Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
Lesson 19 from: Eat More, Exercise Less & Lose WeightJonathan Bailor

Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
Lesson 19 from: Eat More, Exercise Less & Lose WeightJonathan Bailor
Day 1
Day 2
1Chef Carrie Brown's Transformation
29:27 2Cooking Demo With New Recipes
30:46 3Class Introduction
16:28 4What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
21:42 5First Fallacy of Weight Loss
36:51 6What Determines Our Set-Point
08:38The Four Fallacies of Weight Loss
32:20 8S.A.N.E. -The Four Calorie Quality Factors
32:13 9S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
35:18 10Eating More and Smarter
30:24 11Fat Myths and Protein Intake
16:31 12S.A.N.E. Eating Testimonial - Dr. Mike Keen
09:36 13The Food Pyramid Scheme
24:55 14Dietary Goals Report Inaccuracies
16:35 15Cholesterol Confusion
20:32 16S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown
37:43 17S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown Part 2
46:22 18Exercise Less to Lower Set-Point & Burn Fat
16:39 19Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
40:53 20S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo
25:05 21S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
38:51 22S.A.N.E. Exercise Q&A
22:40 23Smarter Science of Slim Summary
17:18 24S.A.N.E. FAQs
22:30 25S.A.N.E. Lifestyle Testimonials
33:56Lesson Info
Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
There's five principles that go into exercising smarter, deep, hormonal, infrequent, eccentric and intervals will cover each one in a bit of detail, but just really quickly summarizing deep just means we want our exercise toe work as much muscle as possible. That's makes sense. We'll talk about the science behind that in a second hormonal. The point of smarter exercise has nothing to do with calories, right? Like we don't like calories, calories or not an accurate measure of really anything when it comes to human biology. What we want to do is change our hormones because, as you remember from day one are set point is determined by our genetics and our hormones. So why do we exercise well for the same reason we eat from a fat lost perspective to manipulate our hormone levels? The only point of exercise from a metabolic unclogging perspective is to change your hormone levels, so we want to exercise in a way that's focused on changing our hormones has nothing to do with burning calories i...
t's going to be infrequent it's going to be in frequent cause it's going to be so effective that we can't do it often, and then the two techniques were used to do that is east centric weight training, which will get into in detail I'll show you exactly how to do in the next session. As well as interval training, which is a way to make traditional cardio exercise is much more effective and much less time consuming. So when we increase, when we exercise deeply, infrequently eccentrically using an interval based technique to trigger the most hormonal response possible were exercising smarter that's the different definition of smarter exercise that's the point of smarter exercise conventional exercise what's the point to burn calories it's. Why I keep hammering this home not about calories, not about calories, about increasing the quality of our exercise, not the quantity through deep hormonal, infrequent east centric, an interval based exercise so the first principle is deep. This one is really foundational and it's very intuitive and that's. Our exercise efforts should focus on working as much muscle. Is it possible back to dr azuma over at boston university that these deep muscle fibres will talk about counter act the actions of excess fat tissue? These findings indicate that these deep muscle fibres have a previously unappreciated role in regulating whole body metabolism. Whole body metabolism is a key phrase there and that's what we're gonna talk about with this hormonal change, we change our whole body metabolism. We don't just rip calories out of our body. We actually changed the way our metabolism works and that's why it works long term so we talk about working more or less and muscle fibers this is a bit of a silly example but we all intuitively already understand this principle and that's like why do people ride stationary bikes for exercise rather than drawing a picture of a bike like when you draw with your hand you are working muscles but they're the small muscles in your hand and we know that we'll never actually do anything whereas when you ride a bike you're working the large muscles in your leg so we intuitively know that when we exercise we want to work more muscle rather than less muscle makes sense the more muscle we work the less exercise we need imagine even in a conventional exercise model if your goal is burning calories imagine how long you would need to do a hand exercise to burn the same number of calories you would burn doing a leg exercise right? So even in the calorie model we understand more muscle worked equals more results in less time okay, but we can take that even further. This is so exciting like it's an entire another dimension of muscle physiology with once we understand everything about exercise changes so just like we can for example okay just like weekend for example work our big leg muscles versus