Build Narrative Into Your Presentations
Kimberly MacLean, Sammy Wegent
Class Description
When you watch a movie, read a book or even listen to a song, what’s the thing that draws you in? The story. By framing what you want to express within a narrative, you help people better understand, follow and care about what you’re saying.
Infusing stories in all of your business communications—from presentations to meetings to casual interactions—will get your colleagues to really listen to what you’re saying. They’ll also enjoy listening to you and never find you boring.
This class will help you develop ways to structure, create and explore narrative. We’ll use tried and true improvisational techniques as well easy, practical and applicable tools. By the end, you’ll be able to mesmerize your audiences and have them hanging on your every word.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Connect with others through story.
- Use a story spine to craft your story, give it definition and develop mission visions.
- Explore different ways to add story to everything you present and share.
- Personalize your content so you can ease your nerves and establish deeper connections with your audience and colleagues.
- Avoid presentations that are too long or too short, rambling, overly technical, and either too high level or too complex.
- Conquer your stage fright by weaving in a familiar story so you can connect to yourself more deeply and feel a sense of calm on stage.
- Inspire and engage your audience with a great hook that’s never boring.
Class Materials
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