Lesson Info
11. Understanding Your Page
Day 1
1Why Use Facebook for Small Business?
17:12 2Choosing the Right Avatar & Banner
26:43 3Setting Up Your Facebook Page
17:08 4Catching Your Audiences Attention
21:19 5Get Your First 1000 Likes
32:31 6Content Strategy with Sean Malarkey
35:30 7Driving Engagement with Joshua Parkinson
30:05Create Content & Manage It
26:04 9How to Discover Great Content
30:21 10Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
32:10 11Understanding Your Page
22:18 12Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
19:05Day 2
13Boost Facebook Ads with Justin Brooke
26:30 14Optimizing Ads for Maximum Exposure
23:41 15The Right Ad For You
32:30 16Double Your Email List
32:49 17Turn Fans Into Marketers
28:43 18Easily Sell on Facebook
30:42 19Selling Through Facebook Stories
24:50 20Buy Using a "Buy" Comment
28:14 21Social Media Business with Carrie Wilkerson
28:25 22Identify Your Target Market
33:20 23Focus on Niche with Marketing Money
20:24Lesson Info
Understanding Your Page
we talked about this is actually, um, or another part of that back into Facebook insights that you'll see that shows you the delta you're getting between organic likes, paid, likes and something else that many people don't watch your unlike. Six. So he talks about, like, How frequently do you post and like, when do you know if it's too much? This is the answer. If you start seeing that a bunch of folks, for whatever reason, consistently like if we saw this red line consistently going lower and lower and lower. We know people are getting more and more disinterested in our content. Now. Also have to tell you, don't beat yourself up over losing one every here and there, every every every so often it's gonna happen. OK, that's a good indicator of what worked and what's not working. Yep, go ahead, Valerie. How does it become unlike what do they do? What action do they do on your fan page? So let's say they saw that article that we co wrote with Weebly in their Facebook news feed, and they s...
aw it coming through and they said, Oh, this is really bad content or it's not relevant for me or I don't want to go island hopping right. They could highlight over and actually click unlike. And that unlike the Facebook page, yeah, yeah, making unlike your Facebook page. And that's again, that's a really, really critical thing to watch that and who raise your hand if you don't know about that. Good. So people are learning something new. I love that. That's good. Okay, we'll move forward again and take a look at where your page likes happened. So this teaches you are going to zoom in on this slide. This teaches you where that traffic is coming from. OK, so this will tell you we talked in the earlier segment about installing the Facebook like plugging on your website. Or we're gonna talk tomorrow in another segment about launching an application on your Facebook page. You'll see here this walks through where your new likes air coming from. So in this particular date, the blue graph shows that about 10 new people liked my page because they actually navigated to my page and they were on it. Okay, this lighter color is the number of likes we got that particular day. So about 20 from ad spend. Okay, The purple section is a P I. Now what a P I means in fact, I told you guys, I'm not a technical guy. I don't know anything about this. I don't even know what a P I stands for, but it's technical. And what's important understand is those air likes you're getting through Facebook plug ins, okay? Or through their a p. I think of Think of when you hear Facebook AP. I think of Facebook's telephone line between your website or your other online assets and Facebook. So what? This means I'm getting a significant portion for whatever reason. On that day of new likes from buttons like buttons on our website or other digital assets we have Angelina, does that make sense? And I say p, I yes, OK, when you said Facebook lights on other pages. Great. So if you installed like we talked about in the first segment about plug ins, I don't use them strategically, and you put them on your photography website. The way that you would track are people actually clicking that like button on your website? Is you going here? You got it. You go into your Facebook insights. You look at this graph and you see if it's working OK. Additionally, they put or Facebook puts uncapped ago rised and mobile into the same section. Okay, which is kind of a bummer. But if people are liking your page from a mobile device or uncapped ago rise, which is everything else, it'll be kind of this yellow color and then everything else goes in tow. Others My message. I would tell you here, when you start looking at this, data is doubled down on what's working really well, okay. Or if you're running an active strategy. So, Angelica, what you want to do is if you launched a campaign where you launch New Island photos on your website on your photography website and you strategically put the like one under each and every one of them say, for a certain month while you were featuring certain islands in the Caribbean, you couldn't go back here and see how effective that was to make a decision about If you should do that again next month or not, does that make sense a lot of sense? Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Yeah, OK. Any questions about understanding where your likes air coming from? Yep. Giselle. So if the light comes from mobile slash on categorize. Does that mean they didn't? I like it when they were on your page. What that means is that, like, came from a mobile device. So if you opened up your mobile device and you're scrolling through the Facebook news feed and use and and it said something like, um hey, Valerie Leigh, Sorry. Hey, Giselle, Valerie and Leanne like this article, we think you would too. And you click, like on the article. And you then, like the page that counts is one, like from a mobile device. And Chris? Yeah. What are we hearing online? Robbie and a few other people have voted on this, and they want to know. Can you see what they've unlike My page shows that I lost a like, but not what kind of content was disliked? Yep. So, Robbie and those of you that up voted Robbie's question in order to find out why people like toe, unlike your page, remember, the key thing about Ed drank is time. So typically, if somebody unlike your page on a certain date, the status updates you put up on that date are the reason they unlike because that's when they saw those updates. So there's not a direct correlation, but that's the best correlation Robbie that I could make for your business. So we went into engagement and talked about again. Post reach, picking your proper timeframe. Understanding likes comments and shares. We also went in here and I'll show you this example. We also went in here, and I walked to this right now we didn't cover this yet. When people are going and viewing your content in their mobile on their mobile device or on their desktop, they can select toe hide updates from your Facebook page. Okay, The way you see that is right here. So when I see that on this date nine people hid this post, I probably posted something here. Okay, that for whatever reason, Hey, some folks run interested in Okay, so, look, this is a little self promotional, right? Introducing Hey. Oh, it's a product update. That's typical. What? You guys also see about this post though a lot of traffic, right. You'll typically see that opposed to your your polarizing in this sense, right? Ah, lot of people got and even organic, right? There was. Ah, let's say 420 organic and 11,800 paid. However, nine people unlike the page. So you have to understand again why there unlike ing for me When I see this, I wouldn't change my strategy. I went general strategy nine people unlike ing with 11,800 of reach coming from paid spend is not a large number, so I'm good with that. You want to keep tabs on that? Okay. So same thing here. Same thing here. You want to go in and look at this content. Why are they hiding the post? Okay, now the reason that those posts I want to make this clear when someone hides a post, they're not unlike in your page. Okay, but, uh, what do you believe? What you believe so west? Los que This one. When somebody says, hide this status update from your IPhone gadgets page, what do you believe that means to Facebook? In terms of how close that person is with your brand, it means ah, defend. Do not care of much for this content. And eventually we ended up disliking you. Yeah, or don't show Miss Content anymore, right? So what happens? You have 10,000 likes, and now only five people are seeing each update because so many people have hit in the post. So the reason I point this out and you guys online should pay careful attention to this. Just because you're not getting unlike on your page doesn't mean that people could be They could be still hiding your content and your reach declining despite unlike snot happening. So you want to make sure you go into this particular graph and understanding when and why people are hiding your content from their Facebook feeds valor? You have a question about hiding a post. So if somebody hit a post that I just posted, does that mean this person Onley will never see that post again? Or any future post that's similar to this kind of post? When somebody clicks that that hide button, think of it like a dagger to their affinity score right to your content, right for a drink so they won't. They certainly won't see that update, and they probably won't see a lot of your future updates unless they start like the one time they do see one, they click, like Or maybe they manually navigate or search for your page and graph search. Facebook withing go. OK, that person is actually interested in Valerie's content. They just didn't like that coffee post. Okay, Is that helpful? Okay, great. Cindy, you've got a question. I was just thinking in terms of my own behavior as a consumer on Facebook. There's a lot of brands that I like, but I don't want a breather. Posts. So what does that mean for something like this? Well, what that might mean is that you'd have no problem liking their Facebook page. However, if you see their posts come through your newsfeed, especially if you see those posts to frequently, you'll start clicking hide so they can still count you as a like on their Facebook