Day 1
Day 2
1Chef Carrie Brown's Transformation
29:27 2Cooking Demo With New Recipes
30:46 3Class Introduction
16:28 4What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
21:42 5First Fallacy of Weight Loss
36:51 6What Determines Our Set-Point
08:38The Four Fallacies of Weight Loss
32:20 8S.A.N.E. -The Four Calorie Quality Factors
32:13 9S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
35:18 10Eating More and Smarter
30:24 11Fat Myths and Protein Intake
16:31 12S.A.N.E. Eating Testimonial - Dr. Mike Keen
09:36 13The Food Pyramid Scheme
24:55 14Dietary Goals Report Inaccuracies
16:35 15Cholesterol Confusion
20:32 16S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown
37:43 17S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown Part 2
46:22 18Exercise Less to Lower Set-Point & Burn Fat
16:39 19Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
40:53 20S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo
25:05 21S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
38:51 22S.A.N.E. Exercise Q&A
22:40 23Smarter Science of Slim Summary
17:18 24S.A.N.E. FAQs
22:30 25S.A.N.E. Lifestyle Testimonials
33:56Lesson Info
S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
We're going to get more, more specific and more practical, as we just mentioned and just to paint a picture of the remaining, I think successions a lot of time together. So first two sessions obviously covered a lot of the underlying metabolic science we defined sanity and started a touch on the sanity spectrum will dig into that much more specifically now will also get into some science around exercise on day two, and then we'll also talk about how does that apply that signs on day two for the rest of today as mentioned, we're going to go ahead and get practical now and then my hope is that the end of the segment everyone's just gonna be like, oh my gosh, this is so simple, and it makes so much sense why isn't this common knowledge? And then on the last segment, we're going to talk about some political and corporate shenanigans that that hit all of this information. So before we get into the specifics and the practical things I want to get, like, really metaphysical, so indulge me for...
a second. When I was in university, I studied philosophy, our professor one day was was was teaching us about truth and knowledge and like, how do you know what truth is and how it's so emo? Porto understand the underlying principles behind things rather than just memorizing to do lists and task lists and he did something like this on the board where he said okay, like you've got a bunch of math equations three plus one equals four eight times two equals sixteen basically okay, this is interesting they have a bunch of correct math equations here and all of these math equations air wrong. So imagine you had an individual that didn't understand mathematics at all no understanding of mathematics and you said to that individual all of these are correct and all of these air incorrect that individual would probably be like that individual would think that's correct because it's blue and everything else that was blue on the board was correct and everything that was black was false so there's a difference between like accidental knowledge, right? And like knowing that what three plus one equals four because it's blue is accidental knowledge and there's a lot of things in health and fitness where we may achieve results for for approach a but then we achieve horrible results with approach being we never know why because we have the wrong frame of reference we don't understand metabolism much like if you don't understand math, a lot of shenanigans like this could happen, so really understanding that core paradigm like we said it's so important to empowering us for the long term so hopefully as we get into the specific things now and we're gonna have lots of q and a as well, so this is a great time throw it in why should be clear and it's not because I say it it's because the science proves it right? So just to summarize the satiety lack of aggression, nutrition's and inefficiency we talked about last session, we ran through a bunch of different graphs, and I said that it was really important to note that we can't look at any of these individually. We have to look at them on the aggregate, and when we do look at them on the aggregate, this is something to write down. So this is the thing to write down if you want to write anything down where it looks across all four of the factors that determine the quality of a calorie, ranks them and then gives us an average. And this is exactly how we end up with this visual version off the sanity spectrum here, and the reason the spectrum is so important is it again outlines this framework where the more we can eat on the high end of the sanity spectrum. So there were two full for anything on a low under the sanity spectrum because we have to eat, we have to eat non optional more of this, you can eat less of this, you'll want and you'll never be hungry and you'll have more society you won't overeat you won't have elevated blood sugar levels you'll have a dramatic amount of nutrition and you'll be eating more protein which will make it more difficult for your body to store the calories you are eating as