Course Introduction
05:46 2Provide Health & Safety Info Easily
05:08 3Assess Your Digital Assets
00:58 4Power Of First Impression
06:37 5Power Of The Face
15:05 6Power Of The Gaze
10:39 7Power Of Video
11:52 8Power Of Personality
17:18Lesson Info
Power Of Personality
let's go into personality, which is so fun. So personalities are really fun topic because the research is extremely robust in this area. So I am not going to go really deep into the personality science. I'm just going to talk about the stuff that's relevant for your digital brand. This centers around something that's called the five factor model. So the five factor model has found that every human being has five basic aspects of their personality. They are extra version, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism that no matter where you're from, who you are, what your gender is, what your religion is. These are the five areas that everyone has and you are either high or low. So you're either a high extroverts or a love extrovert. Hi and open, low and open. And when you look at people's personality, you can oftentimes predict their behavior based on where they fall on this five factor model scale. So one of the most powerful things that I have found, and I work with a l...
ot of agencies and corporations on their digital branding is incorporating personality science into their digital branding. Most people, most branding agencies and companies. When I work with companies on their branding, they follow the golden rule how many of you know the golden roll treat others as you would treat yourself lovely roll, love it, wonderful way to interact in the world. But I personally believe that a better way to interact is the platinum role. The platinum Rule treat others as they would treat themselves. Really good brands. Really powerful people profiles that really speak to people, they interact with the Platinum Rule, they interact how other people would like to be treated and not how they would like to be treated. So my question is with digital branding and this is a big one, this is one that I have to really sell a lot of my clients on is can we brand for personality types? Can we actually speak to personality when we're talking about products and pictures and videos and campaigns and our digital assets? I think yes, and the reason for this is because we already do it, we already look at personality, but we're just not aware of it. So fascinating research by Simon Busier studied, could we read someone's personality from their profile, that's what she wanted to know what she found was, is that, yes, not only can we read someone's personality from their profile, but we're actually extremely accurate at guessing someone's extroversion and agreeableness. So when you pull up your facebook profile or I should say when when your crush or your business partner or potential client pulls up your linked in profile picture or your dating profile, they can almost instantly guess how extroverted or introverted you are and how agreeable you are. We're going to talk about each of these five characteristics in the second we're pretty good at conscientiousness and openness and we're not very good at neuroticism. So let me explain what these are and what I'm going to give you is a link at the end of this section where you can actually analyze your profiles. This is a really cool tool that will look at the words you use in your profile, look at the pictures you post, look at how many friends you have and it will tell you how extroverted you are, how agreeable you are, how conscientious you are, how neurotic you are, how open you are based on what you put in your profile. So now let me just be clear here. Anyone can fake a profile, but I think it's extremely important. I asked you that question, what are the three words that describe your profile right now? This is a very accurate way to test if you were correct based on what's on your current profile. Picture profile in your profile activity. This is how people would perceive you. So here's mine. It picked five words for me. Inventive, restless, very true, efficient, outgoing and friendly and it's got all of mine, right. So luckily my profile is pretty accurate with who I actually am, very open, love trying new things. Extroverted, kind of in the middle. I'm actually not as expert. Most people think I'm only partially agreeable. My husband knows, um pretty conscientious and I'm very neurotic. I'm very much a warrior. So here is actually what it will let you do, it will let you compare yourself other people. So this is me compared to my husband. So it over laid his profile with mine were actually opposites in a lot of ways. He balances me out and I balance him out. He's a lot less extroverted. Um He's thank goodness a lot less neurotic. That would be bad. Um And so it overlays the two of us are profiles on top of each other. So you can actually compare yourself with your friends, compare yourself with your friends. You also see who your most similar to. Before I give you that link, let me explain what each area is because it's not very helpful for you unless you know what it is. The 1st 1 is openness originality. So openness. People who are high and open. I want you to kind of put down your pen for a second and think about does this sound like me as I go through these explanations, tell me if it feels like it sounds like you. So people who are high in open, they are called explorers. They love in digital areas. They love things called easter eggs. Easter eggs are when you hide things in your websites, like little treasures and presents. For example, on our website, science of people. I'm very high open and I like to encourage curiosity. I love people who are like to be creative and play. So I actually have hidden links and videos all over my website where people click on those random links, they will get a joke video or a surprise video or a picture of a