Lesson Info
Apply 3D to Type
It's not just shapes that weaken dio weaken do dimension with type is well so while this is a cool effect Yeah, that's awesome. But you want to have some fun with type? Sure, it doesn't matter what what you use. You can go and try it with anything, So I'm just gonna do some fun with type When she was my character here. When we go through and get a much better typeface, it's gonna be a little bit more hefty. There we go. That looks like a fun one right there. Go into effect three D extrude in preview that here's what happens when you do it in black. You see how it doesn't render very well because black has no highlights and shadows click. OK, but I am going to go ahead, and I'm going to change my type to be a different color. When I do that, all of a sudden, you get this great extrusion. The great part is it's still creditable type. If you're going to preview mode, you can actually see this works a little bit better. I'm just going under the preview mode by going under view and then goi...
ng ahead and previewing this or previewing the outline, which is command. Why, so I can edit the type just by using a type tool, and I can edit that. Go back into the preview and you can see that depth and dimension. If I want to change those characteristics or attributes going to the appearance panel, click on the three D extrude and bevel, and then you can simply click on the preview Control the depth of this, and you can also rotate that type as well. Don't even have to convert it into outlines. It's still just adjustable type. So all kinds of fun things that you can do with this extrude is usually what it is that we use if you do a revolver that can look kind of crazy and cool, too. If you wanted to do that, I'll throw away this extruding devil here and weaken dio. It revolve around this and we'll see what happens when we do. The revolve may take a bit. Yeah, it's gonna go ahead and take a little bit of time to do this. You could do this kind of as a partial circle. It's gonna revolve. The whole thing around is one big giant doughnut. But if we set this so that we have the angle to be less than 360 you can actually go in and create just a little segment kind of make it look like it's a tube kind of going around, and hopefully this will resolve itself here. There's a lot of angles that go with this type as you go through and revolve you get used to this when you're doing three D cause some of the things were a bit complex to render as you go through. So I'm actually gonna click Stop here and see if we're gonna just this back. Teoh having something It's not gonna be a 360 degree revolved. I'm just gonna do a partial revolved so that it's not gonna take his long to do that. Here's where we can do kind of like a pie shaped piece of type as well. It's fun. It's cool. You probably haven't seen something like that. But there it iss all done. If you want to render that into a solid shape object, expand appearance and it's now rendered it into a solid shape right there. If you've gone in, you've rendered this entire piece, and you want to go in and change the color. Afterwards, as you go through and selected, you'll notice that the fill panel just had gives you a question. Where because we have all these different types of Phil, not a problem. We can go in here very easily. Select this and weaken globally. Change the colors by either going up and clicking on a little re color artwork pinwheel here or under the edit menu under edit colors and choose re color artwork. We click on the edit button on the re color artwork. Click on the link in the lower right hand corner, which is going to keep all my colors together. And then I could just simply change the hue overall. And this is going to keep all my highlights and shadows together and be able to render the content anyway that I want to to get that type toe look that way. So change the color afterwards. Not a problem keeps all the highlights and shadows, but that could be a lot of fun as well. Preview mode. There's a lot going on inside there when you see that
Ratings and Reviews
Nelson Mueller
Good course! It does exactly what it says, teaching 3D in Illustrator. He explains the different kinds of features very easily and what they do when applied. How different shapes transform when using different kind of options. It is a small course, but it was definitely worth it. I wanted to understand 3D in Illustrator and it fully delivered that.