fat so let's get very specific on what we have on this sanity spectrum so first and foremost here is if you take nothing else from this course from a practical perspective, this is the one thing to take eat more non starchy vegetables way more like dramatically more I would argue that you should worry about nothing else until you're at six to twelve servings of non starchy vegetables per day any effort you would spend on anything else regarding your health with the exception of maybe sleep in water should be redirected to eating more non starchy vegetables okay, so when we say non starchy vegetables again we mean vegetables you could eat raw it's very important have this distinction because when we actually originally set up this spectrum the supposed vegetables, potatoes and corn we're actually up here because some of our lovely set designers hadn't yet understood the science and we are tend to think that potatoes and corn are vegetables they're not something we could eat raw so let's think about things we could eat raw let's think about carrots, asparagus, any green leafy vegetable but really focusing on the most nutrient dense so swiss chard kale spinach thes air excellent options cale of course if I didn't say that already peppers eggplant squash sugar snap peas cucumbers mushrooms onions broccoli celery again if you can eat it raw another general rule of thumb is if it grows above ground those are almost always good choices so grows above ground and you can eat it raw often good qualifiers non starchy vegetables incredibly incredibly important people often ask is it important to eat them raw or what about like frozen versus fresh so some vegetables are better for your awesome or better for you cook the gist is however you can eat them eat them just get them into your body right I personally do try to get my especially a lot of my green vegetables in raw form and smoothies just because that's what's convenient for me but of course I cook them often I cook kale and breakfast omelets all the time so again really focus on progress not perfection and focus on big rocks or having minute details so frozen versus fresh coach first with that eat vegetables more vegetables first sure I know we had already seen this one earlier but how about organic not organic so there is sane foods and there's insane foods and there's foods in the middle I liketo add a category called super sanity or super say so if you could tag on top of non starchy vegetable local organic super saying so yes that is the ideal now here's what? But be careful so let's say that because of economic reasons you could either buy a little bit of organic vegetables and then to get full you have to eat some rice or some pasta or some starch like never let the inability to do the perfect compromise your ability to just stay saying like a conventional sane diet is better than an organic insane diet right like organic breakfast pastries which like look at the marketing right like we start to see that it's it's organic cola is very easy to make that doesn't mean it's good for you know snake venom is natural as well, but just being natural or just being organic is not enough we got to go a level deeper and then frozen versus fresh that again is sometimes six of one half a dozen of another. The thing I like to encourage people with is that frozen sometimes gets a stigma of being a second class citizen went often it's not at all because frozen vegetables are often frozen at the peak of freshness and then that freshness is quote unquote maintained until you eat them whereas a fresh produce that is flown from california to new york state may not actually be that fresh so again, if you're getting the vegetables in six to twelve servings a day like I want to be eaten double digit servings of non starchy vegetables however you can get him into your body, do that. What works for you? I think it's great to point out that all of the stuff that was brought here for this demo was bonnet costco yes, this was not we didn't go to a specialty store, we went to a big box store and you're happy with them. Absolutely. And that's kind of one of the keys is yeah is do what you can wherever you happen to be absolutely love that and absolutely and pixel frau people are responding uh, just eat good veggies, jeanette nine there is a good way to get veggies without spending money absolutely and that costco is a great thing that bring up and we'll get to this later in more detail. But buying in bulk is also critical. When people start to hear about veggies and fruit, they could be like, oh my gosh, it's expensive it can be expensive and it can be very affordable, so we'll talk about strategies to make it more affordable so non starchy vegetables first and foremost without question, those should be the vast majority of the volume of food you ingest non starchy vegetables, vegetables you could eat raw next, our nutrient dense proteins so some examples are seafood, meat and some protein powders but really want to focus on nutrient density for our protein sources because there's just like anything else there's good fats and bad fats there's good carbs and bad carbs and there's good source is approaching and bad sources of protein so generally speaking we want to focus on generally