Mark Cuban
1:04:33 2Seth Godin
1:02:08 3Marie Forleo
1:11:22 4Tim Ferriss
1:32:51 5Arianna Huffington
42:22 6LeVar Burton
1:16:52 7Stefan Sagmeister
57:13 8Brené Brown
1:19:51Richard Branson
40:28 10Gary Vaynerchuk
45:13 11Kelly Starrett
1:38:55 12Jared Leto
31:47 13Gabrielle Bernstein
55:36 14Sir Mix-A-Lot
1:31:53 15Ramit Sethi
1:19:20 16Lewis Howes
1:10:56 17Kevin Kelly
1:13:33 18Sophia Amoruso
48:49 19Kevin Rose
1:18:03 20Brandon Stanton
1:30:33 21Daymond John
1:03:52 22Austin Kleon
1:14:50 23Neil Strauss
1:20:43 24Tina Roth Eisenberg
1:06:26 25James Altucher
1:13:47 26Brian Solis
43:42 27Gretchen Rubin
1:00:11 28Elle Luna
1:11:06 29Caterina Fake
1:08:11 30Adrian Grenier
1:18:09Lesson Info
Tina Roth Eisenberg
Hey everybody, how's it going? I'm Chase Jarvis. Welcome to another episode of Chase Jarvis Live here on CreativeLive. You're specifically tuned in to the 30 days of genius series. That's where I sit down with the world's top creatives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders and extract actionable insights that you can apply to your day to day to help you live your dreams in career, hobby and life. If you're new to this series, all you gotta do is go to CreativeLive.com/30DaysOfGenius that's the number 3-0 days of genius and just press that blue button, and then you'll get one of these awesome interviews in your inbox every day for 30 days. My guest today is an icon in the design world, she's a entrepreneur, in many different ways. One of which is she's completely revolutionized the temporary tattoo world. I know her, you know her, it is Swissmiss. Her name, Tina Roth Eisenberg. (upbeat music) (clapping) We love you. Woo. Hello internet, hello. Thank you very much, whoa, I almost kicke...
d over the table. Bad way to start a show. Thank you so much. Welcome to another episode of Chase Jarvis live. My guest today, she is literally the reason I ever had an internet presence. I looked at what she did online and was super inspired. She was a design force of nature. She moved from Switzerland to New York, Had a job as a designer within 12 hours of landing and has never left since and that was like 15 years ago. And then she did this really amazing thing, she got really sick of all her clients, so she dropped them all and turned to becoming an entrepreneur, where she started not one, not two, not even three but four amazing companies that we'll learn about today. You know her, I know her and love her, Tina Roth Eisenberg, aka Swissmiss. (clapping and cheering) Yay. Thank you for having me. (clapping) Hi everybody. When she left from New York and landed in San Francisco last night. I knew she was in town 'cause I got a great text when she landed. It said, "Yay California!" Here you are in California. I'm so happy to be here. Design week. And look at this. Yes standing room only. It's packed. It's totally packed. Thank you guys for bearing with us. We don't have enough chairs, we didn't expect the last minute steam roll. But, this is about you. So, welcome. Thank you. You're here. Yes and you're wearing a tie. (laughing) Yes, oh thank you This is the first time on any Chase Jarvis Live show I've ever worn a tie. I felt inspired. Yeah, thanks very much. Thank you. (laughing) Actually, I don't wanna for you to precursor but you're not done actually touching me. There's gonna be some more touching later in the show, which we'll talk about that in a second. So I introed the show with the little story about you dropping into New York from Swiss to New York and 12 hours later you had a job and you were told "You're never gonna leave." Yeah and actually the person that told me that happens to be in the audience. There's Matthew right there. Look we gotta get a shot of that. Where's a mic? We're gonna go straight to a mic. I wanna hear the story from him (laughing) I didn't know I'd be put on the spot like that. (laughing) Matthew was my first boss. He was your first boss and can you give us like a 30 second version of what it was like when you met her for the very first time. Well she had this amazing energy and she was very open and she was also very talented. I've been to Germany and I've been to Switzerland and I'm a little bit of a psychic, I'm a pisces, I don't know if you believe in astrology. (laughing) Bring it, alright. And I just blurted out to her, I asked her, "What are your plans after school?" She said, "Well I'm here in New York "to see if I can find an internship "and I'll go back after six months." Three months. "Three months" she said. Alright, and I was like "No, Tina, you're gonna stay here, you're never gonna leave New York. This is your home, you're gonna marry a nice Jewish guy, have kids. (laughing) And I don't really self-edit so I didn't realize that she was offended at that exchange. (laughing) But she really felt like I was being presumptuous, like you just met me, how can you say something like that. That's very Swiss of her to think that though isn't it. But she didn't say that though, she's from Swiss, very polite. And it's been such a pleasure and an honor to watch her career, like to have someone that works for you just surpass you, Just blow right by you. Blow right by, yeah it's just. But that's the sign of truly someone great. Thank you very much for sharing that story. No problem. Really appreciate it. And so it's true I was wondering, you're like 12 hours? That's pretty, so you landed in New York. And the next morning you had a job interview and Yeah. Well Matthew said I could sit down and start working. And I was like "Okay." I put you right on the spot. Yeah he really did. And I just graduated from graphic design school and I was literally burned out. And I was hoping that it would take me a few weeks unitl I find an internship so I can enjoy New York. But, nope, that didn't happen. You went right into a design job with him and then, A few weeks later they offered me a full time job. Like he offered me a full time job. That's the shortest internship in the history of the world. Yeah, and I'm eternally grateful because, I mean, now I'm on the, I'm in Matthew's shoes and I take chances on young people and I always think of Matthew. You know that moment where he just figured, let's try this, let's give her a chance. So he talks about being physic for the folks at home, it's a, the audience here in the live in studio and the folks around the world tuning in right now, they're of the creative class, and if you could give them some advice when you're looking for someone to take a chance on, what do you look for? How do you know that this person has what it takes? Well to me He's psychic, but have to have some sort of, Well actually I'm not psychic. (laughing) He forgot if he's psychic, he's definitely not psychic. If he can't remember if he's psychic or not. But what about you? Well, you know, I have like now a team of 18 or 19 and a lot of them are in their early 20s. And to me it all comes down to just, when you get a sense that somebody is really hungry to just do good work. They really wanna make a difference, they want to make a dent. If I sense that and they have good personalities, at the end of the day, I don't really care about their resume, at the end of the day, what I always ask, "So what are your side projects?" That's usually what I ask in a job interview because if somebody has to hussle to self-initiate and start things on the side, that's the kind of personality I want to work with. Well this is like perfect because that's the title of the show. It's really all about that you're side hustle, that your side gig, your side projects are the things that are gonna make the difference in your career, are gonna pick you to the next level. And so if I could be super explicit, that's something that you look for when someone's coming in? What if they say I only wanna work here and this is the only, this is my whole life. Isn't that showing commitment? Isn't this a place where they could potentially be confused? No the reason why I ask that, is because I'm a very unusual boss in that I give a lot of freedom. And if I have someone that needs a lot of guidance, if someone, and there's nothing wrong with that, Sure. I just understand there's different types of how you work, and there's people that want a lot of guidance, that want to be told all the time what they need to do, and there, again, there's nothing wrong with that. That's just not how I work. I like to give someone like sort of like clear directions on what their role are, but then there's freedom to just explore and put their own stamp on it. And just be sort of you know a self-starter. And that side project question is really an indication that they are a self-started, 'cause they've got a bunch of interests. Yep. Got it. Well speaking of a bunch of interests, there's somebody I know that has a bunch of interests, and I've been to New York twice in the last month to spend some time with you and you're always in a different, so she's basically got the whole floor of this place in Brooklyn, Almost. Almost, you have the whole floor, I'll strike that, and you're never in one place, you're bouncing all over the place. Do you think that's an asset for creative? 