How to Make the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
Lesson 45 from: Adobe Illustrator MasteryDaniel Walter Scott

How to Make the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
Lesson 45 from: Adobe Illustrator MasteryDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
45. How to Make the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
1Class Introduction to Advanced Adobe Illustrator CC
02:35 2Getting Started with Your Adobe Illustrator Advanced Tutorial
3Trick for Redrawing Hand Drawn Images in Adobe Illustrator CC
03:17 4Curvature Tool vs Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
10:27 5Advanced Pen Tool Tricks Using Adobe Illustrator CC
08:47 6How to Draw Flowing Curves in Adobe Illustrator with the Width Tool
13:14Mastering Corners with Adobe Illustrator CC Corner Widget Effects
05:27 8The Best Creation Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC the Shape Builder Tool
23:01 9More Shape Builder Goodness
11:02 10Using Live Shape Effects in Adobe Illustrator CC
06:03 11Class Project - Drawing Exercise Using Width, Curvature & Corner Widgets
01:38 12Drawing - Quiz
Keyboard Shortcuts
13Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts for Adobe Illustrator CC
11:05 14Keyboard Shortcuts - Quiz
Color & Patterns
15Advanced Color Tips & Tricks for Adobe Illustrator CC
15:44 16Using Color Themes in Adobe Illustrator CC
03:02 17How to Color a Real Hand Drawing Using Adobe Illustrator CC
07:07 18How to Use the Color Guide in Adobe Illustrator
02:47 19How to Change All the Colors at Once in Adobe Illustrator Recolour Artwork
04:19 20How to Make Gradients Bend in Adobe Illustrator CC Using Gradient Mesh
13:36 21How to Make Long Shadows in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:15 22How to Blend Images with the Background Colors in Adobe Illustrator Blend Modes
03:26 23How to Make Images Black & White in Illustrator & Mix with Color
07:44 24How Do You Make Anaglyphic Text Using Adobe Illustrator CC
06:12 25How to Make Gradient Stroke Overlap & Mix Colors in Adobe Illustrator
06:39 26How to Create a Duotone Image Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:23 27Advanced Repeating Pattern Swatches in Adobe Illustrator CC
14:16 28Color & Patterns - Quiz
Workflow Speed
29How to Change The Default Font & Swatches in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:36 30Advanced Workflow Tricks for Adobe Illustrator CC
10:52 31Shortcuts for Aligning & Distributing in Illustrator CC Using Actions
04:28 32How to Proof Colors in Adobe Illustrator CC
01:25 33Adobe Illustrator is Running Slow, How Do I Speed Up Illustrator
09:40 34How Best to Use Illustrator With Other Adobe CC Software
08:13 35Workflow Speed - Quiz
36Advanced Fonts Tricks & Tips in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:52 37How to Put Text Type into the Shape of a Letter in Adobe Illustrator CC
08:40 38How to Use the Touch Type Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
02:27 39Typography - Quiz
Strokes & Lines
40How to Multiply Strokes to a Path in Adobe Illustrator CC
06:24 41How to Add a Stroke Line Around the Outside of Text or Shapes in Illustrator
03:45 42How to Make Multiple Lines Using Offset Path in Adobe Illustrator CC
09:33Depth, Perspective & 3D
43Introduction to 3D in Adobe Illustrator CC
11:10 44How to Make Semi Flat 3D Icons & UI Design Using Adobe Illustrator CC
15:22 45How to Make the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
09:35Charts & Graphs
46How to Make a Pie Chart Line Graph & Bar Graph in Adobe Illustrator CC
17:38Artboards & Pages
47Advanced Artboard & Pages Tricks in Adobe Illustrator CC
05:42Creative Cloud
48Advanced CC Libraries Adobe Stock and Adobe Market
49Advanced Image Tricks & Tips in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:22Transform, Distort & Blend
50How to Distort Bend Shapes & Type in Adobe Illustrator CC
03:39 51How to Make a 3D Ribbon in Adobe Illustrator CC
08:58 52How to Create Lots of Lines that Blend Together in Adobe Illustrator CC
09:24 53How to Make 3D Gradient Lettering Blends in Adobe Illustrator CC
11:25 5449. How to Make a Linocut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
08:26 55How to Use the Puppet Warp Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
09:33 56Transform, Distort & Blend Quiz
Web UI design
57How to Use Adobe Illustrator for Web & UI Design
58How to Make an Animated GIF Using Adobe Illustrator CC
59What Next After Your Illustrator Advanced Course
01:07Final Quiz
60Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How to Make the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Illustrator CC