seafood more like we as a culture generally think about meat like when you think about protein you might meet seafood is fabulous things found in the ocean are fabulous for you of course we don't want to eat toxic seafood but we also don't want to eat toxic plants or toxic beefy they're like toxic food isn't good for you so just make sure the sea food you eat is low in mercury and has been you know sustainably raised all that kind of fun stuff as we would for any other form of food also falling in this category so we got seafood we've got some fresh salmon here but also don't let seafood scare you off in terms of cost there are some very cost effective ways to eat seafood such as canned wild salmon by that in bulk you can of course get canned clams you can even get smoke, oysters and sardines these are all things that you could even take in a car with you you don't even need to heat him don't need to refrigerate him don't need to cook him and you still got some wonderful nutrient dense protein there for you certain forms of dairy such as greek yogurt and cottage cheese are wonderful from a nutrient density and protein perspective not all forms of dairy but some forms of derry ones that are lower and sugar and higher in protein and of course if you have a dairy intolerance steer the other direction so non starchy veggies nutrient dense meats and seafoods and protein powders generally the protein powders I recommend first and foremost would simply be powdered egg whites if you have the ability to get powdered egg whites you're just getting egg whites there's not a much of other chemicals and colors and flavorings in it and you can add them to recipes quite liberally and they don't change the taste and then you can of course used them for regular cooking if you want they're also extremely cost effective because you don't really like cm advertised in muscle magazines canned egg whites but you can get canned egg whites and people are wondering why you saying egg whites versus the whole egg remember we're talking about nutrient dense sources of protein ah whole egg is sixty four percent fat doesn't mean it's bad for you it means it's in the good fats category so egg whites a wonderful source of powdered convenience protein way is also a great option casing which is another form of milk protein is a great option and then of course for the vegans and vegetarian friends out there things like hemp rice and pea would be quite good options. Just ensure one always go food first, always go food first, like there's, no pill powder, a potion in the world that will do for you what whole foods can. And if you're going to go into a powdered format, ensure it's actually a good source of protein and not just sugary garbage masquerading as a protein shake. For example, here on the low end of the sanity spectrum, we have a supposed complete nutrition shake. So this complete nutrition shake, which also says that it is a great source of proteins, ingredients our water and then sugar. So if the second ingredient in what you're eating is ever sugar, don't eat it, especially if you're trying to get a good source of protein because no good source of protein has more sugar in it. Then protein makes sense. All right, so nutrient dense proteins, nuts, flaxseeds, chaiya sees, really category number three can just be generalized as whole food fats. We touched on this already, but whole food is important. Oftentimes when we hear talk about healthy fats, obviously there is. Myriad healthy fats out there, but people like to focus a lot on oils now there's nothing wrong with oils we need to use oils when we cook sometimes and when we cook using healthy, saturated fats, such as a coconut oil or a tallow or a butter are great options because they have what's called a high smoke point. They don't get affected poorly by heat, so they're great to cook with other royals, such as olive oil and flax seed oil are great to use cold, but remember that everything that makes olive oil good and a lot more can be found in olives. So instead of thinking about how you can eat more olive oil, maybe think about how you can eat more olives, because again, you're gonna have more water, fiber and protein in olive's than you will in olive oil, so they're dramatically more saying than the processed version of them, which is olive oil. Same thing goes for coconut oil, which is fabulous. I use coconut oil when I need to to cook, but what's even better is coconut. Same thing again, avocado coco coco is one of my favorite substances in the whole world because it is so good for you, and it contains a dramatic just a dramatic amount ofthe antioxidants and other chemical compounds that are helpful for long term health. Cocoa itself is brilliantly good for you that doesn't actually mean chocolate is good for you it means that cocoa is good for you and carrie is going to show you on day to all sorts of ways to use coco as well as with safe sweeteners to make delicious chocolatey desserts which is fun so coco is also a great option of course he got avocado some nut's my preference are macadamia nuts if you need to choose a nut almonds are also great nuts in general are going to be better than most faction processed foods, academia and so the reason you're told generally