Class Introduction
09:48 2Secrets to Share
07:37 3Purpose Drives Impact
11:34 4Know Your Role
14:30 5Purpose Platform
04:52 6Step 1: Peak Experiences
06:59 7Step 2: Identify Your Role in Your Peak Experience
07:24 8Step 3: What Instigated the Actions You Took
05:10Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Welcome to Communicate On Purpose. So, I just like to start by saying that there's nothing like hearing a leader speak from a place of purpose. It's really one of the ways that we know they're speaking from the heart and I really wanna start by why I designed this workshop and I designed this workshop because I want you to be better. I actually wanted to call this class I Want You To Be Better, but we changed it and softened it just a little bit and it's really about better now, but most importantly better in the future as I imagine you rise up in the official ranks as you gain more, not just influence, but you gain more authority because that's a particular context that I work in a lot where over and over in my coaching engagements, we find that when a leader has a sense of their own purpose and they can tie it to the purpose of their organization or the purpose of the strategy or a product deployment they're doing, it can be, the way they communicate can be so much more effective and...
when I say effective, I mean a couple of things, which we'll talk about throughout the day. So, in this class, we're gonna consider a little bit of the bigger picture. Not just like in my other class when we talked about communicating like a boss. What kind of boss moves and techniques can you take on to help you grow the impact of your communication? But instead, really, the bigger picture. Why you're doing what you're doing and what your role is in doing it and to recognize that you know, you have an impact when you communicate on purpose and when you do it on purpose, your impact can really, your impact and your wake that you leave behind you, can be a much more positive one. As a ranking leader, whether you're in that role today or you will be in the future, the expectations of your impact and how you communicate will change and we wanna go beyond, like, was that inspiring or not? Did you have, was your body language aligned to the content? Were you enthusiastic and I was clear of your intention? We wanna think bigger and recognize that as a ranking leader, you will be not just a communicator on behalf of the thing you need to say, but you will be in the position to be a culture maker. You'll be in a position to codify culture or deteriorate it with how you show up in front of your organizations or in front of your stakeholders, whoever they might be. Whether they're clients or otherwise. You're a culture maker and when you are communicating on purpose, you'll be able to navigate that role in a much more clear and controlled way. And that's really what this class is about today. When you're on purpose, you can gain the courage to speak from the heart in a way that does more than just tell the story you're there to do, but really have a greater impact overall. So, I'm so thrilled you're here. We won't be doing a lot of delivery practice today. Today is really much more about identifying a version of your purpose that you can tie to the work that you do, and my hope is that by the time you leave this course, you'll have sort of a purpose statement or what I think of as a purpose platform that you can try on for a while, you can walk around the world with and see if it's resonant for you, if it might work, see what you notice when you wear it a little bit and see if over time, you can evolve that to make it fit more closely to who you are. Now, the expectation is not at the end of a two and a half hour, three hour class that you've got the perfect purpose platform and you're, you know, you're fully manifested because this thing is very fluid, it's very you, and it's very unique to who you are and how you see the world. So we're looking for a version that we can try on and see if it works. Great. So, we're gonna talk about just three things today. One is, yes, your purpose platform and then leadership through a communications lens. So once I have a sense of what my purpose platform might be, what am I actually going to do, and then, do with it, how does it actually serve me, and then lastly, how do I thin about strategies for long-term development. This is really important to me because there's something that happens with most senior leaders that I work with and that is as they, and maybe you've noticed this yourself, as you move up in the formal ranks, it is easy to become more isolated and not necessarily because you isolate yourself, but because others who are maybe hierarchically below you, will isolate you from sometimes the things that you need to know, right? Over and over again, I've seen, you know, my role as a coach is to come work directly with a leader who needs, who has a crucial communications moment in front of them, and sometimes, because of my position, I'm empowered to speak truth to that human in a way that their team feels less empowered to do. So the hard part over time is how do you keep current with whether your purpose platform is working for you, is resonant, and strategies for that long-term development will be aimed at keeping a nice bench of people around you that feel empowered to tell you whether what you're doing is working or not. So, we talk about some of the consequences that come, maybe, from not really have a sense of what your own purpose platform might be. These are some of the things that I've seen and they're really like, when I think about them, they're really a little bit, I think of them as secrets that if you get to see into your own future a little bit, you might be able to elevate your impact a little bit. Before I do that, I wanna talk about what I'm really looking for when I think about communicating on purpose. Really, what I'm looking for is, are these three things. And maybe you've heard me say this in some of my other classes. I think I talked about it both in Communicate Like A Boss and in How To Coach a Keynote. When I'm working with someone, I'm looking for their mastery, looking for, that they're on the path to mastery. I'm looking for these three things. One is, are you speaking from the heart? Do I just sense that? That's the question I ask 'cause I'm listening to you. Do I have that sense? Is it present? And if it is, we're going to see what we wanna do with it. Amplify it, carve it into a particular shape. If I don't, that's where I'm gonna aim my attention with you. Secondly, a path to mastery, I define as, are you the captain of your own ship? Meaning is the context in which you're communicating driving you, or are you driving it, or are you co-driving with it, right? Do you have a sense of control? Not holding the steering wheel tight. We're not white knuckling anything. But do I have a sense that you are the captain of your own ship in that moment? This is particularly important when you get into roles that you may not be crafting your own content. I work with a lot of folks who, who have a day for the first time. Somebody else has built their slides. Somebody else has written their script and they don't get to see it until hours before it's their turn to talk. So, well, they don't get to meaning there's so much else on their plate. They have people that help them and they don't have access to, really, the final version until really a short time before they go on stage. Are they feeling driven by that? I've seen moments when they get a script and go, ah! This is so not me! And guess what, we're live in three. We gotta go. In other cases, in that case that script can feel like it's driving them and that shows up. In the more ideal case, no matter what they're given, they're gonna be driving it themselves. I'm looking for that all the time. Are you a captain of your own ship? And then lastly, do you have an impact on me? As I listen to you, do you have an impact on me? Either in my thinking brain or my feeling brain. So this is the place that I'm aiming for when I work with folks and I think about helping them communicate on purpose. If they're on the path to mastery, these are the three things I'm seeing and they're all sort of, there's a green light on all three of these. The other benefit of communicating on purpose is that you really, it can give you the courage and clarity you need to speak from the heart. When you're on purpose, it's so much easier, so many things are easier and we'll talk about that a little bit later, what you do with your purpose once you have it. Has it actually served you? So, purpose gives us courage and clarity more often when it matters most. And I think about communications for leaders, I think of their crucial communications moments as are we all strike point for their leadership and a strike point for the organization's culture? So, for example, if you're a brand new leader in your role and it is your first time to speak for, you know, 10 to 12 minutes in front of your organization's all hands, that is a pretty crucial 10 to 12 minutes. A lot happens in that time. I get to understand who you are, why you're here, whether I, whether I have a clue about whether I wanna trust you or not. You're reflecting, maybe, back to me the language or the culture that we're in and I mean, corporate culture that we're in. A lot can happen in that time and that in my mind is crucial communications moment that functions as a strike point for your leadership.
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