page. But what does it actually mean for the relationship? Probably pretty low, right? Yeah, right. So that begs the question of why would a potential customer like your page, but then hide your content because there's so much out there that I'm trying Teoh minimize what's in my news feed. So you're you're curating your own feed, right to make sure it's high quality. Facebook obsolete, Absolutely watches that again. If, like, let's say you like a bunch of these big fortune 500 brands. But you just like him because you know you let's say it's a It's a theme park you like because you went there one time. But Facebook knows location wise. You're not anywhere near there right now. You're not gonna see their content. Facebook has all these little ways that they determine if content should be relevant to you or not. This is another one that you should be looking at. West. You've got a question, Yes. Would the opposite be true? Like if a person like a post and decided to save that post for later? Would that give you the benefit? Meaning that you are more engaged with the content. Therefore, you are more likely to see the content again if you save this post that you see that you don't have time to read. And so what? We believe the answer to that? Is it based on your gut intuition? Well, they say you feature just is kind of relative. It's kind of new, so I'm not sure. Well, does that mean you're more or less interested in that brand. Do you want more? Likely to. There you go. Okay. So that opposite in the algorithm wise, that will be true. Yeah. Yeah. And it's a good, you know, I want to make sure that you guys in the live audience, you know, there are all these things that go into making this work on. There's math, and it's complication. Think of it like a backyard barbecue, right? If you are, if you are willing to go to a backyard barbecue with a certain brand and hang out with him and your friends, okay, that generally signifies that that's a good fit for them to show your content. So West. Any kind of activity that you're doing right that says I like this brand. Save this post for later click like Click share, Click Tweet. Facebook's absolutely watching that, and they're going to show you more of that content. Does that make sense? Yes. Great. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay, I'm going to We're gonna move forward and we'll get questioned. More questions here at the end. I want to get into visits a little bit deeper so you can see here. And this is gonna be critical for our segment tomorrow, where we talk about where people are visiting on your Facebook page. What this graph shows is how many people are visiting your timeline on a certain day versus your different fan page tabs and just by a show of hands guys, how many guys are familiar with what a fan page tab is? Okay, you want to use this chart to understand the traffic that you're different fan pages are your different tabs on your fan page are getting. You guys can see Where is the majority of my traffic coming from When they view my page where they spend their time timeline, right? Timeline, You're lying to yourself if you think a lot of people come to your fan page and click around and spend a lot of time. This is like a nine second attention span kind of society we live in. They see in the news feed, and you're either in or you're out. Right, Michael, your inner out. Right. So additionally, this is another great way to find who you should be partnering with. Okay, so we've talked a lot about these partnering strategies specifically for Angeline business and for Chris, right? Angelina's photographer Chris, is launching his family for the first time. This is a great way to spot potential folks to partner with what this shows is who is driving traffic back to your page. So for us, it makes a lot of sense that heo dot com or website is driving a lot of traffic back to our page. But look, I didn't know these guys online marketing attics dot com I don't know. I don't know. Those people are. But if they're driving traffic to my site, I should probably go to their website, look at their contact form, reach out and get them to send more people to my fan page. Right? This is also a great way to measure how your business development relationships are panning out. So let's say that hey Oh, and Leon's company partner in Lien said, Yeah, I'm going to send you this traffic. I'm gonna dio I'm gonna email market and feature your your fan page on our blawg tomorrow, and I say, OK, I'm gonna watch our insights. I should see this spike and say, offer vault dot com is sending hail this amount of traffic so it's a good way to see what's working and what's not. Cool. Little tip there, huh? Built then kind of secret. But it works. Okay, that's external references. And again, you can go here in tow. Others k to see what kind of other folks are recommending your page they're following. Okay, let's go deeper now into the Post section or posts section of insights. And I really enjoy this section because it Facebook actually attach is a number. In this case, there's 10,000 here what this means out of our 40,000 or so fan page fans At about 8 a.m. We have about 10,720 