our little hand muscles. We actually have different muscle fibers in our legs most of which we never use and we can actually tap into those muscle fibers and think about it like imagine if you never actually worked your bicep ever in your life and then you started to that would be a pretty transformational thing. So all of us have entire dimensions of our musculature that we've never exercised before because we've probably not done the type of exercise that activates them. And when you do that, in addition to working just bigger muscle groups, we can work bigger and more muscle fibers within those groups we can go deeper metaphorically within those muscles and over at a name that carry you could actually help me with that one. How do you say that, harry? That harriet what university? Thank you, madam. This novel time efficient training paradigm khun be used as a strategy to reduce metabolic risk factors in young and middle aged sedentary populations who would not otherwise that here, too time consuming traditional aerobic exercise regime's so again, it's not that I want everyone to stop doing aerobic exercises, just that the reality is a lot of people don't and will continue to not to do aerobic exercise. And if by doing a little smarter exercise you khun reduced metabolic risk factors that's pretty exciting in addition a burning body fat so to understand how to exercise deeper, you just need to do a little bit of muscle physiology it's very simple but it's very powerful once you understand it so first and foremost, we have different types of muscle fibres that do different things, so for example, just like your leg muscles are designed to help you walk around and your bicep muscles are designed to help you curl your arm, you have different fibers within both your biceps, your legs and every other group of muscles that enables those muscles to do different things for example, your type one muscle fibres these allow you to generate a little bit of force for a long period of time, so the fact that you're able to walk around for hours and not get winded is because your type one muscle fibers are at play, but walking also doesn't require a lot of force, so these muscle fibers again, you could do a lot of activity for a long period of time, but with very little force. And then as we move down this spectrum into, for example, your type to be muscle fibres, these air muscle fibres, which are only ever activated if you require a lot of energy and a lot of force but over a very short period of time think sprinting we're not gonna recommend necessarily that you sprint, but just like you can't sprint for us long as you can jog when you sprint, you're activating your type to be muscle fibers because they enable you to generate a lot of force but for a short period of time, right? So just like your leg muscles enable you to do something different than your arm muscles, you have different fibers within your muscles that enable those muscles to do different things a little bit of force for a long period of time or a lot of force for a little bit of time. Ok, the thing that is key to keep in mind is that our body does what's called orderly recruitment when we exercise, meaning that if we tell our body to move in a certain way, it will say, ok, I'm going to try to do that movement with my type one muscle fibers, and if those don't generate enough force, then it will say type one muscle fibers keep going! I'm going to bring in my type too a muscle fibers and if that's still not enough force, it'll bring in your type two ex fibers in your type to be fibers. What that means is if you have a form of exercise that you know, activates your type to be muscle fibers, you know you're activating all of them because that's how your musculature works it's an orderly in progressive recruitment of your muscle fibers so just to recap different types of muscle fibres that do different things, and once you're activating the deeper, more forceful muscle fibers, you're also activating the more shallow and weaker muscle fibers, so for example, walking only activates your type one muscle fibers, but if you sprint, you're activating all four muscle fibers, so you're gonna work mohr muscles and different muscles now the same logic we talked about earlier, which is right our leg muscles require us to spend less time exercising than our hand muscles would for the same result because they're more muscle involved. You could imagine that when we exercise more deeply again, we're using more muscle fibers within each muscle group, so we need even less time to achieve the same result because we're working an entirely different dimension off our muscles again, just continuing toe work, mohr and more muscle tissue think about it like maybe jogging is ah teeny tiny square or excuse me, drawing a picture of a bike is a teeny tiny square when you ride a bike it's a bigger square, but if you were to write a bike intelligently or smarter it's like a cube because you're adding just even more surface area and even more space. So why do we say exercise less? We're not saying exercise less because we're advocating an activity or I'm not saying exercise less because I want you to be lazy, but for the same reason. That we know we can't sprint for us long as we can walk when we exercise intelligently, we're