Lesson Info
16. Shoot: Couple and Monochrome
Get the Sellable Shot
42:51 2Start to Finsh Newborn Shoot: Mauve Cloth and Basket
33:28 3Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Baby Pram Prop
21:44 4Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Newborn with Parents
12:41 5Baby Safety
36:01 6Art of the Wrap: Basic Wrap with Twins
36:17 7Art of the Wrap: Egg Wrap and Side Wrap
35:14 8Art of the Wrap: Final Shots
15:27Studio Light Shoot: Newborn and Toddler with Moon Prop
37:38 10Q&A and The Challenging Toddler
40:14 11Baby Emma Edit
33:43 12Maternity Photography 101
31:46 13Clothing Options and Metering
17:59 14Shoot: Transitional Posing
29:02 15Shoot: Studio Lighting
28:49 16Shoot: Couple and Monochrome
35:29 17Shoot: Silhouettes and Back Lighting
36:06 18General Q&A
15:38 19Shoot: Movement with Fans
15:59 20Shoot: Movement with Fan and Fabrics
15:16 21Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 1
28:20 22Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
20:19 23Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 3
20:36 24Become a Recognized Newborn Photographer
14:37 25Get Motivated to Market
13:42 26Model Calls
11:11 27Preparing for Future Opportunities
19:17 28Getting the Word Out
23:54 29Capturing the Legacy
19:19 30Marketing Materials
24:58 31The Business of Newborn Photography
21:10 32In Person Sales
27:08 33Selling Your Work
19:27 34Sneak Peak and Sales
33:12 35Lightroom Demo of Pregnancy Shoot
16:02 36Are You Good Enough?
11:51 37Battling Insecurities
26:35Lesson Info
Shoot: Couple and Monochrome
she coming soo and we're actually going to start with them as a couple because I think we've seen plenty of the solo mama and what to dio and soo in vincent he said you're a musician right uh well he's means that you're both musicians and your director what kind of music when you call it folke something folke folk music so you have played a lot of music in your house so you've been moving dancing playing music you feel good about your body you said you were swimming or something so very important to know I asked her what her comfort level was how she was feeling I want to know you got to know what you're doing and you said you were swimming you are very comfortable in your body so she's wearing a sheer skirt and she's starting out with a bandeau so remember I talked about dating this would be like maybe half an hour out of forty minutes into the session I wouldn't be like nice to meet you take off your clothes I'm not that kind of girl so I slow it down we've already had a couple of ch...
anges this is probably our last change and where this would be like the last segment where I would say okay we're going to put this on and then we're probably going to go a little bear on top using vincent's help and just get very close and very personal and very intimate and I can already tell from the two of you that you are just a very open couple and I think that's great because that's what I need I need your energy plus the baby's energy plus mine we'll make some music together sorry just panicking out we're gonna let's yeah let's let's do one my black and white monochrome raw plus j peg why don't we do that right we're gonna do one light when I'm in my studio I have a four by six larson softball and I don't like to freak people out because it's an expensive soft box I bought it used from another photographer that's what you and I used all the time and a photographer was getting rid of it for by six larson's usually five million dollars not really and so I got a very good deal I even brought my stealing tracks used I'm just saying don't go crazy spending your money and so I don't have my larsen here but my lord larsen would be very tall and fill the body and that's what I love so I have a shorter box so that's ok looking stop it vincent I like what you're doing we got we got vincent you're he's got movement in the high limits okay so you're gonna be facing me now keep in mind we have one light okay so I take it back you're not gonna be facing because we have one light let's let's focus on the light so sue I want you to come a little bit more here vincent I love what you're doing you just do your thing back there now these legs I need legs bent even especially because you're in a sheer skirt so let's do this leg bent yes yes and we're gonna just going to say let's just get in there let's just get arms around come on vincent get on in there now here's we're going to do vincent you're going to come right up by her face and we're going to be working this relationship your first just going to be looking right at the camera and then you're gonna be looking down and then you're going to pull your hair away and we're going to get right in his cheek and we're just gonna have to have some fun and we should could put on some music okay we are we did we changed me and um I am raj a peg all right stay right there looking right at that light that light testing shut the front door it's not going to show it it's going to show the raw look a j peg come up like that no post c that was good right it's good that's working here we go okay all right here we go so you two are just looking and give me just soft do you have to be so happy just kind of be soft and sexy and just being your little space I'm merely an observer over here just capturing your moment watch that I will direct you how help you direct you could direct to I'm just gonna help you what I saw you just you yeah okay she caught herself you have to be comfortable but not like but she thinks she caught it don't move I love how she's looking and vincent you're looking right at me so turn more to benson and certainly see you a little more now we're gonna move hands while you're doing that a little smile so take your left hand and put it up by vince's face and turn more less armpit and it was hard because your armpits right in at me turn more to him camera sorry I'm waiting my camera