Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
4 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
Here's, what we're gonna be doing for the next day and a half, we're gonna look at four basic visual skills that you need to have. No, remember I said, if I'm doing my my classic test my smelling chart, right? The twenty twenty chart I said we're testing one thing, my ability to see something while I was still and while it was still all right that's one aspect of vision, but they're other aspects of vision and all of them are important, so we're gonna go through these one at a time. And the main thing I want you to understand is that the exercises in this program are designed to train your brain to improve each one of these skill sets, ok? Because to me, vision training is much more than the twenty twenty thing it's hey, how good is my peripheral vision? How good my death judgment, etcetera. So, let's, look at these individually. So the first thing that we look at and work on is building or improving our visual clarity. And the simple question is, can you see it clearly? All right, can...
you see it clearly? So how many of you guys see better up close than far away, okay, deafness, two ofyou, guys, so you're good here. Out there not so good how many of you were wherever you were I'm the opposite you so you're good in the distance not so hot up right? I have to wear reading glasses reading glasses okay same for your distance up close all right, so what we want is we want visual clarity at all distances. I mean, that would be the ideal thing because if I had visual clarity at all distances I don't need lensing and if I go out and I play tennis I can see the balls it's coming from the opposite serve I can track it all the way into contact so that would be ideal, right? Good visual clarity at all distances but notice that example I gave that's visual clarity while what we'll move all everything's in motion, right? So in this class we're gonna start off we are going to start off statically but eventually you want to be able to do all of your vision clarity exercises while stuff moving too all right, so there's different elements we have to think about when it comes to clarity if you've ever played sports another thing that comes up with clarity is lighting how well do you see at night versus how well do you see in the daylight how do you guys know that your you have some issues with night driving or things were getting darker? You guys okay with that it gets a little fuzzy little fuzzy right? So that's a little another aspect of vision called contrast sensitivity so as it gets darker or a speeds go up sometimes a little harder to see clearly so that all fits into this whole visual clarity thing. Okay, so that's number one skill number one we got to improve our clarity skill number two he is depth judgment now most people have heard the word depth perception before I don't use the word depth perception is weird death judgment because death really what this is is I'm actually judging where things are your relationship to other stuff so can you precisely identify where an object is in relation to everything around it so do this for me grab actually let me do you use this these two pins there's just a little example all right so you guys look at me I put my red pin here my blue pin here and it's in front of my face so can you guys all tell that these air not at the same distance right? So you have some you have some death cover your right eye I'll cover the recover the right eye the wrong right. Okay, now can you still see that there is there's a death to this yes or no? I I think I can but I don't I don't know if that's like a visual optical illusion or not simple question my brainpower is telling me your left hand is slightly bigger than your right hand, and therefore it must be closer, right there's, some other work going so that's the main question I have for you is yes, you should still be able to tell that there is depth to this, but is it? Is it as precise is when you're using both eyes? No, no and that's the main thing I'm trying to get across to remember when I said we have two cameras and if one's really unclear, it actually causes it? Ah, lock loss of what's called binocular vision. So the point that I'm trying to make is it death judgment can very much be affected by our my eyes equal are my eyes teeming together? Well, are both seeing the world in the same way. So you see, the depth judgment is actually correlated to the first thing we said, which is visual clarity that clear? All right, so that's going to be number the second thing that we're gonna work on, the third thing that we're gonna work on third skill is eye movements. I showed you the pictures before of the six muscles that control eye movement, and what you want to make sure is that you can follow a moving target and that you can switch between targets. Eso won the classic examples of really simple is reading right when I read it before reading english I started left to go to the right and then I go left right left, right left, right? How many guys do speed reading never done that before we're looking to see big chunks of words so all that actually comes down to how well do you control your eye muscles? Are your eye movement smooth? Are they will controlled if I'm trying to track a ball in playing handball what I don't want our jumpy eyes I want to be able to actually track really really easily with my eyes in my body so I movements or something that we can practice and that's that's a space where most people realize that their habitual