Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
Lesson 10 from: Facebook Marketing for Small BusinessesNathan Latka

Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
Lesson 10 from: Facebook Marketing for Small BusinessesNathan Latka
Day 1
1Why Use Facebook for Small Business?
17:12 2Choosing the Right Avatar & Banner
26:43 3Setting Up Your Facebook Page
17:08 4Catching Your Audiences Attention
21:19 5Get Your First 1000 Likes
32:31 6Content Strategy with Sean Malarkey
35:30 7Driving Engagement with Joshua Parkinson
30:05Create Content & Manage It
26:04 9How to Discover Great Content
30:21 10Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
32:10 11Understanding Your Page
22:18 12Uncovering Valuable Insight Data
19:05Day 2
13Boost Facebook Ads with Justin Brooke
26:30 14Optimizing Ads for Maximum Exposure
23:41 15The Right Ad For You
32:30 16Double Your Email List
32:49 17Turn Fans Into Marketers
28:43 18Easily Sell on Facebook
30:42 19Selling Through Facebook Stories
24:50 20Buy Using a "Buy" Comment
28:14 21Social Media Business with Carrie Wilkerson
28:25 22Identify Your Target Market
33:20 23Focus on Niche with Marketing Money
20:24Lesson Info
Marketing Effectively to Your Followers
we're gonna focus on here is how to use your Facebook insights toe, understand and get in the mind of your fans and followers so you can market mawr effectively to them. And I want to point out we talked a lot in segment one about why you should have a personal excuse me, a fan page instead of a personal profile. And for those of you watching online, I know many of you have already started building your fan pages. Ah, unique benefit of your Facebook fan page is that again you have the ability to use Facebook insights to better understand your audience. Now, how many of you guys so far you have fan pages except Chris? Chris is just launching his just like a lot of you joining us live. How many of you guys will have used Facebook insights to better understand your audience? Just raise your hand. Okay. So, Valerie, how have you done that with your clients again in the coffee industry? Well, I think the Facebook insights gives me an idea. Um, just like, what? Time of the day are not time o...
f day necessary. But just in even two months, from what month what month? People are paying attention more often, I could see that, like when we are in events, Obviously there's more people engaging. And then when there's nothing happening, it's just flat. So, um, and I've used that to try to leverage my next content that I do think up and hopefully be able to reach those people who are not. So use the timing in the back back end of your insights to better understand window post engaging content. And we talked about really, how to find that engaging content if you're struggling with that in the last segment. Michael, you said, you've also used Facebook insights to inform your posting decisions. How have you done that when I'm gonna run an ad? I like to look at the demographics so I could look at the age to sex and when I'm actually going to want to add, and I'm going to target to add, I'll use that information to see who's also engaging the most. So I know how to run the ad. That's great. And, you know, for those of you watching live that are like Michael, that run high traffic blog's or you're launching your own blawg. Those are great strategies to use when you're looking and trying to observe and understand how to optimize the content. We'll dig deeper here in a second. Let's talk maybe to one more Cindy on your Facebook page. How have you used insights to inform your posting decisions? Well, it's just understanding the demographics is definitely key. And then using how can I Delvin that even deeper? Demographics, demographics, demographics, Right. Well, this is something that I know. Well, I struggled with when I first started, and many of you watching right now might also struggle with this. That is what is your ideal demographic that you're targeting, and you should be able to then talk to that demographic like the back of your hand. For example, I know for Heo, our best user is the freelancer, usually female between the ages of 35 55. That person is usually helping 5 to 10 clients, so we're not actually necessarily selling to the end customer. We're selling to the social media agency or consultant that's working with the end customer. We know they typically don't commute cause they work at home. They typically have family obligations so they're limited on time, and they definitely don't know coding, and they also don't have a degree in marketing. So that's why I'm catering to. What you guys are about to learn is how to use Facebook insights so you can create that demographic statement I just laid out for each and every one of your brands. So let's dive in first. This is, ah, the actual button you click to get to your Facebook insights on your page. Those of you just joining us. You know, when you set up your page in the upper left, you're going to see this insights button. It's highlighted in grade just to the right of that act. The nine notification on the