does not like that I'm doing this yeah bring that hand back down go under his yeah thank you vincent come out more a little bit good and vincent you're goingto sumas might keep my camera hates what I'm doing right now it's like I'm tethered I'ma nra and j peg and monochrome and studio lights busy busy busy busy right there is it beautiful do you like it just relax for a second so you can see your client can say I want it looks so good on my screen right now I can't even tell you how beautiful it looks I know that screens hard to see but how you can see how pretty you see how pretty it looks sorry casey from the camera so for client says to you and and says you really want loki really well black and why really want more sexy more intimate more clothes thing go there put you if you're a cannon user obviously can't think you could do the sun may come um but I love that about cannon I was a black and white film shooter and so I had to see the blacks the whites and the grace because my camera is not going to let me shoot nearly as fast as I normally dio um I don't know if we should visit the raw plus j peg that's slowing it down okay that's okay why not I'll let's just do that and I'll just get on ly black and white and then um it's my darn thing um and then uh the mark three the dial is so different in the mark to so I'll just shoot a quick set in black and white j peg that's fine right they'll get beautiful black and white images and then I'll do some color images okay so while he's doing that to me many questions how are we feeling how are we doing and yes in a situation like this other than having him kind of spread his legs to go out what if you wanted a full body shot would you put her up on a box how would you kind of handle the height if I probably wouldn't because I think it looks weird yeah I wouldn't I would just he knows how to work with her he's with her and most men do I had a really tall guy and I got some of the sexiest pictures in this couple she was half his height he knew howto work her like I've never seen before and so I just tell them in your your whether something's working she's pregnant so just make it happen and they did okay so you know what I do want to get is I want to get you kissing and loving on the tummy because we haven't done that using a moving yes can you kiss baby on the tummy it's because I asked men do you want to do that and someone are like no no I think I get knows like it knows all the time that would be a no okay we won't do that so you have to ask guys because some guys just aren't comfortable you're okay I'll direct you here's just what you're doing so you're gonna put the hand on the belly and her hand can be over your hand my only request is when you kiss pucker up morris you don't push into the face yep you can do that you can rest your head on the side like that you can when you're doing that bring your chin a little bit more to me look right at me then you can look down you can look up her the only thing I'm gonna request from you is you keep your arm away from the body when you're looking down we watch the hair make sure it doesn't fall in obviously keep the chin out don't want to get a double chin and just do it just a little quick set many's the hard floor so sorry knees that's another question I have to ask the men how are the knees we usually put a pillow under the knees um a pillow and blanket blanket let's give him something because I'm not shooting his knees oh give a christian see christians here john thank you the nis is a big problem with men that's good good vincent ourselves I'm also going to seduce some on the belly and some of both of them together and I'll tell them so soup just keep doing what you're doing and we'll make this a quick set euro came incident okay I promise I'll make it a quick set good make sure you pull back a little bit good kang and let's see mew let's see your face look up its it oh hey didn't already got it I got it that was good quick that was good okay I'm one more thing that you two are gonna dio I'll have you step away and get in position and come back so this is what I tell people we're going to dio whenever we do nude or partially nude I explain what I'm doing and I show them so I do a lot of full body nude when I'm doing a full body nude this is what I do I say you're going away all the way down she's not doing full body nude I'm just saying it produces like what okay so this leg is going to cover and I want to make sure that this is covered well what is the point of what I'm doing right now when we're doing no what am I doing a modelling for them it also makes you appreciate how hard this floor is and how your client is feeling and that that hurts it hurts me and I'm not pregnant so in this what I'm going to tell her to do is she she's gonna take her top off and she's going to cover we do not need to show any nipple nor can we or I will get fired today so she's gotta cover but I also want vincent to help her cover so she's going to go behind the kern she's gonna get covered and then vincent's gonna cover do we have another model behind there she needs to come out let me do a quick set with her and then we'll end with you two so you could keep your top on for a few minutes but back there so when you when you go you're gonna it's when I say ready you're going to take your top off you're going to come out like this but then vincent you're going to come out and you're going to be covering and there's a cup yes let's talk about this so there's a couple different ways you can be this way you can be this way you can be you know and you you're welcome even practice and you want to do this with clothes on right because you don't want to be like doing it while they're all make it and they're all trying to cover I tell them to pose with their clothes on then I say I'm going to leave you're going to get in position and I'll come back I've even had men go to have a