people on at about 1 p.m. We have about 13,000 people alive. Remember when I told you guys to look for things that look weird? There's one thing in this graph. It looks weird to me. Why didn't this downward trend continue? Like in other words, why did it pan out right between about 7 p.m. And 10 PM? Well, you could potentially infer that those people that go to bed with their phones right, the Nike guilty, guilty then you can't fall asleep that this is that kind of traffic, right? These are the thieves or the honors or the social media consultants that are following heo that are catching up with clients and see what their clients posted the day right before they go to bed. Okay, so look for those kind of variations and capitalize on them. Um, okay. Scrolling down here. What you see here, This is a just a brain dump of all your posts that you've published live. So you see here, this was several days ago, okay? And you see here we've got 1.5000 organic reaches and member how we talk about mixing your content strategy up, you see links regular statuses photos and you'll see videos as well. And what you can do is I'm gonna show you in a second where you can go in here and actually sort some of these different categories to understand what's doing the best all time in that segment. So if I wanted to say I need to post an update tomorrow, what update did the best? Between August 6th and November 3rd, I can click reach, okay. And what I'll do is this will actually sort for me. Up and down. Okay, so right now that looks like lowest. We flip it, it'll load andl foot bit from highest down the lowest. Okay, same thing over here on engagement. So if you ask yourself what status updates get the most likes comments and shares on my Facebook page, you click engagement, Okay? And you can say sort by post clicks. So what's getting the most clicks and I'll show you? Okay. Now, what's interesting about this is actually Well, this man, this makes sense because we used in an earlier segment right, and talked about how to get clicks in an update notice. We used a competition here using heo dot com forward slash TCC. Let's look at another example. That's kind of maybe more normal, right? We had the eye tracking when we looked at earlier. We have a brand here that's trying on a new marketing strategy that we analyze. That's a link. Okay, you start to get a sense here of again. What kinds of update? This is a live video que of me getting a live audience to all go ho at the same time. Just like Edmund we handed with Johnny Carson. You guys remember that, right? I use that example. This is a little insight. I only started building that into my presentations and I'm acting like nobody else can hear this right now. It just you guys. But, you know, this will be our secret. As secretive as this can be, I built that in because I saw a lot of my audience was between the ages of 44 55. I had no idea who Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson were. You know, I did. Someone said someone came up to me after a show after presentation and said, Nathan, did you get Heo from Ed McMahon? And I said, So who and then I you tubed it, And I guess I just admit we hand when he introduced Johnny Carson would say something like, Oh, are right Is that right? Right, so that spoke to my audience. So I don't know what the heck it is, but I Every time I go on stage, I do this and everyone's like that, and it's my perfect audience. It's a little example of what Facebook insights conduce Oh, for your marketing strategies. So this is helpful right. You can quickly sort figure out what's working best and then do that over and over again. Right? We'll go over and get a question from Chris. Chris, go ahead, um, on back on the affinity note and making use of engagement could a good way to build affinity within your client or your fan base be to say, have them go back and, like, a previous post, or find and share a previous post as opposed to, um, you know, liking and sharing the current post the contest. Yeah, it's the Onley reason you wouldn't do that because you have the time decay factor working against you. If you're trying to drive engagement to a historical post that you say posted five weeks ago when you were skateboarding at that competition, right, that could be good. If that content is strong and it's gonna drive you mawr endorsements and more sponsorship opportunities, however you have again time to K working against you. Here's an alternative strategy that I use if I know and I know I know that maybe next Friday I'm posting a certain kind of content, and I know that my email list would love that content. I'll post that update and then immediately seconds after I post that status update, copy the link to that status update. Do an email blast right with a link back that status update, because what happens is that I get Then get a wave of people cooking like comment and share on that status update, and it jolts up that post and everybody else's news feeds. It's another example of using all of your online marketing assets to juice up your content as frequently as you can. Okay, let's let's go in now into this people section, which I believe is one of most