activity. When you click that button, it's gonna open up. Okay, there it is highlighted. It's gonna open up into your post insights and activity. So you guys will remember. Remember when we had a Josh on and he talked about reaching percentage of his audience and West use book specifically, you said he had 10,000 fans on your page, and right now you're reaching about. You said 10 to 20%. No, about between 5 10% 5 and 10 draw dramatically over the last months or 60 days. So you said 5% has dropped dramatically recently. Is that accurate? So what you guys going to see here is this is we're gonna look on Facebook insights toe, understand the organic reach you see here an orange that you're getting on each status update in this same screen, you can see the outline what type of post it is. So when you see this image, that's a photo post where you see the link icon. That was a link post or any of these other examples. This was just appear Text post. You can see the engagement, and again you can see the breakdown between organic and paid. So what we've been do is we take this information, we understand where the most engagement was coming from and then use that same kind of content as frequently as we can. Now, once we get into these posts, we can also take a look at the demographic information. So you can see here. This highlights the different kinds of people that, like my personal Facebook page, and you can see Richmond, Virginia, for geographically as faras age group and male or female. We see here men 53%. So right now I know that I'm doing a poor job, right? Reaching my target customer if I know that my best customer is a female between the ages of 35 55 right, that potentially lives in the United States. What does that mean? My content strategy might be working, but it's not gonna result in revenue. So you want to make sure Look at the people that have already purchased from you. Those of you online look at who has already purchased from you. That's how you identify your demographic, especially the ones that come back and re order. And once you what you want to do is then mixture, your insights. Angela mimics that same demographic. Does that make sense? Yeah, except how dough? If you go out to an external website to purchase, how does that get reflected back in Facebook? Ah, great question. So when you're selling photos how two people purchase those photos currently, Uh um, well, they just asked me, but Okay. And you maybe put them through pay power, use paint, though. Okay? So when you see people put their email in their name and PayPal. You know something about them? You said they ask you. So you know that you describe the last purchase that you have to have a person, Actually. Person Ah, friend of mine, who I've known for 10 years. Okay, male or female. And she's 35. Women. 35 in the United States, the United States a wide she buy from you, Um, like a photograph because she likes your photographs. Well, why did she like your photo after she own? Maybe islands? Or she travel a lot? No, she wants to travel. She wants to travel, but she can't. So you're Florida is? Take her there. Right. Great understanding. All that is really, really important. Because what you then do is you take all of that. And you say, When are most females between the ages of 33 43 that have interests, right? So they have liked pages of places they might want to travel, but haven't actually gone there. Potentially. That becomes your main demographic. And you cater your content to that. I want to put this caution out there. Especially those of you watching live. If you don't understand. And Josh Iterating this in the last segment who you're trying to cater your content to, you're gonna be shooting around in the dark. You have to understand, with high specificity who your customer is so on A for you. When you're bringing on new customers, how would you articulate the most ideal customer for your business? Um, I would say a small to medium size business, um, generally and some sort of ah entertainment arts. Um, but even technical industry, um, generally within, you know, it's a 10 to 50 employees. Yes, sir. This kind of varies. Honestly, I'm gonna have a wide range of clients, so yeah, and I imagine a lot of guys online watching might have a wide variety of clients as well, which tricky about this is actually taking. What you just gave was a great example of a business persona. You're targeting somebody on their has. The credit card, right? Is the one that pays the invoice and is the one that you want to really target to get them engaged here. Unfortunately, again, there's not. You can't There's not demographics here about the business to tackle, which is a good question because a lot of folks watching right now might be in the B two B space. What you want to do if you're in the B two b space to still get value out of Facebook is understand the person you're selling to at that business, and that person is the one that you want to make sure you're getting engaged with on your page. So for Chris, as you're building, you know, you're just launching your Facebook page. You're thinking about