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Lesson 17 from: Demystifying Zoom

Pat La Morte

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17. Wrap-up

Lesson Info


wow, what a journey! There's so much in this class. I urge you to revisit chapters over and over. Think of it as a reference manual. We covered how to maximize your settings to get the most out of zoom while keeping the meetings safe for all attendees. We discussed how to leverage your backgrounds and views to expand and amplify your personal and business brand. Then we dove into the gear needed and level investment required to send the message you want your attendees to hear. We learned about how zoom rooms and phone connect the power of one platform for all your business needs while leveraging zoom events and UN's umed to hold your meetings and sessions while keeping track of attendance, amplifying your brand at the same time. And lastly we learned how to leverage the power of zoom features to host a safe, secure and collaborative session for all your classes. This class doesn't end here. I mean zoom has become a part of our everyday lives. We've all been to birthday parties and wedd...

ings, hosted social hours and learned on zoom. So visit this class over and over as needed to dive into the features that you need to utilize to make the best out of your experience and visit us often at Zoom community and Zoom Learning Center to learn more each and every day. Thank you for joining us today. Again, I'm Pat le mort from soon

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