'Cause I was told my whole career that you had to pick one thing and be the best at it. And, like you, I rejected that premise and I believe, I think we're very similar in that regard. Yeah, that's why I wanted you on the show. Makes me feel good about myself. (laughs) but like, isn't it true, don't you find that in design community you're told that you have to be the best illustrator or the best x or the best you know, at typeface and that, isn't that sort of limiting? Aren't we a part of a new chapter now? No, I mean I think that there's nothing wrong with that, it's just you need to know what works for you though, right. I just know if I'm just the best user interface designer, I wouldn't be happy, 'cause that would not be enough for me, right. So what I wanna be the best at, is being the most enthusiastic person that motivates teams and maybe comes up with new ideas, right. So that's my goal of being the best at, that's what I aspire to, right. So, in some sense that applies, it's just not on being a graphic designer per say. Well that dovetails nicely with the opening segment, he felt that enthusiasm for you, and I think if that's, I'm not mistaken, you're well known for asking this question, of if you could, what is your super power? I think we actually have a graphic of you as, what's the name of your super hero? Captain Enthusiasm. Captain Enthusiasm, I think maybe we've got one up on the little, (laughing) Can I just say, that this is the weirdest thing ever, having to art direct an illustrator who I found on DeviantArt of all places. And I asked her because I found a drawling of the, this woman made a drawling of the Justice League, and I asked her if she could draw me as a super hero, and she's like "Absolutely. "What's your outfit?" And I'm like wait, what? And so I ran over, You had to art direct your own outfit. I ran down to Totly, my team, and it's like "Guys, if I was a super hero, what do I look like?" And that was like one of my favorite 10 minute conversations with my team I've ever had. Like one of the things that I think Karen said, "Like you need confetti cannons." (laughing) So just spend five minutes today if you had to art direct your super hero outfit, what it would look like. Color, cape, no cape, you know, boots, no boots. These are really important questions. I love it but what it stands for without a doubt, is what your strength is and your strength, well you have many strengths and no one in this room would doubt that because I been inspired by you on so many different levels but enthusiasm is huge. Talk about how that permeates through your work. Well I, so I've been thinking about the super power thing a lot and I've asked very successful people, "What is "your secret super power?" And what I've noticed is very successful people could answer it right away. So it seems there is a correlation in between really recognizing what you're good at and then really putting that to use, right. So that's something I think about a lot. And I think enthusiasm, like raising enthusiasm amongst people is my biggest asset, hands down. 'Cause I, for example, with something like CreativeMornings, when I started that lecture series, everyone told me you're out of your mind. Doing a free breakfast series, not charging, trying to find venues that will host you for free, and also at 8:30. No New Yorker will show up at 8:30. (laughing) But when I just like come in with my ball of enthusiasm, people eventually go like, yeah maybe she's onto something, right. So I just like swoop them over. So that really I think is my biggest asset. So here's an interesting one that I thought about. Some people say confidence will do the same thing. And I disagree. 'Cause confidence is impressive, right? Enthusiasm is infectious. Confidence is about yourself, and enthusiasm is about something else. I think that might get tweeted a few times if you say that one more time. It's confidence is about yourself, enthusiasm is about something else. So enthusiasm is infectious and confidence is just impressive. Yes. But at the end of the day, infectious fun stuff wins over braggy about yourself stuff, right. That is there's a bunch of nuggets in there for sure. And so that's basically the genesis of CreativeMornings, which I wanna postpone that part of the conversation a little bit because I've got a few things I wanna get to before then. This infectious enthusiasm that you carry around with you, that's something I'm guessing you're sniffing when you're hiring designers and other creatives, photographers, illustrators. Do you seek that enthusiasm, is it just raw talent or is it talent plus this desire to start extra projects. What's the cocktail that SwissMiss looks for when she hires people? Because that's, again, I know that there's a huge population of creatives are watching and that's one of the things. How do I get my next job, how do I get better at my craft? I would say my cocktail is I look for self starters, as I said, people that can, started things on their own in the past. No ego, humility, excitement around making something meaningful, and then just hustle. Hustle, hustle is I think one of the most under rated qualities. I don't know that, it's really unsexy to talk about hustle. Someone we've had on the show, Gary Vaynerchuk, I don't know if you know Gary, He's like Mr. Hustle. That's like one of the only things he talks about. But it's clearly an important factor in all the people that I know who have gone on to do really exciting, impressive things. So I'll file that away. So I do, like one of the things that you have been widely noted about is ditching your clients. Now most people are hustling to get clients, she's the only person I know that hustled to fire everyone that was hiring her. So what's the story behind that? 'Cause that's very very different, people, I wanna make money by my trade and doing the things that I love, and then if you fire everybody there's no one to pay you. So paint a picture for us at home here. Well so I trained as a graphic designer and ever since I started working as a graphic designer, sort of my dream was always to have my own design studio, right. It's sort of what you aspire to, I guess, most. And when I was pregnant with my daughter, I realized, wait a second, I still don't run my own design studio. So I kinda said, "Oh, let's start it." So the day my daughter was born, I started my design studio. 'Cause that was always my dream. Yes. So here I was, I had very prestigious clients, I had more clients than I could handle, and I was chugging along. And I realized, I wasn't really happy. So then I got pregnant with my son three years later, and I think that pregnancy thing induces a lot of thinking in my head, and I realized, wait a second. I have my design studio that I always wanted, but I am really not happy. And then I realized that I am just not made for the service industry. But disappointing someone, I literally pour everything into, like if someone wants me to make their website, I will give it all and I will make the product, the best product I can make. And if then the client is still not happy, that crushes my soul. So I've realized, there's people that are made for the service industry and have a thicker skin, and I am not that. And then I sort of looked at my life and I looked at what makes me happy, and I realized it was these side projects that I literally just started as a fun thing on the side. And I thought maybe I can focus on them more and maybe they can turn into businesses. And that's what I did. So I went on a one year client sabbatical when my son was born, it's so ironic, I started my studio when my daughter was born and I went on a one year client sabbatical. It's seems like you're doing everything backwards, which I love that, right. You're doing everything, wait, you have a design studio, and then you take a year off to have your child. Not you have a child and then you start your design studio. That's backwards, but I love that there's a million paths these days to whatever it is you wanna be. So we are taking your questions, and I asked, there was a handful of questions early on in the live in studio audience and I asked people to hold off until the broadcast started. So I'm gonna go to you in just a second but I'm gonna open the floor with sort of what I think is a big-ish question. How do you, do what you love, is, I've heard you say it a lot, how do you know that you're doing what you love? Or love what you do. Or love what you do? So what if you, so you didn't love serving clients. So love what you do is, to me that's a tough proposition because me just telling you to love what you do when you're serving clients isn't really, that's not much of an opportunity or a solution. If the question is do what, or the request is to do what you love and you will be happy, the question I get asked all the time and then I've asked myself before is how do you know if you're doing something that you love? Well if you never have to think about, do I wanna do this? Like I just, going to work, getting up in the morning, I know it sounds so cheesy, but to me work and life my personal life and my work, it's all a blur. And I think that to me is a sign that I've found my sweet spot. Yeah there's so, I understand the