Why Do We Need People Skills?
28:48 2Detox Your Life
19:50 3Harness Charisma
16:48 4Captivate Your Audience
09:44 5Create Spark
17:17 6The Art of Conversation
10:07 7The Power of Surprise
12:12 8How to Be Memorable
14:03How to Light Up a Room
15:03 10Personality Matrix
12:08 11Optimize Interaction and Design Your Personality
08:51 12How to Speed Read People
15:35 13Conquer Your Fears
10:29 14Create Deeper Bonds and Human Motivation
13:21 15How to Get Along with Anyone
15:51 16Create an Action Plan for an Unforgettable Life
06:47Lesson Info
Captivate Your Audience
welcome to day four. So today we're talking about captivating your audience, and this is all about making an awesome first impression. So here are my goals today, making awesome first impression how to command authentic attention. Not all attention is created equal. And so I want you to do it in a genuine way that feels right to you. And then I also want to teach you how to captivate a room. Captivating an audience is a very hard concept, understand? So I hope that today I can break that down and show you how it works. I want you to think about what's the most powerful story you ever heard. And I want I want you to write it in your workbook. So we are now solidly on the path, the connection, and this is the last segment we're going to do in the hook. We've learned how to set our intention to live purposefully. We've learned how to trigger dopamine to make that hook those first few minutes, Really pleasure. Full for other person. Now we're about to learn how to captivate their attention...
. That's gonna take us up to the next level, which is deposit which we're gonna start in the next few days, so I want to start with our law today. So we're on our sixth people. Skill these air. The 33 essential people skills that everyone needs to know. And number six is to harvest stories that we need to grow, collect and share captivating stories. Now stories are talked about a law. Storytelling seems to be like a hot issue, especially online. And I read all these articles about the power of storytelling. But very rarely are we told why they work. So the science behind why a story is so powerful and how to use a story in real life. So stories is one way to draw attention to yourself in a positive way because they're captivating them authentically. And of course, stories trigger dopamine that is, other than ourselves, stories one of the highest dopamine producing activities for our brains. Our brains light up, so what they did is they put people in F M R I machines, and they had them listen to all kinds of things, recordings of stories, gossip relationship, people talking about themselves, fax. And they found that activation was by far the highest people were listening to stories, and what happens specifically is their brains matched the storytellers brains. So they actually discovered this part by accident. They were doing research on chimpanzees brain behavior. So chimps they had them hooked up to fMRI machines actually had them. They had them hooked up to electrodes. They were monitoring brain behavior. And during the break, one of the researchers went out to get an ice cream cone, and he was eating the ice cream cone in the research lab. And he looked over at the monitor, and he saw that the activity on the one of the chimps brains was going crazy. He was like, What's happening? The chimpanzee was watching the researcher eat the ice cream cone, and his brain was lighting up as if he was eating ice cream cone. So what they found is that when we listen to a story, our brain activates, as if we ourselves are in the story. That is why our brain loves it so much. That's why we love reading adventure novels. Even though we're sitting in our room, we're sitting on the porch. We actually feel like we're there with them. Our brain acts like we're there with them. And this is the third aspect of the power of stories. Is not only does it activate our brains, not only does that make us feel like we're there, it syncs up our brain with the storyteller. So I want to talk about how to use the power of stories. Hopefully Now I have convinced you that stories are awesome. So now how do we use that in real life? I use something called the story formula. This is a very applicable way to use stories, and it is a three part formula. The first thing you do is you think of trigger words. Trigger words are words that come up in conversation regularly that trigger stories that you have in your story. Toolbox. Your story toolbox, which we're gonna build today, is your favorite authentic, captivating, awesome stories you bring out when you hear a trigger word and then you follow it up with a roundup question around. A question brings it back to them. So they begin talking about themselves and you spur interesting conversation. All right, then, the most important part of the story toolboxes ending with great follow up questions. The biggest mistake I see will make. When they tell stories, they'll tell a story and they just end it. And they're sort of like a laugh or an awkward pause. You're like, what to do next. Okay, so, like, right that happens. So you have to endure story with a great follow up question. The reason for this is because you want to keep that dopamine flowing and you want