photo and I'll say yeah and I'll bring in a photo and they look at it they're like I got this they're like hon let's go and men are so good and if you give him a diver more picture I like I lived and they help pose and directing guy I can tell you many women I've had laying down nude and the guys back there know move your knee no let's angle this because they're back there with me and they see what I'm seeing and so use that to your advantage I love when men help directing pregnancy sessions I love it because they want the same thing I do and I love it you guys take a break julie's gonna come out with one light as well and why not do monochrome let's just stay on monochrome I love what you're wearing she brought this top can we do we have a q I don't even know where the camera is that's their high now I know how oprah feels okay so she brought this top she's wearing are ruffled mama top up here and she's wearing a little pair of booty shorts that we brought for her love the booty shorts okay so julie you only have one life so this is all we have to worry about and we're just going to be cute and pregnant and sexy I mean so easy what your life much the curl maybe hey arch a little bit more and stretch up yes let's do that okay yeah let's get her a little bit sorry not too far okay good now when you're doing that let me see that arm and what if you put the other hand under the belly and what if can you flip your hair all the way to the side so you're like another way there yep yep there and you're yes sorry get very excited I don't know I don't know stop it way gonna fix her hair but otherwise cute stop it uh come on now so cute this is me really in a photo session ask tiffany should be other I'm working and I'll be like whoa she's like hannah's having a good session I get excited I think it's beautiful good let's keep moving let's get that hand out and put it on the valley and move that material away good look down to the valley good and when you look down look a little to the light um more this way yes yes switch legs yes yes yes yes yes the only thing about this is there so much hair and it's more of a high collar although it is just beautiful you're just beautif awful but I want movement I want hands transitions movements weighing that's what I want so can you put your hands on here well you just did it what if your hands are like this you could bring your hair back I'm gonna put a fan on let's do a thirty second fund set where you're gonna be like this you're just gonna be like this and then we can take the arms and we can go up let's stretch the body up leaves before we went down king home oh my god yeah already let's get my family made their way down here for it yes yes yes okay we're moving now when you do that do it accentuated turns were to the way you're good you're doing well now get get this thing out lower yes and let me but more yes look at that baby there it is put the hand on the belly wow you are pregnant waving a boy or a girl wow let's get that here behind here I like it on the front and I like how you did that yeah keep moving yes turn shit more this way yes so good now can you keep that posture and bring it up with your hands what if waiting for like that water for like this yeah but I don't like they're sticking up on the top but I like everything else so if you pull that hair up a little bit and you're like this I don't even think we need that john you know that here is bugging me don't move don't wantto go back where you were I'm gonna give you a tiny tiny tiny night just like lo lo just to fill that yep bingo where you were uh you're more here uh uh mmm love it take the left hand drop it now now what if you're just like but more this way this way yeah yeah like I'm cute I'm pregnant now drop that arm just drop it hair it's hair straighter good go this way with the head and this way with the chin right there there it is beautiful right there put the other hand of the belly from the top from the below and just keep moving in the belly just keep moving those hands and look more to the belly my thanks man got it that's good it's pretty huh okay julie julie I love you thank you so much you can get clothes on we're bringing sue and vincent's no to be share a naked cubby they're coming out oh look at that look at that do you love it do you do you love it yeah I mean I just whispers susan I love that shot actually he really did communicate and jenny liz says this model is amazing talking about her and then she says they all are so people are really enjoying watching this this is fun hello you guys vincent he's got his spot I love your big hand's been sent perfect hands for a musician good really go yeah maybe no no no let's get your money how long have you guys been together wow long time huh his first baby boy or girl girl given name short list not telling you don't have to tell me short short list honey fine camera I could take it I give three older brothers I could take it uh huh I don't know you've thrown me off my game to refocus so shoulders down what if you're more into each other like eyes weren't down suit though a little smile now you're both going to be looking town to the belly so so you're looking down on vince you're kind of wrapped around and look down your chin out soon yes yes now can we adjust the hands without falling apart we got coverage under there too good oh smart I love that because I will get in big trouble vincent going the belly yeah both hands she's got it together small movements shoulders down this is it's a little nerve wracking giving this with this audience because you're just trying to be careful at my studio I wouldn't be oh my god sue relax those shoulders gentle gentle all beautiful little smile she looked back at me and sent you just stay there vincent come a little closer to head beautiful far now let's pull it sideways so let's take this sideways because member all about transitions I got