idea of keeping your life separate from your work, I feel like what you just described totally is the picture that my life is as well. My work, my professional, my personal life is all wound up into one thing. And I think that what a lot of people that I know who are watching today are very much looking for courage to actually put a stake in the ground and say, "I'm actually not happy "in this job that I'm doing." Can I just share a personal story with my daughter from three weeks ago? Please that's the only reason you're here in San Francisco. (laughing) So my, Wait do we wanna hear a personal story? Yes. Yes, okay, there you go. Right now the whole internet's going ger ger ger, ask. So my personal goal is to, I have two children, right, four, Telo is four and my daughter, Ella, is eight. And my big goal is to raise them in a way that they will not settle for anything else than a job that they thoroughly love, right. So that's really important to me. So on Mondays I take my daughter out for dinner, we have a dinner date. And about three or four weeks ago, we sitting there, and she's eight, and I said to her, I said, "Ella, do you actually know "what I do at work all day?" And she just very nonchalantly just said, "Yeah you sit at your computer and you laugh." (laughing) And I thought, wow that's the best answer ever because it's true. And then I took a second, I said, "Well wait, "do you mean as in I like what I do, "I'm having fun?" and she looked at me, seriously or not, she goes, "Yeah, isn't that the whole point?" (laughing) Wow. And guys, I did a little dance inside. I was like this parenting thing is working. (laughing) That's so inspirational to so many of us. If we go back in history a little bit, when you started blogging, I think it was 2005, wasn't it? Uh huh. I was reading your stuff and in 2006 I said wow, I'm going to this site everyday to get inspiration and it's so design centric maybe I can start blogging and doing it on my own. And ironically, the other person who was really important to me, in that regard, was Craig Swanson, who's my co-founder here at CreativeLive. He said, "You should talk about photography." And so the two of you guys combined to help me have a presence on the internet, which is definitively the reason, I think, we are sitting here today. The internet is amazing. Isn't it? Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted, you did a wave at one of your things, do you wanna do the wave here? Yeah we should do it. So at my recent 99U talk, I have this amazing slide that my studio made, she's an illustrator, Jen Mussari, made. It's like this animated gif of, it says "Yay, the internet" and there's cats and cosmos in the back and I just basically made the whole audience at 99U stand up and scream "yay internet". Should we do that? Should we do that? Let's do that, okay. Is it a stand up too? Yeah, hold on. I'm gonna take of photo of this. Are you gonna be standing up when we say, is it like a, No these guys have got to stand up, I'm just art directing Hang on, I'm nervous here, I'm nervous. Do they stand up and then say "yay internet" or do they, is a one motion "yay internet" stand. It's like a "yay internet". Remember you have people close to your right and left, and, like oh we killed four people today in the studio, and you folks at home on the internet, can we ask them to do it too? Yes Is this the world's, Yes this is, the world is doing a "yay internet". The internet is doing the largest internet wave in the history of the internet right now. I love this. Alright, okay so you wanna count it down, now what's, is it, You're so nervous. (laughing) It's all good, it's all good. Is one, two, three, "yay"? One, two, three, then "yay internet", okay? I just want it to be your thing and I wanna do it right. You're, it's so adorable. I up here on the freaking stage. Alright, we got this. Alright. One, two, three. Yay internet. Woo hoo. I works it's so cool. (clapping) I love the internet. Ta da! Amazing, woo. (laughing) So, I need a cigarette now. (laughing) Yay internet, that was amazing. Do we have any questions from the live in studio audience that, you know, it's not every day you get to sit in the room with someone like Tina. So please ask away. Again, I'm Chase, we're sitting here with Tina. If you're in the internet, feel free to ask a question. #cjlive, through a quote in there, we'll give you a GoPro camera. Back to you, my good man. Yeah I do have a question, Tell us who you are too. Oh, I'm Daniel, I'm actually a student studying computer science. But just being a creative type, I guess, also with, like four companies and four things that you're working on right now, how do you find the focus to focus on like one thing and not always be tossed aside by one day waking up, "Oh I have this idea", and then like getting lost, you know, constantly new ideas, does that make sense? It does, it's a very really question. Well I don't allow myself to start anything new right now. There's a moratorium on new stuff. Yep, yeah so that is not happening, unless I drop something. It's like when I buy a new pair of shoes, one pair of shoes has gotta go. But then again, I mean it all comes down to having really good teams. And that's why I explained why I hire the way I hire. Is that people need to be very self sufficient. I'm just really that, like Ben Chestnut gave a really wonderful talk, a CreativeMornings talk. He's the co-founder of MailChimp. And in that, there he explains, he's like a bee, he's the CEO, that sorta floats around in the company. It's a really great talk on how he runs his creative environment. And that's kinda how I feel right now, is like, while I'm still very hands on, I'm also kinda like that bee that just sorta floats around. And that's how I'm able to run these several companies and then some of them I'm more hands on than in others. But, does that answer your question? Yes, kind of. Yes but I'm gonna go one level deeper, because I'm saying that's actually sort of a non answer, because there's a little bit, no disrespect, but there's a little bit, it's hard to do four of the things that you have done, well, so are you like polymath supreme, are you just different than everybody else? Or do you have some sort of a system that you apply to like, are there a bunch of balls in the air and when one gets really low you reach up and throw it back up in the air? Yep. Or do you do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, the folks that have a lot of projects out there, they want to know how you do it. Yeah, the ball thing, that kinda is it. They're all working until one stops working and then you catch it and throw it back up. Yeah, no, but I mean, if you look at the four things I do, CreativeMornings and Tattly, those are my main focuses. So when you say four, I think it's not really true. I would say I run two things 'cause Studiomates, the co-working space, kind of runs on its own. That's not really something that needs much of my attention. And then TeuxDeux, the to-do app I made, we're a team, and, I mean, we could work way more in TeuxDeux, we're not. If we poured more love and attention into it, it could blossom even more, but it's not really our main focus so I think in the end of the day, I would say I work on two projects. So there are some prioritizations that are happening, again, I'm trying to give real concrete feedback. There are some prioritizations that are going on, and even if it's just two things, you're massaging, you're supporting both those, in a way that's the best you can, and when one needs some love, you pour a little extra on there. And having good people around you is key. Yes. So can we talk a little bit more about the good people around you? Actually, anyone have questions from the in studio audience, we'll take, oh I've got one up front, oh we've got two up front. Alright, we'll try to get through a couple of these real quick and the we'll go to the internet, because they got some questions of there own. You, my good man. Hi Tina, I'm Zane. I run a software development agency, called Sherlock Media, and I'm interested in knowing what are some of your daily habits and rituals that you sort of follow to keep you creative and make sure that you're getting things that you need to get done. I wish I had a really deep answer. (laughing) I come to, Great question. It's a great question. I come to work and I check in with my teams. And, I mean I really don't have a routine, I'm sorry, I wish I had some magic answer that you guys can sit down and say like, Replicate. This is what I'm gonna do. I have coffee and I check in with my teams. And then whoever yells the loudest, and needs my attention, gets my attention. Does that make sense? Yes. What about are there any productivity tools or things that you use, like what are some of the things that you rely on to help you stay organized and what not? Well my app, sorry, I'm gonna plug my own app, No it's good. I created a, I made a list maker, I believe in lists. So I created this app called TeuxDeux. And it's basically a calendar view, I have it as my browser window. It's like whenever I open a new browser window, which is all the time, is sort of hits me over the head what I