Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
Lesson 12 from: Facebook Marketing for Small BusinessesNathan Latka

Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
Lesson 12 from: Facebook Marketing for Small BusinessesNathan Latka
Day 1
1Why Use Facebook for Small Business?
17:12 2Choosing the Right Avatar & Banner
26:43 3Setting Up Your Facebook Page
17:08 4Catching Your Audiences Attention
21:19 5Get Your First 1000 Likes
32:31 6Content Strategy with Sean Malarkey
35:30 7Driving Engagement with Joshua Parkinson
30:05Create Content & Manage It
26:04 9How to Discover Great Content
30:21 10Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
32:10 11Understanding Your Page
22:18 12Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
19:05Day 2
13Boost Facebook Ads with Justin Brooke
26:30 14Optimizing Ads for Maximum Exposure
23:41 15The Right Ad For You
32:30 16Double Your Email List
32:49 17Turn Fans Into Marketers
28:43 18Easily Sell on Facebook
30:42 19Selling Through Facebook Stories
24:50 20Buy Using a "Buy" Comment
28:14 21Social Media Business with Carrie Wilkerson
28:25 22Identify Your Target Market
33:20 23Focus on Niche with Marketing Money
20:24Lesson Info
Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
The next thing that I want to get into is a feature that people tend to not utilize very often. See this button right here. So those those Are you not watching your screen right now? But you're on the CREATIVELIVE showing. You can hear my voice. Come back to my screen. Get out of your email. You see this button right here? This is like a magic button. Okay, When I click this export bun, what you're going to see is Facebook actually dated dumps all of your fan data. Okay, Now I like to call us a pro. Tip it. It can be overwhelming, but I'm going to show you how to the important pieces of this Excel document and where you can go uncover some some value for your business. The first thing you're going to see here. Okay, across the across the top is we've got daily, unlike daily, paged, engaged users k weekly, etcetera. But when you start scrolling over, okay, you're gonna notice you'll start getting This is 28 days. Total impressions you're going to see this is 206,911 impressions during t...
hat particular period, and you can start to do some things here. Like look at anomalies. So why was it in the 18 180,000 or 17,000 right range in this section? But up here, I got well over 200,000 wise that happened. Was there event? Was there a promotion? What did I do, Angelina? Question low. Yeah, right. Yes. So why did your start to recognize these patterns? Why did this happen? What I want to focus on in this course is to bring this year attention. Okay, now, there's so much data here, don't overwhelm us. And I don't want to go on. No, why? Each piece happened. But I want to make you aware of this so you can take a look at it. When we start scrolling over even more, you can go in and find data. This is weekly logged in page views. So that means how many people who are logged into Facebook see your page versus how many people see your page. That might not even have Facebook at all. But they still view your page. Like if someone running a retirement home, right? And the people you're trying to attract your retirement home may not have a Facebook account. This is a great way to see how many people are viewing your page, even if they don't have a Facebook account. Okay, there's a lot of this kind of data built into this. There's some other ones that I want to point out, though, Um, again, this breaks down daily organic impressions on those posts. Now, this one is one that Josh spoke about in the last segment. This is number of clicks generated each day from your page, right. It's kind of a hard number that you can really dig into and drive some conversion numbers around. And you see, right, some of these days, I'm getting 221 others others down here, you know, 500. 400. That's almost a 300% increase. I want to understand why that happened. Because if I do that often enough, ideally it you know, all the boats rise at the same time. Chris, do we have any right now that we should answer? We have a number of questions just about all the different types of data that can be analysed here. So we had a question come up from MBW. We had five people vote on this and they want to know if you're not seeing a lot of hides or unlike, but you're also not getting much engagement. Should you just assume that people are not even seeing the content in the first place? The answer to that is you wanna post more frequently. If nobody's unlike in your page it would that know it? And also nobody's engaging it, telling me people have an appetite for your content, but you're not giving it to them. So post more frequently would be my answer. Robbie, who wants to know about why his insights are only showing for November? Could you maybe just show us exactly how people are able to look at different date ranges for their data? Eso Robbie and the rest of the online audience, where you're trying to isolate a ranges of data to look at the place you do that is you go over in the overview section, Okay, I'm gonna click insights and depending on what section you're on a case of if I go into the like section, this is the drag bar you want to use. So let's someone to focus on August. I would say it's a start, August 1st go to this section, and then my data will reflect that. You can also manually update the time range that you're targeting over here in the upper right side. Or, if you just want to get the last week or the month right or the quarter of that segment, you can use these quick toggle buns questions about external references. And Joanne and a few other people voted on this, and Joanne says, Do you need 100 likes in order to get external references? So