which are gonna be different than the photo modes. And you can focus and do other things with it as well. So you can also control which part of the touch screen is actually active. And so, if you want to limit it to one corner of the area because the other might not be reachable by your thumb or your face might be in front of it, you can regulate that. Just part of it becomes part of a touch pad, you might say. All right, next up is a lock feature, and this is where you can lock down controls on the camera. Perhaps you're gonna have the camera set up in a place where other people are gonna be working with it. Or maybe it's going to be in a remote location, or you're gonna be shooting some sort of event where it's not gonna change. Used to want anything to change on the camera. You can go into this camera and set up a lot of different lock parameters. And so one of the things you can do is you can lock all the functions or you can lock a selected number of functions in their Normally you're gonna leave. It unlocks that you can actually work and access all the features on the camera. And then comes the function selections. Which modes? Which features would you like toe lock so that that button or feature is rendered inactive? We're not gonna go through all of these, but these are ones that we have talked about in many different parts of these this class, and so I not sure exactly who's going to get the most use of this? It's possible you could be setting up a portrait studio and you bring someone in to fire the shutter, but they're not in charge of setting the camera up. It forces the camera to be in a certain style, and that's the way it's forced to work.
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Justina Tumaite
Thank you it's super helpful. I loved it :)
Robert Felice
I loved this class! How much did I love this class? I loved this class and I don't even have an X-T3! I have the Fujifilm X100V, a camera similar enough to the X-T3 that this class easily covered 85% - 90% of the features on my camera. It's also a camera new enough that there isn't much available on how to use it. This class got the job done for me. Well done, John!
Eric Geerts
I've been with CL for quite a while and I pretty much got used to (all of) John's top quality classes. Kinda been waiting for this one over the last months. So thanks again, John, for your consistent 5 star quality standard!!
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