practices do not make them move their eyes in all directions okay, so lack of activation so something that we can fix quite easily our fourth skill peripheral vision okay, how much and how well can you see what you're not looking at one of my favorite favorite questions so peripheral vision is this right? I'm sitting here, I'm having a conversation with the four of you can I see the rest of the room as I'm looking at you? Can I see the ceiling? Can I see the floor? How far out here can I see? Because guess what when people get under stress this is what happens there being the lose peripheral vision, in fact, in sports vision therapy of the four skills that we're talking about ah lot of physicians who specialized set in sports vision are now saying of the four basic skill categories that peripheral vision or personal awareness is we also like to call it may be the most important one because think about this if I'm here and I have poor awareness of my feet and the floor meaning, you know, I can really only see maybe I can only see out there, and I can't notice the floor here. Could that impact on my balance? Could that impact on my safety while walking? Could I trip on things more regularly? So this is a really, really, really big deal, and I'm actually to give you an exercise to help work on it on I'll talk more about that because there is some there's, some debate, like can you actually improve your peripheral vision because of the the types of cells that are involved in the point that always make is you may not be able to improve your vision, but you can absolutely improve your awareness by focusing on what can I see? All right, so we'll give you some exercises around that, so yes, sir quick question, eric, please. Nicky see asked, is wearing contacts better than wearing glasses? Question mark and should we do the exercises with or without our glasses and or our contacts? Fantastic question we're gonna get to that segment three perfect coming really, really important. Really important question. All right, I'm gonna stay with the brain? Yes. Okay, stay in the brain. All right, so we said neural plasticity do you remember what that is? Benny brains? We have many brains. They're ten commandments to take advantage of bendy brains. All right, this this is that these are the ten. All right, I'm gonna go through them really quickly. I mean, talk about what they mean because like I said, if you walk away from this program with nothing mohr then what's in this segment in an understanding of how to better direct your brain development. I'll be happy like, literally if you never took a vision exercise and did it. But instead you apply this to improving at your job, improving at sports, improving our relationship. That's, that's really the key here I want you to start realizing you have more control than you think about how your brains eventually going to end up. All right, so these are the ten basic commandments of bendy brains number one use it or lose it. We already talked about that if there's something that's important to you, you have to challenge yourself with some level of regularity. If you don't lose your memory, what do you need to do? Memorize, memorize stuff you need to challenge it, okay, so the brain functions on the use it or lose it basis, getting a lot of complicated information, but I'm going to run out of time if I don't go so stick without one number to use it and improve it now that one's really key because here's, what I want you to understand, I'm talking about neural plasticity like it's the best thing in the world it's not it just is neural plasticity can be the best thing ever. It can also be what the worst thing ever? Because if you don't consciously choose how you want to change your brain or you adopt a habit that is unhealthy, guess what? You will get better at that habit if you practice it. So plasticity is not like that it's not this panacea of hay is going to fix everything. This is just I'm just explaining to you how the brain works, so if you have ever stopped exercising, you are practicing, not exercising, you were getting better at not exercising, I do a lot of people with chronic pain, people that have had necker near ankle or whatever and one of the things that we spent a lot of time on early on as I tried to break that pain cycle because what I want them to understand is that they actually are practicing and improving at being in pain. You're changing brain structure to make it easier for that angle too hurt. So we have to realize that we have we want to direct plasticity. We don't have this stuff happening by chance, so we have use it and lose it, use it and improve it. Number three specificity matters now, specificity is a really simple idea, but if you want to improve distance, vision gets what you at some point I'm gonna have to yeah, practice looking stuff in the distance, right? Your brain is super sharp and it will do a little bit of generalization, but for the most part, we get better at exactly what we practice. And so our vision exercises need tohave us reading close reading far making our lives work together so the wide variety of different drills in the program are designed with this in mind. Okay, so specificity matters number four repetition, repetition, repetition. You don't change thoughts don't become structure instantaneously now that said, with a little bit of there are some examples where maybe it does. Like big traumas, but for the most part we've got to get some reps in the goal, in my opinion of all fitness and health and everything else has to do is few wraps it's