need to get done. And the beauty of it is, whatever you haven't done today and check off rolls over to the next day, so you don't have to write it down again. So it's very simple. If you like lists, you might, See when you ask the next question, now you find out there's something under that, so it's TeuxDeux. It's TeuxDeux. Yeah, I mean without TeuxDeux, I'd be a complete mess. Free, download it on the internet, $10, $20? Used to be free, but unfortunately we had to move it to a paid model, but it's, uh, the pricing, nice. I think it's $2, $2.99 a month. $2.99 a month. Or there's a skeptic and a believer mode. I love them. My partner, Cameron, came up with this, like when you sign up you can either be a skeptic and pay monthly, or be a believer and pay yearly. (laughing) Isn't that cool? So I constantly get, people come up to me, "I'm a believer." I'm like yeah. Nice, T-E-U-X, T-E-U-X-D-E-U-X, TeuxDeux. We couldn't find a to do url so we just sorta like how do the french pronounce this? (laughing) I'm sorry, I don't wanna upset any French. But the beauty of it is, there's a someday section, like in the bottom, where you can have multiple, you can customize the columns, the headers, and I just need to get stuff out of my head sometimes. Like it just, there's too much in here. But by putting it into the TeuxDeux, I feel like I have a handle on things. You put it into the TeuxDeux, I like that. Yeah. So there's at least a little structure to the magic that happens. Any follow up questions or you feel like you got everything you need? Yeah, just wanted to know what a typical day looks like for you. Coffee and TeuxDeux. (laughing) Alright, thank you. Best answer ever. You mind passing that mic right across the hall there? Can you spell that again? TeuxDeux? T-E-U-X-D-E-U-X. Yeah, thank you. And we'll probably get some lower thirds going on. Tell us who you are. I'm Lisa, I'm a photographer. And I'm wondering, this is actually a little bit for both of you, what do you guys do to stay excited, inspired, not on a daily basis? What's the inspiration? You answer for once. It's my show. (laughing) No, I'm happy to answer 'cause I, inspiration is very very important and I have two modes. I have, like, serious inspiration, which is almost looks and smells like research. (laughing) And then I have like sort of daily inspiration, and that's, we took the daily one first. It's really loving what you do. I need to be energized and be excited to get in, come to work everyday. And I've been spending a lot of time here at CreativeLive since I took over as the CEO, and there's so much opportunity, so much pleasure, so much passion in the walls here in San Francisco and the location in Seattle. That inspiration that you know, you know you're on the right path, if when you wake up in the morning even if the stuff, the shit is hard, but you actually want to get into it. And if you're doing something that you shouldn't be doing, that stuff that's hard, it's like oh my God I can't do this, you might want to think about something different. 'Cause I can tell you the people that are on the right path, they wake up and that thing that's hard is there to keep everyone else out, not to keep you out. So I wake up everyday and I make sure I look myself in the mirror, I think Steve Jobs said this a couple times, that if you're looking yourself in the mirror and too many days in a row, you're not happy, then you need to be doing something else. I just need to make sure that I'm doing that. So there's a daily inspiration of like I like my life, and then there's the other stuff. I look at people like Tina, what she's doing. I put myself around great people. I'm an extrovert by, you might not have know that, (laughing) but I put myself around amazing people. That's another thing that, why my photography and creative community's been important. The CreativeLive community, getting to work here in Silicon Valley and Seattle around the, some of the best and brightest. It's key to inspiration, putting yourself around other people who love what they do as much as you do. So, those are my two check boxes. And yours, my lady? So your question was, what keeps me inspired? Yeah like friends, family, Life. Well there's the internet. No I mean, if you're just a somewhat curious person, life is just so interesting, and inspiring and it's what you said. For example, the co-working space I created, called Studiomates, I am surrounded by some of the most talented creative people I could ever dream of. There's photographers, developers, illustrators, writers, you name it. So it's my daily little Ted Conference over lunch, or just like being surrounded by people that are really, really passionate and excited about what they do. That's just interesting right there. Like every conversation we have, ends up being like this nugget that they drop. You know things they work on. So it's like surround yourself with really interesting creative people and just be curious about life. The Studiomates thing is a great example, that's one of the reason that we have a physical audience here at CreativeLive and on Chase Jarvis Live so that, we're all internet friends, right, we're tweeting and facebooking and all instagraming back and forth, but we get to get together and hang out, we're gonna take some pictures after this. We're gonna have some coffee and mingle. There's this beautiful thing about people actually getting together. And then AIGASF, design week, you got John Maeda here, you're here. It's full of amazing people coming together in physical proximity. So I think that's a good dose of inspiration. I hope we got your question. Yeah. Awesome, now I'm going to the internet, so you guys pontificate in and around your next question, 'cause I'm not done with you all yet. The folks out on the internet want a couple of questions. This one, @swelldesigns says "Brooklyn's all about the hustle, "how much influence has the borough had on your career?" Very good question, swelldesigns. How much influence has Brooklyn had on my career? Yes. Okay so I'm the inoffical ambassador of Brooklyn. (laughing) Wow. So I make everyone move to Brooklyn that starts working for me. I usually ask, "Where do you live?" and then if they don't live in Brooklyn, it's like, damn it. (laughing) Are you collecting votes for the next election? No, no, no it's just like I wanna convince everyone to live in Brooklyn. I'm a big fan of Brooklyn. I feel like I had to grow up in Switzerland and moved to Manhattan for one year, to then discover Brooklyn as my home. I mean Brooklyn, I don't know if this question, there's lots of lots of interesting people in Brooklyn. It's very dense. For sure, it's very dense. So I think that that inspires me. Something like it would be the fifth largest city in the country if it was it's own country, I think. Oh sorry, that was very screwed up, what I just said. Fifth largest city in the country, if it were it's own city. Every time I go to the playground with my kids and I start talking to someone, With her kids, she qualified that right at the end there. Yeah with the kids, not just myself. (laughing) I end up like meeting super interesting, creative people that you know do really cool stuff. So go Brooklyn. Go Brooklyn. I think that's very astute, you know, shot out to swelldesign for recognizing that. The place that you live actually has some bear on the mindset. And it's not required but certainly my background here in San Francisco and specifically Seattle, music, all that stuff has been hugely influential for me. I, like you, am a big fan of Brooklyn. @Sky820 wants to know how to differentiate between a super power and an interest. What is the tipping point that transforms your interest into the super power? Well if you're really interested in something, and you spend a lot of time thinking about that and you're probably going to get good at it and then it turns into a super power. Got it, can you have multiple super powers? Yeah. Wow. I think so. Nice that's good to know. (laughing) I'm aspiring to multiple super powers now. I wanna get into the meat of the matter on you're actual companies. 