Fueling for Performance
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield

Fueling for Performance
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield
Class Introduction
00:57 2Seven Big Issues in Training
11:58 3The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
11:15 4Mobility
10:27 5Balance
06:30 6Fueling for Performance
06:47 7Fermented Foods & Sweeteners
07:13 8Ultimate Human Performance Juice & Smoothie
03:23Lesson Info
Fueling for Performance
let's go ahead and talk about two important things when it comes to choosing the foods that you are going to eat. These are the two parameters that I use to decide whether or not I'm going to consume something nutrient density and digestibility. What I'm talking about is choosing foods that are very very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You can actually find uh nutrient density scales on the internet that kind of kind of rape nutrients. There was actually a really, really good And a free presentation given that I watched a couple of years ago, I mentioned that ancestral helped uh symposium yesterday that I went to that 2012. I also went to the 2011 and there was a talk given there by a really, really smart guy from Harvard named Matt Lalande and he did a presentation on nutrient density where he ranked the the nutrient density of all the foods on the face of the planet. It was very, very interesting that one of the, one of the highest nutrient dense foods on the face of the pl...
anet, turned out to be bacon, which made a lot of people very, very happy. Um not not plants or oatmeal as we, as we might believe now there could be some issues with relying on bacon as your primary source of fuel, but it's a really interesting presentation. I'm pretty sure you can download it for free at their ancestry foundation website. Um The other thing that I really look at is digestibility. So food may be very, very nutrient dense, let's say kenya for example. Um kenya is kind of this grass slash grain that's very, very rich in amino acids that until about two years ago when I really started to geek out on this stuff, I would have walked in the grocery store and called it quinella because that's how it's spelled and I had no clue keen, well actually was, but kenya has a ton of amino acids in it and it's very nutrient dense and it's high in minerals. But kenya itself, if you were to go to the grocery store and just buy a bag of keen wa, it naturally is covered with sapone, ints and opponents are essentially soap and when you consume keen wa if you just take it out of that bag and you cook it, you're digesting soap. That's why a lot of people start to eat something like keen one there, like I can't eat that crap. I felt horrible and my digestive system was all over the place and I had bloating and things hurt. Well, the issue is that, that kenya was not digestible. Now there is a way to take a nutrient dense food like that and make it digestible in the case of kenya, you would soak it overnight and you'd rinse it and that's a, that's a very simple, easy way to get rid of these opponents in something like kenya, but you have to take into account the digestibility of the food as well. So, um I have created what I call the super human food pyramid and this is available for free on my website now. It looks very, very simple, but it's a downloadable pdf and if you zoom in on this pdf, it actually lists foods according to eat moderate or avoid and you'll see, you can, you might be able to see a very, very small text in there that if you could zoom in, you'll be able to see. But one of the things that you might notice is that this pyramid is kind of flipped at the bottom are fats. Some of the more nutrient dense type of foods on the face of the planet are fats and the body's preferential source of fuel at rest as you learned yesterday is fats. That's what your mitochondria burns through a process called beta oxidation to form ATP based energy. And that's why fats this slow burning fuel. This log that your body uses to burn forms the base of this superhuman food pyramid. And then we get vegetables right above fats. And many people who have seen my diet a lot of times. I think at first glance that I'm a vegan or vegetarian or plant based eater because I eat a ton of vegetables with the exception being that I dressed them up quite a bit and healthy fats like olive oils and avocados and olives and a lot of the stuff that we're about to talk about. But then I also include sources of amino acids and very, very nutrient dense sources. So yes, I eat things like liver and oysters and grass fed beef and salmon and things of that nature. But I eat a ton of vegetables along with my fats, proteins you can see are kind of in the middle of the food pyramid, proteins, As you learned yesterday, a lot of times are overemphasized, especially in athletes. If you remember back to the strength building section of yesterday, we really only need about 0.55 g of protein per pound of body weight in order to maintain Our Lean muscle. That's about half of what you read in the typical muscle and fitness magazine. They'll tell you a gram of protein per pound of body weight. The fact is that that can create a lot of ammonia build up and nitrogenous waste build up. That's hard on your kidneys. So 0.55 up to a maximum of about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight is the ideal range. And that's why protein doesn't fall kind of towards the base of the food pyramid as you might expect it to for athletes and people who are beating up their bodies a lot. But it's really only in the middle, then we get grains and legumes kind of towards the top and again, these are these are okay. Um, I think I mentioned yesterday, I'm not paleo. I'm not one of those guys who says that you can't eat plants and grains and legumes and things like that, but you got to make them digestible and we'll talk about that today and I do have an expert guest today. Who knows a lot about making foods digestible. Um Fruit is a little bit towards the top of the pyramid. The reason for that is that fruit is nature's desert. It is relatively nutrient dense, but it's high in fructose. Um it can cause some weight gain issues and people who are trying to lean up and a lot of people do too much fruit fructose that's not utilized for energy can very easily get converted into triglycerides in the body. And then I've also got on that food pyramid drinks and I list about 30 different drinks from coconut water to cambodia to two sodas to fruit juices etcetera in order of what's best to what's worst. And we really can't zoom in on this on this tv that you see here. But if you want to download the superhuman food pyramid, you can get it for free at Ben Greenfield fitness calm slash pyramid. And it also comes along with a really comprehensive grocery shopping list. About five extra pages of grocery shopping list that lists all the foods that would kind of be ideal to fill your refrigerator with. So that will help you make a kitchen that looks a little bit like what we're looking at right now.
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