Hi there in this video, we're going to make this paper cut effect using adobe illustrator. Alright, let's jump in and do it Alright to start making this effect. We are going to use a bit of type. The one thing also we're going to use some colors that are from the eighties you saw at the beginning. There's just make sure you document set up or document color motors, Rgb, you just can't reach those colors with C. M I K. Um so grab the type tool, create a letter. Um I'm just gonna use the letter X like you saw and I'm gonna use a nice big thick font. Okay, so I'm gonna use museo slab, it's part of type kit, you can download that for free as part of your license. If you don't have museo, you can just go into here and go slab serif and just see what slabs you have on here. Okay. Um I feel like I have more than that. But anyway, I'm gonna turn, I'm gonna go for like let's go for super chunky, Even Chunkier 1000. I'm gonna make them nice and big and I am going to outline it. Okay, you need to...
outline the font. Eventually, I'm going to make a copy over here, we've all done it right, you outline it and you can't remember what it was. So this guy here is going to be outlined. So type create outlines and now we're going to do some drawing. Okay, so up to you, you can be super precise with the curvature or pen tool. I am not, I'm going to use the pencil tool but just make sure that I've double click the pencil tool, your smoothing is up really high and you've selected keep selected that just causes the pain while you're drawing One thing. I wish though I wish I had my wake on tablet with me again. I'm stuck inside with a snow snowstorm. Okay, so we're filming from home. No wake on but that's okay. Now when I'm drawing I'm gonna it doesn't really matter what color you pick now but that it needs no fill and any stroke. I'm going to do three strokes so I'm going to do yellow, green and cyan. Okay for my three levels. Now when you're drawing there's nothing to it. It's I'm going to start from the outside in it's totally up to you but we're gonna draw all the way around, I'll show you what I mean. I'm going to kind of draw around here, draw some loopy things, it's going to come in and out. There's probably there's there's a lot of work that goes into kind of guessing what it's gonna look like at the end so we can do some adjustments later on. Cool and you want to come back to the beginning. I shouldn't probably look back on itself but I'm sure look fine cool and you can see with the pencil tool up and smoothing it made me look like I'm pretty good with my mouse here. Alright so that's the first level. I'm going to draw another one that is the green. Okay. And this one here is just gonna it's just gonna be like peeking in around this guy in and out a little bit but he's kind of like the next level down that we saw in that intro video. You mean you need to leave enough room I guess for whatever you decide how many levels you're gonna do. We did three in this case three plus the background. He goes four. Okay. And I'm just coming back to the beginning. All right, we'll speed this next bit up. I'm just gonna use blue. So let's go speedy version. Alright, we're back. So that scribbling mess is and that's the reason I picked the colors I guess. Now we're going to choose a set of colors to use for it. I'm going to go to window color themes. Just pick some colors. Color themes. Okay? And if you go from create to explore, you'll get a bunch of colors. Mines are most popular this month. Zoo is the one I'm going to use If you can't find it and you want to use it. Just type in Zoo in search and you should be able to find them now. What we need now is for squares. Okay. For our four different levels, The three kind of squiggles plus the background, so draw a rectangle above the thing. You want to, you know, just needs to be bigger, it doesn't really matter how much bigger and we need to decide on the level. So I'm gonna start with orange And I'm going to drag it up holding bolt and then hit command d. d. so I've got 1234 amount. Alright so orange, blue green and Alright so I've got these guys. Now I want to lay these guys out on top of it so let's do them in some sort of order. So I'll do this top one here, bring him to the front so that I can see him. Who was next Green was next Range. Bring two fronts, you can right click them to bring them to the front. Cool. And that guy just kind of fills in the background. So I've got these three. Now all I need to do is make them a compound path. Okay you can go to object compound path, Make or select them both and go command