going to use so many muscle fibers and our type to be muscle fibers, for example, are so much stronger and bigger than our type one a muscle fibers that activating them uses even mohr energy that are type one a muscle fibers. When you exercise smarter, you are going to utilize so much energy so quickly that you have to stop, so you're not stopping because you're lazy, you're stopping because you can't do any more. So what that ends up giving us is a pretty radical world where you can imagine, just like we said for eating, the solution we've been given is actually part of the cause of the problem. That was one of the conclusions yesterday. The guidance we've been given around exercise to date is just to exercise more, just exercise more there's, nothing about quality there, it's adjust quantity. So what happens if you're focused exclusively on just exercising more? The only way you can exercise for eight extended period of time is doing something that requires as a little force is possible, but if you do something that requires a little force is possible, you're going to recruit as few muscle fibres as possible. So you're going to be using less muscle fibers you're going to exercise for a long period of time you're going to do more and get less like we all know that the more muscle we work, the better our results and we all know that the only way we can exercise mohr is by using less muscle fibers because we have a fixed amount of energy, right? So wouldn't it make sense to not focus on exercising mohr but to focus on exercising more muscle fibers? So picking a form of exercise which works a lot of our muscle fibers which requires a lot of force and therefore we exercise as must've are as much of our musculature as possible we use of our energy in a few minutes in essence, we do a little and get a lot and it's it's actually not too good to be true if you think that it is a little bit too obvious to be false, right? Someone who sprints for ten seconds and then stops is not being lazy it's because you can't sprint most people can't sprint for any longer than ten seconds, but most of us can't sprint and sprinting isn't necessarily the most desirable form of physical activity for all people, so what if we could take the spirit of sprinting the spirit of a short, intense complete musculature exhaustion and do that in a safe and sustainable way and that's, what smarter exercises so it's not about lethargy it's just about getting the most bang for our buck so again, why would anyone ever tell us to exercise more? Why would they ever focus on quantity? Why aren't we ever told about the quality of our movements will, of course, without getting and spending too much time into the economics of it, if you think about it, if if you can really achieve dramatic metabolic and health results in ten to twenty minutes per week without any expensive equipment or without any complexity that's hard to sell because it's really simple and it's really easy to do, but if exercises really complicated and really time consuming and you have to have someone help you do it because it's such a pain and it's so such a burden, well, there's a lot more money to be made there, right? There is little scientific evidence and no theory theoretical physiological basis to suggest that a greater quantity of exercise it elicits greater results it's about quality, not quantity and wanting to be very careful of is as you understand this more and more you might think to yourself, well, I'm just I'm not going to increase the quality of not going increase the intensity or the resistance I'm using while exercising, I'm just gonna do a little bit mohr exercise and I want to just give us a concrete example of why that will never work again getting back to your muscle physiology. So we want you to activate all of your muscle fibers, all four types, and remember the way those muscle fibers get activated is by the amount of force you're asking your body to produce more force means mohr or deeper muscle fibers. Less force means less muscle fibers. So imagine someone who has a karate set up with four progressively thicker boards. You know, one of these things where you see people just kind of break through all those boards. Imagine that person saying, ok, the way I'm going to break these boards is by tapping gently on them more times like because if I tap on him a thousand times or a hundred thousand times like no amount of low quality taps will ever break through those progressively thicker and thicker boards. However, one concentrated, forceful strike will break through all four of them. Your muscle fibers work. Similarly, no quantity of low quality movement will ever do or can ever do what a little bit of high quality, forceful movement will do. Right. I can sit here with this scooter and do a little low quality or low force movement. All day it will never move but one higher quality push and it moves so again less exercise not because we're lazy but because we're using more force and if we use more force will achieve on activation of part of our physiology that is impossible simply impossible if we exercise with a traditional low quality methodology. So why is this so exciting? By going deeper by activating these type to be muscle fibers, researchers have found, for example, in animal models