puppy. Um, so high open. People love those things if I just said that and that was like, you were like, oh, I want to go find them. You're probably high open. If I just said that you were like how irritating you're probably not high open. Um, so high openers also, they are very creative. They love games. Low opens are called preservers. They love ritual habit and tradition. They are very practical, very logical. They want specified tasks, steps and start here buttons. So I try to build my website around both. I have easter eggs for my high open people, for those of you who sound that exciting and I have specified steps and tasks like start here buttons and for my, for my low open people. So if you have a website or if you have a brand, I want you to think about who you are. So are you high open? Our low open and what kind of person do you want to attract? Who's your ideal customer? Who is your ideal date? Who is your ideal friend? Who's your ideal business partner? And build your profiles in your websites around what they themselves would like. The platinum rule science people dot com slash personality is where you can get a ton more links on this. So if you're curious about all those links, you're welcome to the personality, we also have an official test. So it's people are decently accurate I guess in their own personality. But I would really prefer if you took the official test, it's free. So it on our website, CNN dot com slash personality. You can take the official personality test um, to figure out exactly if you're high or low or somewhere in the middle and you can be somewhere in the middle of a little bit more rare, but you can be in the middle. Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is how you approach plans, details, schedules. People who are high in conscientiousness are focused, They love details. They like steps, they like a lot of transparency and predictability. So like to know exactly what the whole process is and what they're missing, what they're getting low. People who are low and conscientiousness are more flexible. So for them they love changing volatility, They don't mind things change and they like animations and sounds and moving pieces. They don't need to have the steps um eric just asked on our forums how do you incorporate your own unique personal experience into your digital brand? So I think that that is our biggest question that is the hardest part is how do you make sure that you're incorporating who you are and also accommodating for other people? So what I like to do is as I'm going through these, I designed for my own personality. So I design uh you know, high open, I'm high conscientious. I like to have lots of steps and transparency all throughout my website and the process. But I also make sure that I have options for those who are not like me. So I make sure I engage in the platinum rule. So I make sure that for my people who love, who are flexible, they're great with change in volatility. They can participate more of my lab experience that are more experiential. So I think that it's important to know what your values are and what you need to have to respect your personality to. It feels like you doesn't feel like a corporate website or website that is too dry but you also accommodate for everyone else. Let's talk about extra version. So extra version is how you orient towards other people and relationships. People who are high in extra version are typically called an extrovert. This is the one that we're most familiar with in popular culture on digital assets. They love social proof. They want to see testimonials, they want to see other people are liking articles and pages. They like social capitals. They like to be able to say. Today I learned, I don't know if those of you who use Reddit, my favorite area of reddit is the T I. L. Today I learned section because that's where people get to share interesting tidbits and facts of what they learned in a day. So I like to provide social capital on my website. That feels good to my personal brand accountability and chatting as they love high extroverts love to also be able to chat with people. They like to be able to have accountability with friends, like to work with people like to have groups and masterminds and facebook groups because they like interact with others. People who are low on the extroverts scale, low introverts, they are much happier when they can be anonymous. They can read anonymously. They can watch anonymously. They don't have to log in anywhere anywhere. Oftentimes websites that require people to log in for people who are low extroverts that really bothers them, they don't want to have to be able to log in or submit an email to be able to read or enjoy something. They love to learn on their own or do more solos projects. And in terms of design, they much prefer white space to a lot of clutter. Another interesting point about extra version. Um, so I think that it's fascinating when we talk about personalities are personality is about 35-50% genetic and uh, the rest comes from our environment and there's a small part of our personnel that we can optimize called the Free trade theory. People who are high extroverts, genetically speaking, typically carry long forms of a specific gene. So the way that we orient towards people is not a choice. So if you like for example, there are certain things that I am just very introverted about. I work alone was the day my team is totally virtual. So we only work more doing lab experiments and I like to work sort of in my own little bubble. That is not really a choice. I have a lot of trouble working in big groups or open spaces. I get way too distracted. So people who are high extroverted, low extroverted oftentimes determined by their genes. And that's why it's so important to respect people for where they are and who they are and designed for them. Typically high extroverts Have a higher reward for risk. So this