who to target potentially sponsors for your skateboarding brand. What other kinds of personas would you love to have engaged on your page? Ah, lot of the long board communities kids. So they purchase everything on the parents credit cards. All the parents are going okay, Yeah, And it obviously peaks around Christmas or back to school or birthday. So when kids get cash flow, so, um, a lot of content just re posting things that are already popular in the state scene, and if so, if your actual buyer is that kid will you want to try and do is give that kid as much leverage to convince their parents to give them the credit card of that, right? All the millennials watching. Now you're shaking your head going. I know this, right? So how do you do that? Well, a few post images of new models coming out and then at the dinner table every night they're saying, Mom, I saw this great model. Here's a link to it or they're putting together their their holiday like wish list of what they could get for gifts. And they taken image or screenshot or a link to your Facebook post, as as what they wish for your consuming the mind share of that customer, which is the child in your case, which allows them to then convince the parent so understanding, using insights, how to capture the mindshare of the person you're selling to is where you can really, really hit the home run. So we've talking. Talk to your about again location, female, male and also ages. It goes much deeper than that, actually. OK, if you click on people in posts, you can see here the timing. Okay, now, this is really great data. If you look here, it tells you how often and at what time most of your fans are online. So you can see here between right at about 10 p.m. Okay. And this is an eastern time zone at 10 pm, I'm going to see my traffic dip. So if I post something at 10 p.m. it's a bad time because less of my fans are gonna be online. This graph is specific to your fans. Okay, Now, generally, if you have enough fans, this should mimic overall Facebook usage fairly close with variations, and you want to take advantage of where the variations are. Okay, You want to take advantage off where the variations are. So if we have people watching right now, I see a mommy blogger is out there watching. If you guys are mommy blogger and you see that most your mom's air busy during the week right there and you see that traffic for you, it's spiking on the weekends. But because that's what Mommy, bloggers have time to be online. However, you know that overall, most most businesses or fans are not on during the week, and that's a great time to post your content because there's less noise for you to compete with. So again, find those variations and go after him. You can see here for my page. Okay? I have almost consistent viewership across every single day, about 3.4 K 3400 fans as far as when they're logging on each day. However, I see some time gaps here. So I want to point out Member in the last segment when Josh from post planner broke down a drink. Okay, Some good notes there. Right, guys? Remember, when you talk about time decay? Well, I want you to think about what Josh talked about in the last segment time decay as a waterfall. What Facebook does when you post a status update is they show it to a sample size, depending on how that sample size responds they Then we'll waterfall and cascaded to a larger population. So let's say that you guys are my only Facebook fans right now, and I post an update, they'll show it to you guys. And if they see that on average, 20% of you guys click like they even become more likely to show that to a larger cascading waterfall beyond you guys. So the reason I'm articulating that is you want to take advantage of the third factor of ed drink, which we talked about last segment, which is what I remember the time to case and you got a right time decay. Okay, if you get people liking and sharing and commenting on your status updates quickly, so not just get a lot of them, but make them happen in a short amount of time. You rock it up in a drink. So if you know that most of your we talked about Valerie in the first something about where she typically goes through her Facebook news feed and we got some other examples as well. If you can hit Valerie in these critical times, when they're all just waking up and getting online and they're sharing your content fast, you become more likely to get higher in the feed. So does that make sense? Giselle? Does that make sense? The velocity of sharing is critical. Okay, velocity of sharing is critical, so we just talked guys about demographics, posts how they operate. And again, you can see this content by clicking when your fans are online and Facebook will tell you exactly when your fans are online. You can optimize that content, so Leanne again who runs social at a software company. You've got a question I imagine about the demographics of your Facebook page. Actually have a question about taking advantage of your timeline of your of the people that are online of your fans you mentioned earlier toe take advantage of variations. Do you? Can you