'Cause we've been dancing around them a little bit, we've referenced them. I kicked off this big fancy intro that said you have four, then half way through the show you told me you only have two. I'm not saying I only have two. I'm focusing more on two. You're focusing on two. So the two that you decided not to focus on, actually a better way of putting it, run themselves, is Studiomates. So give us a debrief on that guy. What's Studiomates? Studiomates is a co-working space I started seven years ago, I think. In Dumbo in Brooklyn. In Dumbo, Brooklyn which started out with one room, four people, and we've been continuously breaking down walls and now we're 60. You're 60 people? Yeah, it's insane. Awesome, and generally speaking that's just a co-working space where what you rent is a desk, and what you get that's more than a desk is, it's sorta like a one plus one equals three, right. You get this community of like-minded people or why don't you, put it to me in your own words. I think that what makes Studiomates really special, because I mean now every, I think the new thing is to run a co-working space. That's really, I feel like everyone is running one right now and that's cool because I believe in people, you know there's so many more freelancers now, I believe in getting together in a room with other like minded people is important. What I see though is that a lot of co-working spaces you rent a desk and then you just come in and sit wherever you want. To me it's always been super important that you have your domain, you have your desk. That is your area. And that people are really there. Like I always say, when people are interested in a desk, I say like you have to be part of this community, you have to be here. If people don't show up like for a month or two, I mean sometimes of course, you might have a gig and you might travel, but if you're generally not around, we will kick you out. Because we really want you to be a part of the community and be there. Yeah, contributing, like you wanna actually do something, like you can't just take you need to be able to give. I think that's what makes Studiomates really amazing and to honest, I wouldn't have started these companies if it wasn't for the tremendous support and respect I got from my studiomates. Was the Studiomates the first thing that you started? Yeah, I mean I ran my design studio, basically it started out in Studiomates. Got it. So Studiomates, design studio, served a bunch of clients, talk about getting sick of them and wanting to do something else, 'cause I think there's a lot of folks, there's love, hate, a double edged sword, if you will. Folks that, clients for the people who have creative careers freelancers, that you just mentioned, they are the lifeblood for us 'cause the pay our bills. We do work for them and they write us a check and then we put that check in the bank. You don't have any clients anymore, so tell the people that clients, that having clients is one option and paint a picture for the rest of us of what other options look like. I feel like clients get a really bad rep right now. I feel like that's not what the picture I want to paint. I just realized, self-aware, that I am not made for the service industry. I am not the person to have clients. For example, A Michael Bierut, a partner at Pentagram, gave an amazing talk on how he looks at the client service model and how he looks, I mean if you have clients, look up the CreativeMornings talk with Michael Bierut. It's the best thing ever. And when I hear that, I was like Michael, you are made for service industry, me, I'm not. So let's not give the clients a bad rep. Okay, cool, but what about folks that burn out? Well I'll use myself as an example. I used to try to have a lot of clients, 'cause it meant it was a rough aggregate of success for me because going from self-taught photographer to not having any clients to having someone to help me, to give me work to pay my bills That was a sign of something and then over time, sort of paralleled building an audience, I started to be able to rely a little bit less on them. Is it fair to have a balance or is it an all or none thing? It's all clients or no clients. No, I always advise people try to have a like, sort of a passive income. I think the secret to a creative life, so the magic sauce, if you can build up a passive income in some sort, like if you can maybe sustain yourself with let's say 80% client project and maybe 20% you can spend on building an app or service or whatever it is, sort of the former google model. I really believe that that's what I would aspire to if I, I mean I was very lucky that I had my blog. That sort of created passive income very slowly and that's why I was able to go on that one year client sabbatical. So I would advise anyone who wants to potentially get out of it, try to build up something that could start generating a product, a service, whatever that is. Passive income. Did you read my cheat sheet, Nope. 'Cause passive income's in bold over there. I was gonna get to that later. You told me not to look over there. (laughing) Secrets are reveled. I think that's fantastic advice. Let me go linearly, Studiomates, co-working that off set the office costs and the studio costs, then you had a design firm that you grew and were working for clients, got tired of that. Started creating some passive income with your blog, and then you had a couple of other projects that you started getting some passive income. When did TeuxDeux come along relative to Tattly, or relative to Creative, TeuxDeux came very early after I started Studiomates co-working space because it came out of a lunch conversation with my studiomate, Cameron Koczon, where I walked over to the lunch area and I saw him working on a to do app that I really don't like, and I said, "Can you tell me what "do you like about this app?" So we went into this epic lunch conversation around to do apps and I was sitting there very passionately sketching out like this is what I need but everything has too many bells and whistles. Next thing you know he says, "Tina, you design it, "I'll build it." And literally like 48 hours we had a working prototype. So TeuxDeux came out of Sudiomates. Wow, again that's just a great, I think, example of the motto, you put yourself around inspiring creative people who are getting after it, and you have an idea, they latched on to your idea. You guys built something and actually there's the part of making it to. There's not just pontificating and hand waving and smiling about it. There's actually an application of I'm gonna do this shit, and doing it and 48 hours later, TeuxDeux. (laughing) I meant to say TeuxDa but, sorry. (laughing) But that in a nut shell, is it that simple? And you uploaded it to the iTunes store? No, actually we didn't make the app, it was browser based, because I believed and we all lived in the browser and I needed something as my landing page to constantly hit me over the head when I open the browser window what I actually should get done. So we had just had it as a browser, as a site. And we just used it internally, we never expected to open it up to the public. But people that kept walking in, because we all had it as our landing pages, there like what is this, what is this? So we were hand coding people in and eventually I was like come on Cameron, just make a simple marketing site and let's just give it away. So that was in December of 2010, I believe. We launched it. I wrote about it on Swissmiss and said here's a to do app that we built for ourselves. You can use it. And then I remember like an hour later I look over to Cameron and he's like pale, and I see him looking at stats and he just looks at me and goes like the internet was imploding on us. Then I did some research and all the big people picked it up and shared it. This is so funny, we launched it in December of 2010, we just made the cut for being the best to do app of because a fast company wrote a blog post about us two hours later, best to do app of 2010. (laughing) Don't expect success quite that fast folks. (laughing) Just two hours is a little bit narrow for the rest of us, but congratulations. And what's really adorable was that for some reason the church world has picked it up. I think priests and nuns are really into lists. (laughing) And the thing that's so adorable, so we made this app for ourselves, and then actually, shortly after, we built an actual iPhone app and again, we never looked at this as a business. This was a tool that we built for ourselves. So we had very silly alerts. For example, because Cameron is hilarious, even his videos are just so funny. For example, one of the alerts when you had no wifi, no internet connection, was like "danger, danger, high voltage". (laughing) It was just funny. So we got this adorable email from a nun, saying I just got this iPod Touch and it needs to last for a long time and I'm really worried whenever I get this message, is it gonna effect my iPod Touch? And I was like oh God, oh God, this is what happens when you make a product that people use. You need to be kinda careful. You need to think of everything, even nuns who are afraid of electricity. You know actually you brought up something that I think resonates with me and I've had some success in thinking this way. And that's scratching your own itch. For the folks out there who are thinking about doing something entrepreneurial, I created an iPhone app, called Best Camera, which is the first iPhone app that shared images to social networks. Ended up being that whole thing kinda caught on, I don't know if you guys have noticed or not. The idea was, I was using like 10 apps, this was back pre iPhone or iPhone 1, take a picture and the you have to use the Facebook app, the Twitter app, the blogger app, the wordpress app, just to get a photo out there. In doing so, I was like that is just a pain in the ass, how can we do it so you can just touch one button and it goes to all the services. The thing that I learned more than the trajectory of the app and the success there, was that scratching your own itch, that if you have a problem, in the same way that Tina had a list problem, can I call it a list problem? I don't know. She had a thing to do list that was something that she needed that wasn't out there. If you