dr azuma that we talked about earlier from boston university that rat's who were genetically engineered tohave mohr and stronger type to be muscle fibers didn't get fat insulin resistant or leptin resistance a k a they didn't become hormonally clogged despite being fed insane food. The presence of these deeper muscle fibers literally immunized mammalian physiology against hormonal clogging so like think about that right not only like it's not about calories it's almost immunizing your physiology from getting sick and fat it's a totally different approach to exercise that yield a totally different results back to dr azuma this study illustrates the importance of our deepest muscle fibres in the control of obesity and whole body metabolism it's not about calories it's about changing our whole body metabolism again back to the researcher a modest increase in our deep type to be muscle fibers can have profound systemic effects on our metabolism and on fat mass change the system, don't just rip calories out of it, unclogged the sink, don't just scoop water out of it and that's what we're talking about thes forever results these long term results. We're talking about the profound systemic effects achieved through smarter exercise, so that's, why we want to go deep, we want to go deep for profound systemic effects. We also want to go deep because it allows us to activate a unique set of fat burning hormones. So, again, we already talked about this, but exercising focused on burning calories is wrong. Calories is not the arbiter of long term health hormones are much more indicative, so we're not about calories were about hormones. Smarter exercise ignores the number of calories you burn during exercise and focuses on the number of calories your body burns automatically all day every day. Right. Traditional exercise focuses on the point. One percent of time you spend exercising smarter exercise focuses on the other ninety nine point nine percent of your life and conditioning your body to take care of itself during that time period. This changes everything like. It really changes everything because right now when we think about exercising we're like burn more calories what we should start thinking about and it's not as easy to say but it's like sugar more epinephrine an adrenaline and nor adrenaline and growth hormone and glue gone and thyroid hormone and light pace because these are the things that regulate the system that regulates you again it's not about scooping water out of the sink it's about unclogging the drain those are arjun this's metabolic training right here metabolic training so think about it that way all we have to do to harness these hormone jones is deeper exercise and this is so cool they get all comes together like a beautiful biological puzzle because type to be muscle fibres are the muscle fibres which when activated trigger the release of these hormones and think about it it makes sense intuitively your type one a muscle fibers are just generating a little bit of force for a long period of time but your body doesn't need to release a bunch of stuff like this is very simple but imagine dedicated, forceful exercising buddy what's going on it has to do something dramatic to respond to that and what it does is released these hormones to mobilize energy and to enable you to continue to do these movements dr barry sears, the inventor of the zone diet and over the inflammation research foundation tells us that as we exercise with higher levels of quality, you began to create the hormonal changes that air the rial fruits of exercise. As long as you're focus on exercises burning calories, you will be frustrated for all the same reasons you would be frustrated if you focus your eating on the number of calories you're consuming it's just not the way the body works over the university of virginia. Fat burning hormones are related to exercise quality, not quantity. Here's why this works when we exercise smarter we require a dramatic amount of energy very, very quickly as we know if we need more energy, your body can do a couple things, right? It could make us eat maurits can slow us down, it could burn muscle and it can burn fat, but many of those options are off the table. Look, you can't make us eat more because we need the energy right now like the energy is needed in the instance of smarter exercise, so we can just eat more. It can't make us slow down because we're in an anabolic active state, it's not going to burn off muscle and if anything it's goingto grow muscle because it knows it's being muscle tissue is being demanded upon so it's not going to burn the muscle tissue off. So all that's left is burning fat, so we have the right combination of hormones getting released, telling our body you have to release these fat stores. It's the only way I can feel myself because I have an energy crisis right now. Now I have so many muscle fibers that are getting asked to generate so much force, I have to fuel them. I can't eat more. I can't slow down. I can't burn muscle tissue what else can the body do but trigger? Ah, hormonal reaction that causes your body to burn fat makes sense smarter exercise induces the secretion of fat burning hormones simple enough already covered that, so forget tout calories, forget temporary, think about hormones, think