eight or control on a pc. Cool. Okay so I've got my bits and pieces. Now I want to stack them on top of each other. So this can be a bit of a pain like I want to put this guy at the top. This guy should be right down the back so just keep playing with your layer order until you get something working. You really didn't want to stick to that. I'm lining them all up. Perfect. And that guy is at the back. Alright so 1234. All right, so to give it the three D. Kind of effect and what we're gonna do is have it selected all of them and we're gonna go to effects and we're gonna apply stylized and it's just a drop shadow. Okay because it's a compound shape, so there's a hole in it. Compound drop shadow looks quite cool. Um Let's go preview can do inner glow and change the mode to normal and use black. But I want this kind of like three D. Effect. So it's a in here, it's just a matter of playing around, right? I've kind of played around with it already. You know, it's kind of happy with how it looked here. Maybe turn this down a bit. Um So it's just kind of a matter of playing around your previous on, you can kind of see it's got its three Dennis. Okay, now another thing I like to do well when I was playing around is I liked it when I had a second drop shadow that was just a little bit smaller so I'll show you what I mean, you could leave it like this totally because this next part gets a little confusing. I want to add a second drop shadow. I'm gonna close down the parents about what I meant to do is go fix and let's go to stylized and add drop shadow and this is going to apply a second one. Okay and then click it on and it's gonna freak out of it. That's okay. We have to play around with the shadow order So just just take it from me at the moment. Just go leave it at 60. I'm gonna do one by one by I might turn this preview off, it's freaking out. One by one by two. Just kind of a really thin offset and not much blur reasonably strong. To change that click OK to apply the shadow and it just doesn't work right? It's applying a shadow on top of another shadow which is let's go to the appearance panel here. So there's two of them applied now. What we need to do is just change this layer order so I can drag this one underneath and this is where sometimes it doesn't want to do it, right? So we have to do it individually. Okay because they're all mixed appearances. So this is why. Yeah. Do you want to do it? So all I'm gonna do is go to wireframe mode which is where view. Um And this top one here, command y or control y on a pc. I'm gonna click on my direct selection tool, click on this guy and I'll drag him underneath. Where's the next line that one there, drag him underneath. It's easy to do it individually. Not too hard. Right. Cool. So that should be it. Let's go back out to wireframe mode or gpu preview. That's kind of what I was looking to do, I might have to change that setting, it's maybe a bit too dark around here, let's click on it and you can adjust them now. So was it the Bottom one We want? No the top one we want then get on with it. Alright, it's the passage I got turned down. Okay, it's kind of was looking just a little bit more depth is it? Maybe the blue is too big? I'm not gonna go change it because you want to carry on. All you need to do now is clip it inside this. Okay so I'm gonna grab my black arrow, select this guy. I'll keep aversion up there and drag it kind of roughly how we want to make sure it's at the back of the X. Okay, get it kind of lined up and then select them all and then hit command seven. Walk up to if you're on a Pc Control seven or the long way clipping mask, Make and we be three D. A teasing. I think there's too much black on that shadow but I'm gonna fix it afterwards. I'm not gonna keep you any longer but now we've done it with curls, you can do it with spikes, you can do with anything, it's just kind of basically compound shapes with a drop shadow gives you that kind of paper cut look now it's time for class exercise. Okay and it's going to be just doing a different letter with different blobs with different colors. You can use the same colors. I'd love to see it because it's such a cool, like it's pretty simple kind of long, but you know, quite creative I feel. So I'd love to see it if you could post it to us, social media wise, instagram. Um it's bring your own laptop and twitter is dan loves adobe. Stick it on this site as well as a project. Okay, so take a screen shot. Show me. I'd love to see it and yeah, let's see what everybody makes. Cool. Huh? Alright. Next video.
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