Joe and I believe your question was, If you have less than 100 likes, will you still get the external references? Data? If that was your question, the answer is yes. Insights data should work from Day one on your Facebook page. My recommendation earlier about not using insights data if you have less than 30 fans, is because at that point, if you only have 30 you want to be investing deeply in those 30. So don't don't go look at that. Roll up summary and insights, message them on their personal profiles or reach out to the minute and understand who they are and what they are. So you can put together more macro level strategy. Another external reference question from Terra and Tara wants to know, How do I tag another business as an external reference for them? Great. Before we answer that question, I know many of you in the audience who I've worked with used this tagging strategy, Michael. Specifically, when you write a piece of content that you know is gonna perform Well, maybe you referenced authors. How do you think about the tagging strategy when you post it to your Facebook page? You know, I just came out with a book recently, and when I did that it Come on, Michael, late on this one book tile connect on Amazon. But it was, ah, collection. You were in it of several different individuals, you know, social media strategist who gave great suggestions on all the different platforms. And so I had probably maybe 200 different experts in each of them were being tagged weekly. And then when the book came out and I wanted to promote it, as you know, I messaged all of those people to like to know they've now just been published in a book, and they, of course, shared it on their social media. In the book to Great because I'm going, I just got published in a book. You made my ego feel good. Of course I wanted this, and it's great content. What Michael just articulated guys is a great way to again be the ultimate curator, pulling other people's content and share that out. And you can do this across any industry again, whether you're just launching your page or your Angeline or Valerie that you've already had some success and you want to build your brand. This concept of curation works, so when you want to tag other brands the way you do that is two fold. You first need to understand. And this is again for the online. The question that just came in. You want to make sure that your business page has liked their business page. I'll say that again. You're your brand page that you've built can has the ability toe like other brand pages. So before you can tag another brand in your status update on your brand page, you need to go like their brand. So I would go like connect Michael's book from Halos Page. And if I don't want to shout out to Halo's Michael's book on Halos Page, I would say Great book written by at Michael. I tag him personally. And then I'd say You can learn more about his book at and then put in connect or whatever the name of that brand pages that'll pull in the page, you can tag them. And what that does is it gives a notification to that page that you you're talking them up, which they makes them more likely to come back in and re share. The tagging strategy is a great one. Well, guys, I want to dive back into this Excel sheet quickly. I know I feel like me. I do not like spending my days in excel sheet, so I don't want to beat this into the ground. But there are some hidden gems in here. I'm going to go through these fairly rapidly. So these air the daily like sources. Remember when I showed you the graph of the daily like sources? Do you remember that? Yes. Okay. This shows the breakdown of where they came from. This is the actual number from the A P I externally fan connects mobile mobile ads, etcetera. Okay, when I move forward again, you can see here. This is a daily frequency distribution. OK, what this means is this the number of people your page reached broken down by how many times people saw any content about your page. So frequency is a measure of how often you've hit, right? Those users with multiple pieces of content. Okay, What? You'll notice here. And this is again one of the tabs weekly talking about this. Okay, this is the number of people talking about your page by story type. This is the reason I'm pointing this out. This is another great way. Kind of like external references to find people to partner with. But this goes into more granularity. So again, the number of people talking about your page by story type. So here you see, there's a lot you know here Very few people are talking about a based on how many people check in which makes sense were not a brick and mortar location. Okay, you're if you've given brick and mortar location, this should be really high here. You see, this is these are fans talking about our page talking about means they've tagged us, or they've mentioned our brand somehow. That's people talking about this. Okay, you see, here this is the number of people that have posted about our page. So we just heard from Michael and his new book Connect, which you can find on Amazon when he posts on his page in a page post and tags heo, that would show up here as a one. You get a sense of how many of your partners are driving your page. Traffic and user posts are people who have not liked your page. They're not fans, OK, but there are user who have posted a personal profile update tagging your fan page. Okay, so, consumer brands, you should see this number be fairly high. B two b, maybe not so much. So this section breaks down where cliques are coming from now. We talked again and last segment Josh specifically spoke about why clicks are so important. I mean, this is the This is the This is where all the money happens, right? You get a click, you drive a conversion. This is where those clicks