that set right so she's infront vincent urine behind your behind more behind her yes I don't know I kind of like where you were there but then it's similar to the other post there so come back behind her back a lot of it is you gotta figure it out you got it you have to have definitely have poses and examples and things in your mind come closer to me to um so I do think that you know posing guides and things like that are helpful to give you a vision I do my then you also need to just sometimes look at your couple and go I don't know what we're doing but it's going to be great ben balik I just wanna marry both of you I love it I love it the on ly thing I don't like vincent is that left hand I just see bumps over there bring it in yes uh I may or may not like it let's shoot it and then I may say get rid of that hand to get out of that shoulder pull into him beautiful chin down a little bit and go more into vincent little smile a little bigger smile we are pregnant vincent lose that left hand and put it more maybe up on her shoulder pull that shoulder of hers down sue pull into him yes and bring your face more this way oh I gotta take this hair away and just go into his chest can you do that this hair away and go into his chest yes and chin down no get out of much chin shoulder whatever chin down now yes and just lean into him right there right there beautiful little smile good no one do one more where you're going to go a little bit towards me were just gonna do a torso shot and meant to get that before and I didn't get it and I just want to show that real quick so you're going to straight go a little more straight on and I think what I want you to do vincent is you're this way you're losing that hand losing and I was good good sweating we got some pasty zone okay like make like spaced is talked about in your life vincent he's got his grew he's like in his group now just tourist so and then I'm gonna pull out john put on a little field let's put the fill in for a hot second to show them the difference love that and now what show you the difference if we put the film on so it depends what kind of lighting you want you want more even lighting or harsh lighting it's up to you soft relating okay good and you can turn that back off and vincent go a little higher with this hand just go yeah little softer beautiful and both of you just look right down to your belly shane out and down vincent really stretch it out beautiful can we do a couple more with just two by herself yeah we have time for that so yeah also care she's like visions where you going where you going come a little this way looks like it's been now I want that's what I want really arch that and I want to take this chin and straighten straighten straighten so she's the director says she's faking a little minute she's she's got it she takes direction you know fuck you can sit down here uh I can't handle it you look amazing that's good that was a compliment good not just soft and just into your shoulder this is where you can pull your shoulder up yep stay right there and look right at me beautiful now wanting to keep that pullout shoulder down and just twist yes yes she's like I am and done this and just a little bit more I wantto look that just beside just fall now you can also see straighten back up that when when this I'm sorry go back there lean again but bring your head up keep your body there that if this part is just falling off and stay there just look down with your eyes little smile big smile look down down down can even apple about claimed that apple box stay right there and you're gonna look down this way embrace it before uh that you can move down down down to your shoulders a little higher I was like can I stand on the apple box the other way beautiful look at me beautiful you're beautiful thank you so much thank you so much oh one more e got it I got it last one alive can you sit down yes that same pose we did before let's just do that again like this so can you sit down indian style vincent we're going to do a quick transition here's what's gonna happen here's how you do it with the partner in the transitioning you're going to do this very quickly you're going to look right at me she down a little bit I love the trust in your eyes thank you director thank you you're gonna look right at me and then you're gonna look right down you're gonna have a little smile on vince's gonna come behind you and just kind of wrap around okay okay we got it here we go relax the shoulders right down to me now remember we only have one light so I say john let's give it a little film that's love lower it beautiful I'd love a little fan just saying beautiful look right down big smile we're so happy you're gonna give you a little hair hitting not really very uh not really but it's cooling your off and look down good vincent come in and rap around way could turn it off yeah just get on in there I normally tell men to get on their knees but I knew better vincent come around this way vincent is such a nice tall tor so that he could do it but if the man is shorter than the woman he's got to get up he's gotta squat it now you're gonna blow that belly out I were ending with this I need big valley shoulders down nice and relaxed and you two just in there just in there I think you should lose an arm and give vincent give vincent a boob vincent take a boob yes oh got it we're good guys seamount good vincent what if you're just like resting yes just just blow blow blow I don't like that hey thank you thank you thank you get out of the shoulders keep the here ah there's only fifty thousand million people watching you guys come on now do you have a band the name of a band what's ok look down another it is looked down in the belly okay can you tell me one more time the name von piglets family players thank you so much you guys are done we'll give her a robe or something to help her out okay how are we doing