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Disciplined Daydreaming

Lesson 12 from: Discovering Your Creative Voice

Chris Orwig

Disciplined Daydreaming

Lesson 12 from: Discovering Your Creative Voice

Chris Orwig

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12. Disciplined Daydreaming

Lesson Info

Disciplined Daydreaming

I was talking with a friend the other day who had just come back from Italy, and he was so excited about his trip. And one of the things that he said to me is, "The light in Italy and Tuscany is absolutely divine." Why is it that we tend to think that? Well, the light actually... It isn't different than anywhere else. It's just that when you travel, when you get out of your own space, you notice it with new eyes. When you're at home, wherever that is, you tend to be like this. When you're on vacation in a far-off land, your eyes are wide. It's almost like you're dreaming while you're awake. I love how Edgar Allan Poe put it. He said, "Those who dream by day, "they are cognizant of things which escape those "who only dream by night." You know, daydreaming, I think, gets a bad rap. Okay, that person's daydreaming, their head's in the clouds. But there's something about being able to dream while you're awake which opens our eyes up to being able to see new things and also to be able to cr...

eate in a unique way. I've shared with you that idea that Cervantes shared, that "too much sanity may be madness, "and the maddest of all is to see life as it is, not as it should be." So how do we adopt that as a mindset ourselves? One of the ways that one of my old professors at UCSV does this is he takes disciplined daydreaming walks every day. And this guy has devoted his life to this idea of how we become more creative. And what he's discovered is that when we do these things where we aren't exerting too much effort but where we allow our mind to wander, often that's where the synapses connect. That's where these creative ideas come to life. So what is the actual step that you and I can take? Well, what I want you to do is to consider going on a mindful daydreaming walk. Literally, get out of wherever you are, leave your phone behind, and then just go for a walk and try to see the world with those fresh eyes that you might see while you're traveling or on vacation or in a far-off and distant land. And just let those thoughts wander. Add some openness to your process of thinking. Next, consider how you might integrate this as a regular practice into your life. Now, my old professor does it as a walk. One of the ways that I daydream is I go for bike rides. And when I tend to go for bike rides and I'm biking up a hill, it's kind of a slow process and I'm able to think in an open way. Now when I'm dropping down the hill, I have to really concentrate, so there's no daydreaming there. And so biking, for me, is a way to open up and expand the creative mind. So whatever it is for you, two things to consider. One, go for a mindful daydreaming walk. And then two, ask yourself, "How might I integrate this "into my life as a regular practice as well?"

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Discovering Your Creative Voice - Bonus Video - HD
Creative Voice Resource Guide
Ikigai Template

Ratings and Reviews

Lynda Adlington

Excellent. Would recommend this to every creative soul. Inspiring . Thank you very much Chris for this course.

Brenda Pollock Smith

Chris is an evangelist for all creatives. He facilitates expanding our creativity in very simple, practical ways. Really good stuff! Thank you Creative Live for offering this kind of soul food content.

François Morisset

Wow...we need more of Chris Orwig..His wisdom in life mix with photography is extraordinary! What a great gift I got from creativelive..that gift is Chris Orwig. thank you soo much

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