air happening. So you posted a link Status update. These air, the link clicks. Okay. He posted a photo. These are the photo clicks. So let me let me walk you through an example here of why this is relevant. Valerie, Let's gonna throw you in the hot seat here. Okay? Let's say you posted a picture and those of you joining online again. Valerie's a small business owner with their own coffee shop hustling every day. Right. Let's. So you posted a picture on this date, right? In that photo about 18 klicks. You want to go in and say, Okay. I took a picture of a mocha that had been completed, and it was sitting on our desktop table, and I took that picture in the background. It showed, like the wood and the organic materials I have in my coffee shop. Whatever. For whatever reason, that post did. Well, Well, Valerie, I got a question for you, if you know, that photo did Well, what could you use that information for? Um, if you know, that photo did Well, what could you use that information for? I could understand my target audience a little bit better. And why and why they like it. You know, I realized OK, They really like Mocha, Apparently. And something about the furniture in the background. Really? Likas? Well, um so I would then use that to leverage my next post. Ah, great way to pick the best ads to use is to see what photos did. Well, the best organically. So this photo got 18 clicks without any ad spend you should. Then when you if you do choose to launch an ad, use that kind of photo. Okay, this will be different for every person, right? Different photos of work for some people to be backgrounds and landscapes. Others it'll be faces and bodies. So it does vary same thing with video plays. Now mine. Over here, we're not great at hail about posting videos constantly to our Facebook page. But if you are, and I believe that this category will grow in the future as people post more, more videos and instagram now, does this really well, Facebook? It becomes it's becoming easier to upload videos. When you start seeing this increase, you then want to test your call to actions. So what I mean is, if you post a video of you brewing coffee right at your shop. But then you end with no call to action. You might see that B zero. OK, but if you post the same thing and it says, Hey, guys, if you're a distribution company for coffee and you appreciate the quality I put into making this, click the link below to sign in our contact form and I'll reach out to you about being a distribution partner. But you contest him and called the actions like that in the video and then see how they result. That makes sense. It's kind of cool. Isn't that anyone leveraging that video strategy right now on their page? Michael, are you doing any of that? I was doing a lot of video, and I actually I noticed that when I was posting from YouTube because I do a morning YouTube video that wasn't getting the same action as when I took that actual video and uploaded it direct into Facebook again. I don't know when I thought that was a great question. Who ever asked that before, but still trying to learn more about it myself, about about sharing links of videos elsewhere again, if you just have to boil down to everything. Just think Facebook Big corporation. They want everything they want you to own. It generally is a blanket rule. Put your stuff through their stuff and they're going to be more exposure. Okay, Put your stuff through their stuff. They'll get you more exposure. So again, I want you guys okay at between now and when the course goes live tomorrow. If you already have a page launched to go in here, even if you have only 100 are under 500 likes and understand some of this data, there's many other tabs here that I just didn't have the chance to get. Teoh that I'm just going through now, ranging from age demographics female 18 and 24. How many of them were online at different times, right? It actually breaks down on those graphs into numerical data. So what we'll do now is to go back to my slide deck. I want you guys online. If you've got questions about how to use Facebook insights, now is a good time to ask them. And in the meantime, what I'll do is ask if there's questions in the audience about how to use Facebook insights to grow your business. So, David, for defined wines you're trying to sell more wine. You're trying to build the brand. Have you used Facebook insights in the past? And if so, what questions you have? Yes, I've used it in the past. And, uh, the whole, like identifying my perfect customer, like just now starting to figure that out, which, which are the more profitable ones? Um, so I just have Teoh start gearing my my ads for those larger revenue streams? No, Great. What of the things that you saw today? Whether it was the demographic targeting on the location, targeting understanding which of those for you makes the most sense in terms of defining your ideal customer for your define wines product? Was there anything that kind of stood out? I mean, for me personally makes sense because each state I have to apply separately for state compliance liquor wise. So I have to almost control where I'm sending my ads. I can't say like blanket like us. I have to say I'm compliant for California and New York. Virginia, There's probably a lot of alcohol money just in those three states alone, huh? Yeah, Yes, that's a great example of you're going to save yourself a lot of time if you understand where most your traffic is cause I imagine it's not easy to get an alcohol license in states. Imagine it's pretty laborious. Great. Well, Chris, what are we seeing online? Any questions? Yeah, we had some questions coming up about using some of the third party software that we talked about in the previous segment. How that impacts here we have five votes on this question saying, How