about forever and then think about how infrequently you have to do this, which is really, really neat and also really intuitive and far from being too good to be true. It's too obvious to be false because think about maybe you're a wan let's say you were to cut your lawn lower, like most lawnmowers have settings, so you cut your lawn on a level four, which is higher, you're going to have two more your lawn more frequently, whereas if you mow your lawn on level two, you will have to mow your lawn less frequently why? Because it will take longer for your lawn to grow back you've essentially gone deeper down into your lawn the same thing applies to your musculature as you work your muscles more deeply it takes dramatically longer for them to recover so not only will you be able to exercise less frequently you will have to exercise less frequently when you perform the exercises that I will show you in detail in the next session correctly it will be physically impossible for you to do them if you were doing them correctly more than once maybe twice a week simply because deeper muscle fibers take longer to recover than more shallow muscle fibers. In fact, research has shown that if we're really activating our type to be deepest muscle fibers those khun take up to six days to fully recover what that means is let's say you did ah bicep curl with ten pounds and let's say that that did require you to activate your type to be muscle fibers and the next day you're like I'm going to exercise again because I know I'm told to exercise more and you pick up that ten pound weight and you try to curl it you will not be able two it will be physically impossible so are you exercising less cause you're lazy or are you exercising less because it's mandated by your body because you are doing something that is so effective that you can't or don't have to do a lot of it maybe think about it almost like pharmacology, right? Like more medicine isn't better in fact, the more potent the medicine is, the less of it you have to take or else you'll hurt yourself. Exercise is powerful medicine, and when we get the formulation correct, which is what research community has done, you need surprisingly little of it to get an amazing result or even think about it like cutting your finger like when you do smarter exercise, what you're doing is creating little minor terrors in your muscle fibers that caused them to come back stronger. You're actually breaking down muscle tissue and asking it to then be rebuilt through the process. We talked about yesterday muscle protein synthesis, which is, of course, incredibly calorically heavy, but you're building new tissue when you cut your finger. What has to happen? Your body has to build new tissue that takes a while when you exercise appropriately your damaging tissue in a healthy way and you must let it recover, it would be like picking a scab off to exercise prematurely. You don't want that you wanted to heal back tissue takes a long time to heal don't worry about exercising a lot because if you are exercising a lot it's a self defeating equation if you're exercising a lot, you know by definition that you're not exercising smarter because if you were exercising smarter you wouldn't be able to do that so it's it's pretty cool because it's it's a system that reinforces itself and corrects itself how do we do this? How do we work our muscles deeply to trigger a hormonal reaction and such that it's it's so effective we can't do a lot of it what we do first and foremost what's called east centric resistance training and the research is quite clear that eccentric training results in greater results than typical resistance training. What is e centric resistance training? Well, as I mentioned in the next segment will go really deep into this from a high level, every muscular movement has to components your muscles can contract concentric lee so when they contract that's concentric and when they extend that's the east centric movement so contract concentric extend east centric so when you lower awaits your contracting your muscles e eccentrically now what's interesting about east centric moving movement is one traditional exercise doesn't talk about it all right it's about like how much? How much can you bench press up? We never really and people if you ever watch like most men bench press and hopefully now in the future many more women it's drop it and then lifted up and drop it and then lifted up where you see people do pull ups can't do it now, or I will rip out of these clothes. If you do pull ups, you see people kick themselves up or lift themselves up and they just dropped down. They don't focus on the extension and that's leaving a lot of a metabolic benefit on the table because your muscles are actually stronger eccentrically, then they are concentric lee, and I'll give you a demonstration of that in a second, but working your muscles when their strongest enables you to use more resistance, and if you use more resistance than you work more muscle fibres, which triggers more of a hormonal reaction, which allows you to exercise less frequently, which causes that awesome, sustainable, systemic change that we're after muscles are capable of developing much higher forces when they contract eccentrically compared to when they contract concentric