to turn it back to them. Here. What they have to say what their opinion is. How can you be an ad or not? It's a tractor. Would grant talk about tomorrow? All right. A special note here is that these air not long stories. Hey, I'm not talking about five or 10 minutes Stories. Usually these stories are 15 to 30 seconds at the most. There two minutes Now we love telling stories is actually like listening to stories. So it's important we keep them short because otherwise you tend to lose people, right? If you're talking for too long, you can't check in with them. So I want you to practice short 15 to 2 minutes stories. I also want you to use this course, so I want you to use this course as a storytelling opportunity every day. The reason why I ask you what the most interesting thing you learned today is is because I'm trying to create stories for you. I want you to think of ah ha moments, interesting studies that you've heard things that clicked for you, those air all stories that you can put in your story toolbox. So in your workbook, I've created an entire chart of trigger words and props for you. So we have hometown names, job adventure, new activity, holidays, parties, books, news. I have almost every trigger. Would word that could come up in conversation and prompts for you to think about what your stories are around those trigger words to help you start to build your own story. Toolbox. The reason why these work is because you have to have a follow up question or you have to tie it back to them and they're short, interesting riel stories. I want a very briefly and in your workbook. I have a couple of pages on this talk about the art of storytelling, right? What makes a good story? There are actually a couple different parts to a good story. And again, I have a detailed description of this, but I want to briefly go over it always. You want to start a story with a hook? Ah, hook is a question. Ah, provocative statement were curiosity. The second phase is to highlight some kind of a struggle. This could be looking for a resolution or being faced with a challenge. And then the third aspect is painting with quality words, using words that get people's imagination going under two minutes. You can use a lot of exciting words, so in action this works, of course, at networking events and parties. But it also works in social media and in your business and in your pitches. So we've been talking a lot about the how our stories in social situations. I want to talk for a second about how to use stories professionally for your businesses. Features don't really sell. Benefits don't really sell, which is usually the first thing we tell people about our work here. The benefits here, the features, what sells our stories. So what I want us to do is, I want us to think about how can you tell a story about your product service or business here. A couple of ideas for you, how you got started. So what motivated you to start your product business or service? How it's used? Do you have a story testimonial that you can use that would show? Not tell the power of your service, how successful it's been. So the story of your success before we get into our challenge is gonna be implementing some of these stories. I want to talk about what's coming up next. So we're finally moving up a step in the connection path. You. So we're going from Hook Teoh deposit. So we were taking it up a step moving past the first impression we've made that awesome first impression. We've captivated their attention. Now, how do we keep it? And I have a little bit deeper. We're gonna do that with creating spark, unleashing your inner diva, inner rock star or diva, whatever you got rockin. I want to show it never being born again and increasing your impact on the people that you are interacting with. And then we're gonna talk about the art of conversation. So this is being a master conversationalists mastering the art of small talk, taking conversations for the next level. So going a little bit deeper with our interactions and how to engage people, which is the first step to connection. All right, our challenge for today. So our challenges help us put all of our learning into action. Number one. I want you to add three stories to your story. Toolbox. Using the workbook prompts that I have in your workbook, I want you to add three different ones. There's, I think, over 30 questions in there. So if you can answer just three, that's what I want you to do today. Then I want you to add one story to your pitch, your website or your social media. I want you to think about how you can add the power of stories. Somewhere in your business, it can be written online or you can think about What do you say when you pitch a client? What story can you tell them to captivate them? We're ready for the final part of what the most important thing we learned today is the reason why we do. This solidifies our learning at home. I wanted to take just 20 seconds in right town with the most important thing you learned is
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I enjoyed this Fast Class version and am interested in taking the longer course. Vanessa provided a lot of handouts, which I greatly appreciate and found helpful. I feel more informed and empowered as I make a career change.