possible to get the biggest result possible? All right, but we have to we do have to realize that if you want to change the brain, the more you do the fast for the change ok, number five intensity really matters and this is going to be kind of the key point for this little section. How many guys go to the gym? I've gone to the gym before and you start exercising what you find is your brain wandering off? Yeah, yeah here's sorry from drinking, taking drink coffee, but I have gotta have those hands for this one. I have been in hundreds, if not thousands of gyms around the world, and I am fascinated by the fact that over the last two decades we have tried to make it so apparently exercises so bad that we've tried to make it possibly be distracted at every possible opportunity, right? I walk in and go to the cardio section of almost any gym and you got all the treadmills in the bike's whenever lined up ellipticals and what's in front of him television and a book stand and a place to plug their your phones in and I'm like if you exercise suck so bad that you have to watch tv while listening to a book on tape while reading a different book to be distracted enough to engage in it you probably shouldn't be doing it it just it's it's crazy to me and one of the reasons it is crazy to me is what you're actually training yourself to do is to think that exercise is so bad that I need to be distracted and to disengage from your body in the process so one of the things that we try and get people to do in the zeal system is that we find something we want to do we want you to enjoy it so that you actually be there mentally because when you're there mentally your brain changes more quickly so whenever we do these these eye exercises when you begin practicing at home if you want to change your brain most readily you want to be there you want to be president and you want to make them hard enough that you have to pay attention all right? We'll talk about that a little bit more another slide alright number six time matters meaning brains change with repeated exposure so it will take a little bit of time so as we go through you'll go through these two days what's going typically happen is you'll get some vision improvement when you first start doing the exercises but to make it stick you know it's going to take a few weeks all right you'll get cem cem immediate benefit now some people will do a few exercises and it will be done like they will actually improve and it will stick other people depending on the level of brain activation they may need several weeks of practice. All right, number seven this is a weird word but in brain science gets used a lot say aliens salience basically means isn't important to me or not so your brain changes mohr quickly and more readily and for longer periods when it's important to you when it's salient um that's why I spent the first hour and a half talking about the ramifications of poor vision I want this to be important to you that clear? Okay, number eight age matters now notice I put a little sign there does it of all the supposed rules in the row plasticity this is the one that I'm least convinced about I mean there's still some debate but obviously when we start talking about overpopulation in one of the reasons that their brain may not change quite a cz quickly is a younger person may have nothing to do with the brain may have everything to do with their circulation and their breathing in the fuel inactive stemming sense all the stuff we've already talked about so the main thing that I want you to take away from this is if you're older, you may have to do more reps. You may have to spend a little bit more time with your breathing. You managed to do some of the things to fuel the brain to improve the outcome. Um, number nine transference happens. That basically means that when we do one vision drill, we may get some benefit with some other vision drills, right? So there is some transfer, although ultimately we have to hit all the different skills because specificity comes up number ten interference occurs, uh, that's kind of that's more on the sports science side of things, and I don't want to spend a bunch of time on that. But how many guys have ever watched, like a baseball player swing a heavy bat? What we're learning is that may not be such a great idea because it's, you gotta light bat in a heavy bat and your brain has to use two different motor programs, teo, to actually work that so whenever we do sports stuff, we try to not we try not to overlap too intensely the load. Okay, so those are the ten basic rules, ten commandments of bendy brains and the practice because we'll talk a lot about how to practice better in day to all the practice elements of this system are designed with this in mind. How to help you get the most out of it most quickly did you have another question show up or you can keep going your choice people wanted just a little bit more inspects it specifically specificity yes number three number three that's a tough word um okay, so probably the easiest way the easiest way to describe this um we we go back to our four basic skills all right? And I'm going to use a sports example I'm an athlete have been my whole life I've played a couple different sports that really high level all the sports were ball sports. So is a baseball player tennis player onda at some point I was playing where people are hitting stuff over one hundred hundred twenty miles an hour that's pretty fast. All right, so I was pretty good at being able to track a ball, follow it and had a stroke as I've moved on