actually compare this to an average of what Facebook is like? Is there a way to see that? Yeah. So what you want to look at is what I mean by variation. Look for the obvious things. Okay, So if I, for whatever reason, uh, like, this looks pretty normal. In other words, if we were to predict when people are online, they probably mimic your own habits, right? You get up at about 6 a.m. Your on until you know 9 10 PM right? But if for whatever reason, you saw variation that there was, say, a spike at 6 a.m. And then it went back down and kind of went back up, you'd have to ask yourself. Okay. Why is my demographic so active at 6 a.m. Is because they typically have kids, and at 6 30 they're taking them to the bus stop, right? And without the bus stop in on their phone cause they're driving. But then when they get back home and the kids are gone, they spend more time on Facebook. So look for the look for anywhere on this curve where you see bumps or things that don't look normal. And I know that's not, like a quantity answer with, like, algorithm behind it. But does that make sense? Call your B s meter, Look it and go, OK, when does it little go off a little bit and go after that? Okay, great. So what I want to do is articulate again the importance both for you guys online in the live audience to clearly articulate your user persona. And I want you to write this down. Okay? I want you to write down who you're targeting so again for us. We know it's Jen. Okay. We know that she is most likely to engage with updates that have photos in them. Okay, We also know that she is typically online between again 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. So we wanna optimize our content for that time period. We also know that for whatever reason, on Mondays she seems to be more active. And lastly, we know some other demographic information about her. Like where she lives, Other pages she likes. Okay. And you guys remember specifically Angela back in orange. It's Angelina, Right? Okay, Angelina, back in segment one we talked about, and Chris, we did this for you as well. If you guys are just starting your Facebook pages and we're trying to figure out how to get your first few likes a great way to do it is see who your ideal customer, Jen, in our case, see what other pages she likes, Reach out to those pages and asked a cross promote. Asked them to post a status update about your page because you know that they're your ideal customers. Does that make sense? How would I find out this information about her specifically from the insight from Facebook Insights. And we're actually gonna jump in in a second and dive into my desktop and I'll walk you through navigating through that Chris for your skateboarding company that you're launching. Does that make sense? Yes. Great. Leanne, what is your ideal customer? We just had everyone both online and in studio. Write it down. Who are you going after? So I want to look at my insights. More to see, because we do have about seven. A little diplomatic answer. You are good, you're good. But in general it's It's people between the ages of probably 35 to 55 or 60. Um, and let's say I know describe what I'm trying to describe it according to to the insights that you actually get. So, um, I you know what? I'm not sure if it's more males or more females. Um, I have a sense. It's more males. Um, just from the people that I see and I've run a forum, and that's that's kind of our back end product. And so I'm thinking about the people interact with on the forum. Um, so I think it's more men ages to 55 sometimes even 65. Do you feel creepy going this deep like into your persona? I feel like I don't know enough at laughing, but I'm sure it like the more you know, if you can tell that story like the back of your hand, it answers all your questions. Every product decision every post Evo does. The lady That's 35 that just got something your kids to school that has no time. Doesn't know how to code. No marketing degree. Will she find this post valuable? Comes a very quick yes or no? Yeah, it's a good keep. Keep pushing that forward. Okay, so again, we know that this is Jet, and what I'd like to do now is jump right into my desktop and I'll walk through how we can use Facebook insights, riel. Time to navigate around and learn more about our ideal customers. So, Nathan, what, while you're doing that, I just want to toss this question out there. How often should you be checking this data? Glitz and glass beads says How often should be looking at this. And we also had a comment saying, Is it true that you need at least 30 likes for this insight? Have to show up. Should you not check this when you first get started, give it a time to get going? Eso blitzing glass? Great. It's a question that a lot of people are asking, right, So when you're first starting your page and you have less than likes you certainly want to take the time. There's those people since you can almost hold them in your hand. You want to build individual relationships with them, You're actually going to get more from them by talking to them one on one than trying to look at a