Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Project
00:55 2Equipment
05:44 3Chapter 1: Quiz
Chapter 2: The Basics
4Camera and Phone Settings
06:07 5Anatomy Of a Good Photo Of Art
10:41 6Example Images - A Breakdown
03:28 8Chapter 2: Quiz
Chapter 3: Shooting
9Shooting in Studio
15:24 10Shooting Outside
05:13 11Chapter 3: Quiz
Chapter 4: Editing
12Basic Edits and Making Mockups in Photoshop
20:04 13Smartphone Editing
04:45 14Chapter 4: Quiz
Chapter 5: Conclusion
01:57Final Quiz
16Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Smartphone Editing
Alright guys, so we have a few different photos to edit here on the smartphone. And the first app we're going to be using to edit is adobe Lightroom on mobile because it's amazing just like the desktop app, you can do so much with this app and perhaps my favorite aspect of this app is once again straightening our photos now that we can follow that same workflow we used on the desktop version of Lightroom on the mobile version here by going to crop, We'll go here 1-1 square, we'll crop it in a little bit hit. Okay. And then we'll slide over here to geometry, click off and then click auto and that's gonna straighten our photo looks nice, Good and then we can just go back here to crop finish cropping are square so it's nice and perfect. There we go and then we'll just go and do some of the basic adjustments, the contrast once again. So this is for that white background scan type of photo here. So we can go to light and then follow our basic editing powder in here, whites, blacks. And this...
image here was shot on the iphone. So everything you see here, all the images are gonna be editing here on the iphone were all shot on the iphone so that's that's pretty much it, it's really simple edit and it looks like an actual scan, you can see how detailed it is too. So really good. I love this app and you can do some pretty amazing things with it and you can edit other photos on here as well if you just wanted to do some some basic adjustments here um such as this photo here, go in and adjust the whites, the contrast, all that, the saturation here. But when I'm editing on my iphone sometimes I like to add filters and that's where apps like vsc, oh snap seed or even instagram come in and V S C O is an app that I've been recommending for a very long time. It's an app that I've used to edit on my phone from the beginning days when I was just starting out with photography and I always recommended in my courses and that's because it has really amazing editing filters that look really good. Now, one thing I want to say before you just slap a filter on to your work here is filters are really going to change the color of your arts. You want to be careful with the filters that you're using and I recommend using filters that are not going to be super invasive on the colors of your image. So with the S C. O. My favorite filter among all types of photography is a six and you can see when I put on a six, it doesn't change the colors of charlie's images too much. It keeps things pretty even and pretty realistic and then we can just tap it again and change the strength here, I think it looks good all the way up, so I'm gonna leave that. The other reason I really like the S. C. O. Is because you have all these different editing options and a lot of these editing options we have in a light room you have here and it just it's a much simpler app to use in my opinion. So we can just go through and kind of do these basic adjustments here. Um and get it to the point that we want it. We can increase the saturation here a little bit. Maybe increase the contrast a tad. And then I also really like to add the fade here so you can fade it a little bit. So if your blocks are really deep you can fade it you can also add grain and I think grain looks good. I like adding some texture to my image so you can add a little bit of grain there and then you can also add a little bit of a vignette just to bring those corners in. Really keep the focus on the work. So there's the before there's the after, there's before, there's the after and this looks like it was shot on a proper DSLR but it was shot using portrait mode on my iphone which is just crazy. So I definitely recommend using vsc Oh if you are gonna be editing some of these lifestyle photos on your iphone um If you're doing the the white background photo scan kind of kind of shot it's easier to do that in lightroom because you can really balance things out. And I always recommend editing your flat layers in lightroom as well because you can make sure your images perfectly straight and that's really important. So if you want to start editing in lightroom and then open it up into VSC, Oh you can do that. Um but lightroom is great for straightening and and some of the basic adjustments and apps like VSC are great for really getting a stylized edit and that's why I love apps like this, but that's basically it for the editing guys. I really hoped that it was helpful for you, but that's it guys, let's move on to the next section.