does posting to Facebook via 1/3 party app, for instance, like buffer affect the stats of the post number of use, etcetera? Does any of that change when you're looking at the data on here? Generally, guys, the tools that you've seen recommended throughout the course. These are all tools that are gonna help you find mawr relevant content to post at the right times in an engaging way on your on your different platforms. So there's been reports that have gone out, you know, some based in data, some just speculation about Are you getting hit or dings on reach? If you're publishing through these third party APS, what I would tell you is the gains that you have to earn by using these APS to launch a more effective content strategy, foreign outweigh any ding Facebook's gonna do to you on Ed drank. And once you are, if you do feel like you're getting dinged after you figure figured out your content strategy, just stop using those third party platforms and you can post them organically yourself if and when you have the time. All right? And we had another question. Come in here talking about pinning opposed to the top of your page. We had a bunch of people voting on this. We didn't get into too much about this. But they want to know your input on pinning opposed to the top of your page as a way for bringing old post to the top of your page to get more life that was originally posted by Tiger Tiger. Alright, gets up. How many of you guys just by show of hands, have used up in post? Okay, uh, let me go with Chris Christie in what capacity have used to pin post in the past. Well, usually feel like a video for an event. So something that you want to get as many of youse two. It's possible. Yep. Ah, and Lee. And what about you? Whenever you used a pin post when they seem to work well and I wanted to get even more organic Creek. Well, when did they seem to work well for you? You said you use a pin post when they seem to work. Well, when? When a post has already worked. Well Oh, I see. I see. Yeah, great. So if it's already working, don't Don't fix it. Stick it up there at the top. Michael, what about you on Facebook Fridays? I know a lot of traffic is coming direct to my page versus being in the feed. And so Kim Garce runs a fantastic Facebook Friday, so I'll get maybe 50 to 100 visits from her page direct my page, and I make sure that I have a pain post that I want people to say, That's a good strategy. And I like the difference you made between or understanding that on the pin post only has value. People are navigating to your page and see it right. The critical thing about a pin post is if you pin opposed it's still gonna show the same in the Facebook news feed, right? The only way you really get a big advantage with that pin posts that people come to your page they're really interested in. They see it at the top right of your page. And if you want to see an example, what up in the Post? Looks like you goto heo dot or skinny facebook dot com ford slash Hey Oh, we've got one pinned right now. It has a little orange flag on it, and again, you typically want to do it. Leanna has done. And what Michael has done is up or put those pin posts up there when you know people gonna be viewing your page. And the content, as Leanne said, is already working. Really, really well, the last thing I'll talk about it, I just want you guys to make a note of this. It's easy to use and then Insight section as we talked about how to quote unquote spy on your competitors face because a feature called Pages Toe Watch. I just want you to write it down. You'll see it under the post section when you go into top pages toe watch. You can add your competitors, fan pages or maybe other photographers, fan pages, other coffee shops. And when you go in here, Facebook will show you which parts of their content did really well, which hopefully Angeline gives you ideas about you can use for future content.
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Ratings and Reviews
Excellent course; watching in 2017, and it is still very relevant. Nathan is a wonderful speaker - he limits his slides to actionable tips & tricks and dives deep into the nitty gritty, using real-life examples and constantly referencing audience members and their businesses. I find this so helpful! The audience members have vastly different businesses, so their input is varied and valuable. To put it simply - Nathan doesn't simply reiterate the information on his slides, which is a personal pet peeve of mine. It is absolutely worth your time to sit down and listen to him - he is concise, doesn't water anything down, and he is constantly engaging in a dialogue with the audience. For such a time-consuming course, I believe it is important to get enough value for the time spent - Nathan definitely delivers! I see many reviews here accusing Nathan of self-promotion. I do not find that to be an issue. Yes, he references his business, and hats off to him - this in itself is a wonderful example of marketing. He is not over-bearing with his promo, keeping it relevant to the topics he talks about. I am taking a lot from this course, even though I have already attended quite a number of other workshops and have read tons of literature on the topic. Check it out!
Nathan's teaching style is engaging, entertaining and extremely informative. This class is jam-packed with really useful, actionable steps and suggestions. Not to mention Nathan's introduction of some fantastic new technology that really knocked my socks off! Thanks you Nathan Latka and CL Team. REALLY impressive stuff!
This is the BEST Facebook marketing course I've ever seen. Lots of top experts in different fields talking about relevant information you need to succeed in Facebook marketing. So worth the price. It's a goldmine of information. A MUST HAVE!