rolled up graph that Facebook has created. Once you get to the point where you can't maybe reach out to each of those people individually and build a relationship and understand who they are, it makes a lot of sense to start using insights at that point. So let's jump into to Facebook insights here. Okay, when you first are on your page again and you're gonna click insights right up here. Okay, this will take you into first your overview on your Facebook page. So it'll roll up your page likes your post to reach and your engagement. Okay, Now Paige likes is fairly self explanatory. In fact, you can kind of see real time the effect that this course is having on hey O's fan page. Right? This is all real time data with some aggressive projections. They're okay. Additionally, post reach here. This is saying I've reached about 28,000 k Of our total 46,000 fan page likes. That's actually pretty healthy reach. Now, when I break down this reach, you're going to see that didn't all come in one status update. Which is why the evergreen content Josh and Kim talked about in last segment is so important. And you know, West, Hopefully that answer some of your questions about how frequently do you post will walk about here in a second and lastly, engagement. So you can see here we see number of likes, number of comments, shares and post clicks. How many times outpost engaged with all of these things again? This section right here ties back to the W variable in edge rank. Right. The weight. This is essentially your report card on how well you're connecting with weight or what your affinity is with your followers. Okay, so I'm gonna let you guys guide me. Which one of these on which one of these is most curious to you? Page likes post, reach your engagement engagement. Okay. Why engagement while you most curious about that? Because that's what tells me what's working. And it was not right. Yeah, OK, let's Let's dive into engagement here. Okay? So, again, you're seeing you're seeing some good effects here. This is, I guess, the power of creativelive. Okay, now, what you're going to see here is a few things. Let me walk us through kind of the ecosystem of what we're looking at. And then how you can use it yourself first appear across the top. These are your time controls. Okay? So you can go in here and edit again. What time frame you're looking at. So we've spoken with Chris in the live audience where he's again launched his own skateboarding company. Potentially, he has an event coming up, and he wants to Onley. Look at the people that engaged around that event first, select the right timeframe. Ah, lot of people if you have a holiday coming up or maybe a new season and you're running a promotion around a new season, isolate for that group to see how that see how your promotion is doing. So I'll get a nice big sample size here for us to work with, and I'm gonna scroll down now. What you see here is the delta hair. The difference between how many people were reaching through our ad spend. And down here, the lighter peach is the reach we're getting organically or with no ad spend. So let's go in here and I'm gonna click here in this update. This is what's great. When you see a spike in these updates, you can click the spike and will basically spit out exactly what worked, you see type. It says link share Kate targeting. Which means I'm targeting global. In other words, there's no countries I'm targeting specifically. And I see 1.3 Fowler people reached. We'll go in here. Okay, You'll see a few things. When I click on this update, I'll get even. Okay, There you go. That answers the question a lot about my fans. Right way. Have a nice, neat map. Well, I'm just going for the sake of making this a healthy creativelive. Course, this was cover this. You'll see. Faces typically do really well. Okay, So all jokes aside, all of you watching right now that our photographers you're actually a natural advantage on Facebook, cause what do you do? Especially if you're If you're taking photos of people, they naturally get more engagement. So you'll see here again. That worked well for us. I'm gonna go back into the desktop here, and you'll see people were reached. Now we've got again 46 about 40,000 fans. So you see her? That's about 8% engagement or higher than what? You typically see an industry right now and or that they actually clicked on it. Yep. So the question was, when it says reaches people, the question was, how many people does that mean they actually saw it? Or do they actually click and engaging in what you said? You said their news that we didn't reach a lot of people when we post. Yes. So now, Angeline, What that is is impressions or how many Al eyeballs saw it. OK, so that might be They saw it as they were scrolling through their Facebook news feed that counts as one plus one, even if they didn't click it. Okay. Okay, so think. Think of visibility. Okay, lets go back into some DT details here. You'll see clicks. Now, this is the actual clicks. Okay? How many people click this and went back into this blawg article. So we got 367 free clicks here. Now, again, this is