that olive oil is good for you is because it contains a high percentage of a certain form of mono unsaturated fat and macadamia nuts contain even more of that then olive oil does so this therapeutic type of inflammation reducing fat found in olives and olive oil sound either and higher concentrations in macadamia nuts macadamia nuts are also very, very low in inflammatory fats, so from an inflammation perspective in general health perspective they have one of the best fat ratios in terms of types of fat of any nut thank you all right so mac damien nuts, almonds, fun stuff then eggs, of course are a great source of whole food fat if you're looking to get fat in your diet, eating eggs is a great way to do that next fruits there's different kinds of fruits we like to focus on what I call low fructose fruits so low fructose roots are going to provide you with the most of what you need a k a vitamins and minerals and the least of what you don't specifically sugar and specifically fructose which can be especially troublesome for certain individuals the fruits I give you the most of what you need and the least of what you don't our berries so first and foremost berries, blueberries, back blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, good stuff and buying them frozen as you can see here I don't know if you could actually see that these air frozen buying them frozen and in bulk again dramatically more cost effective than buying them fresh doesn't mean buying them fresh is bad it just means don't let your inability to afford fresh blackberries make you not eat blackberries and maybe eat crepes instead which have radically more sugar and radically less good stuff thie other category of fruits that we confined that are low and fructose and high and vitamins and minerals or citrus fruits so grapefruits lemons, oranges, limes, great options, fabulous off options in the green smoothies we alluded to earlier so if we take some green vegetables such as a kale, a chardonnay romaine and a spinach we mix it with strawberries or maybe and or on orange fabulous green smoothie, those citrus flavors and those berry flavors cut the green quite a bit and it's quite delicious so again hopefully it's pretty clear non starchy vegetables nutrient dense proteins the vast majority of the volume of the food we're putting into our body than whole food fats and low fructose fruits are making up the balance and then we start to get mohr insane so before we get into the insane or foods are there any questions from the audience or online? Thank you because we have lots of lot of russians running in jonathan could you talk a little bit about nuts that's our five in terms of unaggressive for those folks who might be just joining us can you tell us again what the aggressive mark is and then why the nets or five aggressive is related to blood sugar and insulin response so insolent obviously blood sugar rises when you eat sugar to some extent it also rises when you eat protein but to a very much lesser extent then insulin is secreted by your body to help take that blood sugar and get it into the cells that needed when you eat fat fat does not require insulin to do anything so if you were to just eat one hundred percent fat this idea of having a spike in blood sugar is impossible like basically nuts flax seeds just things that are concentrated sources of fat do not spike blood sugar therefore they are completely unaggressive yep, so they'll have carbs but they're not ones that will spike so they will have theywill have so few so they will have some carbs. But if you look at, for example, the percentage of calories in macadamia nuts that come from fat versus from carbohydrate fat consists of I don't know if that my head, but I believe it like eighty percent plus off the calories and then it's also bound up in a bunch of fiber, which also reduces the blood sugar response so when you eat things like again fat and fibre, you're going to get a completely unaggressive response in your body. Thank you. Question from marion from bucharest, romania who's, a regular here we love marrying here question about servings and this a couple other people also what does a serving of vegetables look like when you're talking about having a certain number today, people having a hard time envisioning exactly what that looks like know that thank you so much. What was the woman's name? Married mary mary ann, mary ann mary ann, thank you for asking that that is really, really important, so I recommend that people use their hands to determine serving sizes because one it also it accounts for one hundred thirty pound woman is going to have different serving side it's needs in a two hundred fifty pound man right, so in terms servings for each of these respective food groups, non starchy vegetables is a little bit more complicated because some vegetables are much bigger than others. From a green leafy vegetable perspective, think three fists, so three two two three fifths is a serving if they're unpacked and raw, so if unpacked and raw, two to three fists is a serving if you cook it and it shrinks down completely, so if you've ever cooked spinach, you'll have like a like I bought all this spinach, and then you cook in your weirdo by spinach. Go that's