Customizing Your Workspace
Lesson 11 from: Advanced Editing Techniques in Adobe Premiere ProAbba Shapiro

Customizing Your Workspace
Lesson 11 from: Advanced Editing Techniques in Adobe Premiere ProAbba Shapiro
Class Introduction
04:42 2Taking Control of Your Timeline
10:46 3Best Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
18:10 4Timeline Modifications
15:06 5Preference Changes For Efficiency.
18:38 6Tips for Navigating the Timeline
11:34 7More Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time
07:57 8Useful Tips for Editing an Interview
26:12Lesson Info
Customizing Your Workspace
There are more transport controls available to you than meet the eye. If I hit this little plus key to the right, I will see all these different options. These are the defaults layout, but if I want I could go ahead and add some things. I could go ahead and drag this down. That's gonna let me go ahead and turn on and off closed captioning so I can access that to start typing things in instead of worrying about a menu dropdown or a keyboard shortcut. Okay? If I find I don't use some of these, like the play key, because I'm using J, K, and L, I can pull those out, and maybe I want to grab this one so I can switch between a regular view and the Multi-Cam. So I want to look at Multi-Cam view, so I find that one useful. And this one, there's two other ones that I really like, one is toggle proxies, we haven't talk a lot about proxies, one of the new features in Premiere that came out I think a couple iterations ago is when you ingest, if you have really large files, and I'll show you how to...
do this after I create this, you have the option for Premiere to make lower resolution, or lower bandwidth, or even physically smaller frame-size proxy versions of your video. So if you're using 4k or 5k or red files that really will tax your system you can create nice H.264 smaller proxies, edit with those, and then when you're done click a button and switch back to the full resolution for when you output. So I'll show you how to do that in a moment but there's a little button here that I can bring in that basically allows you to toggle between using the proxy files that it creates, and using the original files. So that's one of the ones I find very useful. And then the other one is ... Is it this one? Yes. It's called Global FX Mute, which basically means I want to turn off all of my effects and see what it looks like without it but I don't want to necessarily disable them. Okay? Or I won't delete them, I should say. So I hit Okay, and let's see if I can work that. I think I still have an effect on that one image here. And there you see I can actually toggle on and off the video effects. I could do this for many reasons. Maybe I don't want to see it with the effect, maybe I just want to get a rhythm of my show and I don't care about all the color correction and effects I threw on it, so I want to just be able to toggle off all of those effects. So those are some really cool ways that you can modify this area, okay? To make it more functional, more useful for you. I want to show you one more area in here and then I'm going to jump back and I'm going to address that proxy workflow and see if then, if there's any other questions as we start rolling towards the end. But when I go under this wrench there's a couple other things that I might use and the key ones I want to really talk about is Overlays and Overlay Settings. So Overlay will actually turn on and off the overlays, and what it does is, depending on how you have your Overlay Settings configured, it will give you information about your clips. Now right now, my default settings, or the ones I have here, will just show me the time code for all my audio and video tracks. Okay? But I could go down here and under Overlay Settings Custom, so that's the V1 track, but I'm gonna go here to Settings and make a Custom, and I can say, "You know what? "It's really important for me on the top "to know the name of the clip." Okay? The project clip, in other words the original clip. So I'm going to turn that on and I can talk about, "Okay do I want to know the name "of all of the clips that I might be seeing on every track?" Or maybe I just care what's on the main track, V1. Okay? Or do I want to care about some other track? So I can do that with both video and audio and where would I like to actually see this? So we'll put the clip name on top. On the right side, maybe it's important for me to kind of just know a File Name and I want to know the File Name of All Tracks and then maybe I wanted to see what Markers are there and what those markers say. I can go ahead and do that and then I can even, if I want to, I can put on what's called Title Safe hopefully you are familiar with Title Safe from the previous classes. It's basically if you show something on a television set, you need to be careful of the very edges because sometimes they are not seen so you don't put critical information or critical graphics there. There's also an option here to do 4:3 Safe so if somebody's watching this on an old 4:3 television, you can actually see where it would be cut off, okay? If they broadcast it full screen and you lose the left and right side. Okay? So I'm gonna go ahead, I'm gonna hit Okay and there we see a lot of our information. I see the clip names for all the clips that are on here and I have more information than I need. I actually did that twice. There's my time code. And if I want to turn on my grids, I turn on Safe Margins, now I can see Action Safe and Title Safe and because I turned it on I can see the 4:3 Action Safe and 4:3 Title Safe. So when I'm starting to lay graphics down or trying to figure out where the important stuff needs to be, and this was huge when we were transitioning into Hi Def a lot of the shows that were shot and edited in Hi Def, the editors never put anything important around the outer edges. The logos would always sit here because they knew that most of the population was still watching it on 4:3 televisions ten years ago, but they wanted to be able to show them today in the full widescreen glory so that's one of the reasons we have that. Right now it's visually annoying for me so I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the Overlays and turn off the Safe Margins. There's this thing I want to turn on here before we move to the proxy workflow is there's something here called Show Dropped Frame Indicator. And you'll notice that we have some colors here: Yellow and red and the way Premiere works is that if something is yellow, it's just saying it's using the computer processor. There's probably an effect on there or a scaling on there, but it will play without dropping frames, the computer is fast enough. Okay? And being that this is a still image it's not really that hard. When you put some effects on something and it's red, you may or may not drop some frames on playback. Ultimately when you export it or render it and you create those preview files you won't drop any frames because all the math is done. But this would tell you if you drop any frames. And you see right now and it won't. I have a little green dot, that says "As long as it stays green during playback "I haven't dropped any frames." But if it turns yellow, or it turns red and I don't think I'm going to get this on calling either unless maybe, ugh (mumbles), I copy that and I paste the attributes of this effect, but it didn't grab the effect. I do have the effect on there don't I? Global Effect. Did I turn all my Global Effects off? What's on and what's off, who knows? Okay, I think that's on. Copy effect and option V. Yeah, lighting effect. Boom. So I'm gonna go ahead and play this with this wonderful lighting that I have going on here. Might be too much math for it to calculate. Okay you saw that went from green to yellow? That says I've dropped frames. Now you can see I'm dropping frames it's really struggling because to tell you the truth that lighting effect is actually a really old effect and it's not taking advantage of the graphics card so it's really using old code. There's probably newer stuff out there but if I hover my mouse over there I can see how many frames were dropped. So what I might say to myself is, "Oh I'm seeing dropped frames. "I'll render this one little section "before I show it to my producer so it doesn't stutter." That's really what it's all about. It's just a little bit of feedback.
Ratings and Reviews
carla valencia
great class! easy to follow and very good tips.
A lot of new information on a color correction and color grading for me. Abba's shortcuts are very useful. This class will speed my workflow. Highly recommend this class. I am very thankful to Abba for answering all my questions!
Shafi Mushtaq
Learned so much in like 1 hour only even though I'm watching in 2022! Still worth it!