build it, the chances are that there are 10s or hundreds or millions of people that have that same issue. When you're thinking about what entrepreneurial projects to pick up, living proof that you can break the internet with your to do list by scratching your own itch. Yep. Alright, so check that is TeuxDeux. And now I want to move on to the thing that's next, Where I'm going to touch you? (laughing) This is the internet right here. (clapping) It can be used for good or evil. We'll find out what it's about to be used for. Yes please touch me. So we're gonna talk about Tattly. I been waiting for this moment. (laughing) And so tell us about Tattly. So Tattly is a temporary tattoo company, We're pointing at the table but nobody in the world knows why we're pointing at the table. We're pointing at the table because there are Tattly tats. Yeah so Tattly is a designing temporary tattoo company that was started in 2010. And it started when my daughter, once again, came home from a birthday party. Those of you who have kids know birthday parties mean kids come home with goodie bags, and there were these hideous annoying temporary tattoos in them that she asked me to apply on her. And there were such an insult to my Swiss aesthetic, (laughing) and I have this personal rule, that if I keep, repeatedly complaining about something, I need to either do something about it or let it go. And I realized, come on Tina, you need to stop complaining about this. And then I thought for a second, so wait a second, it can't be that hard to produce temporary tattoos. I can make websites, I have lots of illustrative friends, let's just make a cool site with cool tattoos, and then I fixed this problem, right. Two months later, fast forward to we launched Tattly, adorable 16 designs, was just friends of mine that made some designs. Just friends like Stefan Sagmeister, and some of the best designers in the world. No he just came on a few weeks ago. Okay, okay. But I mean again I just have to turn around in my co-working space. Like it was that easy for me when you're surrounded by creative people. So two months later I launched it, this again a yay internet moment, where you know I blogged about it and then literally a few minutes later we're standing there next to the printer and there's these orders coming in. I was like this internet thing is magic. (laughing) And then orders from around the world. Not just like down the street, it's like wow. I'm in business, so we started shipping tattoos. And then the next day, I got a call from a very prestigious museum store in London, I will never forget this moment in my life, and I pick up and they said "Hello," Hello. Can we have a wholesale catalog? I was just like absolutely. I took their info, hung up and I remember I turned around I was like, hey guys what is a wholesale catalog? (laughing) So I called my friends who make products and they got me up to speed. And was like Tina, you need packaging and you need to you know. So I made a wholesale catalog. And now we're in stores around the world and I must say my personal highlight was when, last year we got into the MoMA store. And I admit, I went to the MoMA store on Spring Street, and I creepingly stood there for about an hour just going "I have a product in the MoMA store." Because I was never set up. I love that store by the way. And actually my first boss, Matthew, he has his product in there too. So I could totally relate to you know that feeling, I was like wow, I was never set out to make a product that's gonna be in a store. But you scratched your own itch, right. Yeah. You saw hideous tattoos that misaligned with your Swiss aesthetic and you made your own. You followed your second rule, which is you can't complain, you have to fix it. Yeah, and the beautiful thing about Tattly is, and again, I think there's beauty in starting something as a side project and not looking at it as a business. Because when you start something under the premise of a side project, You should be taking notes right now. When you start something out under the premise of a side project, you sort of have a different set of rules. You are more willing to experiment, you're not as afraid of failing, because there's nothing to fail at because you're just trying something, right. And you don't make decisions around money. To me, what I've learned is I've never put making money first with any of these projects, it was really just a pure, like what do I wanna fix, what is it, what is the problem I wanna solve? And sometimes it's just pure passion for something. It's not the money component, but interestingly enough, I think the universe sends you a head nod when they think you need to continue working on that. Because money, in some sense, then comes on its own. I have the same experience, the app, CreativeLive, it's like I wanted to solve that problem 'cause when I turned, there was no creative education. Once you're in higher education you look around it's really hard to go back to school. Couldn't agree more. But at the end of the day, I believe when you do something from a very pure and authentic place, where again you don't set out to just this will make me tons of money. There's a different energy around it. And people respond to that. And I feel like at this day in age, where at all times, you're being pitched something, there's always a catch, when there is not, people actually go like whoa, that's kind of refreshing. There's no catch. There's no catch. Speaking of tats, Should we put one on? Would you guys like it if she put one on my body? (clapping) Alright. So we were discussing this earlier, where on my body would be a good place to put this tat, (laughing) and the traditional place would be here, but we're, neither of us are very traditional, and I like the sort of prison thug neck tattoo look. So she said wouldn't it be awkward if I'm like, and actually that's what we're kinda going for, we're going for awkward. Okay, okay so we're going for awkward. So, neck tat coming my way. Okay. And it's a very manly neck tat like a, Bird. (laughing) Okay let just see, I wanna see how, does the bird fly up? Always up, yes. Okay, wet sponge, hold on. Is this gonna hurt? Is this gonna hurt? (laughing) No. Hold on This kinda feels good actually. (laughing) Can you do the rest, can I have these all over my body? Okay, he promised me he didn't moisturize there this morning, No. 'Cause if he did, it's not gonna stick. So let's see. Ta-da. Isn't that cool? (clapping) Thug life. Nice, looks good. So how long is this gonna stay on? Three weeks, four weeks? (laughing) Between two and five days. As long as you don't moisturize it. You can shower and soap is all good. Just no moisturizing. No moisturizing, and I've got a bird on my neck now. Thank you very much. (laughing) Can I have this hustle one too? Yes, yes, I love this. We gotta sleeve you up. Maybe we do this here. By the end of the show I'm gonna have a big sleeve. (laughing) You know, actually I have a good story around that. Okay. So whenever we go to, when we have trade shows, I learnt my job, is because I can't close a sale for the life of me, I'm just not a sales person. I'm buying everything right now. But I can get them into the booth. And I can get them so fired up that they're going to place an order with one of my Tattly people, right. So I learned that the more sleeved up I am, standing outside of the booth, the more likely people are gonna notice. So I always, on trade show mornings, I stand in the kitchen, and I puzzle piece my arm together. Literally, sleeved up and here, my daughter a year ago, came in and watched me in the kitchen. She goes "Mommy what are you doing?" I'm like "I'm getting ready for work." (laughing) And she'd like "I want your job." (laughing) So anyway the first day at a trade show, where I sleeved up like that, I walk home and I go into the subway and there's a really big guy sitting there and he had real sleeves. And I walk in and I could see like he just caught me a little bit. So he looks up and he gives me the head nod. (laughing) But then I think it started computing, 'cause you know I have carrots and lollipops and whatever and then he looks at me and he goes awe. Ah, damn it, for like a split second, I was part of his tribe. I don't know if you can zoom in on that guy right there. That's awesome. Well thank you very much. And tell us a little bit more about Tattly. First of all T-A-T-T-L-Y.com that's where they go and so you've got these packs, you've got these individual thingys. So the beautiful thing about Tattly, and what I am very proud of, like obviously I will not save the world of temporary tattoos right. But there's a few things I can do to make the world a little better, by running this business. For example, they're made in the US. I don't understand why choose to make more profits we need to move stuff overseas. I just don't get it. There's people who need jobs here. There's really capable manufacturers, so I will not let go of that. The artists get a really, really generous cut of every single sale, which goes into my belief that you need to have passive income. So I get a lot of exclamation point emails every three months when we pay out artists' commission. Which