in my life I've transitioned to different sports I play volleyball who said volleyball yeah love the game but most interestingly, most of our our office staff in arizona actually plays ultimate frisbee. Now I'd never played ultimate frisbee before go out start playing with these guys and I'm used to running really fast in relationship to how people move alright but again thinking about a ball right so if I see someone move really fast my brain automatically went it makes an interpretation like that fat fast our motion means the ball's going to travel at the speed and I need to get there well guess what? Frisbee doesn't travel nearly as fast as a ball and so my brain was trained a watch very specifically my opponents or teammates body motion and to move according to that so going into a new sport where the object travels a lot with a lot less speed changed everything it was actually really confusing to me, so the point that I'm trying to make is that specificity whenever we're doing vision drills, we're going to do drills within all four basic visual categories okay? Because we want to make sure that we're working on a visual clarity up close and at distance we're working on our peripheral awareness so if you have something specific let's say you spend a ton of time with computer guess what, you're already practicing a lot you're doing a lot of great close up work, right? You're near focuses probably awesome. So it won't understand is that if I'm spending eight, ten hours a day doing very specific close up work in this training program do you need to do I think I need to spend a bunch of time they're probably not going to work on my distance vision so part of this program is identifying your weakness in the begining to address that in a very specific manner okay good enough. Any other questions from you guys? No all right, I have to go just a little bit further with all this brain stuff and then we'll be getting prepped for our third segment will start doing test on exercises so this is what I was talking about before plasticity is the rule not the exception all right, plasticity is the rule not the exception and yes, I have a few goofy slides in here I apologize just those are for me they're really not for you just made me laugh so the whole idea here is exactly what I said which is your brain is changing right now how you're standing, how your breathing what you're thinking you're getting better at that is the strange part about the human brain in the human condition and this has been one of the biggest challenges I think personally in learning about neural plasticity because it is attached to it is a huge amount of responsibility to decide what I want the side who I want to become um and so if you could just remember this that your current life practices you're getting better at there may be things that you really love about that there may be things that you wanna rethink like what am I what am I improving at one of the jokes always make about this is the you know, people in your life that haven't enormously developed capacity to find bad stuff in any situation yeah, right, like they could walk into a resort, you know, be met with palm fronds and grapes that appealed in everything and they would complain about how fast they were waving the palm they had us in north like they have actually trained themselves through repetition and practice to find bad stuff, and so when you understand it from a brain science perspective, in my opinion there is a lot of responsibility attached, the eventual outcomes who am I going to become? Well, a lot of that's going to driven by how I choose to focus, so when you practice these eye exercises and everything else we're talking about, well, tomorrow we'll discuss more how to get the most out of them. But for today I realize that you're embarking on this path because not only going to change your eyes could change your body in the process, so we're gonna learn how to run your brain a little bit better. Okay, so, uh this another strange concept, but this one's important to me this is probably way more technical detail than you'll ever want, but I want to talk about what this means, all right? The term is meta plasticity now meta equals the plasticity of plasticity, so how bendy is your bendy nous? That makes sense why this is important to me is that there is a lot of research that's beginning to show that if we activate our brains if we fuel our brains and we challenge our brains over the course of our lifetime if something bad happens to us if we're car in our car accident we have a head injury people that have challenged their brains previously and strengthen their ability to learn recover more quickly so there is actually a process by which our brains learn toe learn and so this is exciting to me because I want to get smarter and smarter and smarter and more capable as I age and as I said um there's even showing up in things like alzheimer's disease that the more we focus on improving the brain improving function throughout the life span the more resistant we are two degenerative process is that's that's one of the reasons I think just good basic vision exercises movement exercises breathing exercises can be so profound over time ok any questions about that as a concept so just think about this you khun you can make your brain healthier and as a result make your brain mohr inger resistant awesome I think that's really cool I mean to me this is this is exciting life changing it's off all right we already talked about this idea that neurons must be acted to be plastic um and that