Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Hello everybody. Welcome to Communicate Like A Boss. I wrote this because I know that good communicators get invited, they get invited back, they get visibility in organizations, they get sought after, and I really... My work and my life really rotates around building and giving you tools to help access what it feels like to communicate and speak from the heart. And when you do that, you are really communicating like a boss. Whether this is like applied to moments where you stand on stage in front of a thousand people, in one-on-ones, in strategy meetings that you might be leading, no matter what, I'm gonna share with you four really simple, sometimes even embarrassingly simple, tools to help you access a feeling of communicating and speaking from the heart. We're gonna go through these today. You'll have an opportunity to get some coaching and some feedback from me, potentially even from one another as well. My hope for you today too is that you get just one thing. If you got one thin...
g you can use from this class that you can walk out the door, or if you're tuning in from home, close your machine and go back into the context of your work and deploy and start to experiment with, that's gonna be a real win for me because we can't integrate too many thousands of things into the way that we communicate and uplevel how we show up in the world, but if you choose one today that is useful and accessible to you, that's fantastic for me. There are four really simple boss moves that we're gonna cover today with one another. And you can pick all of them of course, but if you pick one, I'd like to know which one that is as you leave today. When I think about... As a communications coach and facilitator, the thing that I'm looking for all the time is whether my clients, you, are on a path to mastery because this work is really never done. We're always growing and evolving. Our voice is growing. Our roles are changing in the world. Our perspectives on things are evolving. But I'm always wanting my clients to be on the path to mastery. In a coaching session when I'm working with you, I'm really interested in knowing whether you're on the path to mastery or not by using these sort of three territories. One is that I'm always looking for, are you speaking from the heart? Can I, as your listener, as your audience, can I sense that you are speaking from the heart? However that's showing up. Whether it's through the content that you choose and how you design it, how you deliver it, how I'm noticing your listening, how you respond to my questions, do I get that sense from you, yes or no? Or maybe even kind of. And how do we amplify that? Secondly, do I see you have a sense of control in the context where you're communicating? That's not to say that you're controlling the audience or controlling the environment, you have control over anything else, but that you have a sense of control of yourself in the moment, that you can trust yourself that you'll know what to do, that you have internal resources to call on when it really matters. So do I have that sense of... Do I notice that you have a sense of control? Or in my mind, that's like, are you the captain of your own ship in that moment? And then lastly, do you have an impact on me? Are you having an impact on one another? That's another gauge around, are you on the path to mastery? And do you know what kind of impact you're having? That's a really important clue into helping you get on and stay on the path to mastery when it comes to communication. Why this really matters to me is that 20 years ago, well, 18.5 years ago, I was invited to observe a class in communication skills at... If you watch my other classes, you've heard me tell this story in a different version before. I was invited to come watch a three day class in communication skills at a big, humongous technology company. I'd heard about this kind of work through my network. It was sort of back in the day when storytelling wasn't the buzzword that it is today. I was doing this before it was cool is basically what I'm saying. (audience and Dia laughs) It was really a long while ago. I came across this through looking into the world of organizational development, organizational psychology, and learned about this thing called training and development as a function inside of an organization. I thought, "Wow! How amazing that your whole job is dedicated to growing people. That's awesome. How can I be a part of that?" Also, because I had grown up in a world actually of fitness, I wanted to work in a way that connected people's bodies to their presence because I know, I've seen how strong, how strong that connection can be. I learned about this thing called communication skills training. I went and found a company that did it. And they let me watch one of their classes as a way to decide whether I wanted to go all in or not. I sat in the backroom for three days and I observed this class. It was 18 sort of director level, VP level folks and the CFO of this organization. You can imagine in terms of power dynamics how that looked because it was a communication skills class. What do people say? Their first fear is death and their second one is public speaking? And to have to do that in front of your CFO when you're in a finance group as a director, senior director, VP, and to get live coaching in front of... It was a very charged room. What was interesting to me was the strongest transformation that I saw over the course of those three days actually happened with the CFO who was participating. It was powerful to see him stand in front of the room and go from a place of speaking from tactics and sort of very transactionally to really speaking from a place of presence and of his purpose platform and from a place that allowed us not to just understand what he was saying, but why him and what he had to share with us that was beyond the content. And also his insights and his perspective in the world. And for him... That was an impact on us. For him, he went from standing on shaky ground to standing on real solid ground by practicing actually some of the boss moves that I'm gonna share with you today. When I saw that work, it was super clear to me that this was the kind of work I would want to do in my life. Secondly, it also became very clear that this was a place where I could have a positive impact in business, to make communications more human, more heart-centered in business, so that leaders can speak from a place that is aligned both to their business strategy, or their own business strategy if their self-employed, but also aligned to who they are as human beings. This is why... I talk about this in terms of boss moves, but it is a much bigger remit to me than just how to speak more clearly. So I can't wait to share these with you because that transformation I saw in those moments really had me transfixed, and I haven't been able to look away since. So I'm super thrilled to be here with you in this way.
Ratings and Reviews
Felicia Tan
This is a super helpful class! It helped open my eyes to how to communicate better just by changing the speed and volume of how I talk, as well as paying attention to the beginning and end points. She is easy to listen to and follow, both a good teacher and speaker. I loved the exercises she did live with the audience members, and I felt a lot of their feedback was helpful too. I liked her teaching style, and I could definitely watch her for a 3 day seminar if I had to, but luckily this class is short, concise, with no fluff and very helpful.
Lorena Villegas
Dia's style of coaching is fantastic. Its not a one size fits all approach and she is skilled in relaying her feedback in a way that is incredibly constructive and supportive. Dia's energy is genuine and sincere. It's her personality and presence that kept all of us engaged and wanting to learn more.
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