lee from dr reeves so this is not the best test in the world will do a better test in the next session, but if you've ever tried to sit down and then stand up or walk downstairs versus walking upstairs, of course, gravity plays a factor here, but you'll notice that the east centric portion is always easier than the concentric portion that's not because it's intrinsically easier it's because your muscles are actually up to forty percent stronger e centric lee then they are concentric lee if you've ever resistance trained you also know this is true because even if you do an exercise on a horizontal plane meaning gravity is not all involved so say you're doing a row movement what you'll notice is that you'll be at the end of your set when you achieve exhaustion you will pull the weight up and then you will lower it with no problem and they will try to lift it again and you won't be able to lift it but how is it that you weren't able to lift it but you just lowered it with no problem it's because your muscles are forty percent stronger lowering that resistance therefore it was easy from the lower it but they can't lift it the reason this matters is if we're focusing our way training on lifting weights it's a bit like writing with your non dominant hand like you could do it but it's just not the most effective or efficient way to move why not focus on the dominant away your muscle fibers contract and focus on lowering rather than lifting weights again lifting weights isn't bad but if we're just lifting weights and then dropping them we're missing a lot of the metabolic benefit over the past several decades numerous studies have established that eccentric contractions can maximize the force exerted in the work performed by muscle and that they enhance results from the cleveland clinic eccentric training has been shown to produce greater results thanks to greater ability for maximal force generating capacity during eccentric exercise again more muscle fibers activated more hormonal reaction, more results so that's how we make weight training smarter and I'll show you exactly how to do that at home and at a gym in the next session good news is it doesn't require any expensive equipment and literally anybody from a five year old nephew to a seventy five year old grand parent can do this with no problem but what about cardio? Well, how can we make cardio smarter? We have to do what's called smarter interval training so over at laval university smarter interval training favors negative energy and fat balance to a greater extent than exercise of low to moderate intensity. And moreover, the metabolic adaptations taking place in the skeletal muscle in response to smarter interval training programs appear to favor fat burning so too quickly recap right? We go deep to get more results by exercising more muscle tissue. We want to be hormonal because hormonal is how we drop our set point we want to do that in frequently because if we are doing it frequently we're no we're not doing it right we want to be e centric so we maximize the way our muscle fibers activate when we're doing resistance training in the way we make cardio deep hormonal and infrequent is by doing interval training so it's the how? But before we get into that, we have to quickly change how we think about cardio. So what is cardio like? Oftentimes it's there's weight lifting or resistance training in cardio and they're presented is two different things. They're not too different things at all. Cardio is resistance training with no resistance, right? If you get on a leg press machine, which I think people have seen it's kinda like a sled that you push your legs out with and you put no weight on it and you do that, you just lift it up and down for thirty minutes. Did you just do cardio or resistance training? If you get on this bike and you jack the resistance up so high that you're standing and you're moving like this, are you doing cardio or resistance training? It's arbitrary all your muscles care about is whether or not they're getting activated, so why not pick exercises that activate all of them? Seems to make sense so traditional cardio could be defined as exercise, requiring so little force that it only works a few muscle fibers or exercise that takes a long time to generate a little results and, sadly, that's what we've all been told to do? Yeah, another happy moments of why we do not want to listen to the mainstream so we can make cardio smarter very, very easily, simply by adding more resistance. So you could imagine on a bike like this, and we'll show this in detail to you. In the next session, we would crank the resistance up so high that we would pedal is hard as we can for thirty seconds. We wouldn't be going very fast because there would be so much resistance, and we would stop at the end of thirty seconds not because we're lazy, but because if we tried to do thirty one seconds, that pedal wouldn't move. So again, we're breaking down the walls between cardio and resistance training. We're saying our muscles don't care. All our muscles care about is the amount of force we're asking them to generate. So we're gonna ask him to generate a lot of force as safely and efficiently as possible. And this is a very powerful method to increase whole body and skeletal muscle capabilities