The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
Lesson 4 from: Drawing with Illustrator: Color and TextureStewart Scott-Curran

The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
Lesson 4 from: Drawing with Illustrator: Color and TextureStewart Scott-Curran
Lesson Info
4. The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
Intro to Color & Texture
10:34 2Setting Up for Color & Basic Tools in Illustrator
06:35 3Efficiency of Workflow & Prepping for Live Painting
11:04 4The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
11:05 5Creating a Color Palette in Illustrator
11:08 6Creating Dimension with Gradients in Illustrator
11:21 7Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
14:11 8Compound Paths in Illustrator
06:50Lesson Info
The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
Okay. Now, what I'm gonna do is that is pretty much as ready to start life pain. OK, I can see how we've simplified all of these elements. Yeah, there's there's there's a couple here. There are still, uh, some elements that were still poking through. It's no big deal if I wanted to be, like, super or CIA Bussi de about it, Which I can be sometimes, like, Maybe, um, we'll go in there and fix that. But I'm just gonna receive this. I'm just gonna amend the fail name, like, ready for color Wherever. As you wanna. You wanna call it? Okay. No, that's basically ready to go. OK, so I remember all of these little elements. They're still there. We've just had them, you know, We've just meet them invisible for the moment. We're gonna bring those bags later. But this is where we're going to start toe like ads. Um, other color. So, you know, if we just draw a box, we can select a color for that. We can change that color, but how do we do that? For a pretty complicated shape, you know, like for the ...
shape of the sky, for example, like we could go through and we could draw a shape which snaps to all of these points and then send it to the bag and then fill the and that's gonna take quite a long time. So the life paint bucket, um, is really useful. Okay, so here's what we're gonna dio we're gonna have this group selection to We're going to click and drag across the whole idea of the illustration. Okay? Everything selected. What need to do is just unlock that Italy the border. Okay, that's everything selected. Everything's ACLU's group. The lanes are tape, and we've hadn't all that the extra information that we don't need. Okay, What we're gonna do is I'm gonna zoom in a little bit so we can see what we're doing, and we're gonna click our life pain and bucket. Okay? No, what we want to do here is we are going Teoh, select a fell color that we're gonna fill these areas and doesn't matter. Water is OK, but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip those around. I don't really wanna stroll corner. I just wanted to have a solid fell. It doesn't matter. Like a see what color is so see, we pick a saying. Okay, I know. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click Put all of these sections there. You see what happens? Like as you hover over a closed group. Were these lanes intersect with each other? Telestrator does all the heavy left and four is it can recognize there's a close group here, and when we click, it's gonna fill that. Okay, So I can go through and I can, like, individually, click on all those areas, making sure that everything's feld. It doesn't matter if you go back, you click on another again is not gonna double fill it. Okay, A nice korean ah, focal of Phil shape, which is going to set perfectly behind all of these lanes. Okay, we can speed up if I click and hold and drag. You can see I can select multiple areas at once, right? And it's almost like painting. And these it is okay, so you can see how all of those are getting selected. And I just want to make sure that capturing as many of these as possible you can see like we're the old one is you know, Okay. When a release. They're all filled right again. I can do that here with these sections. I'm just like Peyton was in again. I could, like, individually click, but this is the way we quicker. Okay. Lets go across those trees would go everything there, you know? I think so. Okay. This is where it gets a little bit, a little bit tricky because there's a lot of sections and these in these hoses. Okay, so we're going to go through. It's entirely possible that we make mess. We may miss the old section. It's no big deal. We can always come back. Click. So it's almost like paint are with a brush going through and just, like, filling and all of these individual elements So you can see how quickly we can stop for all of these in. And when I release, we're gonna be filled in blue, and we're gonna be able to see if we've missed any sports. Okay, lets try and finish up one save. See how it looks. Imagine if you had to go in and like, draw individual shapes. Two x obtained all of these. I mean, that would take forever, right? So I think we just missed one there. Couple of sports here. I was going to capture these little sports in the bomb. Now we can go over these again. It's gonna snow causes any