Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield

Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield
Class Introduction
00:57 2Seven Big Issues in Training
11:58 3The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
11:15 4Mobility
10:27 5Balance
06:30 6Fueling for Performance
06:47 7Fermented Foods & Sweeteners
07:13 8Ultimate Human Performance Juice & Smoothie
03:23Lesson Info
Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
fasting. Let's talk about fasting. I mentioned that I like fasting as a way to increase what's called cellular automata G or the ability of cells to turn over and clean themselves up and clear up the junk that accumulates in your body through life. Going long periods of time without eating is a good way to do that. Like I mentioned yesterday, there's zero evidence that eating More than three times a day elevate your metabolism or that snacking somehow increases your metabolism, so you don't have to eat constantly and by not eating constantly, you actually allow your body to clean up and it has a really cool anti ageing and longevity effect. So I f that's intermittent fasting. I try to intermittent fast almost every day for about 12 to 16 hours, meaning that I go for as long a period of time as possible right now while I'm traveling, you know, I've been showing up here to these creative live sessions and eating breakfast at about 7 38 AM or so, That's really weird for me. I usually brea...
kfast around 10 a.m. I wait a long time after I wake up to eat and I don't eat after about nine p.m. Or so at night the night before. So every single day I'm working in a good 12 hours worth of just not eating, allowing my body to clean up junk. So intermittent fasting of about 12 to 16 hours of duration. So that that leaves you with an 8 to 12 hour eating window per day. That's a really good strategy for getting some of the benefits of fasting. You know, you don't necessarily want to combine fasting or zero calorie intake with a stressful day. So if you know, you've got a stressful day, it's actually recommended to eat, you just might want to eat foods that you can getting quickly, like a smoothie or oil or something of that nature. Next you want to avoid doing hard or long workouts fasted unless muscle loss is your goal. I weigh £175 right now. Um I used to weigh £ and was a bodybuilder. The way that I got rid of £ of muscle weight was by going out and doing triathlon style workouts in a fasted state without amino acids on board, without carbohydrates on board. Just drinking water. My wife can attest to the fact that she's kind of watch me over the past eight years, get skinnier and skinnier and skinnier by using that approach to actually shed muscles. So I could get faster for the sport that I wanted to do. So for fasting. Some of the things that can help you get through fast, especially if you're going to do that occasional 20 out of hour fast that I talked about. Some of the things that can still keep your body in that state where you're getting some of the benefits of fasting and cellular cleanup. but you're also not going into a full on cattle bolic state or you don't feel like you want to chew your arm off. Uh, you can use amino acids. They make amino acids, capsules and amino acids powders. There's two forms of amino acids, branched chain amino acids and essential amino acids and essential amino acids are one of the best sources. They're more expensive but they give your body all of the amino acids that it's unable to make itself. Usually there's eight or 9 different amino acids depending on which nutritionists you ask. But it's either a capsule form or a powder form. I've got links to a few of my preferred brands over at Ben Greenfield fitness dot com slash Creative Live. But amino acids can really help and using right around the range of about 10 to 20 g of amino acids on a day that you're fasting. You can split that into like four or five grand portions. Can help get you through that day. Medium chain triglycerides, which I mentioned earlier. You know, doing something like the bulletproof coffee approach where you got some caffeine and some cts going into your body. You can still get a lot of the benefits of fasting and calorie restriction and the longevity and anti aging benefits of fasting while doing that. I don't recommend a calorie based green source like this if you're fasting. So these are greens but there's like 200 calories and serving. So you'd want to use like a powdered green source or greens capsule rather than using like a greens meal replacement powder if you're fasting and you want to get those benefits of fasting. Then two of the things that can help out. Number one is electrolytes, something like an effervescent electrolyte tablet dropped into a glass of water to help keep your appetite satiated. Um so first of all, ketosis, which I've mentioned a few times is something that I've personally used as a bio hack, meaning that for example, this summer for 16 weeks I consumed a diet that was 80-90% fat, almost pure fat. And when your body burns fatty acids for energy and puts them through what's called the Krebs cycle, it kicks off what are called key tones. And so you generate these high levels of key tones and key tones can actually cross your blood brain barrier and be used by your neurons as a fuel source. You can use supplemental ketones. This this is a brand new thing that, that has just come to market. But if you wanted to get a lot of the effects of high blood key tones and there's a way that you can actually measure blood ketones or measure breath key tones I have around here somewhere, uh, breath ketone monitor that you can actually blow into to test whether or not you're in, you're in ketosis. Um, and I have a link to those that Ben Greenfield Fitness dot com slash Creative Live. They're made by a company called Metron. But you can literally just blow into a tube to see whether or not you're in ketosis. Um basically you can use supplemental key tones. You can actually consume. Key tones are called beta hydroxybutyrate salts. So what I mean by this is that rather than eating fats and relying on the burning of those fatty acids to generate key tones instead, just drinking the key tones themselves. So that's what that's what I mean. When I say use supplemental key tones, you can actually put your body into ketosis without necessarily using high fat intake to do it. What you miss out on of course are some of the benefits of controlling your blood sugar. Because you are by definition, if you're doing that, not necessarily going low carb, Finally, you want to pay attention to your thyroid or your body temperature when you are in ketosis because as I mentioned earlier, carbohydrates are necessary for the conversion of T3 and active T4 high high fatty acid levels can inhibit some thyroid receptor activity and you can tend to see thyroid activity deficits and a drop in metabolism and a drop in body temp. This is something I struggled with. I I kind of messed up my thyroid a little bit when I was experimenting with high levels of physical activity and those 12 to 16 weeks of ketosis and it turned out that I was able to keep my body in ketosis consuming up to over 400 calories of carbohydrates per day. When I thought I had to be a far fewer amounts of carbohydrates per day than that. And so I did some damage to my thyroid. Um, I went through two weeks of testing my body temperature, found it to be low on a consistent basis. Testing both axillary and oral body temperature upon waking every morning consistently low for two weeks gave me a pretty good clue that thyroid was low tested. TSH Remember we talked about TSH and you needing to be between about 0.5 and two point oh, I was up in the mid four point. Some things when I tested TSH and this all happened just for me eating a low carbohydrate diet. So you need to be careful if you're combining something like ketosis with performance.
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