is really cool. Could I maybe do one with you? Like some sort of photography thing maybe? Yeah, we do a lot of custom. We work with really cool brands now to do custom stuff and the other thing as well is there's little things. I want to make something I love for people that love it. So there needs to be a lot of love in. That's so tweetable right there it's not even funny. (laughing) And when I started it and looked into fulfillment houses that would do the, fulfilling is usually the biggest pain, right. But the problem is, when you use a fulfillment house they usually wouldn't, it doesn't make sense to use them if it's below $15, like your order. But it's really important to me that we have a $5 order. You can order one design, you get two of them for $ and the shipping is included in the US. It's really important to me that people who don't have big budgets can place an order for $5. So the reason was that we had to keep it in house. That was the reason. I was like, okay, I can't go to fulfillment house, but then I realized if you really care about something in your company, you need to keep it in house. That's something I've learned. And now we, very much to some of my, to the dismay of some of my Tattly team members, I just insist on using real stamps. So, we put really cool designy rubber stamps on it. But then we use real stamps when we mail them out. And what happens is people receive their orders and it looks like a friend shipped you something. It's not just this pre printed label. While a lot of people might not pay attention to this, there's a lot of people that do and that appreciate it and instagram about it. And it feels like a friend sent you something. Like there's a real human touch. And I feel there's not enough of that these days. So there's little things like that, that make me really happy. (clapping) That's serious, I love that. The human component, is so so important. That's one of my favorite things about the world of design. That actually matters. That the care and everything actually matters. So you have, you referenced your Swiss roots. Which made me wanna, I thought about something. My parents said oh, my parents are also fans, How cute. Yes I got a FedEx this morning from my mother and father who are certainly watching, Steve and Joy, and they sent me something. Can you toss that up here? This is to wish, this is the Swiss hat, so where by to wish the world cup team good luck. So I'll temporarily where this for a short while. (laughing) Oh my God, all the people in Switzerland are gonna be so proud of you right now. Yes, so hopefully I'm impressing your, what did you say was watching, your mother's watching, Yeah my family I think is watching, and then lots of my friends. Look how Swiss I am. (laughing) Actually I taught him a Swiss-German word. I'm totally gonna put him on the spot right now. Can you remind me? Chuchichästli. Chuchichästli. (laughing) There's like, entire Switzerland is cheering right now. Yes, can we say it again? Chuchichästli. Yeah that's good. And now tell 'em what it means. It's like if you ask any Swiss German to teach you a Swiss German word, they will teach you this one because it has a lot of the ch sound. Oh yeah I noticed. It means kitchen cupboard. (laughing) And interestingly enough, my husband is a kitchen designer. That was pretty funny. So there you go, that's my Swiss German lesson for the day. (laughing) Chuchichästli. Chuchichästli. She's got it on me. Ch. I'll continue to represent Switzerland as best I can. The internet's going nuts again, I gotta go ask you a few more questions from those folks. @culinaryfool, hi Brenda, I know Culinaryfool. How do you structure your partnerships with these quick little start ups? What's the business arrangement there? So here's lesson learned. I'm very lucky for example, TeuxDeux, Cameron and his teams, again it was never set out to be a company, so it was very loosey goosey kinda like they just built this. Fast forward now, I would not do that again. Even if you start something as a side project, I would say sit down and just say "Hey, in case this catches on, let's just be very clear, "we're founders, right." Like here's who has as many rights. And I don't say you have to go crazy and have a lawyer, but maybe just write it down so that there's no misunderstandings afterwards. But with TeuxDeux we just have equal partnership and then Tattly is my own and CreativeMornings. Just be aware of when you start something with someone, that you maybe discuss it, briefly. That's great advice, great advice. @laurieeesworld, passive income, re passive income, how did you create that passive income around your blog? Because that's a big thing people don't really know how to monetize that. Again, it happened extremely organically, and almost eerily the timing. I just kept the blog up for myself, sort of a visual archive, this was pre temptess, pre tumbler, realized pretty quickly that people are reading it. And then when I was sent out to, when I had my daughter and I couldn't work from home anymore, because the nanny was at home with the baby, I started looking at renting a desk. This was before I had the idea for Studiomates. And I remember walking around and you know I had to get use to the cost of having a nanny which is huge, and then I was like aw man and I have to now also have a desk rental you know. Yep. And I was a bit worried. So I looked at a few desks in Dumbo and I remember I went to Starbucks around the corner, and sat down and I was like man. Can I do this, can I not? And boom I get an email from Jim Coudal, of the Deck Network, and he goes "Hey Tina, we would like to take you on into the Deck Network and this is how much we can pay you." And it was exactly the amount I needed for a desk rental. And it was like the universe sending me, telling me like you get that desk, right. So when that happened very organically again. Somehow it's magical, I think when you're really doing something with all your heart. Sure you're putting it all out in the world. The world can smell it, they can feel it. No question about it. Last question from the internet, for the time being. D_castillo, have you noticed any of the single CreativeMornings themes that infect the community the most? I wanna evolve the conversion to CreativeMornings here, so let's just before we go right in there, CreativeMornings is? CreativeMornings is a breakfast lecture series, and it's for free that I started in New York City, I saw a need for the creative community to get together on a regular basis for free in the morning and it has caught on and we're now in 84 cities and growing around the world. How many countries is that? It's over 30 I think. (clapping) That serious business. So D_castillo want's to know, each one of those are a monthly theme, so you put a theme up and all of the chapters around the world explore that theme and they have a guest speaker. I have, You should watch his talk, it's really good. Been lucky enough to be asked to be a CreativeMornings speaker up in Seattle, did that it was super fun. But talk to D_Castillo, tell him what, So the themes, by the way, are not picked by headquarter, it's picked by seniority of when the host came on. Which is really interesting, so it's bottom up. Which theme has caught on the most? Yeah. I don't know. Is it sex? Yeah actually that's an interesting one. So one chapter picked sex. Or actually no, they were like birds and bees or sex, and then we sort of asked, and this is so interesting when you run a multicultural organization, we sort of asked, "Hey guys, should we "call it birds and bees?" And so many came back and were like what do you mean? What is that? Oh it doesn't translate, you know, certain cultures birds and bees doesn't translate. So we realized we just have to flat out use the word sex. Sounds like snakes and wasps. (laughing) So I think sex was the most controversial I would say, but also the most interesting in how the hosts interpreted the theme and picked their speakers around creativity. I'm not sure this was a great answer but that's all I've got. No, no but I love the alignment of CreativeLive that any one in the world can come and get free creative education from the world's best standing on this stage and other stages and how it aligns with CreativeMornings. And you can go for free to attend a breakfast lecture from some of the greatest creative minds. I love the alignment there. And what you've built is game changing and the fact that it's based on largely volunteer effort. Can you talk about how you built it, give us a little backstory? 