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Seller Profile Best Practices

Lesson 5 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

5. Seller Profile Best Practices

<b>In this lesson, Mike shares best practices for great profile images, description, and more.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

Seller Profile Best Practices

1 Your profile image is what separates you 2 from everyone else. 3 The service that you provide can be replicated, 4 but the person providing the service cannot. 5 Here's what I suggest that makes your profile image unique. 6 Add an image that shows your face. 7 Look into the camera. 8 Be as professional with your profile image as possible, 9 but be authentic and on brand. 10 Have you ever watched a video 11 and felt like you really connected with that person? 12 Well, the intro video is just that. 13 Your intro video should showcase your unique personality, 14 and it should also connect with your audience 15 on a personal level. 16 The video should tell the audience 17 a little more about who you are and what you do. 18 It should highlight your skills and services. 19 My suggestions for a good intro video 20 is to keep it professional, concise, and on brand. 21 Fiverr has additional guides to help you 22 with creating your intro video, 23 including equipment, what to wear, 24 and ho...

w to write your script. 25 A good profile description should establish three things, 26 your professional identity. 27 This should show the buyers who you are 28 and the vibe that you display. 29 Your services should tell the buyers 30 what kind of service you provide. 31 Also, your profile description should encourage engagement. 32 You should end it with a call to action. 33 Here's an example of a profile description 34 that I suggest starting off with. 35 Think of it as your short cover letter for your resume. 36 Make sure to use perfect English in a well-built sentence. 37 I would do something like this. 38 I'm a digital marketing specialist from New York. 39 I have three certifications 40 and four years of experience in SEO. 41 I'm excited to help you improve your on-page 42 and off-page SEO through various techniques. 43 I'd be more than happy to be a part of your next project. 44 Please feel free to send me a message. 45 Something like this will showcase your skills 46 and entice the buyers to choosing you. 47 Here are some additional tips 48 to maximizing your profile success. 49 Showcase your best work. 50 People like to work with people who have already done it. 51 If you've done successful work, proudly display it. 52 This will build trust with the user. 53 Also, use high quality images. 54 Try to avoid blurry images. 55 Keep it clean and professional, 56 and add your own personal touch to it. 57 Don't be too robotic. 58 Your personality should shine through. 59 Also, provide the context of your work. 60 Talk about the challenges 61 and how you overcame the challenges for your clients. 62 Organize your portfolio. 63 Also, as you complete new projects, 64 I suggest updating your portfolio.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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