to oxidize fat and carbohydrates in previously untrained individuals. Again, these profound systemic effects versus just burning calories. So any questions from the web? We do definitely do you have any in the in the room here? Yeah, sure, you take into account playing a sport or an activity that you do on a regular basis couple three, four days a week, your training in how do you take that into account with this kind of training to things keep in mind. One is if you do this training as prescribed, you will not be able to perform that activity well for at least two days afterwards because you'll be so sore. However, what I would recommend doing is two things, so one the type of training you're doing for it, like let's, say rock climbing rock climbing is gonna have a specific form of training that helps you to become a better rock climber. If your goal is to become a better rock climber, you should do that. Your goal is metabolic healing. You should do this, and in some ways they are kind of mutually been a mutually exclusive, but they don't have to be, but they kind of are, for example, it's hard to become a marathon runner and a sprinter simultaneously simply because they require different things of your body. But let's say rock climbing is is an example. What you could do is just try to make the exercise you're doing smarter by focusing mohr on east centric movements are just using more resistance and more on interval training so it's like sanity in a sense where you don't it's not all or nothing it's just like understand the principles here and then take them and apply them to whatever type of training you're doing or you could do the exact training week talk about in this session does that help at all? Okay sounds great all right? We have a few questions from online that I would love to ask we have video who talking about cardio says what if you really enjoy the cardio you're doing this person is a zumba fanatic is this considered harmful if I continue to do it four times a week or is it just not going to be effective at what you're trying to do? The goal of all of this everything we're talking about over these two days is to make you enjoy your life more right? So if any kind of physical movement makes you enjoy your life more if anything that's doesn't harm other people helps you to enjoy your life more obviously continue to do it however, if you are let's say you're really not happy with the results you're getting you might need to do some eccentric exercise in addition to your zumba makes sense tell that makes sense to me, and I know suzanne, your question that's about thirty seconds, because I've tried that before, and I can't even make it that long. You lower the resistance so you can make it to thirty or do you just do, like twenty? And so it's a great question, because I know there was something magical yesterday about the thirty grams of proteins like the number thirty is magical, so know the there is nothing magical. About thirty seconds there's been studies that have looked at fifteen second intervals. There's been studies that have looked at ninety second intervals, so, generally speaking, I would say, you definitely don't want it any shorter than fifteen seconds. I would never go any longer. I personally would never go any longer than sixty seconds, and then you just want to adapt the resistance to fit within that wreckage. A question from l b who is in atlanta, jonathan saying, so what a woman who needs to lose a lot of weight would she want to lose the weight first to by changing the diet and then weight training or altogether? You're going to get the most bang for your buck always by combining these things it's, a bit of it's, a bit of a one two punch and when you need to to lose a lot of weight or a lot of fat more correctly stated what I think a lot of people will find is that especially some of this eccentric exercise techniques that will cover in the next section our body weight based so the fact that you're carrying a little bit of extra body weight can actually unlock an entire set of exercise is that when you're at a lower weight or not even really useful because there's not enough resistance so some of these exercises they're actually most appropriate for people who have a lot of additional fat on their body simply because they've already got resistance to work with great question that just came in from todd eighty eight isn't there benefit of switching from anaerobic respiration too aerobic respiration which happens after twenty five minutes of continual heavy breathing or exercise is there a benefit to the breathing the respiration aspect to aerobic exercise so this is weird definitely check out the book because it goes in the details and they're absolutely things wrong like vo two max and aerobic conditioning that aerobics do help with but what's really amazing and look no further than tour de france cycle is to see that things like aerobic conditioning and vo two max are now being shown in studies to be sometimes most effectively achieved by shorter burst based training so yes there are benefits but research is starting to show that you can get them in less time by doing burst based training, we can absolutely head out to lunch. We could also dig into some sexy science and folks so into I say let's, bigness, um, sexy