'Cause that's remarkable. Well again, it never, I never intended it to be beyond New York City, but then I had a friend ask me in Zurich, if he can start a chapter. I was like that's you know on brand. I'm from Switzerland, I was like yeah sure. And then a month later, yeah there we go, Sorry, I'm from Switzerland too. A month later, my friend John, who had moved to LA was like come on let me run it too. And next thing you know, it's like I get inquires from around the world. It was and interesting moment, because I am, as a user interface designer, I was obsessed with every pixel being perfect, and that also kinda translated into like when I was asked "Can I run this in my city?" there was a lot of letting go that I had to work on. Yes what you letting go? Yeah, but the beauty of it is, that at the end of the day, when you trust people, trust is the biggest complement of all. So when you talk to these hosts, potential hosts, and they win you over, you get a sense they can do this and they can do a great job. And once you let go and you trust them with your baby, they will over deliver, they will, That's beautiful. And that's what happened I mean I feel like a, CreativeMornings is an example of how trust breeds logic. This is way beyond me at this point. I never imagined it to be what it is today. And it all came down to us headquarters trusting these hosts and they're actually kicking our butt, like we had to step up our game in New York. We call it flare. Every month, we see the photos come in and we call it the flare. Just the love they pour, these hosts, into these events, like logos on cupcakes, CreativeMornings logos on cupcakes. I was like damn guys we gotta step it up. Or these guys in Barcelona made ginormous CreativeMornings logo sign and walked around with it in the city. I think we've got a graphic from Berlin, of a completely packed house in Berlin. So you've already referenced Berlin and Barcelona, New York. And it is competitive between the, No that's the beauty of it. It's not and I'm super excited that we're actually for the first time ever getting the all of the hosts into one room. So we're organizing the first summit. The reason why I started CreativeMornings, is because I believe that real connections are made in person and not behind a screen. So the magic of meeting up and now we're creating that with our hosts. And I'm already preparing to be a total basket case, because these are really extraordinary people that run CreativeMornings and it's very respectful and loving, I mean CreativeMornings is all heart. For sure. It really is. You can really feel it. What's the coordinates? @CreativeMornings, CreativeMornings.com, It's actually @CreativeMorning 'cause it's just one letter too long for Twitter. Isn't that annoying. (laughing) But that's brilliant. I asked Twitter actually if they could change that rule. They were just like, oh God. (laughing) But I love that you asked. You can always ask. Little request I wanna put in to the Twitter people. Twitter handling. So @CreativeMorning, @TeuxDeux, we already spelled that a couple times. You're at @SwissMiss, swiss-miss.com, No swiss-miss.com is the url. Oh yeah, but you're talking, I'm talking all over the place. Now you're confusing people. I'll let her talk. (laughing) No, it's @CreativeMorning on Twitter, but it's CreativeMornings.com. Got it. And then Swiss-miss.com but swissmiss on Twitter, without the hyphen. And instagram? Swissmiss also. Got it. I'm Chase Jarvis, just my name and you can find me on the internet. Before we break, again I wanna say a huge thanks, we've had some contests that have been going on, we've had people tweeting like mad, I'm looking at the Twitter feed up here on my magic screen. The winner of this contest, who's been quoting Tina like crazy, is @OrangePhoto who wins that GoPro right there. Send an email to production@ChaseJarvis.com and we will put that thing in the mail and send it to you, @OrangePhoto. Again, we are here on the CreativeLive network, if this dose of inspiration has made you want to take some classes, you can do that right here at CreativeLive.com. A huge shot out to Borrow Lenses, to the folks at CreativeLive, and AIG ad love, another round of applause quickly for the AIGASF. You guys Design Week has really got it going on. People should stay and we can put on some tattoos. If you guys all stick around after the show we will have a tattoo party. I don't know what that sounds like if you're in the internet, but we're gonna stay, this room is gonna be a tat fest. Gosh and then right now live on other channels, right here in San Francisco and up in Seattle, where there's Creative Composition with Susan Stripling, Painting Photoshop with Jack Davis, Adobe Creative App Starter Kit, Metal Songwritting is going on right now, so whann, with Eyal Levi, and a Handmade Business with Kari Chapin, and 25 Ways to Jump Start Your Business with Berry Moltz, is right next store so if you folks on the internet are inspired, you can go learn some stuff. And I can not thank you for the tattoos enough and I'm a huge huge fan and always indebted to you. Thank you for teaching me Swiss German. Keep inspiring us. Likewise. The internet loves you. Thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, Tina Roth Eisenberg. Thank you so much. (clapping) Now back to you internet. Have a great day. Thank you very much. (upbeat music)
Ratings and Reviews
I have watched all 30 days so far and the first thing that blows me away is how Chase interviews all these different people, totally relaxed and he listens to everything they say and finds a question that relates so clearly to the subject being talked about. He also brings in quotes and snippets for other people, how he remembers all this stuff is just amazing. This is what I have taken away from the first 5 interviews. Mark Cuban started the series theme with the concept: you can start from nothing and become something by way of the HUSTLE. Although it sounded like whatever he touched turned to gold immediately, there was a huge amount of hustle that went with it to get it all going. Seth Godin was down to earth and lead with "happiness is a point of view", so do something today that will make tomorrow worthwhile being there. Be prepared to fail to succeed. Marie Forleo the Jersey girl made good. Her dad told her to do what you love. So she set out to do just that. It didn't happen over night, loads of job frogs kissed, until the life coaching vibrated through her life with the help of intuition and she was set on her path to success. Navigate passed those that will drag you back or down was another insight from Forleo. Using the concept from her Mom, ‘everything is figureoutable’, stood her in good stead all her life. Having a close community to help you is essential. Stop whining and just do it. Read Cameron Herold's double double, lean into your future. Tim Ferriss, the whirlwind learning man, using the simplistic steps to learn anything is the Ferriss way to go. you want to be a Tango champion, go to Argentina and learn from the best. Hard work has its place but control it. Another Ferriss phrase is 'what would this look like if it were simple', following this concept takes the complexity out of what you are doing and leads to you accomplishing the task you are undertaking. Celebrate the small wins and you accomplish the large ones. Meditation makes one more effective. Play at creativity to keep creative. Don't retreat into the story of the voices. Arianna Huffington, what Greece as a country could do with to get itself out of the slump. Remember you are not your job, don’t stifle your creativity. You don’t have to burn yourself out to succeed in life. The obnoxious roommate the keeps you awake and hurts your creativity. Sleep is not only life affirming but also imperative for the brain to reboot and spam filter.
I just paused this course to take a breather, overwhelmed with how people are willing to share advise, stories and insight....such powerful ones to help each other!!! I think the world is an amazing place and these times are the best that we could be in...yes sometimes life is tough but we have so many great people and so many people doing such great work....i love and admire Chase Jarvis and what he has done with creative life!!! Thankyou Chase, this is just wowwww!!!!
Julian Hartwell
I stumbled across these interviews on YouTube after delving into some similar content in my 'motivation hour' circa breakfast when I need some good energy for the day to get me in the right head space. And boy am I happy I did!!! Every single one of these is awesome, unique, insightful, and helpful in sooo many ways to my path as a creator, maker, entrepreneur, etc. Not only does each guest Chase have on this series drop a ton of gems in general...they all provide a wholly unique perspective and temperament, as well as life story for how they got where they are today! While many of their insights are similar after a fashion, for how they reached 'success'..they also really help illustrate how success is differently measured by each individual, and that no two paths are ever the same. I respect Chase for just his selection alone, because he seemed to get the whole spectrum of human temperaments/types in these interviews, and they come from so many different fields. And while these people have alot to say, it's also HOW Chase poses his questions and steers the conversation that make them so enjoyable to listen to. It's almost easy to take for granted how good an interviewer he is until you realize whoa...they just covered ALOT in not even that much time! Needless to say I'm a fan..and I haven't even watched em all yet! (pacing myself) Five Stars here! Go Watch and get Inspired!!! -Julian H Pianist, Composer, Bandleader www.julianhartwellmusic.com
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