is one of the reasons we're going to all these different exercises we have to activate the parts of your brain that control side to side movement of your eyes up and down movement of your eyes that I got movement of your eyes circles all those different things, we have to activate them individually, that's that whole specificity thing, but when we do that, we get a widespread benefit. All right, now, another thing to write down if you guys are prepping to start to get into the exercises, we're going talk about two different types of drills throughout this program on the two different types of drills one, they're going to be called high performance drills and other called rehab drills now ah, high performance drills basically, this we're going to a couple of test with your eyes and then going to an exercise, and if it improves your test meaning, hey, I was able to read, ah, different fives letter awesome, because if you get an immediate improvement from an exercise that falls into your high performance category, everyone clear on that you then have the rehab drills guess what the rehab drills are, they're the hard ones, they're the ones that you don't get some kind of immediate benefit from, like a man, this was just really challenging and it's not changing my my visual function of my body, nothing that I teaching this class is something that you could just go well, I don't really need to be able to do that. So if there are exercises that we do that you don't get an immediate benefit from going to note those on your paper that's one of my rehab drills now, why that's really important is this is what we're figuring out about the brain is that the timing of inputs can be super critical, so let's say, I have my exercise let's say it was one the first ones that we did, where I'm actually tracking out to the left and that's really hard for me, it may be that if I have another exercise and I'm good at, we're going to an exercise later kind of pencil push up. It may be that when you do this pencil push up, you go back to this it's easy, they won't follow that. So the whole idea is that we're going to try and find a couple of drills that really help you, that you'll do before you do your rehab drills, because when we do it that way, we very often can dramatically improve the rehab drills much more quickly is some of this as similar as, you know, stretching before you go on a run, you gotta limber it up because I've never used these muscles in my life like that, so, yeah, it is exactly that. Okay. All right. So, like I said from a brain perspective, we just know that how fast we give you input can really make a big difference. Okay, difficulty. Um, this is really again another super important concept. When you get the power point, you can read through this stuff. This guy, dr climb fantastic gentleman. Arizona state university. One of the leading researchers right now in rehabilitation and neural plasticity. And one of the things that he constantly talks about is that you have to individualize your training programs because what you need may be very different than what you need. What we have to do is find the appropriate difficulty. All right? If your eyes are really good, if I give you gentle exercises that are non challenging, guess what? Your brain goes to sleep? It's like I don't need this. If I give that same set of exercises to someone, who's really compromised. It may wipe him out. So we try really, really hard to help ourselves and our students figure out how hard you need to be training. And this applies across the board to physical training to mental training division training, so at the last sentence all this speaks to the importance of individualizing treatment in this context cause he's writing teo physicians everyone cool with that so you have to build your own program the last segment tomorrow we're going to talk about how to put all this together and build your own training program all right but the point is you gotta adapt it for yourself said you're getting the biggest benefit from it okay how about a quick question from the chat rooms okay, so this question comes from sherrie johnson and she said hi I'm a strength and conditioning coach with the u s ski team applications for our athletes are tremendous will you be covering any considerations for period izing this training with other types of training sometimes fatigue will cause initial reductions and performance early on should we use caution in timing this relative to competition? Absolutely um that's a really, really important question that's a very specific questions so I would encourage her if she's listening to email our office so we can talk to our more specifically great but yeah if you are working with high level athletes when you first begin doing vision training this can be fatiguing and so if you have someone that's coming up into a competition you have to do a really low dosage if you will the exercises make sure they're responding well before tryingto actually incorporated into a a pre competition program so generally with a lot of our athletes, if I'm if it's someone midseason are in season, we give them really, really small ah little tasters with the exercises and we do more offseason work, but she has very specific questions just email the office, talk to her more about it fantastic, thank you so much, dr cobb and I know that we're all also going to talk a little bit more about as we go through these two days you know how often and when so we know we're also getting to that yes, we're going to be getting into your frequency because that some