specific gene DDD four makes it so that when they take risk, they get an even bigger dopamine burst, They feel even more reward. This is one of the reasons why extroverts will say, yeah, let's go to the raid this weekend. It could be really fun because in their brain they will actually get more dopamine release than someone who is not carrying a long form of that gene who is more of an introvert. They also tend to experience positive emotions and experiences more strongly. So they have more pleasure from their pleasure. It's one of the reasons why extroverts are typically thrill seekers. Typically not always a funny fact here is that nomadic tribes carry the long form of Drd four depending on your ancestry. And I think this is because nomadic tribes are constantly looking for new places to live and having interact with new tribes and new groups of people. So they had to have a higher reward experience for new experiences because otherwise they wouldn't be nomadic and they wouldn't be able to find new food or new, better places to live. So I just thought I would bring in some of the genetic aspect of our personality, but it's very coded within us. That's how this is not like a passing passing fancy. That actually our personality is very a serious part of who we are. Let's talk about agreeableness. So this is how we orient towards ideas or uh cooperation with teamwork and people. So people who are high and agreeable, they are adapters. So they love testimonials. Team pages, community features. They're very into cooperation and working together and they're very, very good at working with people. Uh people who are low and agreements are challengers there typically a lot more analytical, they like unbiased opinions. So they don't want testimonials, they don't want community features, They want to know the facts, the hard facts. They love research. So I am a little bit lower in agreeableness. I love research. I love opinions and anil and looking at the analytics. I oftentimes people can tell me what they think about like testimonials or things but I want to see the actual results. The research. That's why I often use a lot of numbers in my research. That's what I personally like as well. So what I do is I make sure that I apply the platinum rule anti website. So I personally love research and opinion. So I have all that but I also know that I'm going to have people who are high agreeable. So I have testimonials and community features for them as well. So I can operate on the things that they value the most that matter the most to them. Last one, neuroticism, neuroticism, it gets a bad rap, but it's not all bad. I promise neuroticism is how you orient towards worry and emotional stability. So people who are high neurotics, they're called reactive. They like to have a controlled environment because they're warriors. So I am a high neurotic hi neurotics. You know, if you're high neurotic, if it takes you a long time to fall asleep at night typically that's that's a hydraulic. They're worrying in bed. They're worrying about a lot of what if scenarios they prefer to have controlled environments, stable tasks and schedules and deadlines. People who are low in neuroticism are more resilient. So they love they don't they don't worry as much. They're open to trying things doing different experiments, games and open flow kind of designs. So it's important to understand this so that you can make sure that your warriors, if you have a lot of neurotics and I'm a neurotic. I don't know if a lot of my readers neurotics actually it's interesting because in our lab obviously we ask people to take our personality tests. I'm hoping that you're going to take it as well. I love to look at and see what the profile of our reader is. Are they high neurotic or not? And then I try to design my website for more of them. So I actually don't know how many of our readers are higher, low neurotic. So I try to have both both schedules and deadlines and be really transparent everything but also have trials and games and flow. Interesting thing about high neurotics is they carry a long form of the serotonin transporter gene. So typically they have a greater response to negative events. This is why high neurotics worry is because when a bad thing happens it's worse for them. They actually have worse response to negative events. So they tend to experience negative emotions and experiences more strongly if you are a high neurotic, this is a really good thing to know about yourself. You don't have to beat yourself up on the fact that you worry. And if you are married to a high neurotic or your friends with a high neurotic or you work with a high neurotic, you have to understand that they actually do. They feel worse when bad things happen. And so having a little bit more patients with them to understand that they have a different response than you do physiologically can be really helpful with the patients with them. And also typically neurotics have higher rates of depression because they experience those negative emotions and experiences more strongly. So very quickly what I want you to look at is pull up your digital assets, pull up your profile, your website and ask yourself what does your profile say about you in terms of your personality? And the second question to that is, what do you think your users personalities are? That could be people who are reading your profile, colleagues or potential dates. What do you think their personalities are and how does that fit into how you're using these digital assets? So again, go check out your personality profile. You can uh analyze your profile at labs 0.5 dot com and give me a second to write that down. Okay, so go and analyze that. You can take a screenshot of it and tweet it to me on twitter, um, at vivant Edwards. So I can see your profile. I always think it's really cool to see people's profiles and check out who you think you're most similar to.