Class Introduction: Profiles
09:34 2Light
04:34 3Color
05:36 4Effects
15:22 5Details
08:33 6Optics
03:49 7Geometry
04:12 8Crop
04:39Lesson Info
Healing Tool
now, the other local adjustment that we can deal with is right here, and it is looks like a little Band aid. That is your healing tool. So your healing tool can it can be a clone or it could be hell. So in most cases, hell is the right mode. So ah, healing tool is different than a clone. A clone is simply taking something from here and pasting it here, whereas the healing tool is actually intelligently pulling the texture from one place, placing it somewhere else and re computing the color and the tone of that of that spot so that it matches where, if you put it, um, which makes it really great for removing blemishes and things of that nature. So now I have her skin soft, And so now I just need to go in with my my healing brush and my healing brush is going to allow me to determine, uh, because it's soft because of ari softener skin, I can see which of her blemishes I need to remove and which are fine because of softened it. If you did it the other way. If you went in and re touched he...
r skin first and then added the salt of the skin softening. You would end up not knowing what you needed to retouch, so you might retouch something that would just disappear with smoothing of the skin in photo shop. We do it the opposite way because we we want to get rid of the blemishes. Because if we soften the skin and then start copying, we get these weird effects. And so this, because it's a raw processing that they're even though one happens before the other, they're actually happening simultaneously at the same time because it's raw and the actual processing doesn't happen till later when you export photo. So I love being able to retouch in raw, so I'm just going to change the size of my brush until it's the right size for a blemish. I'm gonna kind of make the feather decent size, but not super, not super feathery. Um, and I'm gonna change the opacity to 100 now I'm just gonna go in and change, so I click and it's adding a spot toe over here. So when I click, it's finding a spot that seems appropriate. And if for some reason, the spot isn't appropriate. So if I click on a spot and it's not appropriate, Aiken, grab it and drag it and put it somewhere else. So I just click here. Click here. Ah, click here, etcetera, so you can see how it works. Now if it's just one or two blemishes or if it's just one Coke can out in the grass that you want to get rid of, its really easy toe work this way. But look here. We've got some kind of ah, hairline going across their face. We've got a lot of little blemishes. We've got some hair lines up here which you can take care of it. One hairline just by going like this, and it will get rid of it, No problem whatsoever. But as soon as you start doing a lot of them, this might not be the right place to do it. Because you are. You're using a tool that takes a little bit more effort, and it's a little longer process. And so that's why we have the ability to go into photo shop to do those heavier editing things. And we'll do that in the next segment.
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