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4. Mixing Inks
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Mixing Inks
So you could do um you can do multiple colors if I had a really small breyer that you can get one inch prayers I could think up the leaf and then I could think of the flower in a different color um but I want to show you that hombre effect with block printing it because I think it's a really fun technique and it's pretty easy so I'm going I'm going to do that for this next one and also show you how to mix your own color too okay let's see, we've got this fuchsia color anybody have any preferences for two colors for an ombre effect? What do you think? I'd be cool I've got this like really pretty turquoise I feel like would be kind of fun and white maybe that seems kind of fun, huh? But we needed I want to show you mixing in color to maybe I'll just deep in the turquoise color or I'll make it like a little bit green greener yellow yeah, that sounds like fun ok, so I've got this turquoise and I'm going to squeeze out a little bit we've got the yellow another thing about when you start mix...
ing um different colors have different um different strengths, so if you're mixing with a dark you want like a green and you have blue and green and again I should probably like mention if you don't really know what colors mixed together, just look up a color wheel online and just, you know, there's a lot of good tutorials on what in colors mixed to create what colors but the thing that's really important is to kind of keep in mind that different colors have different strengths, so if I'm mixing a green, I know that it requires blue and yellow, but blue is such a stronger color of pigment than yellow, so I already know that I'm going to need more yellow in relation to blue, and I want to start with a little blue and just add a little bit more because it's it's harder to take away, so I squeezed out some ink there and I am just going to take my palette knife and start smashing it along and lifting it up and bringing it back down and smashing it, lifting it up and smashing it that's actually was too green now I'm thinking in my orna, I'm gonna take some of this often in the garbage can. So really any color that you want, you can create your own and a lot of times what helps me is if I have a swatch of something that I'm trying to match, I will have it right next to me, you know, so if I was trying to like match this, um you know this green for example I might think ok, I need to add I mean this is almost kind of like a dirty green in comparison to this I might add like a touch of black but black again is another one of those colors you want to be really careful with because it's the strongest and it can make everything really dirty so I almost kind of uh shy away from using black for them for the most part when I'm dealing with colors I use white a lot because white really can lighten something up that's really dark but this that yellow had a nice opacity to it so and so you can see that was pretty much mixed because like that color and I'm now going to scrape it back up and roll it to the top of my uh plate as if I had just squeezed it right out of the tube and the other color we're going to is white and I'm just going to squeeze that right next to it okay, I've got a slightly wider breyer now I think it's like a three and she couldn't get him up to not like that with this type even get a huge player if you want but um so I'm just going to start rolling in to both of them and at this point I'm just trying to get a little bit of ink on the rare that white I kind of really gone into that, but I'm just trying to get the prayer going can I'm gonna pull it down and I'm gonna ever so slightly go back and fourth is called split fountain printing so I got a fountain of green and the fountain of white and they're coming together and they're pouring into um one okay, I tried it like this write it like that I think like this because if this is the width of my stamp so at this point because I'm doing this hombre effect I'm not going to go you know, obviously and mess up my my own bray okay, honestly, I don't feel like that baron would really help that much time because the barons like I don't know I feel like just to use your hands you're able to put more pressure on it it's like electric so and it doesn't have to you don't to print them all and rose, you know, it might be kind of fun to, you know, create more just, you know, loose pattern on your paper um it's really kind of up to you um I also like teo as I'm thinking about doing gift wrap, I like to you know, think about the other things that are going to go with the gift wrapped like the tags and things like that so I'll, um as I'm let's see as I've got my ink rolled out it's like what else can I print you know like maybe I should go get an old t shirt or he knows something anything um can I make a gift for somebody real quick um I mean once you've got all the materials out I think it might be kind of fun to have this like off the edge it's kind of fun very from what else I want to show you oh well then you could do rivet this's like um a burlap ribbon so something uncoated you wouldn't want like a satin you'd want something like a like a linen or um yeah, just something uncoated but you could definitely print onto the ribbon itself and for fabric for my next class will be too I'll be teaching you printing on fabric s I'll tell you more about the tricks and things and other things that you can use for that but basically just a tip to give it to you right now is you're going to need more ink on the stamp when you print on fabric because it's absorbent so um so I'm just kind of saturating that a little bit more trust in fate is so good that's it's retained I mean I space them out pretty well you know it's better to have them spaced out more and then you know move your breyer to get them to mix a little bit um and also, if I needed to, you know, mix a little bit more of that green. I still have some space to do that there.
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Very interesting. Good information. She explains very well the whole process.