goes, all the water is leaving right so that's why it water we talked about helps you to feel more satisfied if you cook it about a half cup or about half your fist, so cooked green vegetables about half your fist raw green leafy vegetables two to three fist for everything else. From a general perspective, you'd actually be surprised how small a serving is like. One large carrot is a serving and generally one cup for non cooked vegetables and a half cup for cooked vegetables, or again, one one hand or half a fist for half a cup, a great approximation for vegetables from ah, seafood meat from a nutrient dense protein perspective, a serving is gonna be about the size, the palm of your hand so some people, when they sit down, if you eat a giant piece of steak, for example, if you were to eat a piece of steak, I don't know if you can see this, but like the size of this guy, that would be two servings of nutrient dense protein, and we were looking to get about thirty grams of protein when we eat nutrient dense protein, at least so the reason I say the palm of your hand is that's generally, if it's a high quality source of protein, going to give us thirty grams, which causes a bunch of interesting biology, which we get into if we have time, but nutrient is protein palm your hand for serving whole food fats this one's a little tough because it varies, but if you're going to eat things like butter or oil, ah, serving is about the tip of your pointer finger that's about a serving if you're going to eat something like a, the good news is a lot of nuts and seeds actually do calm and packages like generally, we say, don't eat packaged food, but nuts and seeds often come in packages just used the servings is that you find on those packages, so the packages air usually fairly accurate, it's going to be oftentimes around a quarter of a cup or like a fourth of your palm, but nuts and seeds. Just look to the package. That's gonna be helpful for you. And then for fruits, a lemon is a serving a grapefruit is two servings. Three. So about the fist for berries and so it's a fist for berries. Uh, one lemon or lime is a serving. And oranges of serving a great food is two servings. That was fantastic. Especially great. Breakdown. Thank you very much. And marion wants us to know that he's a do oh, my apologies, mary. You know that marion's a dude maron's been with us for a long time. Sorry about that, mary. Him. Anyhow, I know we have so much content where he brought one for let's keep rocking, but we are saving all those questions because they were coming in like crazy, and we will get back to okay. So we already talked about what to eat. Mohr off. So those foods we talked about from here over, you want to just eat more of them. So full of this goodness we get into a gray area which isn't actually pictured on this table because we didn't have a room and that's things like most dairy, like milk and beans, and and oils where they're over there ok, like we don't have an obesity epidemic in this country because people are eating too many beans, right? Like there's a lot of good nutrients and beans that said, I wouldn't recommend you go out of your way to eat more of these things so remember there's really three buckets there's it's saying which means go out of your way to eat more of it there's it's right in the middle, which means if you need to eat it that's okay and then there's just completely insane, so things like beans and dairy are going to be right in the middle where if you have to eat him, you can eat him also higher sugar fruits like bananas and apples and grapes, which have a lot of sugar in them and relatively few essential nutrients. And when compared to to arlo fructose friends again, if you have to eat those two be happy that we're here to do to be happy, so eat them, but it would be awesome if you could trade him up for some berries and for some citrus then insane stuff. So insane stuff is really important to understand it it's really easy like weekend they're really, really specific, but we can also understand this from a general perspective to right this is all about water, fiber and protein so dry packaged process stuff that doesn't need to be refrigerated or frozen or cooked is garbage like it is the hair and the paper towels for your metabolic sink it is what causes clogs to the extent that you can fill your sink with clean pure water such that there's no room for things like pasta and these toaster pastry things and juices and breads and rice and process cereal and and sugar this so sugar this guy right here is not just a beautiful set a coup treatment but if you actually wheel this over so we can all see it this guy that is eighty pounds of sugar and that represents six months of the average americans consumption of added sweeteners every six months the average american is consuming eighty pounds of added sweeteners I say added sweeteners that doesn't include like there's sugar in barry's there sugar but that's okay it's bound up with a bunch of other good stuff this is purely completely avoidable one hundred percent clog creation try not to eat eighty pounds of added sweeteners every six months so want to stay away from that and the key thing to keep in mind is when we talk about sugar and sweeteners things