side. Alright, some sexy science and this will actually cover some of the questions that came in from online. So university of virginia so groups of women did typical low quality cardio. So think jogging versus smarter interval training. So think more of a safe low impact hi resistance, sprinting like on a cycle here the groups actually burnt the same number of calories, exercising right the same number of calories were burned, but the smarter interval groups spent significantly less time exercising while losing significantly more fat while burning the same number of calories. And you may be saying to yourself, how is it possible to burn more fat, even if you only burnt the same number of calories? Smarter exercise? Does something completely different? Does something different? It changes your body, it restores your natural ability to burn fat it's not about calories. In fact, the researcher who conducted the study tells us the results of the present invented investigation support our primary hypothesis that smarter interval training would be me maur effective than traditional cardio for altering body composition in obese women. Or a famous study at mcmaster university, where one group exercised for two point five hours, but exercise smarter. While another group spent ten point five hours exercising, both groups got the same results, despite one group exercising three hundred twenty percent less because they were exercising smarter, the researchers concluded. We thought there would be benefits, but we did not expect him to be this obvious. It shows how effective, short, high quality exercise can be and also there's. There is a little bit of fun out there still about in this get to the wonderful question that was asked from the web, where you have to do things like cardio and aerobics to benefit heart health. The research is becoming quite clear, for example, with dr cecil at harvard university that high quality activities are associated with the reduced risk of coronary heart disease were as low quality activities have no clear association with the risk of heart disease. It's, amazing and surprising, and from stanford university. The intensity or quality is we call it off effort was more important than the quantity ofthe energy output in deterring hypertension and preventing premature mortality, translating that quantity of energy output, the quality of the movement was more important than the quantity of calories burned, quality over quantity. Harvard university there's, an inverse association between the relative intensity or quality of physical activity and a risk of coronary heart disease. Even dated, a benefits like walking up and down stairs become dramatically easier through high quality exercise because you're making your muscles stronger. One way to think about this. Imagine trying tow walk up a flight of stairs wearing a fifty pound backpack that would probably make you get winded. Why? Because it actually takes more effort for your muscles to get you up stairs. If there's fifty more pounds of resistance on your body, but imagine if your muscles became stronger so your muscles becoming stronger is a little bit like you removing that fifty pound backpack from your back because it's easier for your muscles to generate the same amount of force. So, for example, while walking up a flight of stairs with muscles that let's say, generate five units of energy, this is totally arbitrary, but let's say you weigh two hundred pounds. Your muscles have to generate five units of energy to get you up those flights of stairs if you strengthen them and they only need to use three units of energy to take a two hundred pound person up those stairs obviously that's going to become easier. So while your vo two max or your aerobic health did not change, simply strengthening your muscles makes everyday activities even easier.
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This course if phenomenal! I've been on a 20+ year journey of trying to find the solution that will help me achieve my body goals that I can stick to, without going crazy. I have tried everything (keto, paleo, low fat, weight watchers, dash etc). Jonathan goes over a massive amount of research to help you understand the 'why' of why these diets don't work longterm and how to eat in a way that's sustainable. In addition, I've always struggled with exercise. I was an athlete growing up but as an adult it's been very difficult to find something that I like and will stick to. This exercise methodology is perfect because it's fast, results oriented and doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. I've recommended this course to everyone who asks. It's absolutely brilliant and I'm so, so grateful!
Mila Petruk
It is the first time that I really want to leave a review on Creative Live. The course has touched me, although I am not new to the topic. But the ability of a knowledgeable person to base his lifestyle advice on science, his energy and wisdom are amazing. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
This class was great - I love that it is presented as a framework so you can fit your own personal needs into it. Jonathan exhaustively covers the ideas, examples, and benefits of this strategy for better living.
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