important. You know, we talked earlier segments about how to categorise your Facebook page when you first set it up on a US Some questions about what doesn't make most sense to be a brand or, you know, Chris, you have asked a question about Well, what if I have multiple Facebook pages and I want to roll them all up into one specific events or causes? Well, this is an example of different insights. You get based off what kind of page you choose to set up, as so you notice here, check ins can. It says demographic data is currently unavailable. Unfortunately, that's a Facebook thing I can't control. But typically, what you'd see here is if you're a restaurant and you'll see check in data. Who's checking into your restaurant? How frequently are they doing it? What times of day are they doing it? Right. So if you see that, for whatever reason, if you're watching right now, running your own restaurant, that on Tuesdays at five PM you're typically not. Your seats aren't full. But we've got a lot of people that are checking in at that time. Ask yourself. Okay, why is why are those not matching up, right? Are they? Are they are? Is it actually people going into the restaurant next to me? And they're checking their media check into that one and not in mind what kinds of co promotional strategies can use between the two. This also works at live events. Additionally, you can go in here and really understand not just what your average Facebook fan is, but the ones that are engaging the most member I told you have to line your customer profile. Ours is Jen, with your content marketing strategy. Well, you guys notice in this graph how this has actually shifted significantly this way from the at the top of the segment when most of them or engaged. We're over here. This is because despite a lot of my fans are in this category, the ones that are the most engaged or actually a little older and they're over here and they actually tend to be more female generally right in this section. Okay, I take that back. Actually, there's a good split here between male and female, right? But I know that I need to be increasing both of these because that's my ideal segment. Female between those ages. All right. And then again, you have great. You have data here about where they're logging in and where they're doing it from. People reached. Okay, this is an example. Okay of we talk. We had Kim on in last segment, where she posted a status update that got 750,000 shares, which was really remarkable was, and it was a treat to have her on stage. She's a Forbes top 20 social media influencer. And the what this data would show you is who her posts reached so not who likes the page but who are post reached even if they don't like the page. And you can see when I go in here into the into the data that this does tend to align with the people who are engaged and my overall fan count, which I get when I click your fans again you wanted the key thing under this people section and insights to recognize is if you know for Angeline. Yes. First, try for Angeline that your ideal customer is You know, the lady that really wants to travel but can't. And she lives those experiences through your photos, right? You can go in here and make sure that all these sections align with your ideal customer.
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Ratings and Reviews
Excellent course; watching in 2017, and it is still very relevant. Nathan is a wonderful speaker - he limits his slides to actionable tips & tricks and dives deep into the nitty gritty, using real-life examples and constantly referencing audience members and their businesses. I find this so helpful! The audience members have vastly different businesses, so their input is varied and valuable. To put it simply - Nathan doesn't simply reiterate the information on his slides, which is a personal pet peeve of mine. It is absolutely worth your time to sit down and listen to him - he is concise, doesn't water anything down, and he is constantly engaging in a dialogue with the audience. For such a time-consuming course, I believe it is important to get enough value for the time spent - Nathan definitely delivers! I see many reviews here accusing Nathan of self-promotion. I do not find that to be an issue. Yes, he references his business, and hats off to him - this in itself is a wonderful example of marketing. He is not over-bearing with his promo, keeping it relevant to the topics he talks about. I am taking a lot from this course, even though I have already attended quite a number of other workshops and have read tons of literature on the topic. Check it out!
Nathan's teaching style is engaging, entertaining and extremely informative. This class is jam-packed with really useful, actionable steps and suggestions. Not to mention Nathan's introduction of some fantastic new technology that really knocked my socks off! Thanks you Nathan Latka and CL Team. REALLY impressive stuff!
This is the BEST Facebook marketing course I've ever seen. Lots of top experts in different fields talking about relevant information you need to succeed in Facebook marketing. So worth the price. It's a goldmine of information. A MUST HAVE!