of the stuff that comes up with a round around brain training how often we already talked about that time matter of repetition matters. So one of the things you want to start to think about as we get into the exercises is how quickly can you get through them and where could you see fitting them into the day? All right, so, um, do you have any other questions currently? All right, so what I want to do, we're going to take a we're going to start moving into some of the base level assessments were going to start off with just a couple on, then we'll really dive into it in the next segment, could we just have a couple minutes left so you guys have some charts sitting in front of and what a life he to do actually gonna come up and grab one of these because I want you to see I want you to pull out this little sheet right here which is called the multi size font chart all right multi size font find it here I'm gonna be bringing back teo so thank you with a multi size font chart this is one of my favorite little devices it's a really easy initial testing device okay, so I want you to do is just start with the largest font and just work your way down by number I'm gonna have you guys all keep your glasses on for now and they're going to repeat the same exercise in just a moment with your glasses off I'm going to keep one should keep track all right? So just read down and I want you to find the font size that is actually the smallest that you can make out clearly just regular distance from our regular distance yep and then this is very exciting for people watching watching you guys read I'm gonna question while they're certain you're doing that you should be getting close to done yeah okay um so I was going to bring this up I've been thinking about this one and mary and also asked this question I worked for a video game company for twelve years video games good bad can they help her? Um they're mixed bag okay, alright. Depends on how much time you spend with them. There is some research that shows that when kids play video games, it actually improves their visual processing speed. So video game uh, play can't actually improve a couple of the visual skills that we talked about. But then if you spend too much time with it depending on the distance etcetera, it can also harm other skills. So it becomes a matter of how much of it should be a c staple of your diet. Okay, yeah, on and then, you know, there's a brother like you said it's really? A mixed bag, the military's using video games for training there's a lot of things that show that we can actually get some benefit from it, but I try to keep trying. Keep the number of hours spent relatively little. Ok, so ten a day it's jin jin that's about it much. Okay. Thank you. All right, so quick question. What was the smallest line that you could read for? Four came with glasses on three, three glasses on for four that's actually pretty good. Taking glasses off anything bigger, this's great, same distance, same distance. See what we get yeah, this is always interesting for people when they first start doing these assessments to go wow because the differences could be quite dramatic but you're eighteen eighteen okay, so from three to eighteen eighteen nothing can't read any of you read any of it at any distance so I can put a closer okay go and get a little closer yeah always believe number thirty six thirty six awesome right there I knew fourteen at the same distance and if I bring in like here I could do ten okay, awesome. Now that's gonna be a little first assessment now what I want to do in this little section were to start off I want to leave her glasses off for a moment he'll see me okay, I know you're there sometimes yeah big blob of here we're going to do is we're gonna actually play with your brain just a little bit all right? I want to see what we can generate in just about two minutes of work so here's what you're gonna do you gonna take that same uh, page and you're gonna find the line that you can read you're gonna pick one letter on that line okay, so not a word but a letter. Once you have that letter what I want you to do is you're gonna bring the sheet closer to you until he gets fuzzy and they're going to push it further away until it gets fuzzy does that make sense so you should go blur clear blur clear blur and I just want you to go back and forth right your eyes would probably get a little bit fatigued as you do that it's doing great sit up nice and tall keep breathing as you do it should we be going slightly cross eyed and you bring it in really close yes, that will happen. Okay it's really hard to focus yeah that's fine that's a perfectly going out once no, just keep going in and out for about another thirty seconds or so. One of the things we're going to talk about is that really to create change in the brain it has to be challenged and so it is ok for these letters to get blurry we want them to get blurry because what happens is that when the eyes when the brain perceives it is blurry, it actually will start teo increase its activity in order to try toe un blur it okay, so you may be working in a really small range you may be working in a bigger range doesn't matter make sure you're doing it that you're not holding your breath that here backs not getting tight you're not starting to sweat seriously was making me clam up you're gonna study all clammy and relax okay, just put that sheet down for second relax your eyes, relax your body okay? Okay with that crack cranks my absolutely yeah and that that sweaty palms clam penis that's actually not uncommon because