like pasta rice bread these concentrated sources of carbohydrate concentrated source of carbohydrate when they leave your stomach when sugar leaves your stomach when bread leaves your stomach when oatmeal leaves your stomach for our purposes here sugar like the difference between complex carbohydrate in simple carbohydrate is quite arbitrary, and I would encourage you to not get hung up about that complex carbohydrate means a lot of sugar combined together, we're as simple carbohydrate means it's already broken apart, but when it leaves your stomach it's all simple sugars, this doesn't mean that carbohydrate is bad. We'll get into that in the slides. It just means we want to eat the highest quality sources of carbohydrate process sugar and sweeteners are not high quality carbohydrate these types of cookies I know I'm not allowed to say name brands are not a high quality source of carbohydrate. These foods contain carbohydrate vegetables are carbohydrate, but they're super high quality so again processed starches and sweets not good, same food's good questions about the insane foods or middle of the road foods. You know, we do have one from px there, and that actually kind of opens up a big topic if you've had the bad habits of eating a lot of these sugary foods insane foods, as most of us speak for myself definitely have how do you overcome those cravings? How do you deal with, like emotional eating? Absolutely or, you know that's what, that yeah, it's, because it's a big tummy it's, a hard one to deal with is very hard and my recommendation is twofold. One make sure you tune in tomorrow because we have carrie brown here we're going to actually show you how to make sane versions ofthe many foods you might think that you're never able to eat again and in fact what's so encouraging about a sane lifestyle and following the science is we like to think in terms of substitution or like I said, sanitizing your diet rather than deprivation so let's say you like bread it's not that you could never eat bread anymore it's just that you make bread with almond flour coconut flour let's say you like pasta it's not that you never eat pasta anymore it's that you use zucchini noodles or squash noodles or share a taki noodles let's say that you like to eat oatmeal it's not that you need to give up hope meal you just used chia seeds and flax to create a smarter oatmeal alternative let's say you like ice cream. We've got all kinds of ways to make saying ice cream brownies same kind of thing so any of these baked goods they're not off limits it's just like we can do them smarter and we can get into that in more detail and of course it's covered on our web sites in the books in much more detail but the good news is you don't need to give it up you just need to do it smarter I said how awful it is, I think, and just the question I don't know if there's something we gotta talk about later but just the question of how to begin to incorporate this lifestyle into her own, you know? I mean, we've only pantry's full of food right now do you just go through, throw everything on start all over again? I don't know that that's realistic for most people. So how do you I encourage people to incorporate this into their lifestyle again? Maybe we're talking about this later. Yeah, we will get into I have some steps that will help us get through that. So if I don't take care of it, then we can certainly come back to it. Beautiful that's. All right, I want to know about the same ice cream, eh? So well, in the meantime, so actually just goto amazon dot com and type in carrie brown and then I scream and you can see thirty recipes and if you go to calorie myth book, dot com and then you look at our recipes, you'll see beautiful pictures and this stuff is to die for. I believe carrie's bringing some of it in tomorrow and it is just it is just amazing it's amazing it's good to be here in studio I hear we're going to get to sample some of this um, maybe one more question, sure, right now from sharon and other people said they want to hear the answer to elke some of my family members don't like vegetables. What can I do? I count myself there. There are a lot of vegetables, I mean, you said, like squash, zucchini, it just doesn't sit with me, so I to be very open and honest. I didn't eat vegetables almost at all up until doing all this research because I, too, did not like the taste of them. Two things I'd recommend one is vegetables are a wonderful whole ah, wonderful fat delivery system meaning, like, if you do not like the taste of vegetables, if you saute them in coconut oil with some seasoning or in bacon fat or in butter, you'd be surprised how quickly they start to taste good. So that's another reason why, you know, not fearing fat in embracing whole foods is great because it can make vegetables taste a heck of a lot better. Another way too easily eat vegetables is to make smoothies, and to me this is really just a we're going to talk much more about this tomorrow, but this is this is the home run. Because one sitting down and just eating pounds and pounds of vegetables don't care how much butter you put on top of it can become a knot in this entire sum but if it's just in your morning and you've got something that tastes like an orange