what now tells you where you're getting your traffic from. The other opportunity cost is you're gonna go spend Facebook ad dollars or Google ad dollars trying to pay for clicks. These are highly relevant clicks that drove back to our block, where they can further engage with us. Okay, so we'll dive back out of this example and you can scroll down here. You'll see it's actually everything is all sorted based on total reach for that day, and you'll see a post right here. This is actually when when you look at a time stamp, you'll notice this one actually got which which, let's say, like, if you're watching right now, this was actually posted yesterday, and this one was posted today. The one from yesterday actually gotten more reach because of how it optimized for a drink. Then the post. I updated just today. That's a great example of a post getting mawr engagement toe overcome time decay. Does that make sense, their own falling? And again, if you guys have questions about the relationship between time decay, wait an affinity again Engage in the chat room and we'll chat with Chris about it. Okay? Lets go into another another. Spike. Let me just ask you guys in the studio audience, cause I assume that the people watching live will have the same questions. When you guys look at this graph between organic reach and paid reach, is there anything in here that makes you curious? Any trend, Rego weight. Nathan, I want you to tell me what happened there. Yep. So, Chris, go ahead. There's a paid reach early July. Um, the organic is very small, but the pain is extremely large. So is it because of a large ad spend or is it just how the outplayed out mawr ad spend U s so that that paid? Well, I shouldn't say that, because if you have a highly effective ad that gets more impressions, this on the Y axis is number of impressions, right? So again, if I've got a super effective ad that ran on this state that got me 1000 impressions, I either paid a lot of money to run highly ineffective. Add or I paid a little amount of money to run a super effective ad regardless, though, a majority. My reach was coming from me paying Facebook. Did that answer your question, but does that gap show how much you were spending, or would you have to click on it to see if it was a well thought out? Add that you put a little into or not so well thought out at you? Put a lot in. Yeah, well, let's let's dive in. Let's dive into that date here. Okay, so we'll see here. About 7700 was paid. Came the rest or 608 was organic. When I click on this update, can I pull this in? Okay, I'll talk about right here. You'll see most of this. The organic reached. The 6 25 was just because of the quality of this content. And we'll open it up here and you'll see it's a picture of Sue again. There's a face in There is an animated face, but it's a good looking face, right? So you like that plug All right. Anyways, you can then click through this update and go back to the blog's. So this is an example of Sue and I working together, just like we've talked about you guys doing relationship type deals. She guest blogger on our blawg. We didn't featured her, and it got a lot of engagement. We also been promoted this ticket. Additional exposure for Sue and the contents. Who was creating Chris? So does that provide more insight into your question? Yeah. Yeah, Chris, I told the live audience toe throw some questions that they're confused. Any questions coming in? They listen to you when you told him to do that questions here. But Olivia film. She's joining us from Costa Rica, and she wants to know if you could explain a little bit more about what organic means. Great. So, Olivia, thanks for that question. And welcome from Costa Rica. That's great. You're probably on the beach right now hanging out. We all wish we were there with you, but we're having fun here. So organic reach means the number of people that saw your update or your content without a paid promotion. So they did it naturally. Okay. There is no outside influence. Okay, That's the best kind of traffic you can get organic traffic. Help that. Answer your question, Olivia. If I didn't feel free to ask Chris again. Chris. Any other questions coming through the chat? Yeah, so we have some people who are wondering about having a multiple targets. So we have one viewer here who says What if you're targeting more than one group? I offer coaching for teen girls, and I'm unsure if I should target them or their moms, who are likely going to be the one to pay for the coaching. Can you target to different demographics here and look at the results? Yep. So when you're thinking about organic content and specifically or reach with organic content, you can go in here and look in your your people insights, which will go to hear right now. And this will tell you exactly who you're reaching. Right? So here, I'm gonna assume, Let's let's make believe that this is this. Ah, this viewers Page, I'm going to see here that I'm not capturing many moms here, at least not many moms that are, you know, older than 24 because most of my audience is under 24. Okay, which means my current, it's