when you start making the eyes work it could be really alarming um to the brain so we have to keep things in a low key now grab the sheet again go back to the same letter that you are the same line you were reading the way you're reading it before tell me if it's a little clear much can you go with lower line? Yes. Good. When you guys finding I could go down from eighteen? Teo fifteen eighteen fifteen hello did you go? I got down to eight from well already were fourteen right? Originally was fourteen fourteen eight did you get any change? Eighteen if I you know from thirty two's your fuzzy but yeah. Okay. So how long did that take? Yeah, two minutes about a minute minute and a half so you just kind of got your first experience of a little bit of ah vision exercise. But what you really got experience of was the fact that if we challenge your brain and we do it in a way that's consistent you can actually begin to create change now what, that that whole process that you just went through is called blur adaptation it's from a lot of people when we first started doing it it's not a sticky as we would like because it hasn't had time to become a new brain structure yet I sense that you mean that we retain it wouldn't right retain it, but the fact that it can happen it happened that fast is incredibly important to me here's why? Because I know that if you can do that little drill and you go from fourteen, two and eight or whatever in a minute without your glasses on what is that telling your brain about possibilities it's kind of starting to expand your thinking process to go wow, maybe I could change there's hope there's hope this is the same way that I handle pain in the human body someone comes to me and go you know what? I've had ankle pain for twenty years the entire training session literally and I will tell them this up front you could always ask him what causes the pain and they go well when I do this or I run or whatever it hurts I say our single goal for this session is one pain free repetition I want your brain to understand that it can be pain free and we do whatever we need to do eyes intern year stuff with a joint's intend one pain free rep is the starting point so being able to do this little exercise get a change that fast is the starting point because now your brain's starting to go things are not as fixed as I thought they were all right, so every vision exercise that we do we're going to test we're going to assess and then over time as we do repetition weaken trusted our brain's gonna learn that so in them in a literature and this is just for the people listening that are really sci fi geeks like me it's called blur adaptation and perceptual learning and this is really what we think is beginning to happen we look at the neurology of vision training in the improvements that come it can come from it all right guys good with that you have any questions? Their adaptation what was the other term perceptual learning okay yeah perceptual learning so questions about the first little exercise our first test but it surprised you would you recommend that you uh keep it to a length like a minute until maybe you get more comfortable where you're not feeling kind of dizzy as it gets closer we're gonna start the awareness sorry we're to start the assessments and drills in the next segment that's what I'm talking about howto make all this work because your your experience was not uncommon eyes can be really sensitive and when you first start training them it can get that that fight or flight nervous system kind of amped up and you can get sweaty, intense and everything and we don't want that we want to keep things at a at an appropriate level of difficulty but not too difficult but the fact that you got a good result in about thirty seconds I'd be happy with that weii we just start there the fact that I didn't get any of that clammy senses that then we'll probably make you work harder that means I wasn't challenging myself enough correct so for you we would increase the speed or there's just a lot of different things that won't go through okay any other questions jimmy we have any before we wrap up this segment I think I think we're good I think we're good I think we got a lot of the questions again coming in have been about specific situations but not directly related to that particular exercise but people are excited to seymour exercises because that was amazing I mean the results were instant yeah and that's that's one of the fun things about this approach is that um whenever we talk to the brain the right way when we stimulate it the right way you typically khun see really dramatic changes very very quickly so obviously showing you stuff like that over the arrest to the day on dh then we'll be accumulating a bunch of different drills and assessments as we go through but we've done the really I think the important stuff so far this morning we talked about the consequences hopefully I've made it important to you and now hopeful have also shown you that your brain has the capacity to change and that's, actually, what it's going to do one way or the other? So, based on everything we talked about, remember that if you ignore your vision and you continue down your habitual path, then you will be exactly what everyone predicts. You will see that progressive, inevitable deterioration. But whenever we understand that it's all brain dry, brain driven brain derives, thinking beings offers a lot more options in our lives.
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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