julius but in reality it's got five servings of the most metabolically beneficial vegetables in the world in it you'll accidentally consume more vegetables and you ever thought possible and what kid does not want that? I mean here we go moms for your hide the vegetables then again, carrie is going to make some of those like she's going to show us how we can use cocoa powder and make something that doesn't even you you literally wouldn't it's like hiding vegetables and we even use vegetables and some baked goods like using beats for example in carrots and zucchini in baked goods be surprised how once you're focused on keeping things simple, you confined these creative ways to get more vegetables in your diet. And I think maybe one more we've got from miguel who says I'm recovering my health and partnered with very similar method I only have one real craving diet coke now is that too bad is that a big no no or an affordable guilty pleasure and actually kind of brings up the topic of like cheat days there's a lot of people who you know well do these skin him six days a week they very healthy and then seventh is pizza and whatever else you want and so how do you feel about a soda in general and then be today's soda in general? So it's non diet soda is if we and we have some data around this later but if we as a country just stop drinking sugar sweetened beverages that would address a vast, vast amount of the economic and just obesity problem we have so actual soda is I mean that's just that's just I mean it's like cigarettes well, drinking a can of coke a day give you diabetes over canada today maybe, but well drinking a can of soda per week give you diabetes probably not well smoking a cigarette per week give you long cancer? Probably not, but to the extent I mean it's just it's just not good news, so I often if someone is drinking full on soda, I think making the transition to diet soda is absolutely step in the right direction. Do I think that that is something that you should feel that like that's I'm good like I shouldn't try to to move on from that I would say no, I think that there are plenty of ways to drink a sweet beverage using a technique we call practicing safe sweeteners so drinking things that are sweetened with zyla tall or a writ through tall or stevia or stevia depending on where you come from or lo han go thes air for natural non caloric sweeteners which are in or no way detrimental to your health so trying to sew again regular soda bad high fructose corn syrup, sugar wheelbarrow no diet soda sweetened with unnatural non caloric sweeteners which have been shown to have some military its effects on your brain like neurotoxins which aren't good but less conclusively bad then these sweeteners but then over here there's just like this meadow of wonderful healthy sweetener is called zala tolerate throttle lo han go on stevia so to the extent that you can use those and search on the internet, you can find powder, drink mixes that air sweetened with those substances, which would be ah great substitute for even diet soda. And how do you feel about that cheat days? I think after day too you'll see that the idea of a cheat day becomes obsolete because if you don't feel like what you're doing is depriving you of anything, you'll never feel the need to cheat. I ate ice cream for dinner yesterday and I wasn't cheating because the ice cream I ate had a nutritional profile that was healthier than most people's normal lunches so you don't need to cheat if what you're doing actually enables you tohave all of the foods you want just smarter makes sense totally, that school, I love it, I'm gonna that's. Amazing. I ate ice cream for dinner last night, and I wasn't cheating. That's, amazing, it's, it's. Not too good to be true. We'll get into it tomorrow, so tune in tomorrow.
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This course if phenomenal! I've been on a 20+ year journey of trying to find the solution that will help me achieve my body goals that I can stick to, without going crazy. I have tried everything (keto, paleo, low fat, weight watchers, dash etc). Jonathan goes over a massive amount of research to help you understand the 'why' of why these diets don't work longterm and how to eat in a way that's sustainable. In addition, I've always struggled with exercise. I was an athlete growing up but as an adult it's been very difficult to find something that I like and will stick to. This exercise methodology is perfect because it's fast, results oriented and doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. I've recommended this course to everyone who asks. It's absolutely brilliant and I'm so, so grateful!
Mila Petruk
It is the first time that I really want to leave a review on Creative Live. The course has touched me, although I am not new to the topic. But the ability of a knowledgeable person to base his lifestyle advice on science, his energy and wisdom are amazing. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
This class was great - I love that it is presented as a framework so you can fit your own personal needs into it. Jonathan exhaustively covers the ideas, examples, and benefits of this strategy for better living.
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