problems. The window panes? No, this just gives us a lot of control. When it comes to color in these individual elements, we can't necessarily tail. You can tell a little bit with experience how much detail you're gonna need. But with any given color palette, it's always going to rely a little bit on. Um, it just kind of like a head miss. You know, we're going to try something. We're gonna try and fill it is with color. Uh, some of them will work some of the warrant, so we wouldn't have a little bit of flexibility and the ability Teoh change some of the words like after the fact. Okay, so I think that is pretty much I think we've captured pretty much everything now, Okay. No, What we do is we will get our selection to I'm gonna zoom over just a little bit, so as we can see it. So there everything is filled. No, that's still alive on active life, Pink Group and we can tell that by the little nodes. One to say. There. See, we can tell that as an active life pain group. So if we wanted, we could save a version, we could copy and paste that we could keep it live. What we're gonna do is we're never gonna break this fell apart, and then you can see here the o set, you know, behind each other. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to select entirely plain life Pain group. I'm gonna go into my object menu, and I'm gonna expand. Okay, I'm gonna make sure all of these are selected. I'm gonna have Okay. And what that does is the breaks that live life pain group apart. Okay, so, no, if I zoom in, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna goto wire frame view, which is up a why? So you can see it still looks like super tape. Right? But what it does is that it has filled in like, every individual section. So if I hate those lanes, you be able to see, you know, you can see how those individual sections have been broken out. Okay? Everything's like super Tate. There's no lake weight space sitting behind, You know, everything is, like, ready to go. And hopefully these are all individual stations. So no, what I'm gonna do? Remember, we had all of those lanes that we don't need to use. We're gonna go into object. I'm gonna Sure. Okay. No, you can see in the life Ping group the wire frame group that they're all there. OK, problem is that ever fail. It's sitting in front of some other was okay? No, I could go through again and select all of those areas on blue. That's obviously going take a longtime Ella street or can help us with some of that heavy lifting. So what I can do is go into the select menu we can go into seem, and then we have some options. Okay? So we can select everything with the same stroke color, everything with the same fell color. Everything with seem appears on this and this incidents were gonna select same fell color and that select everything with that cyan blue. And what I'm gonna do is I'm good at Cut that out. Apple X. I'm gonna piece that. And we were a piece. That and I'm gonna make sure I pasted to the back. Okay, so that is Appleby. Okay. And there was everything pasted to the back, but yeah, As you can see, I can select those individual elements. Call them up independently. Okay. And that is who we're going to start thinking about bringing some dimensionality, um, color some of those elements of differently. With different levels of contrast, the Canelo is to bring some nice depth into into the illustration.
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Ratings and Reviews
This is one of my favorite classes ever! I watched Stewart's first class on Drawing with Illustrator and loved this second part on working with color and texture. As soon as I saw the artwork he created for his classes, I knew I had to take them...his artwork resonated so strongly with me, I HAD to learn how he did it...I learned so much from this course...I work mostly in Photoshop, and work with gradients more than half the time, and had no idea I could do so much more with gradients in Illustrator. Stewart did a wonderful job of explaining each tool and setting he used, and I loved how he explained his creative process as he worked through each step...I'm excited to put to use all that I've learned...I highly recommend this course!
Robert Mathas
This is my first real project in Illustrator, having taken a different Creative Live bootcamp and then Stewart's classes. Yes, as some commented, some of it is slow and repetitive. However, I liked the the idea that it was a simple enough drawing that I could customize and eventually finish. I learned most from the mistakes I made, not exactly following Stewart's directions, and having to figure out how to fix them. I was pretty happy with my final result. Interesting enough, watching a lot of TV during Covid, I actually saw a commercial (can't remember what...maybe medical center or health group) of a white outline city and rounded trees and clouds so I was able to see this technique in the real world. :)
This was such an amazing class! The instructor did not move too fast and was very specific and clear throughout. I learned so much and would recommend it to anyone.
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