good questions how is that did you like it what was your favorite what was what was the what was that I just love watching you direct I think you're great and I think that's maybe one of the things I should improve on its just directing morning your voice yeah right it's cookie will gets the worm I'm the youngest of five if you want the last pancake on the table you use your voice think of that I think watching you add the husband and that was really good because I think when you get more people you kind of figure what you do with hands and what kind of how do you get him to kind of come in close that was really interesting to watch how you did that okay I just loved your energy x I noticed the more excited you got they responded really well to your energy and I think that really that whole set you could just feel it in the room the whole eyes really good you want to do that good good that's that's my intention good how we doing and he has the internet and the internet loving a couple questions are you ready for them so photos by a m and if you were doing this maternity shoot at a client's house would you do the same style shoot and do you always work in the studio no just like newborns do due on location actually right now lately I've been loving maternity in our fields that we shoot at I love loki haitian memory started natural light so that's my first love that's my home base um I love field beach love beach pregnancy photos I love home when I'm in the home I like to use the bed and get women laying down and you know sheets just draped around I'm like a chameleon I adopt to my environment give me a camera and tell me where to shoot I will adapt give me a fields I'll give you texture I'll give you breeze I'll give you flowing materials give me a beach you know I make change thio more flowy skirts to go with the wind and the colors in the environment give me a home I may bring out the lingerie and get the more intimate things bring up pajamas have fun with it the studio is the hardest part of all of them because when you go on location half of the half of it is the element and you're just adding to the element when you're in the studio you're it it's a lot of work a lot of pressure I sleep very well at night because I got to bring it I gotta bring into the table yeah hey question about how do you deal with nervous dad's and my question is is there bud light in the bridge somewhere my husband my cousins and asking me for years you know you really need a cooler with alcohol and you would never get me to do that I bring all sorts of things is and and I've had men you know request flasks you know and I always like thinking either liquor license but maybe I could do bring b y o b it's funny because when I do home shoots I have some clients that drinking the whole time and they'll tell me and I love you but I need a shot of whiskey and I'm like it's ok but at my studio I don't really want to have to get a liquor license so I don't serve dads I really wish I could um most this is what I say to them we're going to focus on mama don't worry relax brings some solid shirts and the women are kind of usually the same thing it's kind of like I don't worry maybe just like one or two poses bring like a lighter dark shirt's fine and so most men are really happy observing they love to sit back and watch their women I have men when I put on a gown there like can I buy that can she wear it home can she cook dinner wearing that they love the cloning I mean I meant ask to buy the guns all the time just and they were like I'm not wearing that cooking pasta so they love to observe they love to help with the nude they get and I know if I could say this they kind of get turned on they get you well you start getting a woman that's topless and the men are like it's been a while and they get excited so and initially it's kind of like kids no no I'm sorry I want to say that but meaning I tell kids just go play relax don't focus for so much and well established that trust and the same thing with the dads I want them to just kind of have a backseat just watch what's going on and then I kind of try to establish trust with the men and then once they see hey kind of knows what she's doing hey my wife paid a lot of money for her but I kind of get it now hey that lighting school they start getting intrigued and then I go just come in and then the minute they touch that woman I got him and then at the end will be like I thought I was just gonna be like two photos I'm like I know huh how that happened I kind of knew it was so bad was it so I try to be quick and furious but it takes work I've gotta finesse him a little bit I definitely d'oh
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I enrolled in your course because I was wanting to expand my photography business to something other than weddings. I never knew just how amazing and important pregnancy and newborn photography would be. I am feeling so much joy, love, inspiration and the need to do this now; all because of you and this course. You have captured me and led me to believe I was meant to do this type of photography. Thank you for your amazing course, your talents in what you do are unmeasurable! I look forward to learning more from you in the future while watching your course over and over. I can't wait to start this new journey of imagery. Thank you!
Mindy St Onge
I cant believe I got this on sale! So happy with this purchase. The one thing I feel I would have changed is I feel she rushed through the newborn sessions really quickly and spent ALOT of time on maternity. I would have liked to see a lot more of the newborn posing and info versus a dozen maternity. But all in all its full of a lot of great info and I love that its not voice over....it is true time so I can see how she is interacting with the clients. Thankyou Anna I love love love your work always!!
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