important. Understand your current content strategy is you're targeting the teenager, not the mom. If you believe that's the right strategy talking the teenager, you'd keep doing what you're doing and what I'd articulating. What I recommend is that you focus on who has the most influence over the purchasing decision. Right? The most influence over the purchasing decision. So again, if you're watching live right now and you do be to be kind of work, you're gonna focus on the person that controls the credit card, right? This they're gonna have to get by in. The CFO writes the final check, and then you're good to go. But you guys want to focus on that person. That is gonna be the internal seller for you, whether that's a teenager at the dining room, table two, their mom or the head of sales and marketing at a large company who needs approval from the CFO. So let's continue moving forward. Guys, when we go in on some of these more healthy dates, can I say more healthy? Because organic reach was so high? I want to encourage you. Somebody asked earlier. About what frequency Should you look at this? You should be looking at this. I know. I look at it at least once every two days to go in and see what was successful and what wasn't successful. So once every two days and again, you can see here this was a link. All of these actually are link related updates. On this particular day. This one got 2500 and natural reach. So I encourage you guys that are watching right now that already have a Facebook page set up. Go it in here and you'll discover who your ideal customer is, or at least who you're currently targeting on Facebook. And you'll have to edit your strategy if your target for us Jane is not aligned with your ideal customer. So, Chris, I saw you might know how to handle. But do you have a question specifically about this slide or this This part? No. Great. Okay, so let's go into some other other segments that are extremely important. We'll go down under reach. You'll also see here this graph which articulates, likes comments and shares, okay, and it does exactly what Facebook says it will. These actions will help you reach more people. So what I see here is we got 97 likes on this date. I'm gonna go in here and figure out what happened. Well, I'm gonna go in here. Look at this update. Look, See, engagement is really, really high. And when I click on this update, I'm gonna see you. Another again relationship we've got with the folks that weebly they wrote. Yes. Content for our block because we didn't again. It saves us time and energy. We put it up and again. It did really well in terms off the number of likes which you can see right down here likes and comments on that update. Okay, now, a quick flashback. Real quick. If I asked you guys to look at this update and give me a number of what w is numbers assures he's 65 to 65. Yep. So what? What, uh, Leanne just did Was she added the number of likes plus the comments. What's important to understand is that that w variable. This isn't some random thing out there that nobody understands. Facebook tells you what's working and what's not. When you go in there, understand why it's working and you do more of it. You're spending your time significantly more wisely
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Ratings and Reviews
Excellent course; watching in 2017, and it is still very relevant. Nathan is a wonderful speaker - he limits his slides to actionable tips & tricks and dives deep into the nitty gritty, using real-life examples and constantly referencing audience members and their businesses. I find this so helpful! The audience members have vastly different businesses, so their input is varied and valuable. To put it simply - Nathan doesn't simply reiterate the information on his slides, which is a personal pet peeve of mine. It is absolutely worth your time to sit down and listen to him - he is concise, doesn't water anything down, and he is constantly engaging in a dialogue with the audience. For such a time-consuming course, I believe it is important to get enough value for the time spent - Nathan definitely delivers! I see many reviews here accusing Nathan of self-promotion. I do not find that to be an issue. Yes, he references his business, and hats off to him - this in itself is a wonderful example of marketing. He is not over-bearing with his promo, keeping it relevant to the topics he talks about. I am taking a lot from this course, even though I have already attended quite a number of other workshops and have read tons of literature on the topic. Check it out!
Nathan's teaching style is engaging, entertaining and extremely informative. This class is jam-packed with really useful, actionable steps and suggestions. Not to mention Nathan's introduction of some fantastic new technology that really knocked my socks off! Thanks you Nathan Latka and CL Team. REALLY impressive stuff!
a Creativelive Student
This program is fantastic. I've only watched the first two videos and, with the changes I've made to my Facebook page and profile, feel like I've already received my money's worth. Thank you!